3dtest / projects /TPVFormer /tpvformer /data_preprocessor.py
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from PIL import Image
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import functional as F
from mmdet3d.models import Det3DDataPreprocessor
from mmdet3d.models.data_preprocessors.voxelize import dynamic_scatter_3d
from mmdet3d.registry import MODELS
from mmdet3d.structures.det3d_data_sample import SampleList
class TPVFormerDataPreprocessor(Det3DDataPreprocessor):
def voxelize(self, points: List[Tensor],
data_samples: SampleList) -> List[Tensor]:
"""Apply voxelization to point cloud. In TPVFormer, it will get voxel-
wise segmentation label and voxel/point coordinates.
points (List[Tensor]): Point cloud in one data batch.
data_samples: (List[:obj:`Det3DDataSample`]): The annotation data
of every samples. Add voxel-wise annotation for segmentation.
List[Tensor]: Coordinates of voxels, shape is Nx3,
for point, data_sample in zip(points, data_samples):
min_bound = point.new_tensor(
max_bound = point.new_tensor(
point_clamp = torch.clamp(point, min_bound, max_bound + 1e-6)
coors = torch.floor(
(point_clamp - min_bound) /
self.get_voxel_seg(coors, data_sample)
data_sample.point_coors = coors
def get_voxel_seg(self, res_coors: Tensor, data_sample: SampleList):
"""Get voxel-wise segmentation label and point2voxel map.
res_coors (Tensor): The voxel coordinates of points, Nx3.
data_sample: (:obj:`Det3DDataSample`): The annotation data of
every samples. Add voxel-wise annotation forsegmentation.
if self.training:
pts_semantic_mask = data_sample.gt_pts_seg.pts_semantic_mask
pts_semantic_mask = F.one_hot(pts_semantic_mask.long()).float()
voxel_semantic_mask, voxel_coors, point2voxel_map = \
dynamic_scatter_3d(pts_semantic_mask, res_coors, 'mean', True)
voxel_semantic_mask = torch.argmax(voxel_semantic_mask, dim=-1)
data_sample.gt_pts_seg.voxel_semantic_mask = voxel_semantic_mask
data_sample.point2voxel_map = point2voxel_map
data_sample.voxel_coors = voxel_coors
pseudo_tensor = res_coors.new_ones([res_coors.shape[0], 1]).float()
_, _, point2voxel_map = dynamic_scatter_3d(pseudo_tensor,
res_coors, 'mean', True)
data_sample.point2voxel_map = point2voxel_map
class GridMask(nn.Module):
"""GridMask data augmentation.
Modified from https://github.com/dvlab-research/GridMask.
use_h (bool): Whether to mask on height dimension. Defaults to True.
use_w (bool): Whether to mask on width dimension. Defaults to True.
rotate (int): Rotation degree. Defaults to 1.
offset (bool): Whether to mask offset. Defaults to False.
ratio (float): Mask ratio. Defaults to 0.5.
mode (int): Mask mode. if mode == 0, mask with square grid.
if mode == 1, mask the rest. Defaults to 0
prob (float): Probability of applying the augmentation.
Defaults to 1.0.
def __init__(self,
use_h: bool = True,
use_w: bool = True,
rotate: int = 1,
offset: bool = False,
ratio: float = 0.5,
mode: int = 0,
prob: float = 1.0):
self.use_h = use_h
self.use_w = use_w
self.rotate = rotate
self.offset = offset
self.ratio = ratio
self.mode = mode
self.prob = prob
def forward(self, inputs: Tensor,
data_samples: SampleList) -> Tuple[Tensor, SampleList]:
if np.random.rand() > self.prob:
return inputs, data_samples
height, width = inputs.shape[-2:]
mask_height = int(1.5 * height)
mask_width = int(1.5 * width)
distance = np.random.randint(2, min(height, width))
length = min(max(int(distance * self.ratio + 0.5), 1), distance - 1)
mask = np.ones((mask_height, mask_width), np.float32)
stride_on_height = np.random.randint(distance)
stride_on_width = np.random.randint(distance)
if self.use_h:
for i in range(mask_height // distance):
start = distance * i + stride_on_height
end = min(start + length, mask_height)
mask[start:end, :] *= 0
if self.use_w:
for i in range(mask_width // distance):
start = distance * i + stride_on_width
end = min(start + length, mask_width)
mask[:, start:end] *= 0
# NOTE: r is the rotation radian, here is a random counterclockwise
# rotation of 1° or remain unchanged, which follows the implementation
# of the official detection version.
# https://github.com/dvlab-research/GridMask.
r = np.random.randint(self.rotate)
mask = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(mask))
mask = mask.rotate(r)
mask = np.array(mask)
mask = mask[int(0.25 * height):int(0.25 * height) + height,
int(0.25 * width):int(0.25 * width) + width]
mask = inputs.new_tensor(mask)
if self.mode == 1:
mask = 1 - mask
mask = mask.expand_as(inputs)
if self.offset:
offset = inputs.new_tensor(2 *
(np.random.rand(height, width) - 0.5))
inputs = inputs * mask + offset * (1 - mask)
inputs = inputs * mask
return inputs, data_samples