from fastapi import FastAPI from transformers import pipeline # create FastAPI app app = FastAPI() # create a text-generation pipeline pipe = pipeline("text2text-generation", model="google/flan-t5-small") @app.get("/") def home(): """ Home route for the FastAPI app. Returns: dict: A dictionary with a message indicating that it is a simple FastAPI app for text generation using T5. """ return {"message": "This is a simple FastAPI app for text generation using T5"} # create a route for text generation @app.get("/generate/") def generate_text(prompt: str): """ Route for generating text using the T5 model. Args: prompt (str): The prompt for the text generation. Returns: dict: A dictionary with the generated text. """ output = pipe(text=prompt) return {"generated_text": pipe(prompt)[0]["generated_text"]}