["\n\t\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.lrt.lt\/mediateka\/irasas\/2000144458\/ryto-allegro-grammy-muzikos-apdovanojimu-laimetojai-ir-paroda-laisvas-kinas-1990-2020\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tRyto allegro. \u201eGrammy\u201c muzikos apdovanojim\u0173 laim\u0117tojai ir paroda \u201eLaisvas kinas 1990\u20132020\u201c\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t Ryto allegro. \u201eGrammy\u201c muzikos apdovanojim\u0173 laim\u0117tojai ir paroda \u201eLaisvas kinas 1990\u20132020\u201c\t\t\t \n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.lrt.lt\/mediateka\/irasas\/2000277924\/pakeliui-su-klasika-euroradijo-dziazo-orkestro-vadovas-jievaras-jasinskis-pagrindine-kurybiskai-vedanti-jega-simbolika-menanti-vilniaus-gimtadieni\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tPakeliui su klasika. Euroradijo d\u017eiazo orkestro vadovas Jievaras Jasinskis: pagrindin\u0117 k\u016brybi\u0161kai vedanti j\u0117ga - simbolika, menanti Vilniaus gimtadien\u012f\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t Pakeliui su klasika. Euroradijo d\u017eiazo orkestro vadovas Jievaras Jasinskis: pagrindin\u0117 k\u016brybi\u0161kai vedanti j\u0117ga - simbolika, menanti Vilniaus gimtadien\u012f\t\t\t \n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.lrt.lt\/naujienos\/lietuvoje\/2\/94328\/d-puslys-jei-tolerancija-yra-abejingumas-musu-visuomene-tolerantiska\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tD. Puslys: jei tolerancija yra abejingumas, m\u016bs\u0173 visuomen\u0117 \u2013 toleranti\u0161ka\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t
\nDa\u017enai bandoma \u012frodyti, kad tolerancija ir abejingumas yra tas pats, sako Met\u0173 tolerancijos \u017emogumi išrinktas publicistas, interneto portalo Bernardinai.lt vyriausiojo redaktoriaus pavaduotojas Donatas Puslys. Jo teigimu, jei tai b\u016bt\u0173 tiesa, did\u017eioji dalis m\u016bs\u0173 visuomen\u0117s b\u016bt\u0173 labai tolerantiška.\t\t\t \t\t\t \n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.lrt.lt\/naujienos\/tavo-lrt\/15\/94315\/d-puslys-jei-tolerancija-yra-abejingumas-musu-visuomene-tolerantiska\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tD. Puslys: jei tolerancija yra abejingumas, m\u016bs\u0173 visuomen\u0117 \u2013 toleranti\u0161ka\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\t
\nDa\u017enai bandoma \u012frodyti, kad tolerancija ir abejingumas yra tas pats, sako Met\u0173 tolerancijos \u017emogumi išrinktas publicistas, interneto portalo Bernardinai.lt vyriausiojo redaktoriaus pavaduotojas Donatas Puslys. Jo teigimu, jei tai b\u016bt\u0173 tiesa, did\u017eioji dalis m\u016bs\u0173 visuomen\u0117s b\u016bt\u0173 labai tolerantiška.\t\t\t \t\t\t \n\t\t\t","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/bulova-98a253-chronograph-karora-ujszeru-allapotban-3278055086.html\n\t\t","BULOVA 98A253 chronograph kar\u00f3ra \u00fajszer\u0171 \u00e1llapotban - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 88 000 Ft","Elad\u00f3 a k\u00e9peken l\u00e1that\u00f3 BULOVA kar\u00f3ra kihaszn\u00e1latlans\u00e1g miatt (kb. f\u00e9l \u00e9ve v\u00e1s\u00e1roltam \u00fajonnan).
- \u00e1tm\u00e9r\u0151 kn.: 40. 5 mm
- koronaz\u00e1ras
- chronograph (quartz szerkezet)
- nagyon \u00e9rdekes sz\u00e1mlap, f\u00e9nyviszonyokt\u00f3l f\u00fcgg\u0151en fekete vagy k\u00e9k t\u00f3nus\u00fa
Csere k\u00f6sz\u00f6n\u00f6m nem \u00e9rdekel!
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 88 000 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-05-30 04:56\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/citizen-promaster-marine-professional-diver-3283899878.html\n\t\t","Citizen Promaster Marine Professional Diver - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 158 000 Ft","Elad\u00f3-cser\u00e9lhet\u0151 Citizen Promaster Marine Professional Diver(BN0176-08E). Haszn\u00e1lt, sz\u00e9p \u00e1llapotban. WR300, kn 46mm. B\u00fav\u00e1rpalack doboz \u00e9s sz\u00edjadapter j\u00e1t hozz\u00e1 amivel b\u00e1rmilyen 22mm sz\u00e9les sz\u00edj feltehet\u0151. A tokon l\u00e1that\u00f3 a haszn\u00e1lat, nem vitrinben pihent. Cser\u00e9be quartz Casio, Citizen, Seiko, Invicta, Sector, Barbos, Timex, Luminox, Vostok... (divat\u00f3ra nem)\u00e9rdekel. \u00c1tad\u00e1s-csere szem\u00e9lyesen Veresegyh\u00e1z-V\u00e1c-G\u00f6d, szombaton d\u00e9lel\u0151tt \u00e9szak-pest. Esetleg el\u0151re utal\u00e1s ut\u00e1n foxpostal k\u00fcld\u00f6m(1500ft).
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 158 000 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-07 09:28\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/fossil-sportos-ferfi-karora-szijakkal-3283648688.html\n\t\t","Fossil sportos f\u00e9rfi kar\u00f3ra sz\u00edjakkal - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 12 000 Ft","P\u00e1r \u00e9ve v\u00e1s\u00e1roltam, j\u00f3 ideje nem hordom. Kb f\u00e9l \u00e9ve kapott \u00faj elemet \u00e9s t\u00f6m\u00edt\u0151gy\u0171r\u0171 szilikonoz\u00e1st \u00f3r\u00e1sm\u0171helyben. Pontos, megb\u00edzhat\u00f3. Egy l\u00e1that\u00f3 karc van az arc\u00e1n, de ink\u00e1bn csak mark\u00e1nsabb t\u0151le. A doboza r\u00e9g elkall\u00f3dott, de a k\u00e9pen l\u00e1that\u00f3 sz\u00edjak mind j\u00e1rnak hozz\u00e1. Aj\u00e1nd\u00e9k megleet\u00e9s kar\u00f3r\u00e1t k\u00fcld\u00f6k hozz\u00e1.
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 12 000 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-06 14:09\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/nautica-3283977038.html\n\t\t","Nautica - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 29 990 Ft","Igazi f\u00e9rfias darab a ny\u00e1rra, ak\u00e1r a strandra. Nautica f\u00e9rfi kar\u00f3ra kihaszn\u00e1latlans\u00e1g miatt elad\u00f3. Nagyszer\u0171 \u00e1llapotban, hord\u00e1sb\u00f3l ered\u0151 karcok a h\u00e1tulj\u00e1n. A tok \u00e9s az \u00fcveg hib\u00e1tlan. T\u00f6k\u00e9letesen j\u00e1r, szerv\u00edzelve, nyom\u00e1s pr\u00f3b\u00e1zva volt n\u00e1lam.
Tok m\u00e9rete: 44 mm korona n\u00e9lk\u00fcl. 100 m v\u00edz\u00e1ll\u00f3s\u00e1g.
Nautica dobozzal egy\u00fctt post\u00e1zom vagy adom \u00e1t szem\u00e9lyesen.
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 29 990 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-18 17:32\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/nautica-3283978967.html\n\t\t","Nautica - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 29 990 Ft","Igazi f\u00e9rfias darab a ny\u00e1rra, ak\u00e1r a strandra. Nautica f\u00e9rfi kar\u00f3ra kihaszn\u00e1latlans\u00e1g miatt elad\u00f3. Nagyszer\u0171 \u00e1llapotban \u00a0T\u00f6k\u00e9letesen j\u00e1r, szerv\u00edzelve, nyom\u00e1s pr\u00f3b\u00e1zva volt n\u00e1lam.
Tok m\u00e9rete: 46mm korona n\u00e9lk\u00fcl. 100 m v\u00edz\u00e1ll\u00f3s\u00e1g.
Nautica dobozzal egy\u00fctt post\u00e1zom vagy adom \u00e1t szem\u00e9lyesen.
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 29 990 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-18 17:38\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/nautica-3283979063.html\n\t\t","Nautica - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 29 990 Ft","Igazi f\u00e9rfias darab a ny\u00e1rra, ak\u00e1r a strandra. Nautica f\u00e9rfi kar\u00f3ra kihaszn\u00e1latlans\u00e1g miatt elad\u00f3. Nagyszer\u0171 \u00e1llapotban \u00a0T\u00f6k\u00e9letesen j\u00e1r, szerv\u00edzelve, nyom\u00e1s pr\u00f3b\u00e1zva volt n\u00e1lam.
Tok m\u00e9rete: 46mm korona n\u00e9lk\u00fcl. 100 m v\u00edz\u00e1ll\u00f3s\u00e1g.
Nautica dobozzal egy\u00fctt post\u00e1zom vagy adom \u00e1t szem\u00e9lyesen.
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 29 990 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-18 17:38\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/omega-speedmaster-caliber-3300-replika-3277900331.html\n\t\t","OMEGA Speedmaster Caliber 3300 replika - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 32 700 Ft","Specifik\u00e1ci\u00f3k:
Tok \u00e1tm\u00e9r\u0151 KN): 39 mm
Tok vastags\u00e1g: 10 mm
Szerkezet: quartz
\u00dcveg: hardlex
H\u00e1tlap: rm ac\u00e9l, jelzett
Napt\u00e1r: igen
Tok anyaga: nac\u00e9l
Csat: nac\u00e9l, pillang\u00f3, jelzett
Sz\u00edj: kaucsuk, jelzett
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 32 700 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-10 19:21\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/pallas-antik-automata-ora-3283093769.html\n\t\t","Pallas antik automata \u00f3ra - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 35 000 Ft","Elad\u00f3v\u00e1 \u00e9rett ez a Pallas automata \u00f3ra szinte hib\u00e1tlan! A rezg\u00e9ssz\u00e1m 21600
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 35 000 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-15 17:38\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/retro-casio-aq-150w-ana-digi-ora-3283851707.html\n\t\t","Retro Casio Aq-150W ana-digi \u00f3ra - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 10 000 Ft","Retro Casio Aq-150W ana-digi \u00f3ra remek \u00e1llapotban
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 10 000 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-11 03:11\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/s-oliver-ferfi-chrono-3283095902.html\n\t\t","S.Oliver f\u00e9rfi chrono - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 22 000 Ft","Teljesen \u00faj kar\u00f3ra Tipussz\u00e1ma 2724 L gy\u00f6ny\u00f6r\u0171 drb eredeti \u00e1ra a cimk\u00e9n
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 22 000 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-01 17:54\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/shaarms-divatos-analog-elegans-ferfi-karora-ora-ezust-fekete-garazsvasar-kiarusitas-1ft-nma-3271382279.html\n\t\t","SHAARMS divatos anal\u00f3g eleg\u00e1ns F\u00c9RFI kar\u00f3ra \u00f3ra ez\u00fcst - fekete = GAR\u00c1ZSV\u00c1S\u00c1R = KI\u00c1RUS\u00cdT\u00c1S = 1FT NM\u00c1 - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 11 Ft","
KI\u00c1RUS\u00cdT\u00c1S = GAR\u00c1ZSV\u00c1S\u00c1R!
1 FORINTOS\u00a0AUKCI\u00d3BAN!!!
fekete b\u0151rsz\u00edj - ez\u00fcst -fekete sz\u00edn\u0171 ac\u00e9ltok
Licit\u00e1l\u00e1si tippek:
\u00c9rdemes licit\u00e1l\u00e1s mellett az\u00a0aukci\u00f3figyel\u0151t\u00a0is be\u00e1ll\u00edtani mert a megfigyel\u0151k egyedi - a vill\u00e1m\u00e1rt\u00f3l kedvez\u0151bb aj\u00e1nlatot is kapnak!
Automatikus licit - HOGY NE MARADJ LE R\u00d3LA: \u00a0magasabb \u00f6sszeget is be\u00edrhat (amennyit \u00d6nnek meg\u00e9r), \u00edgy a rendszer mindaddig \u00d6n helyett licit\u00e1l am\u00edg ezt az \u00f6sszeget el nem \u00e9ri
T\u00f6bb hasonl\u00f3 term\u00e9ket tal\u00e1lsz az aukci\u00f3im k\u00f6z\u00f6tt. \u00c9rdemes\u00a0feliratkozni\u00a0az \u00faj term\u00e9kekre, \u00edgy \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9st kapnak az \u00faj aukci\u00f3kr\u00f3l is. \u00a0
Licitt\u00f6rl\u00e9s nincs, licitt\u00f6rl\u00e9s automatikus kiz\u00e1r\u00e1st jelent minden jelenlegi \u00e9s j\u00f6v\u0151beni aukci\u00f3mb\u00f3l!
A k\u00e9pek az elad\u00f3 term\u00e9kr\u0151l k\u00e9sz\u00fcltek. \u00a0T\u00f6bb hasonl\u00f3 term\u00e9ket tal\u00e1lsz az aukci\u00f3im k\u00f6z\u00f6tt. \u00c9rdemes feliratkozni az \u00faj term\u00e9kekre, \u00edgy \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9st kapnak az \u00faj aukci\u00f3kr\u00f3l is. \u00a0
Az aukci\u00f3 egy forintr\u00f3l indul, nincs rejtett minim\u00e1l\u00e1r. \u00a0
T\u00f6bb (SZ\u00c1Z) hasonl\u00f3 term\u00e9ket tal\u00e1lsz az aukci\u00f3im k\u00f6z\u00f6tt! \u00a0Sikeres licit\u00e1l\u00e1st k\u00edv\u00e1nok!
Licit\u00e1l\u00e1i felt\u00e9telek\/megrendel\u00e9s folyamata:
Egy forintos aukci\u00f3 eset\u00e9n licit\u00e1ljon amennyit \u00d6nnek meg\u00e9r, \u00a0\u00edgy ak\u00e1r egy forint\u00e9rt (=ingyen) is elvihet\u0151 (szem\u00e9lyes \u00e1tv\u00e9tel est\u00e9n, sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s eset\u00e9n a sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si minden k\u00f6lts\u00e9ge a vev\u0151t terheli). Amennyiben nem szeretn\u00e9 megv\u00e1rni az aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9g\u00e9t, aj\u00e1nlatot tehet (\u00fczenetben jelezze fel\u00e9m). Ennek elfogad\u00e1sa eset\u00e9n az aukci\u00f3 24 \u00f3ra m\u00falva lej\u00e1r. \u00c9rdemes emiatt aukci\u00f3 figyel\u0151be tenni az aukci\u00f3t, hogy \u00d6n is \u00e9res\u00fclj\u00f6n r\u00f3la, ha a z\u00e1r\u00e1s id\u0151pontj\u00e1t el\u0151rehozzuk\u00a0
\u00c1tv\u00e9teli lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:
szem\u00e9lyesen\u00a0(Gy\u00e1lon) veszi \u00e1t a term\u00e9ket\u00a0d\u00edjmentesen
az orsz\u00e1g eg\u00e9sz ter\u00fclet\u00e9n sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st k\u00e9r (H\u00c1ZHOZ, VAGY FOXPOST CSOMAGAUTOMAT\u00c1BA)
\u00c1tv\u00e9teli hat\u00e1rid\u0151k:
A VEV\u0150 licit\u00e1l\u00e1s\u00e1val elfogadja \u00e9s v\u00e1llalja, hogy a megnyert term\u00e9ket az aukci\u00f3 z\u00e1r\u00e1s\u00e1t\u00a0k\u00f6vet\u0151 legk\u00e9s\u0151bb 1 h\u00e9ten bel\u00fcl kifizeti \u00e9s \u00e1tveszi. \u00a0Amennyiben a Vev\u0151 1 h\u00e9t alatt sem jelentkezik \u00e9s fizeti ki\/veszi \u00e1t a megnyert term\u00e9ket, az elad\u00f3 jogosult az aukci\u00f3t \u00fajraind\u00edtani \u00e9s\/vagy az ad\u00e1s-v\u00e9telt\u0151l el\u00e1llni.
Amennyiben t\u00f6bb term\u00e9kre licit\u00e1l, az aukci\u00f3k \u00f6sszev\u00e1rhat\u00f3ak (1 h\u00e9ten bel\u00fcl). \u00a0
Az \u00e1tutal\u00e1s visszaigazol\u00e1s\u00e1t k\u00f6vet\u0151en igyekszem a term\u00e9ket 48 \u00f3r\u00e1n bel\u00fcl feladni. \u00c1tv\u00e9tel term\u00e9szetesen ak\u00e1r azonnal is lehets\u00e9ges, egyeztet\u00e9s szerint.
Sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s eset\u00e9n a csomag v\u00e9gig nyomon k\u00f6vethet\u0151, \u00edgy biztons\u00e1gban van a p\u00e9nze \u00e9s a v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt term\u00e9k is.
V\u00e1s\u00e1roljon megb\u00edzhat\u00f3 Elad\u00f3t\u00f3l!
Amennyiben t\u00f6bb term\u00e9ket v\u00e1s\u00e1rol, \u00a0sp\u00f3rolhat az \u00fajabb sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si k\u00f6lts\u00e9geken. Tov\u00e1bbi term\u00e9keinket megtal\u00e1lja a lenti gal\u00e9ri\u00e1ban, vagy a lenti linkre kattintva:
AZ ELAD\u00d3 \u00d6SSZES TERM\u00c9K\u00c9HEZ KATT IDE!
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 11 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-08 18:10\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/skmei-g-shock-karora-3282639638.html\n\t\t","SKMEI G-shock kar\u00f3ra - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 5 000 Ft","Elad\u00f3 egy SKMEI G-shock kar\u00f3ra.
AZ \u00f3ra t\u00f6k\u00e9letesen m\u0171k\u00f6dik, igazi
massz\u00edv darab.
A sz\u00edj azonban m\u00e1r nem b\u00edrta tov\u00e1bb, azt
cser\u00e9lni kell.
A fel\u00e9t meghagytam mint\u00e1nak, \u00e9s term\u00e9szetesen
a gy\u00e1ri stiftek is megvannak... nem keresg\u00e9ltem,
komplet \u00f3r\u00e1t vettem helyette, ez\u00e9rt ez felesleges.
\u00e1llapot - haszn\u00e1lt
Miskolcon szem\u00e9lyes \u00e1tv\u00e9tel megoldhat\u00f3.
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 5 000 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-14 15:02\n","\n\t\t\thttps:\/\/www.teszvesz.hu\/sport-watch-sportos-karora-ora-ferfi-military-utesallo-ora-led-garazsvasar-kiarusitas-1ft-nma-3276857369.html\n\t\t","SPORT WATCH sportos kar\u00f3ra \u00f3ra f\u00e9rfi MILITARY \u00fct\u00e9s\u00e1ll\u00f3 \u00f3ra LED = gar\u00e1zsv\u00e1s\u00e1r = KI\u00c1RUS\u00cdT\u00c1S = 1FT NM\u00c1 - Jelenlegi \u00e1ra: 1 Ft","
KI\u00c1RUS\u00cdT\u00c1S: 1 FORINTR\u00d3L - NINCS MINIM\u00c1L\u00c1RA!
Teljesen \u00faj, utols\u00f3 darab\u00a0
A k\u00e9pek az elad\u00f3 term\u00e9kr\u0151l k\u00e9sz\u00fcltek. \u00a0T\u00f6bb hasonl\u00f3 term\u00e9ket tal\u00e1lsz az aukci\u00f3im k\u00f6z\u00f6tt. \u00c9rdemes feliratkozni az \u00faj term\u00e9kekre, \u00edgy \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9st kapnak az \u00faj aukci\u00f3kr\u00f3l is. \u00a0
Az aukci\u00f3 egy forintr\u00f3l indul, nincs rejtett minim\u00e1l\u00e1r. \u00a0
T\u00f6bb (SZ\u00c1Z) hasonl\u00f3 term\u00e9ket tal\u00e1lsz az aukci\u00f3im k\u00f6z\u00f6tt! \u00a0Sikeres licit\u00e1l\u00e1st k\u00edv\u00e1nok!
Licit\u00e1l\u00e1i felt\u00e9telek\/megrendel\u00e9s folyamata:
Egy forintos aukci\u00f3 eset\u00e9n licit\u00e1ljon amennyit \u00d6nnek meg\u00e9r, \u00a0\u00edgy ak\u00e1r egy forint\u00e9rt (=ingyen) is elvihet\u0151 (szem\u00e9lyes \u00e1tv\u00e9tel est\u00e9n, sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s eset\u00e9n a sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si minden k\u00f6lts\u00e9ge a vev\u0151t terheli). Amennyiben nem szeretn\u00e9 megv\u00e1rni az aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9g\u00e9t, aj\u00e1nlatot tehet (\u00fczenetben jelezze fel\u00e9m). Ennek elfogad\u00e1sa eset\u00e9n az aukci\u00f3 24 \u00f3ra m\u00falva lej\u00e1r. \u00c9rdemes emiatt aukci\u00f3 figyel\u0151be tenni az aukci\u00f3t, hogy \u00d6n is \u00e9res\u00fclj\u00f6n r\u00f3la, ha a z\u00e1r\u00e1s id\u0151pontj\u00e1t el\u0151rehozzuk.
VILL\u00c1M\u00c1RON T\u00d6RT\u00c9N\u0150 V\u00c1S\u00c1RL\u00c1S ESET\u00c9N AZ AUKCI\u00d3 AZONNAL LEZ\u00c1RUL \u00c9S A TERM\u00c9K AZONNAL \u00c1TVEHET\u0150!
\u00c1tv\u00e9teli lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:
szem\u00e9lyesen\u00a0(Gy\u00e1lon) veszi \u00e1t a term\u00e9ket\u00a0d\u00edjmentesen
az orsz\u00e1g eg\u00e9sz ter\u00fclet\u00e9n sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st k\u00e9r (H\u00c1ZHOZ, VAGY FOXPOST CSOMAGAUTOMAT\u00c1BA)
\u00c1tv\u00e9teli hat\u00e1rid\u0151k:
A VEV\u0150 licit\u00e1l\u00e1s\u00e1val elfogadja \u00e9s v\u00e1llalja, hogy a megnyert term\u00e9ket az aukci\u00f3 z\u00e1r\u00e1s\u00e1t\u00a0k\u00f6vet\u0151 legk\u00e9s\u0151bb 1 h\u00e9ten bel\u00fcl kifizeti \u00e9s \u00e1tveszi. \u00a0Amennyiben a Vev\u0151 1 h\u00e9t alatt sem jelentkezik \u00e9s fizeti ki\/veszi \u00e1t a megnyert term\u00e9ket, az elad\u00f3 jogosult az aukci\u00f3t \u00fajraind\u00edtani \u00e9s\/vagy az ad\u00e1s-v\u00e9telt\u0151l el\u00e1llni.
Amennyiben t\u00f6bb term\u00e9kre licit\u00e1l, az aukci\u00f3k \u00f6sszev\u00e1rhat\u00f3ak (1 h\u00e9ten bel\u00fcl). \u00a0
Az \u00e1tutal\u00e1s visszaigazol\u00e1s\u00e1t k\u00f6vet\u0151en igyekszem a term\u00e9ket 48 \u00f3r\u00e1n bel\u00fcl feladni. \u00c1tv\u00e9tel term\u00e9szetesen ak\u00e1r azonnal is lehets\u00e9ges, egyeztet\u00e9s szerint.
Sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s eset\u00e9n a csomag v\u00e9gig nyomon k\u00f6vethet\u0151, \u00edgy biztons\u00e1gban van a p\u00e9nze \u00e9s a v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt term\u00e9k is.
V\u00e1s\u00e1roljon megb\u00edzhat\u00f3 Elad\u00f3t\u00f3l!
Amennyiben t\u00f6bb term\u00e9ket v\u00e1s\u00e1rol, \u00a0sp\u00f3rolhat az \u00fajabb sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si k\u00f6lts\u00e9geken. Tov\u00e1bbi term\u00e9keinket megtal\u00e1lja a lenti gal\u00e9ri\u00e1ban, vagy a lenti linkre kattintva:
AZ ELAD\u00d3 \u00d6SSZES TERM\u00c9K\u00c9HEZ KATT IDE!
\n\tJelenlegi \u00e1ra: 1 Ft
\n\tAz aukci\u00f3 v\u00e9ge: 2023-06-07 18:23\n","\n \/?p=1\n ","\n Hello world!\n ","\n Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!\n ","\n http:\/\/test2.revolvermedia.ca\/?p=1\n ","\n OKTOBERFEST\n ","\n \n ","\nhttps:\/\/www.ema.europa.eu\/documents\/product-information\/libtayo-epar-product-information_en.pdf","\nHuman medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Libtayo, cemiplimab, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Date of authorisation: 28\/06\/2019, Revision: 14, Status: Authorised","\nHuman medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Libtayo, cemiplimab, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Date of authorisation: 28\/06\/2019, Revision: 14, Status: Authorised","\nhttps:\/\/www.ema.europa.eu\/en\/medicines\/human\/EPAR\/libtayo","\nHuman medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Libtayo, cemiplimab, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Date of authorisation: 28\/06\/2019, Revision: 14, Status: Authorised","\nHuman medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Libtayo, cemiplimab, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Date of authorisation: 28\/06\/2019, Revision: 14, Status: Authorised","\nhttps:\/\/www.ema.europa.eu\/en\/medicines\/human\/paediatric-investigation-plans\/emea-002007-pip02-17-m02","\nOpinion\/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Libtayo,Cemiplimab, decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P\/0179\/2022","\nOpinion\/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Libtayo,Cemiplimab, decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P\/0179\/2022","?PubType=203&Item=11526699","Journals - 20 - Made Order for Return (2022-01-31 10:58)","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p>RUANDA, LOS CIEN D\u00cdAS DEL HORROR\u00a0 Teaser del documental multimedia dirigido por Alfons Rodr\u00edguez y Nacho Carretero con participaci\u00f3n de GEA PHOTOWORDS. Genocidio (del griego ‘genos’, estirpe, y ‘cidio’, acci\u00f3n de matar): Exterminio o eliminaci\u00f3n sistem\u00e1tica de un grupo social por motivo de raza, de etnia, de religi\u00f3n, de pol\u00edtica o de nacionalidad. La […]","\/blog\/convenios-de-colaboracion-con-colectivos-de-periodismo-independiente\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=convenios-de-colaboracion-con-colectivos-de-periodismo-independiente","CONVENIOS DE COLABORACI\u00d3N CON COLECTIVOS DE PERIODISMO INDEPENDIENTE","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p> CONVENIOS DE COLABORACI\u00d3N CON COLECTIVOS DE PERIODISMO INDEPENDIENTE GEA PHOTOWORDS ha establecido diferentes convenios de colaboraci\u00f3n e intercambio de informaci\u00f3n y reportajes con varias agrupaciones de periodistas independientes que funcionan como medios de comunicaci\u00f3n on line a trav\u00e9s de la red. El objetivo de esta colaboraci\u00f3n es la publicaci\u00f3n rec\u00edproca de reportajes en […]","\/blog\/el-tercer-jinete\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=el-tercer-jinete","EL TERCER JINETE","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p> EL TERCER JINETE \u00a0– \u00a0Un mundo hambriento Alfons Rodr\u00edguez, miembro de GEA PHOTOWORDS, nos muestra las realidades del hambre en el mundo a trav\u00e9s del libro `El Tercer Jinete, un mundo hambriento\u00b4. `El Tercer jinete, un mundo hambriento\u00b4 narra historias de denuncia sobre la grave situaci\u00f3n de pobreza y hambre en la […]","\/blog\/gea-photowords-national-geographic-store\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gea-photowords-national-geographic-store","GEA PHOTOWORDS & NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC STORE","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p> Un convenio entre National Geographic Store y\u00a0GEA PHOTOWORDS permiti\u00f3 la realizaci\u00f3n de cinco conferencias en el sal\u00f3n de actos de la sede que este grupo tiene en la Gran V\u00eda madrile\u00f1a. Por all\u00ed pasaron los miembros de nuestra organizaci\u00f3n y sus invitados para hablar de lo que est\u00e1 pasando en lugares tan dispares del […]","\/blog\/gea-y-el-espiritu-del-planeta-2\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gea-y-el-espiritu-del-planeta-2","EL ESP\u00cdRITU DEL PLANETA","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p>GEA PHOTOWORDS\u00a0organiz\u00f3 el acto de presentaci\u00f3n del evento\u00a0`Esp\u00edritu del Planeta\u00b4, patrocinado por la asociaci\u00f3n Miraci\u00f3n, uniendo las voluntades sabias de los abuelos\/as de varias etnias del planeta con dos ilustres representantes del pueblo gitano hispano:\u00a0Rosario Flores\u00a0y\u00a0Antonio Carmona. Los c\u00e1nticos y danzas por la Madre Tierra transformaron\u00a0 los jardines del Palacio Fortuny de Madrid en el […]","\/blog\/libro-viaje-al-traspasado-corazon-del-mundo\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=libro-viaje-al-traspasado-corazon-del-mundo","VIAJE AL TRASPASADO CORAZ\u00d3N DEL MUNDO","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p>\u00a0 \u00a0 VIAJE AL TRASPASADO CORAZ\u00d3N DEL MUNDO es la bit\u00e1cora pormenorizada de\u00a0la expedici\u00f3n realizada por tres periodistas espa\u00f1oles sobre el mismo itinerario 465 a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de que el extreme\u00f1o Francisco de Orellana lo recorriese por primera vez. Las impresiones del viaje fueron publicadas en forma de una serie de\u00a0reportajes en el diario EL MUNDO. […]","\/blog\/ongea-un-lugar-de-encuentro-para-las-ong\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ongea-un-lugar-de-encuentro-para-las-ong","ONGEA \u2013 UN LUGAR DE ENCUENTRO PARA LAS ONG","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p>La mayor\u00eda de las ONG han reducido sus plantillas laborales para afrontar la crisis econ\u00f3mica y garantizar as\u00ed su supervivencia. Los recortes p\u00fablicos y privados para la Ayuda al Desarrollo no s\u00f3lo han afectado a los proyectos sobre el terreno, sino a la estructura organizativa de las ONG. Y los departamentos de comunicaci\u00f3n han sido […]","\/blog\/proyecto-de-colaboracion-con-survival-internacional\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=proyecto-de-colaboracion-con-survival-internacional","CONVENIO DE COLABORACI\u00d3N CON SURVIVAL INTERNACIONAL","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p> CONVENIO DE COLABORACI\u00d3N CON SURVIVAL\u00a0INTERNACIONAL (ESPA\u00d1A) La defensa de los derechos de los pueblos ind\u00edgenas siempre ha sido una de las prioridades informativas de GEA PHOTOWORDS. Muchos han sido los reportajes que hemos realizados en los principales bosques tropicales del planeta para ayudar a visibilizar los problemas de sus guardianes que, agrupados en peque\u00f1as […]","\/blog\/segundas-generaciones\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=segundas-generaciones","SEGUNDAS GENERACIONES","
\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/p>Identidades Transnacionales Hijos de Inmigrantes en Espa\u00f1a es un proyecto fotogr\u00e1fico participativo y una investigaci\u00f3n en im\u00e1genes sobre los j\u00f3venes Segunda Generaci\u00f3n de Inmigrantes en Espa\u00f1a.","\/blog\/sexo-y-revolucion-en-cuba\/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sexo-y-revolucion-en-cuba","SEXO Y REVOLUCI\u00d3N EN CUBA","
\n\t\t This week we're joined by West End LEGEND, Mazz Murray.\u00a0 With her CV including roles such as Elphaba, Glinda, Eva Peron, Miss Adelaide & Lucy Harris, Louise Dearman is a West End icon. This week we're chatting to Sharlene Hector about transitioning into a new career in theatre, following many successful years in the music world. On West End Frame's 10th Birthday, Matt Hemley from The Stage hosts a special episode of In The Frame, turning the tables and interviewing Andrew (Founding Editor) about the past ten years of West End Frame. We're kicking off the week with an extra helping of In The Frame with Richard Winsor who is starring as Tony in the West End production of Saturday Night Fever.<\/em> Saturday Night Fever <\/em>runs at the Peacock Theatre until 26th March 2022. Joseph Peacock is originating the role of Donny Osmond in the brand new musical, The Osmonds. <\/em> Jordan Luke Gage is currently one of the busiest performers in theatreland. He is about to complete his run in And Juliet<\/em> ahead of starring in the West End premiere of Bonnie and Clyde. <\/em> Blair is currently starring as Bob Gaudio in the UK & Ireland tour of Jersey Boys,<\/em> having previously played the role at sea for Norwegian Cruise Lines. In this week's episode we've got some bumper new features in Microsoft 365 to dig into the detail on; firstly Teams Shared Channels launches to Preview; and we've a variety of interesting new Teams features and devices we discuss; plus Exchange licensing will be changing shortly and you'll need to make sure you don't get caught out when off-boarding or re-licensing leavers.<\/p> Want to stay up to date on all things Practical 365? Cherelle recently recreated the role of Dorothy in the Hope Mill Theatre's major UK revival of The Wiz<\/em>. Olivier nominee Cleve September is preparing to star as Ted Hinton in the original West End production of Bonnie and Clyde. <\/em> Bonnie and Clyde <\/em>opens at the Arts Theatre on 9th April 2022. They say life begins at 40 - but season two of the podcast ends! Don't worry though - we'll be back in a few weeks as we begin the all-new season three. On the show this week, we get you bang-up to date with the most recent Microsoft 365 news - including anything you might have missed from Microsoft announcements at conferences, plus features arriving\u00a0right now<\/em>\u00a0inside Microsoft 365.<\/p> Want to stay up to date on all things Practical 365? Paige is starring as Luisa in the London revival of Zorro The Musical.<\/em> For our 99th episode, we are so excited to share this conversation with Tina<\/em>'s Chanel Haynes! For our 100th episode (!!) of In The Frame we chat to Simon Bailey about his incredible career on stage, and his current role as The Duke in Moulin Rouge.\u00a0 A new dawn begins with season 3 - episode 1. And it's a corker - we go under the hood with the latest new feature for Exchange Hybrid - or rather how you can get rid of it! And names are a changing in Microsoft's compliance and governance stack - and Purview is now in... our purview as it joins - or parts of Microsoft 365 rebrand under it's banner. Find out all the details on this week's show...<\/p> Want to stay up to date on all things Practical 365? Jocasta is about to star as Rizzo in the West End revival of Grease<\/em>. Danny Whitehead is starring in the UK revival of Passion<\/em> by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine at the Hope Mill Theatre. His theatre credits also include: understudy Enjolras in Les Miserables<\/em> (West End), understudy The Wizard in Wicked<\/em> (UK Tour), Sweeney Todd<\/em> (Welsh National Opera), South Pacific<\/em> (Barbican \/ UK Tour), 1418 The Spectacular WW1 Arena Musical <\/em>(Mechelen Arena, Belgium), Rags<\/em> (West End Gala), Secret Garden <\/em>(UK Tour) and Breaking The Code<\/em> (English Theatre, Frankfurt). In this week's show, Steve and Paul go deep into discussion about Microsoft Research's new report on the new future of work; what are the most important points from their data, and what is missing? What do you need to do to take action on the information? Plus - we discuss IOT, we discuss Office update changes, Teams new broadcast integrations for events, and a new personal calendar booking feature is on the way to Outlook.<\/p> Want to stay up to date on all things Practical 365? Daniel Koek is currently starring as Robin in La Boh\u00e8me <\/em>at the King's Head Theatre ahead of appearing in the upcoming Australian production of The Phantom of the Opera. <\/em>\n\t\t<\/p> SEXO Y REVOLUCI\u00d3N EN CUBA Nuria L\u00f3pez Torres, miembro de\u00a0GEA PHOTOWORDS, presenta un retrato \u00edntimo de la realidad, vida y cotidianidad de las personas homosexuales y transg\u00e9nero\u00a0 en Cuba, a trav\u00e9s de una investigaci\u00f3n\u00a0 en profundidad sobre el impacto real que estas pol\u00edticas sociales han tenido en la comunidad LGTBI. Tras la […]","\/forum\/topics\/74","\u041b\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u043e\u0431\u0430\u043d\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0441\u043e \u0434\u043d\u044f \u043d\u0430 \u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c ","\u041d\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0441\u0438\u043c\u044b\u0435 \u044d\u043a\u0441\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0442\u044b \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u043a\u0430\u0437\u044b\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0442 \u0434\u0435\u0444\u043e\u043b\u0442. \u0418 \u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0443\u044e\u0442 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u043c \u0438\u0437\u0431\u0430\u0432\u043b\u044f\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u043e\u0442 \u043b\u0430\u0440\u0438. \u0422\u0435\u043c, \u043a\u0442\u043e \u043d\u0435 \u0445\u043e\u0447\u0435\u0442 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u0442\u044c \u0441\u0432\u043e\u0438 \u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c\u0433\u0438, \u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435 \u0432\u043b\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0438\u0445 \u0432 \u0434\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0430\u0440\u044b, \u0435\u0432\u0440\u043e, 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Mazz is currently starring as Donna in the West End production of Mamma Mia!<\/em>, having previously played Tanya in the show.
Mazz famously starred as Killer Queen in We Will Rock You<\/em> at the Dominion Theatre for seven triumphant years.
She made her theatre debut playing Patsy Cline in The Roy Orbison Story. <\/em>Other credits include: Mama Morton in the recent production of Chicago<\/em> (Phoenix Theatre) as well as A Girl Called Dusty, Rent, Smokey Joe\u2019s Caf\u00e9, Fame, Only the Lonely, Boogie Nights<\/em> and Pippin<\/em>.
Most recently Mazz played Norma Desmond in a concert staging of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Don Black\u2019s musical Sunset Boulevard <\/em>at the Alexandra Palace Theatre. After receiving tremendous acclaim, it was announced that Mazz would once again play the role for a second staging at the Royal Albert Hall. Mazz's portrayal of Norma was named West End Frame's top performance of 2021.
You can see Mazz in Mamma Mia!<\/em> at the Novello Theatre.
Visit www.mamma-mia.com<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10053472","S6 Ep3: Louise Dearman, West End icon","
Louise is currently preparing to star in Mimma: A New Musical of War & Friendship <\/em>which is being staged at Cadogan Hall for one-night-only on Monday 28th February.
Louise made her theatrical debut as The Narrator in Joseph<\/em> (UK Tour). Just a few of her other credits include Jan in Grease<\/em> (West End), Lucy Harris in Jekyll & Hyde <\/em>(UK Tour), Sarah Brown in Guys and Dolls <\/em>(UK Tour), Eva Peron in Evita<\/em> (UK Tour), Grizabella in Cats<\/em> (International), The Woman in Tell Me On A Sunday <\/em>(RCCL), Mrs D in Water Babies <\/em>(Curve), Miss Adelaide in Guys and Dolls <\/em>(UK Tour) and Daisy in Side Show <\/em>(Southwark Playhouse).
Louise has starred as both Elphaba and Glinda in the West End production of Wicked<\/em> (Apollo Victoria), making her the only actor to have starred as both roles in the musical's history.
Mimma <\/em>is staged at Cadogan Hall on Monday 28th February. Visit www.cadoganhall.com<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10093892","S6 Ep4: Sharlene Hector, alternate Effie in Dreamgirls","
Last year Sharlene made her theatrical debut as Lorraine in Hairspray<\/em> at the London Coliseum, also covering and playing Motormouth Maybelle. She is now touring the UK and Ireland as the alternate Effie White in Dreamgirls<\/em> to huge acclaim.
In the music world, Sharlene was Lead Vocalist in Basement Jaxx and Blonde. She has sung backing for the likes of Alicia Keys, Muse, Emeli Sand\u00e9, Sam Sparro, Primal Scream, Rebecca Ferguson, Lalah Hathaway, Tinie Tempah, Josh Groban and Michael Bubl\u00e9.
Sharlene has performed at Glastonbury, V Festival, Bestival and Wireless with her television appearances including Alan Carr\u2019s Epic Game Show \u2013 Name That Tune (ITV), X Factor (ITV), Top of the Pops (BBC), Sounds Like Friday Night (BBC) and Later with Jools Holland (BBC).
Follow Sharlene on Instagram: @supashar<\/a>
To find out more about the Dreamgirls tour, visit www.dreamgirlsthemusical.co.uk<\/a>
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10139567","SPECIAL: Andrew Tomlins, Founding Editor of West End Frame","
West End Frame launched as a theatre blog in February 2012 and went on to become the UK's top independent theatre website, renowned for breaking theatre news, reviewing major theatrical openings and interviewing the West End's biggest stars. West End Frame closed in October 2016, but returned in July 2019 with two stagey podcasts, The West End Frame Show and In The Frame.
Hosted by Matt Hemley
<\/em>@MattHemley <\/em><\/a>
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10151643","S6 Ep5: Richard Winsor, Tony in Saturday Night Fever","
Richard previously played this role on tour across the UK and internationally ahead of bringing the show to the Peacock Theatre in London.
Featuring the Bee Gees\u2019 greatest hits, Saturday Night Fever<\/em> tells the story of Tony Manero and his reckless road to dancing success. The role was originated by John Travolta in the 1977 film.
Richard started his career as a principal dancer for Matthew Bourne, starring in his productions of Spitfire, The Nutcracker, Play Without Words, Edward Scissorhands, The Car Man, Dorian Gray <\/em>and Swan Lake.<\/em> These shows have taken Richard around the world and to some of the most prestigious theatres.
Richard then ventured in television, playing Father Francis in Hollyoaks<\/em> and Caleb in BBC1's Casualty<\/em> for over 100 episodes.
His credits also include Swan Lake 3D <\/em>(Universal), Streetdance 3D<\/em> (BBC), Frankenstein<\/em> (Royal & Derngate), The Anastasia File<\/em> (Theatre Royal Windsor) and most recently he reunited with Matthew Bourne for The Midnight Bell <\/em>on tour.<\/p>
Visit www.sadlerswells.com<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10177415","S6 Ep6: Joseph Peacock, Donny Osmond in The Osmonds Musical","
With a story by Jay Osmond, The Osmonds <\/em>tells the true story of the five brothers from Utah who were pushed into the spotlight as children and went on to create smash hits, decade after decade. The musical premiered at Leicester Curve ahead of a UK and Ireland tour.
Having trained at Emil Dale Academy, Joseph's theatre credits include Young Gideon in The Last Ship <\/em>(US Tour), understudy Tink in Bat Out Of Hell<\/em> (London Coliseum & Dominion Theatre), Benjamin in Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat<\/em> (UK Tour) and Pete in Burnt Part Boys<\/em> (The Park Theatre).
The Osmonds tour is booking through to 3rd December 2022. Visit www.theosmondsmusical.co.uk<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10228326","S6 Ep7: Jordan Luke Gage, Romeo in And Juliet & Clyde in Bonnie and Clyde","
Having trained at Mountview, Jordan made his theatre debut as Marilyn in Taboo<\/em> (Brixton Clubhouse). He joined the West End production of Bat Out Of Hell <\/em>(Dominion Theatre) as an alternate for Strat, and later took over the role full-time from Andrew Polec to huge acclaim.
Jordan originated the role of Romeo in And Juliet <\/em>in Manchester, and continued with the show when it transferred to the West End (Shaftesbury Theatre). Before the show resumed its run after lockdown, Jordan starred as JD in the West End production of Heathers<\/em> (Theatre Royal Haymarket). He will soon star as Clyde in Bonnie and Clyde<\/em> (Arts Theatre).\u00a0
Follow Jordan on social media: @jordanlukegage<\/a>
Jordan completes his run in And Juliet<\/em> on Saturday 26th March, with performances of Bonnie and Clyde<\/em> beginning on Saturday 9th April.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10271376","S6 Ep8: Blair Gibson, Bob Gaudio in Jersey Boys","
Blair's theatre credits include: Erik in The Sorcerer\u2019s Apprentice <\/em>(London workshop), Shane in Game Night<\/em> (Drayton Arms Theatre), The Beast in Beauty & the Beast<\/em> (Corn Exchange Newbury), Prince Charming in Cinderella<\/em> (Bristol Hippodrome) and Mike Singer in Zanna, Don\u2019t!<\/em> (The Edinburgh Festival Fringe).\u00a0
The Jersey Boys<\/em> tour is currently booking until 3rd December 2022. Visit www.jerseyboysmusical.co.uk<\/a> for tour dates, info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk\u00a0
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10297878","The Practical 365 Podcast: S2 Ep39 - Teams Connect Shared Channels, New Devices and Exchange Licensing News","
Follow us on Twitter<\/a>, Facebook<\/a>, and Linkedin<\/a> to stay up to date on all things Microsoft!<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10306536","S6 Ep9: Cherelle Williams, Dorothy in The Wiz","
As a child, Cherelle attended the Sylvia Young Theatre School and made her West End debut as Young Nala in The Lion King <\/em>at the Lyceum Theatre.
After venturing into the music world, Cherelle returned to theatre as an adult to star as Mary Wilson in the original West End cast of Motown The Musical.<\/em> Cherelle was with the show for the entirety of its three year run. In addition to playing Mary, Cherelle covered the role of Diana Ross and played the role on numerous occasions.
Alongside her theatre work, Cherelle works in fashion and regularly gigs.
Cherelle won rave reviews for her performance as Dorothy in The Wiz. <\/em>Directed by Matthew Xia, The Wiz<\/em> is a joyous retelling of L. Frank Baum\u2019s classic children\u2019s novel \u2018The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\u2019 reflecting contemporary African-American culture.
You can follow Cherelle on Instagram: @cherellewilliamsxo<\/a>
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10349504","S6 Ep10: Cleve September, Ted Hinton in Bonnie and Clyde & John Laurens\/Philip Hamilton in Hamilton","
Directed by Nick Winston, this marks Bonnie and Clyde<\/em>'s West End premiere, ten years after the Broadway production. The show has music by Frank Wildhorn, lyrics by Don Black and book by Ivan Menchell.
Cleve was nominated for an Olivier Award for his performance as Philip Hamilton\/John Laurens in the West End premiere of Hamilton<\/em> (Victoria Palace).
His theatre credits also include: Sonny & understudy Usnavi in In The Heights<\/em> (King's Cross Theatre), Dick Whittington <\/em>(National Theatre), Hair<\/em> (Norwich Theatre), Jesus Christ Superstar <\/em>(Regent's Park Open Air Theatre), Tommy Keeler in Annie Get Your Gun <\/em>(Crucible Theatre), Elaine Paige's 50th Anniversary Farewell Tour <\/em>(Royal Albert Hall) and The Last Days of Troy<\/em> (The Globe Theatre).<\/p>
Visit www.bonnieandclydemusical.com<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10385047","The Practical 365 Podcast: S2 Ep40 - Teams features rolling out right now plus much more","
Follow us on Twitter<\/a>, Facebook<\/a>, and Linkedin<\/a> to stay up to date on all things Microsoft!<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10393227","S6 Ep11: Paige Fenlon, Luisa in Zorro The Musical","
Directed by Christian Durham, Zorro<\/em> has has music by The Gipsy Kings and book and lyrics by Stephen Clark. The show originally ran in the West End in 2008.
Paige made her theatrical debut as Rafeala\/Alma in Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens <\/em>at the Union Theatre.
She went on to appear in the ensemble of Oklahoma!<\/em> at Chichester Festival Theatre before joining the original West End production of Pretty Woman The Musical <\/em>at the Piccadilly Theatre, understudying Vivian.
Zorro<\/em> runs at the Charing Cross Theatre until 28th May 2022. Visit www.charingcrosstheatre.co.uk\/theatre\/zorro<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10441874","S6 Ep12: Chanel Haynes, Tina Turner in Tina The Musical","
Discovered by Quincy Jones while she was still a teenager, Chanel became a founding member of the gospel trio, Trinitee 5:7. As lead singer of the group, Chanel sold over 2.5 million albums worldwide and earned two Grammy nominations.
The trio spent nearly two decades entertaining audiences around the world in arenas ranging from Madison Square Garden to Wembley Stadium. The group was managed by Matthew Knowles.
Her first album went Platinum and spent 50 weeks on Billboard\u2019s top R&B albums chart, while both of her first two albums debuted at #1 on the Billboard Gospel chart.\u00a0
Chanel made her theatre debut starring as Billie Holiday in Lady Day at Emerson\u2019s Bar & Grill<\/em> at the Zach Theatre in Austin, Texas. For her performance, she won Best Leading Actress in a Musical at the B. Iden Payne Awards.
Chanel is making her West End debut as Tina Turner in Tina: The Tina Turner Musical<\/em> at the Aldwych Theatre. Chanel had an incredible journey landing the role, which led to her relocating her entire family to London.
In this special episode, recorded in Oxford Circus, Chanel discusses why she was drawn to playing Tina Turner onstage, the audition process and conquering one of the most demanding roles in the West End (plus lots more!).
Tina<\/em> is booking at the Aldwych Theatre until Sunday 18th December 2022. Visit www.tinathemusical.com<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10481849","100th Episode: Simon Bailey, The Duke in Moulin Rouge","
Simon's West End credits include:\u00a0Heathers<\/em> (Theatre Royal Haymarket & London workshop); Tommy DeVito in Jersey Boys<\/em> (Piccadilly Theatre & UK Tour); Liam O'Deary in I Can\u2019t Sing! <\/em>(London Palladium); Pharaoh in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat<\/em> (Gillian Lynne); understudy Galileo in We Will Rock You<\/em> (Dominion); Enjolras in Les Miserables<\/em> (Queen\u2019s Theatre); Raoul in The<\/em> Phantom of the Opera<\/em> (Her Majesty\u2019s); Passion <\/em>(Donmar Warehouse) and Romeo & Juliet! The Musical<\/em> (Piccadilly);.
Just a few of Simon's other credits include: Whisper House<\/em> (The Other Palace); Bat Boy<\/em> (Southwark Playhouse); Marry Me a Little<\/em> (St James Theatre); Striking 12<\/em> (Waterloo East Theatre); Parade <\/em>(Southwark Playhouse), An Officer and a Gentleman workshop<\/em> (Leicester Curve); Once Upon A Time at the Adelphi<\/em> (Liverpool Playhouse); Naked Flame<\/em> (England) and Rock Legend<\/em>s (South Africa).
Simon is currently starring as The Duke in the original West End cast of Moulin Rouge <\/em>at the Piccadilly Theatre.
Follow Simon on Instagram: @SimonBailey1210<\/a>
Moulin Rouge<\/em> is booking at the Piccadilly Theatre until Saturday 1st October 2022. Visit www.moulinrougemusical.co.uk<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thank you for supporting our first 100 episodes of In The Frame - there's lots more to come!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10509242","The Practical 365 Podcast: S3 Episode 1","
Follow us on Twitter<\/a>, Facebook<\/a>, and Linkedin<\/a> to stay up to date on all things Microsoft!<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10517536","S6 Ep14: Jocasta Almgill, Rizzo in Grease","
Directed by Nikolai Foster and choreographed by Dame Arlene Phillips, Grease<\/em> is returning to the Dominion Theatre where it previously ran in 1993.
Jocasta\u00a0 recently originated the role of Lady Capulet in the West End production of & Juliet <\/em>(Shaftesbury Theatre), whilst also understudying the roles of Nurse and Anne.
In 2016 Jocasta was nominated for West End Frame's Understudy of the Year Award, for covering the roles of Camila, Daniela and Vanessa in the London production of In The Heights <\/em>(King's Cross Theatre).
Her theatre credits also include: Joanne in Rent<\/em> (Hope Mill Theatre), Anita in West Side Story<\/em> (Royal Exchange), Yvonne in Sunshine On Leith<\/em> (West Yorkshire Playhouse) understudy Deena and Lorell in Dreamgirls<\/em> (West End), Ghost The Musical <\/em>(International Tour), Dynamite in Hairspray<\/em> (UK Tour) and Chicago<\/em> (Curve).
Grease<\/em> begins performances at the Dominion Theatre from 3rd May 2022. Visit www.greasemusical.co.uk<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10567716","S6 Ep15: Danny Whitehead, star of Passion & Raoul in The Phantom of the Opera","
Danny starred as Raoul in the West End production of The Phantom of the Opera <\/em>at Her Majesty\u2019s Theatre, as part of the final company of the original production.\u00a0<\/p>
Passion<\/em> runs at the Hope Mill Theatre until 5th June 2022. Visit www.hopemilltheatre.co.uk<\/a> for info and tickets.
Hosted by Andrew Tomlins.
<\/em>Thanks for listening!
Email: andrew@westendframe.co.uk
Visit westendframe.co.uk<\/a> for more info about our podcasts.\u00a0<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10591945","The Practical 365 Podcast: S3 Episode 2 - The New Future of Work, IOT, Office, Teams & Calendars","
Follow us on Twitter<\/a>, Facebook<\/a>, and Linkedin<\/a> to stay up to date on all things Microsoft!<\/p>","Buzzsprout-10608875","S6 Ep16: Daniel Koek, Robin in La Boh\u00e8me & star of Phantom Australia","
La Boh\u00e8me<\/em> returns to the King\u2019s Head Theatre in a new version which relocates the story to contemporary London. Directed by Mark Ravenhill, it's described as a "contemporary queer reinvention" of Puccini\u2019s classic opera.