import os import scholarpy import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import leafmap.foliumap as leafmap import as px if "dsl" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["dsl"] = scholarpy.Dsl() @st.cache_data def get_geonames(): return scholarpy.get_geonames() def json_to_df(json_data, transpose=False): df = json_data.as_dataframe() if not df.empty: if transpose: df = df.transpose() out_csv = leafmap.temp_file_path(".csv") df.to_csv(out_csv, index=transpose) df = pd.read_csv(out_csv) os.remove(out_csv) return df else: return None def annual_pubs(pubs, col="year"): if pubs is not None: df = pubs[col].value_counts().sort_index() df2 = pd.DataFrame({"year": df.index, "publications": df.values}) return df2 else: return None def annual_collaborators(pubs, col="year"): if pubs is not None: df = pubs.groupby([col]).sum() df2 = pd.DataFrame( {"year": df.index, "collaborators": df["authors_count"].values} ) fig = df2, x="year", y="collaborators", ) return fig else: return None def annual_citations(pubs, col="year"): if pubs is not None: df = pubs.groupby([col]).sum() df2 = pd.DataFrame({"year": df.index, "citations": df["times_cited"].values}) fig = df2, x="year", y="citations", ) return fig else: return None def the_H_function(sorted_citations_list, n=1): """from a list of integers [n1, n2 ..] representing publications citations, return the max list-position which is >= integer eg >>> the_H_function([10, 8, 5, 4, 3]) => 4 >>> the_H_function([25, 8, 5, 3, 3]) => 3 >>> the_H_function([1000, 20]) => 2 """ if sorted_citations_list and sorted_citations_list[0] >= n: return the_H_function(sorted_citations_list[1:], n + 1) else: return n - 1 def app(): st.title("Search Researchers") dsl = st.session_state["dsl"] row1_col1, row1_col2 = st.columns([1, 1]) with row1_col1: name = st.text_input("Enter a researcher name:", "") if name: ids, names = dsl.search_researcher_by_name(name, return_list=True) if ids.count_total > 0: # options = ids.as_dataframe()["id"].values.tolist() with row1_col1: name = st.selectbox("Select a researcher id:", names) if name: id = name.split("|")[1].strip() id_info = dsl.search_researcher_by_id(id, return_df=False) info_df = json_to_df(id_info, transpose=True) info_df.rename( columns={info_df.columns[0]: "Type", info_df.columns[1]: "Value"}, inplace=True, ) with row1_col1: st.header("Researcher Information") if not info_df.empty: st.dataframe(info_df) leafmap.st_download_button( "Download data", info_df, csv_sep="\t" ) else: st.text("No information found") pubs = dsl.search_pubs_by_researcher_id(id) df = json_to_df(pubs) # annual_df = annual_pubs(df) if df is not None: df1, df2 = dsl.researcher_annual_stats( pubs, geonames_df=get_geonames() ) df3 = scholarpy.collaborator_locations(df2) with row1_col2: st.header("Researcher statistics") columns = ["pubs", "collaborators", "institutions", "cities"] selected_columns = st.multiselect( "Select attributes to display:", columns, columns ) if selected_columns: fig = scholarpy.annual_stats_barplot(df1, selected_columns) st.plotly_chart(fig) leafmap.st_download_button( "Download data", df1, file_name="data.csv", csv_sep="\t", ) st.header("Map of collaborator institutions") markdown = f""" - Total number of collaborator institutions: **{len(df3)}** """ st.markdown(markdown) m = leafmap.Map( center=[0, 0], zoom_start=1, latlon_control=False, draw_control=False, measure_control=False, locate_control=True, ) m.add_points_from_xy(df3) m.to_streamlit(height=420) leafmap.st_download_button( "Download data", df3, file_name="data.csv", csv_sep="\t", ) st.header("Publication counts with collaborators") collaborators = dsl.search_researcher_collaborators(id, pubs) markdown = f""" - Total number of collaborators: **{len(collaborators)}** """ st.markdown(markdown) st.dataframe(collaborators) leafmap.st_download_button( "Download data", collaborators, file_name="data.csv", csv_sep="\t", ) else: st.text("No publications found") with row1_col1: st.header("Publications") if df is not None: citations = df["times_cited"].values.tolist() citations.sort(reverse=True) h_index = the_H_function(citations) markdown = f""" - Total number of publications: **{len(df)}** - Total number of citations: **{df["times_cited"].sum()}** - i10-index: **{len(df[df["times_cited"]>=10])}** - h-index: **{h_index}** """ st.markdown(markdown) st.dataframe(df) leafmap.st_download_button( "Download data", df, file_name="data.csv", csv_sep="\t" ) if "journal.title" in df.columns: st.header("Publication counts by journal") journals = df["journal.title"].value_counts() summary = pd.DataFrame( {"Journal": journals.index, "Count": journals} ).reset_index(drop=True) markdown = f""" - Total number of journals: **{len(summary)}** """ st.markdown(markdown) st.dataframe(summary) leafmap.st_download_button( "Download data", summary, file_name="data.csv", csv_sep="\t", ) else: st.text("No journal publications") else: st.text("No publications found") grants = dsl.search_grants_by_researcher(id) df = grants.as_dataframe() if not df.empty: st.header("Grants") st.dataframe(df) leafmap.st_download_button( "Download data", df, file_name="data.csv", csv_sep="\t" ) else: st.text("No results found.")