#build #optional black==20.8b1 # be compatible with typing-extensions 3.7.4 typing-extensions # required by tensorflow<=2.6 waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-6-0 # requires python>=3.7 #runtime lyft_dataset_sdk networkx>=2.5 numba # you should install numba==0.53.0 if your environment is cuda-9.0 numpy nuscenes-devkit open3d plyfile scikit-image # by default we also use tensorboard to log results tensorboard trimesh #test codecov flake8 interrogate isort # Note: used for kwarray.group_items, this may be ported to mmcv in the future. kwarray parameterized pytest pytest-cov pytest-runner ubelt xdoctest >= 0.10.0 yapf fastapi uvicorn[standard]