gpt-99's picture
ac41dc3 verified
import gradio as gr
import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
from einops import einsum
from tqdm import tqdm
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model_name = 'microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct'
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
def tokenize_instructions(tokenizer, instructions):
return tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
def find_steering_vecs(model, base_toks, target_toks, batch_size = 16):
We want to find the steering vector from base_toks to target_toks (we do target_toks - base_toks)
:param model: the model to use
:param base_toks: the base tokens [len, seq_len]
:param target_toks: the target tokens [len, seq_len]
:return steering_vecs: the steering vectors [hidden_size]
device = model.device
num_its = len(range(0, base_toks.shape[0], batch_size))
steering_vecs = {}
for i in tqdm(range(0, base_toks.shape[0], batch_size)):
# pass through the model
base_out = model(base_toks[i:i+batch_size].to(device), output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states # tuple of length num_layers with each element size [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size]
target_out = model(target_toks[i:i+batch_size].to(device), output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states
for layer in range(len(base_out)):
# average over the batch_size, take last token
if i == 0:
steering_vecs[layer] = torch.mean(target_out[layer][:,-1,:].detach().cpu() - base_out[layer][:,-1,:].detach().cpu(), dim=0)/num_its # [hidden_size]
steering_vecs[layer] += torch.mean(target_out[layer][:,-1,:].detach().cpu() - base_out[layer][:,-1,:].detach().cpu(), dim=0)/num_its
return steering_vecs
def do_steering(model, test_toks, steering_vec, scale = 1, normalise = True, layer = None, proj=True, batch_size=16):
:param model: the model to use
:param test_toks: the test tokens [len, seq_len]
:param steering_vec: the steering vector [hidden_size]
:param scale: the scale to use
:param layer: the layer to modify; if None: we modify all layers.
:param proj: whether to project the steering vector
:return output: the steered model output [len, generated_seq_len]
# define a hook to modify the input into the layer
if steering_vec is not None:
def modify_activation():
def hook(model, input):
if normalise:
sv = steering_vec / steering_vec.norm()
sv = steering_vec
if proj:
sv = einsum(input[0], sv.view(-1,1), 'b l h, h s -> b l s') * sv
input[0][:,:,:] = input[0][:,:,:] - scale * sv
return hook
handles = []
for i in range(len(model.model.layers)):
if layer is None: # append to each layer
elif layer is not None and i == layer:
# pass through the model
outs_all = []
for i in tqdm(range(0, test_toks.shape[0], batch_size)):
outs = model.generate(test_toks[i:i+batch_size], max_new_tokens=60) # [num_samples, seq_len]
outs_all =, dim=0)
# remove all hooks
if steering_vec is not None:
for handle in handles:
return outs_all
def create_steering_vector(towards, away):
towards_data = [[{"role": "user", "content": text.strip()}] for text in towards.split(',')]
away_data = [[{"role": "user", "content": text.strip()}] for text in away.split(',')]
towards_toks = tokenize_instructions(tokenizer, towards_data)
away_toks = tokenize_instructions(tokenizer, away_data)
steering_vecs = find_steering_vecs(model, away_toks, towards_toks)
return steering_vecs
def chat(message, history, towards, away, layer_value):
steering_vec = create_steering_vector(towards, away)
layer = int(layer_value)
history_formatted = [{"role": "user", "content": message}]
print(f"layer {layer}")
print(f"steering vec {steering_vec}")
print(f"steering vec chosen {steering_vec[layer]}")
input_ids = tokenize_instructions(tokenizer, [history_formatted])
generations_baseline = do_steering(model,, None)
for j in range(generations_baseline.shape[0]):
response_baseline = f"BASELINE: {tokenizer.decode(generations_baseline[j], skip_special_tokens=True)}"
if steering_vec is not None:
generation_intervene = do_steering(model,, steering_vec[layer].to(device), scale=3, layer=layer)
for j in range(generation_intervene.shape[0]):
response_intervention = f"INTERVENTION: {tokenizer.decode(generation_intervene[j], skip_special_tokens=True)}"
response = response_baseline
if steering_vec is not None:
response += "\n\n" + response_intervention
return [(message, response)]
def launch_app():
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
steering_vec = gr.State(None)
layer = gr.State(6)
away_default = ['hate','i hate this', 'hating the', 'hater', 'hating', 'hated in']
towards_default = ['love','i love this', 'loving the', 'lover', 'loving', 'loved in']
instructions = """
### Instructions for Using the Steering Chatbot
Welcome to the Steering Chatbot! This app allows you to explore how language models can be guided (or "steered")
to generate different types of responses. You will be able to create **steering vectors** that influence the chatbot to either generate responses
that favor one set of ideas (like "love") or avoid another set (like "hate").
#### How to Use the App:
1. **Define Your "Towards" and "Away" Directions:**
- In the **"Towards"** text box, enter a list of concepts, words, or phrases (comma-separated) that you want the model to generate responses toward.
For example, you might use: `love, happiness, kindness`.
- In the **"Away"** text box, enter a list of concepts, words, or phrases that you want the model to steer away from.
For example: `hate, anger, sadness`.
2. **Create a Steering Vector:**
- Click the **"Create Steering Vector"** button to generate a vector that will nudge the model’s responses.
This vector will attempt to shift the model’s behavior towards the concepts in the "Towards" box and away from the concepts in the "Away" box.
- You can also adjust the **layer slider** to choose which layer of the model the steering vector will affect.
- make sure you have equal examples of towards & away or the app will throw an error
3. **Chat with the Model:**
- Type a message in the chatbox and press Enter. The model will generate two responses:
- **Baseline Response:** This is the model’s response without any steering vector applied.
- **Intervention Response:** This is the response after applying the steering vector.
4. **Compare Results:**
- The chatbot will show both the baseline (non-steered) and the intervention (steered) responses.
You can compare them to see how much influence the steering vector had on the generated text.
- Try experimenting with different word sets for "Towards" and "Away" to see how it affects the chatbot's behavior.
- Adjusting the **layer slider** allows you to control at which stage of the model's processing the steering vector is applied,
which can lead to different types of modifications in the output.
Happy chatting!
instruction_dropdown = gr.Markdown(instructions)
with gr.Row():
towards = gr.Textbox(label="Towards (comma-separated)", value= ", ".join(sentence.replace(",", "") for sentence in towards_default))
away = gr.Textbox(label="Away from (comma-separated)", value= ", ".join(sentence.replace(",", "") for sentence in away_default))
with gr.Row():
create_vector = gr.Button("Create Steering Vector")
layer_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=len(model.model.layers)-1, step=1, label="Layer")
def create_vector_and_set_layer(towards, away, layer_value):
vectors = create_steering_vector(towards, away)
layer.value = int(layer_value)
steering_vec.value = vectors
print(f"layer {layer.value}")
return f"Steering vector created for layer {layer_value}", [towards, away, layer_slider], gr.Textbox())
chatbot = gr.Chatbot()
msg = gr.Textbox()
msg.submit(chat, [msg, chatbot, towards, away, layer_slider], chatbot)
if __name__ == "__main__":
## steering vec is being generated correctly, why is it NOT passing through?