__version__ = "0.1.6" |
import os |
from aiohttp.web_request import Request |
if not os.environ.get("TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH"): |
os.environ["TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH"] = "true" |
if not os.environ.get("TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR"): |
os.environ["TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR"] = "cuda_malloc_async" |
import ast |
import contextlib |
import importlib |
import json |
import logging |
import shutil |
import traceback |
from importlib import reload |
from pathlib import Path |
from aiohttp import web |
from server import PromptServer |
from .endpoint import endlog |
from .log import blue_text, cyan_text, get_label, get_summary, log |
from .utils import comfy_dir, here |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS: dict[str, type] = {} |
NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS: dict[str, str] = {} |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS_DEBUG: dict[str, str | None] = {} |
WEB_DIRECTORY = "./web" |
def extract_nodes_from_source(filename: Path): |
source_code = "" |
source_code = filename.read_text(encoding="utf-8") |
nodes: list[str] = [] |
try: |
parsed = ast.parse(source_code) |
for node in ast.walk(parsed): |
if isinstance(node, ast.Assign) and len(node.targets) == 1: |
target = node.targets[0] |
if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and target.id == "__nodes__": |
value = ast.get_source_segment(source_code, node.value) |
if value: |
node_value = ast.parse(value).body[0].value |
if isinstance(node_value, ast.List | ast.Tuple): |
nodes.extend( |
str(element.id) |
for element in node_value.elts |
if isinstance(element, ast.Name) |
) |
break |
except SyntaxError: |
log.error("Failed to parse") |
return nodes |
def load_nodes(): |
errors: list[str] = [] |
nodes: list[type] = [] |
nodes_failed: list[str] = [] |
for filename in (here / "nodes").iterdir(): |
if filename.suffix == ".py": |
module_name = filename.stem |
try: |
module = importlib.import_module( |
f".nodes.{module_name}", package=__package__ |
) |
_nodes = getattr(module, "__nodes__", []) |
nodes.extend(_nodes) |
log.debug(f"Imported {module_name} nodes") |
except AttributeError: |
log.debug(f"Skipping wip module {module_name}") |
pass |
except Exception: |
error_message = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1] |
errors.append( |
f"Failed to import module {module_name} because {error_message}" |
) |
nodes_failed.extend(extract_nodes_from_source(filename)) |
if errors: |
log.debug( |
"Some nodes failed to load:\n\t" |
+ "\n\t".join(errors) |
+ "\n\n" |
+ "Check that you properly installed the dependencies.\n" |
+ "If you think this is a bug, please report it on the github page (https://github.com/melMass/comfy_mtb/issues)" |
) |
return (nodes, nodes_failed) |
def uninstall_old_web_extensions(): |
web_extensions_root = comfy_dir / "web" / "extensions" |
web_mtb = web_extensions_root / "mtb" |
if web_mtb.exists() and hasattr(nodes, "EXTENSION_WEB_DIRS"): |
try: |
if web_mtb.is_symlink(): |
web_mtb.unlink() |
else: |
shutil.rmtree(web_mtb) |
except Exception as e: |
log.warning( |
f"""Failed to remove web mtb directory: {e} |
Please manually remove it from disk ({web_mtb}) and restart the server.""" |
) |
def wiki_to_classname(s: str): |
wiki_name = s.replace("nodes-", "", 1) |
return "MTB_" + "".join( |
[part.capitalize() for part in wiki_name.split("-")] |
) |
def classname_to_wiki(s: str): |
classname = s.replace("MTB_", "") |
parts: list[str] = [] |
start = 0 |
for i in range(1, len(classname)): |
if classname[i].isupper(): |
parts.append(classname[start:i].lower()) |
start = i |
parts.append(classname[start:].lower()) |
return "nodes-" + "-".join(parts) |
wiki = here / "wiki" |
node_docs = {} |
if wiki.exists() and wiki.is_dir(): |
node_docs = { |
wiki_to_classname(x.stem): x.read_text(encoding="utf-8") |
for x in (wiki / "nodes").glob("*.md") |
} |
MTB_EXPORT = os.environ.get("MTB_EXPORT") |
nodes, failed = load_nodes() |
for node_class in nodes: |
class_name: str = node_class.__name__ |
linked_doc = node_docs.get(class_name) |
if not hasattr(node_class, "DESCRIPTION"): |
if linked_doc: |
log.debug(f"Found linked doc for {class_name}, using it") |
node_class.DESCRIPTION = linked_doc |
elif node_class.__doc__: |
log.debug(f"Using __doc__ as description for {class_name}") |
node_class.DESCRIPTION = node_class.__doc__ |
wiki_name = classname_to_wiki(class_name) |
_ = (wiki / "nodes" / (wiki_name + ".md")).write_text( |
node_class.__doc__, encoding="utf-8" |
) |
else: |
log.debug( |
f"None of the methods could retrieve documentation for {class_name}" |
) |
node_label = f"{get_label(class_name)} (mtb)" |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[node_label] = node_class |
NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS[class_name] = node_label |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS_DEBUG[node_label] = node_class.__doc__ |
if os.environ.get("MTB_EXPORT"): |
with open(here / "node_list.json", "w") as f: |
_ = f.write( |
json.dumps( |
{ |
for k in sorted(NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS_DEBUG.keys()) |
}, |
indent=4, |
) |
) |
log.debug( |
"Loaded the following nodes:\n\t" |
+ "\n\t".join( |
f"{cyan_text(k)}: {blue_text(get_summary(doc)) if doc else '-'}" |
for k, doc in NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS_DEBUG.items() |
) |
) |
log.info(f"loaded {cyan_text(str(len(nodes)))} nodes successfuly") |
if failed: |
with contextlib.suppress(Exception): |
base_url, port = utils.get_server_info() |
log.info( |
f"Some nodes ({len(failed)}) could not be loaded. This can be ignored, but go to http://{base_url}:{port}/mtb if you want more information." |
) |
log.debug(failed) |
if hasattr(PromptServer, "instance"): |
img_cache = None |
with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): |
from cachetools import TTLCache |
img_cache = TTLCache(maxsize=100, ttl=5) |
restore_deps = ["basicsr"] |
onnx_deps = ["onnxruntime"] |
swap_deps = ["insightface"] + onnx_deps |
node_dependency_mapping = { |
"QrCode": ["qrcode"], |
"DeepBump": onnx_deps, |
"FaceSwap": swap_deps, |
"LoadFaceSwapModel": swap_deps, |
"LoadFaceAnalysisModel": restore_deps, |
} |
PromptServer.instance.app.router.add_static( |
"/mtb-assets/", path=(here / "html").as_posix() |
) |
PromptServer.instance.app.add_routes( |
[web.static("/mtb_async", (here / "web_async").as_posix())] |
) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.get("/mtb/manage") |
async def manage(request): |
from . import endpoint |
reload(endpoint) |
endlog.debug("Initializing Manager") |
if "text/html" in request.headers.get("Accept", ""): |
csv_editor = endpoint.csv_editor() |
tabview = endpoint.render_tab_view(Styles=csv_editor) |
return web.Response( |
text=endpoint.render_base_template("MTB", tabview), |
content_type="text/html", |
) |
return web.json_response( |
{ |
"message": "manage only has a POST api for now", |
} |
) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.get("/mtb/status") |
async def get_full_library(request): |
from . import endpoint |
reload(endpoint) |
endlog.debug("Getting node registration status") |
if "text/html" in request.headers.get("Accept", ""): |
html_response = endpoint.render_table( |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS_DEBUG, title="Registered" |
) |
html_response += endpoint.render_table( |
{ |
k: {"dependencies": node_dependency_mapping.get(k)} |
if node_dependency_mapping.get(k) |
else "-" |
for k in failed |
}, |
title="Failed to load", |
) |
return web.Response( |
text=endpoint.render_base_template("MTB", html_response), |
content_type="text/html", |
) |
return web.json_response( |
{ |
"failed": failed, |
} |
) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.post("/mtb/debug") |
async def set_debug(request: Request): |
json_data: dict[str, bool] = await request.json() |
enabled = json_data.get("enabled") |
if enabled: |
os.environ["MTB_DEBUG"] = "true" |
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) |
log.debug("Debug mode set from API (/mtb/debug POST route)") |
elif "MTB_DEBUG" in os.environ: |
_ = os.environ.pop("MTB_DEBUG") |
log.setLevel(logging.INFO) |
return web.json_response( |
{"message": f"Debug mode {'set' if enabled else 'unset'}"} |
) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.get("/mtb") |
async def get_home(request: Request): |
from . import endpoint |
_ = reload(endpoint) |
if "text/html" in request.headers.get("Accept", ""): |
html_response = """ |
<div class="flex-container menu"> |
<a href="/mtb/manage">manage</a> |
<a href="/mtb/debug">debug</a> |
<a href="/mtb/status">status</a> |
</div> |
""" |
return web.Response( |
text=endpoint.render_base_template("MTB", html_response), |
content_type="text/html", |
) |
return web.json_response({"message": "Welcome to MTB!"}) |
import asyncio |
import os |
from io import BytesIO |
from aiohttp import web |
from PIL import Image |
def get_cached_image(file_path: str, preview_params=None, channel=None): |
cache_key = (file_path, preview_params, channel) |
if img_cache and (cache_key in img_cache): |
return img_cache[cache_key] |
with Image.open(file_path) as img: |
if preview_params: |
img = process_preview(img, preview_params) |
if channel: |
img = process_channel(img, channel) |
if img_cache: |
img_cache[cache_key] = img.getvalue() |
return img_cache[cache_key] |
return img.getvalue() |
def process_preview(img: Image, preview_params): |
image_format, quality, width = preview_params |
quality = int(quality) |
if width: |
width = int(width) |
img.thumbnail((width, int(width * img.height / img.width))) |
buffer = BytesIO() |
img.save(buffer, format=image_format, quality=quality) |
buffer.seek(0) |
return buffer |
def process_channel(img: Image.Image, channel: str): |
if channel == "rgb": |
if img.mode == "RGBA": |
r, g, b, _ = img.split() |
img = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b)) |
else: |
img = img.convert("RGB") |
elif channel == "a": |
if img.mode == "RGBA": |
_, _, _, a = img.split() |
else: |
a = Image.new("L", img.size, 255) |
img = Image.new("RGBA", img.size) |
img.putalpha(a) |
buffer = BytesIO() |
img.save(buffer, format="PNG") |
_ = buffer.seek(0) |
return buffer |
async def get_image_response( |
file, filename: str, preview_info=None, channel=None |
): |
img = await asyncio.to_thread( |
get_cached_image, file, preview_info, channel |
) |
return web.Response( |
body=img, |
content_type="image/webp" if preview_info else "image/png", |
headers={"Content-Disposition": f'filename="{filename}"'}, |
) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.get("/mtb/view") |
async def view_image(request: Request): |
import folder_paths |
filename = request.rel_url.query.get("filename") |
if not filename: |
return web.Response(status=404) |
filename, output_dir = folder_paths.annotated_filepath(filename) |
if filename[0] == "/" or ".." in filename: |
return web.Response(status=400) |
if output_dir is None: |
rtype = request.rel_url.query.get("type", "output") |
output_dir = folder_paths.get_directory_by_type(rtype) |
if output_dir is None: |
return web.Response(status=400) |
if "subfolder" in request.rel_url.query: |
full_output_dir = os.path.join( |
output_dir, request.rel_url.query["subfolder"] |
) |
if ( |
os.path.commonpath( |
(os.path.abspath(full_output_dir), output_dir) |
) |
!= output_dir |
): |
return web.Response(status=403) |
output_dir = full_output_dir |
filename = os.path.basename(filename) |
file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) |
if not os.path.isfile(file): |
return web.Response(status=404) |
preview_info = None |
if "preview" in request.rel_url.query: |
preview_params = request.rel_url.query["preview"].split(";") |
image_format = ( |
preview_params[0] |
if preview_params[0] in ["webp", "jpeg"] |
else "webp" |
) |
quality = ( |
int(preview_params[1]) |
if len(preview_params) > 1 and preview_params[1].isdigit() |
else 90 |
) |
width = request.rel_url.query.get("width") |
preview_info = (image_format, quality, width) |
channel = request.rel_url.query.get("channel") |
return await get_image_response(file, filename, preview_info, channel) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.get("/mtb/debug") |
async def get_debug(request: Request): |
from . import endpoint |
_ = reload(endpoint) |
enabled = "MTB_DEBUG" in os.environ |
if "text/html" in request.headers.get("Accept", ""): |
html_response = f""" |
<h1>MTB Debug Status: {'Enabled' if enabled else 'Disabled'}</h1> |
""" |
return web.Response( |
text=endpoint.render_base_template("Debug", html_response), |
content_type="text/html", |
) |
return web.json_response({"enabled": enabled}) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.get("/mtb/actions") |
async def no_route(request: Request): |
from . import endpoint |
if "text/html" in request.headers.get("Accept", ""): |
html_response = """ |
<h1>Actions has no get for now...</h1> |
""" |
return web.Response( |
text=endpoint.render_base_template("Actions", html_response), |
content_type="text/html", |
) |
return web.json_response({"message": "actions has no get for now"}) |
@PromptServer.instance.routes.post("/mtb/actions") |
async def do_action(request: Request): |
from . import endpoint |
reload(endpoint) |
return await endpoint.do_action(request) |
"name": "MTB Nodes", |
"version": (0, 1, 0), |
"author": "Mel Massadian", |
"project": "https://github.com/melMass/comfy_mtb", |
"description": "Set of nodes that enhance your animation workflow and provide a range of useful tools including features such as manipulating bounding boxes, perform color corrections, swap faces in images, interpolate frames for smooth animation, export to ProRes format, apply various image operations, work with latent spaces, generate QR codes, and create normal and height maps for textures.", |
} |