import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js"; |
function setColorAndBgColor(type) { |
const colorMap = { |
"MODEL": LGraphCanvas.node_colors.blue, |
"LATENT": LGraphCanvas.node_colors.purple, |
"VAE": LGraphCanvas.node_colors.red, |
"CONDITIONING": LGraphCanvas.node_colors.brown, |
"IMAGE": LGraphCanvas.node_colors.pale_blue, |
"CLIP": LGraphCanvas.node_colors.yellow, |
"FLOAT": LGraphCanvas.node_colors.green, |
"MASK": { color: "#1c5715", bgcolor: "#1f401b"}, |
"INT": { color: "#1b4669", bgcolor: "#29699c"}, |
"CONTROL_NET": { color: "#156653", bgcolor: "#1c453b"}, |
"NOISE": { color: "#2e2e2e", bgcolor: "#242121"}, |
"GUIDER": { color: "#3c7878", bgcolor: "#1c453b"}, |
"SAMPLER": { color: "#614a4a", bgcolor: "#3b2c2c"}, |
"SIGMAS": { color: "#485248", bgcolor: "#272e27"}, |
}; |
const colors = colorMap[type]; |
if (colors) { |
this.color = colors.color; |
this.bgcolor = colors.bgcolor; |
} |
} |
let isAlertShown = false; |
let disablePrefix = app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("KJNodes.disablePrefix") |
const LGraphNode = LiteGraph.LGraphNode |
function showAlertWithThrottle(message, delay) { |
if (!isAlertShown) { |
isAlertShown = true; |
alert(message); |
setTimeout(() => isAlertShown = false, delay); |
} |
} |
app.registerExtension({ |
name: "SetNode", |
registerCustomNodes() { |
class SetNode extends LGraphNode { |
defaultVisibility = true; |
serialize_widgets = true; |
drawConnection = false; |
currentGetters = null; |
slotColor = "#FFF"; |
canvas = app.canvas; |
menuEntry = "Show connections"; |
constructor(title) { |
super(title) |
if (!this.properties) { |
this.properties = { |
"previousName": "" |
}; |
} |
this.properties.showOutputText = SetNode.defaultVisibility; |
const node = this; |
this.addWidget( |
"text", |
"Constant", |
'', |
(s, t, u, v, x) => { |
node.validateName(node.graph); |
if(this.widgets[0].value !== ''){ |
this.title = (!disablePrefix ? "Set_" : "") + this.widgets[0].value; |
} |
this.update(); |
this.properties.previousName = this.widgets[0].value; |
}, |
{} |
) |
this.addInput("*", "*"); |
this.addOutput("*", '*'); |
this.onConnectionsChange = function( |
slotType, |
slot, |
isChangeConnect, |
link_info, |
output |
) { |
if (slotType == 1 && !isChangeConnect) { |
if(this.inputs[slot].name === ''){ |
this.inputs[slot].type = '*'; |
this.inputs[slot].name = '*'; |
this.title = "Set" |
} |
} |
if (slotType == 2 && !isChangeConnect) { |
this.outputs[slot].type = '*'; |
this.outputs[slot].name = '*'; |
} |
if (link_info && node.graph && slotType == 1 && isChangeConnect) { |
const fromNode = node.graph._nodes.find((otherNode) => otherNode.id == link_info.origin_id); |
if (fromNode && fromNode.outputs && fromNode.outputs[link_info.origin_slot]) { |
const type = fromNode.outputs[link_info.origin_slot].type; |
if (this.title === "Set"){ |
this.title = (!disablePrefix ? "Set_" : "") + type; |
} |
if (this.widgets[0].value === '*'){ |
this.widgets[0].value = type |
} |
this.validateName(node.graph); |
this.inputs[0].type = type; |
this.inputs[0].name = type; |
if (app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("KJNodes.nodeAutoColor")){ |
setColorAndBgColor.call(this, type); |
} |
} else { |
alert("Error: Set node input undefined. Most likely you're missing custom nodes"); |
} |
} |
if (link_info && node.graph && slotType == 2 && isChangeConnect) { |
const fromNode = node.graph._nodes.find((otherNode) => otherNode.id == link_info.origin_id); |
if (fromNode && fromNode.inputs && fromNode.inputs[link_info.origin_slot]) { |
const type = fromNode.inputs[link_info.origin_slot].type; |
this.outputs[0].type = type; |
this.outputs[0].name = type; |
} else { |
alert("Error: Get Set node output undefined. Most likely you're missing custom nodes"); |
} |
} |
this.update(); |
} |
this.validateName = function(graph) { |
let widgetValue = node.widgets[0].value; |
if (widgetValue !== '') { |
let tries = 0; |
const existingValues = new Set(); |
graph._nodes.forEach(otherNode => { |
if (otherNode !== this && otherNode.type === 'SetNode') { |
existingValues.add(otherNode.widgets[0].value); |
} |
}); |
while (existingValues.has(widgetValue)) { |
widgetValue = node.widgets[0].value + "_" + tries; |
tries++; |
} |
node.widgets[0].value = widgetValue; |
this.update(); |
} |
} |
this.clone = function () { |
const cloned = SetNode.prototype.clone.apply(this); |
cloned.inputs[0].name = '*'; |
cloned.inputs[0].type = '*'; |
cloned.value = ''; |
cloned.properties.previousName = ''; |
cloned.size = cloned.computeSize(); |
return cloned; |
}; |
this.onAdded = function(graph) { |
this.validateName(graph); |
} |
this.update = function() { |
if (!node.graph) { |
return; |
} |
const getters = this.findGetters(node.graph); |
getters.forEach(getter => { |
getter.setType(this.inputs[0].type); |
}); |
if (this.widgets[0].value) { |
const gettersWithPreviousName = this.findGetters(node.graph, true); |
gettersWithPreviousName.forEach(getter => { |
getter.setName(this.widgets[0].value); |
}); |
} |
const allGetters = node.graph._nodes.filter(otherNode => otherNode.type === "GetNode"); |
allGetters.forEach(otherNode => { |
if (otherNode.setComboValues) { |
otherNode.setComboValues(); |
} |
}); |
} |
this.findGetters = function(graph, checkForPreviousName) { |
const name = checkForPreviousName ? this.properties.previousName : this.widgets[0].value; |
return graph._nodes.filter(otherNode => otherNode.type === 'GetNode' && otherNode.widgets[0].value === name && name !== ''); |
} |
this.isVirtualNode = true; |
} |
onRemoved() { |
const allGetters = this.graph._nodes.filter((otherNode) => otherNode.type == "GetNode"); |
allGetters.forEach((otherNode) => { |
if (otherNode.setComboValues) { |
otherNode.setComboValues([this]); |
} |
}) |
} |
getExtraMenuOptions(_, options) { |
this.menuEntry = this.drawConnection ? "Hide connections" : "Show connections"; |
options.unshift( |
{ |
content: this.menuEntry, |
callback: () => { |
this.currentGetters = this.findGetters(this.graph); |
if (this.currentGetters.length == 0) return; |
let linkType = (this.currentGetters[0].outputs[0].type); |
this.slotColor = this.canvas.default_connection_color_byType[linkType] |
this.menuEntry = this.drawConnection ? "Hide connections" : "Show connections"; |
this.drawConnection = !this.drawConnection; |
this.canvas.setDirty(true, true); |
}, |
has_submenu: true, |
submenu: { |
title: "Color", |
options: [ |
{ |
content: "Highlight", |
callback: () => { |
this.slotColor = "orange" |
this.canvas.setDirty(true, true); |
} |
} |
], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
content: "Hide all connections", |
callback: () => { |
const allGetters = this.graph._nodes.filter(otherNode => otherNode.type === "GetNode" || otherNode.type === "SetNode"); |
allGetters.forEach(otherNode => { |
otherNode.drawConnection = false; |
console.log(otherNode); |
}); |
this.menuEntry = "Show connections"; |
this.drawConnection = false |
this.canvas.setDirty(true, true); |
}, |
}, |
); |
this.currentGetters = this.findGetters(this.graph); |
if (this.currentGetters) { |
let gettersSubmenu = this.currentGetters.map(getter => ({ |
content: `${getter.title} id: ${getter.id}`, |
callback: () => { |
this.canvas.centerOnNode(getter); |
this.canvas.selectNode(getter, false); |
this.canvas.setDirty(true, true); |
}, |
})); |
options.unshift({ |
content: "Getters", |
has_submenu: true, |
submenu: { |
title: "GetNodes", |
options: gettersSubmenu, |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
onDrawForeground(ctx, lGraphCanvas) { |
if (this.drawConnection) { |
this._drawVirtualLinks(lGraphCanvas, ctx); |
} |
} |
_drawVirtualLinks(lGraphCanvas, ctx) { |
if (!this.currentGetters?.length) return; |
var title = this.getTitle ? this.getTitle() : this.title; |
var title_width = ctx.measureText(title).width; |
if (!this.flags.collapsed) { |
var start_node_slotpos = [ |
this.size[0], |
LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT * 0.5, |
]; |
} |
else { |
var start_node_slotpos = [ |
title_width + 55, |
-15, |
]; |
} |
for (const getter of this.currentGetters) { |
if (!this.flags.collapsed) { |
var end_node_slotpos = this.getConnectionPos(false, 0); |
end_node_slotpos = [ |
getter.pos[0] - end_node_slotpos[0] + this.size[0], |
getter.pos[1] - end_node_slotpos[1] |
]; |
} |
else { |
var end_node_slotpos = this.getConnectionPos(false, 0); |
end_node_slotpos = [ |
getter.pos[0] - end_node_slotpos[0] + title_width + 50, |
getter.pos[1] - end_node_slotpos[1] - 30 |
]; |
} |
lGraphCanvas.renderLink( |
ctx, |
start_node_slotpos, |
end_node_slotpos, |
null, |
false, |
null, |
this.slotColor, |
LiteGraph.RIGHT, |
LiteGraph.LEFT |
); |
} |
} |
} |
LiteGraph.registerNodeType( |
"SetNode", |
Object.assign(SetNode, { |
title: "Set", |
}) |
); |
SetNode.category = "KJNodes"; |
}, |
}); |
app.registerExtension({ |
name: "GetNode", |
registerCustomNodes() { |
class GetNode extends LGraphNode { |
defaultVisibility = true; |
serialize_widgets = true; |
drawConnection = false; |
slotColor = "#FFF"; |
currentSetter = null; |
canvas = app.canvas; |
constructor(title) { |
super(title) |
if (!this.properties) { |
this.properties = {}; |
} |
this.properties.showOutputText = GetNode.defaultVisibility; |
const node = this; |
this.addWidget( |
"combo", |
"Constant", |
"", |
(e) => { |
this.onRename(); |
}, |
{ |
values: () => { |
const setterNodes = node.graph._nodes.filter((otherNode) => otherNode.type == 'SetNode'); |
return setterNodes.map((otherNode) => otherNode.widgets[0].value).sort(); |
} |
} |
) |
this.addOutput("*", '*'); |
this.onConnectionsChange = function( |
slotType, |
slot, |
isChangeConnect, |
link_info, |
output |
) { |
this.validateLinks(); |
} |
this.setName = function(name) { |
node.widgets[0].value = name; |
node.onRename(); |
node.serialize(); |
} |
this.onRename = function() { |
const setter = this.findSetter(node.graph); |
if (setter) { |
let linkType = (setter.inputs[0].type); |
this.setType(linkType); |
this.title = (!disablePrefix ? "Get_" : "") + setter.widgets[0].value; |
if (app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("KJNodes.nodeAutoColor")){ |
setColorAndBgColor.call(this, linkType); |
} |
} else { |
this.setType('*'); |
} |
} |
this.clone = function () { |
const cloned = GetNode.prototype.clone.apply(this); |
cloned.size = cloned.computeSize(); |
return cloned; |
}; |
this.validateLinks = function() { |
if (this.outputs[0].type !== '*' && this.outputs[0].links) { |
this.outputs[0].links.filter(linkId => { |
const link = node.graph.links[linkId]; |
return link && (link.type !== this.outputs[0].type && link.type !== '*'); |
}).forEach(linkId => { |
node.graph.removeLink(linkId); |
}); |
} |
}; |
this.setType = function(type) { |
this.outputs[0].name = type; |
this.outputs[0].type = type; |
this.validateLinks(); |
} |
this.findSetter = function(graph) { |
const name = this.widgets[0].value; |
const foundNode = graph._nodes.find(otherNode => otherNode.type === 'SetNode' && otherNode.widgets[0].value === name && name !== ''); |
return foundNode; |
}; |
this.goToSetter = function() { |
const setter = this.findSetter(this.graph); |
this.canvas.centerOnNode(setter); |
this.canvas.selectNode(setter, false); |
}; |
this.isVirtualNode = true; |
} |
getInputLink(slot) { |
const setter = this.findSetter(this.graph); |
if (setter) { |
const slotInfo = setter.inputs[slot]; |
const link = this.graph.links[slotInfo.link]; |
return link; |
} else { |
const errorMessage = "No SetNode found for " + this.widgets[0].value + "(" + this.type + ")"; |
showAlertWithThrottle(errorMessage, 5000); |
} |
} |
onAdded(graph) { |
} |
getExtraMenuOptions(_, options) { |
let menuEntry = this.drawConnection ? "Hide connections" : "Show connections"; |
options.unshift( |
{ |
content: "Go to setter", |
callback: () => { |
this.goToSetter(); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
content: menuEntry, |
callback: () => { |
this.currentSetter = this.findSetter(this.graph); |
if (this.currentSetter.length == 0) return; |
let linkType = (this.currentSetter.inputs[0].type); |
this.drawConnection = !this.drawConnection; |
this.slotColor = this.canvas.default_connection_color_byType[linkType] |
menuEntry = this.drawConnection ? "Hide connections" : "Show connections"; |
this.canvas.setDirty(true, true); |
}, |
}, |
); |
} |
onDrawForeground(ctx, lGraphCanvas) { |
if (this.drawConnection) { |
this._drawVirtualLink(lGraphCanvas, ctx); |
} |
} |
_drawVirtualLink(lGraphCanvas, ctx) { |
if (!this.currentSetter) return; |
let start_node_slotpos = this.currentSetter.getConnectionPos(false, 0); |
start_node_slotpos = [ |
start_node_slotpos[0] - this.pos[0], |
start_node_slotpos[1] - this.pos[1], |
]; |
let end_node_slotpos = [0, -LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT * 0.5]; |
lGraphCanvas.renderLink( |
ctx, |
start_node_slotpos, |
end_node_slotpos, |
null, |
false, |
null, |
this.slotColor |
); |
} |
} |
LiteGraph.registerNodeType( |
"GetNode", |
Object.assign(GetNode, { |
title: "Get", |
}) |
); |
GetNode.category = "KJNodes"; |
}, |
}); |