Gosse Minnema
First version
history blame
9.16 kB
from typing import *
import torch
from allennlp.data.dataset_readers.dataset_utils.span_utils import bio_tags_to_spans
from allennlp.modules.seq2seq_encoders import Seq2SeqEncoder
from allennlp.modules.span_extractors import SpanExtractor
from allennlp.training.metrics import FBetaMeasure
from ..smooth_crf import SmoothCRF
from .span_finder import SpanFinder
from ...utils import num2mask, mask2idx, BIO
class BIOSpanFinder(SpanFinder):
Train BIO representations for span finding.
def __init__(
bio_encoder: Seq2SeqEncoder,
label_emb: torch.nn.Embedding,
no_label: bool = True,
self.bio_encoder = bio_encoder
self.label_emb = label_emb
self.classifier = torch.nn.Linear(bio_encoder.get_output_dim(), 3)
self.crf = SmoothCRF(3)
self.fb_measure = FBetaMeasure(1., 'micro', [BIO.index('B'), BIO.index('I')])
def forward(
token_vec: torch.Tensor,
token_mask: torch.Tensor,
span_vec: torch.Tensor,
span_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, # Do not need to provide
span_labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, # Do not need to provide
parent_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, # Do not need to provide
parent_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
bio_seqs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
prediction: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
See doc of SpanFinder.
Possible extra variables:
- loss
- prediction
ret = dict()
is_soft = span_labels.dtype != torch.int64
distinct_parent_indices, num_parents = mask2idx(parent_mask)
n_batch, n_parent = distinct_parent_indices.shape
n_token = token_vec.shape[1]
# Shape [batch, parent, token_dim]
parent_span_features = span_vec.gather(
1, distinct_parent_indices.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, span_vec.shape[2])
label_features = span_labels @ self.label_emb.weight if is_soft else self.label_emb(span_labels)
if self._no_label:
label_features = label_features.zero_()
# Shape [batch, span, label_dim]
parent_label_features = label_features.gather(
1, distinct_parent_indices.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, label_features.shape[2])
# Shape [batch, parent, token, token_dim*2]
encoder_inputs = torch.cat([
parent_span_features.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, n_token, -1),
token_vec.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, n_parent, -1, -1),
parent_label_features.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, n_token, -1),
], dim=3)
encoder_inputs = encoder_inputs.reshape(n_batch * n_parent, n_token, -1)
# Shape [batch, parent]. Considers batches may have fewer seqs.
seq_mask = num2mask(num_parents)
# Shape [batch, parent, token]. Also considers batches may have fewer tokens.
token_mask = seq_mask.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, n_token) & token_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, n_parent, -1)
class_in = self.bio_encoder(encoder_inputs, token_mask.flatten(0, 1))
class_out = self.classifier(class_in).reshape(n_batch, n_parent, n_token, 3)
if not prediction:
# For training
# We use `seq_mask` here because seq with length 0 is not acceptable.
ret['loss'] = -self.crf(class_out[seq_mask], bio_seqs[seq_mask], token_mask[seq_mask])
self.fb_measure(class_out[seq_mask], bio_seqs[seq_mask].max(2).indices, token_mask[seq_mask])
# For prediction
features_for_decode = class_out.clone().detach()
decoded = self.crf.viterbi_tags(features_for_decode.flatten(0, 1), token_mask.flatten(0, 1))
pred_tag = torch.tensor(
[path + [BIO.index('O')] * (n_token - len(path)) for path, _ in decoded]
pred_tag = pred_tag.reshape(n_batch, n_parent, n_token)
ret['prediction'] = pred_tag
return ret
def bio2boundary(seqs) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
def recursive_construct_spans(seqs_):
Helper function for bio2boundary
Recursively convert seqs of integers to boundary indices.
Return boundary indices and corresponding lens
if isinstance(seqs_, torch.Tensor):
if seqs_.device.type == 'cuda':
seqs_ = seqs_.to(device='cpu')
seqs_ = seqs_.tolist()
if isinstance(seqs_[0], int):
seqs_ = [BIO[i] for i in seqs_]
span_boundary_list = bio_tags_to_spans(seqs_)
return torch.tensor([item[1] for item in span_boundary_list]), len(span_boundary_list)
span_boundary = list()
lens_ = list()
for seq in seqs_:
one_bou, one_len = recursive_construct_spans(seq)
if isinstance(lens_[0], int):
lens_ = torch.tensor(lens_)
lens_ = torch.stack(lens_)
return span_boundary, lens_
boundary_list, lens = recursive_construct_spans(seqs)
max_span = int(lens.max())
boundary = torch.zeros((*lens.shape, max_span, 2), dtype=torch.long)
def recursive_copy(list_var, tensor_var):
if len(list_var) == 0:
if isinstance(list_var, torch.Tensor):
tensor_var[:len(list_var)] = list_var
assert len(list_var) == len(tensor_var)
for list_var_, tensor_var_ in zip(list_var, tensor_var):
recursive_copy(list_var_, tensor_var_)
recursive_copy(boundary_list, boundary)
return boundary, lens
def inference_forward_handler(
token_vec: torch.Tensor,
token_mask: torch.Tensor,
span_extractor: SpanExtractor,
) -> Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], None]:
Refer to the doc of the SpanFinder for definition of this function.
def handler(
span_boundary: torch.Tensor,
span_labels: torch.Tensor,
parent_mask: torch.Tensor,
parent_indices: torch.Tensor,
cursor: torch.tensor,
Refer to the doc of the SpanFinder for definition of this function.
max_decoding_span = span_boundary.shape[1]
# Shape [batch, span, token_dim]
span_vec = span_extractor(token_vec, span_boundary)
# Shape [batch, parent]
parent_indices_at_span, _ = mask2idx(parent_mask)
pred_bio = self(
token_vec, token_mask, span_vec, None, span_labels, None, parent_mask, prediction=True
# Shape [batch, parent, span, 2]; Shape [batch, parent]
pred_boundary, pred_num = self.bio2boundary(pred_bio)
if pred_boundary.device != span_boundary.device:
pred_boundary = pred_boundary.to(device=span_boundary.device)
pred_num = pred_num.to(device=span_boundary.device)
# Shape [batch, parent, span]
pred_mask = num2mask(pred_num)
# Parent Loop
for pred_boundary_parent, pred_mask_parent, parent_indices_parent \
in zip(pred_boundary.unbind(1), pred_mask.unbind(1), parent_indices_at_span.unbind(1)):
for pred_boundary_step, step_mask in zip(pred_boundary_parent.unbind(1), pred_mask_parent.unbind(1)):
step_mask &= cursor < max_decoding_span
parent_indices[step_mask] = parent_indices[step_mask].scatter(
span_boundary[step_mask] = span_boundary[step_mask].scatter(
cursor[step_mask].reshape(-1, 1, 1).expand(-1, -1, 2),
cursor[step_mask] += 1
return handler
def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]:
score = self.fb_measure.get_metric(reset)
if reset:
return {
'finder_p': score['precision'] * 100,
'finder_r': score['recall'] * 100,
'finder_f': score['fscore'] * 100,
return {'finder_f': score['fscore'] * 100}