from collections import namedtuple |
import os |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import yaml |
from torch.nn import functional as F |
from .layers.Resnet import ResNet |
from .layers.smpl.SMPL import SMPL_layer |
ModelOutput = namedtuple( |
typename='ModelOutput', |
field_names=[ |
'pred_shape', 'pred_theta_mats', 'pred_phi', 'pred_delta_shape', |
'pred_leaf', 'pred_uvd_jts', 'pred_xyz_jts_29', 'pred_xyz_jts_24', |
'pred_xyz_jts_24_struct', 'pred_xyz_jts_17', 'pred_vertices', |
'maxvals', 'cam_scale', 'cam_trans', 'cam_root', 'uvd_heatmap', |
'transl', 'img_feat', 'pred_camera', 'pred_aa' |
]) |
ModelOutput.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, ) * len(ModelOutput._fields) |
def update_config(config_file): |
with open(config_file) as f: |
config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) |
return config |
def norm_heatmap(norm_type, heatmap): |
shape = heatmap.shape |
if norm_type == 'softmax': |
heatmap = heatmap.reshape(*shape[:2], -1) |
heatmap = F.softmax(heatmap, 2) |
return heatmap.reshape(*shape) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
class HybrIKBaseSMPLCam(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, |
cfg_file, |
smpl_path, |
data_path, |
norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d): |
super(HybrIKBaseSMPLCam, self).__init__() |
cfg = update_config(cfg_file)['MODEL'] |
self.deconv_dim = cfg['NUM_DECONV_FILTERS'] |
self._norm_layer = norm_layer |
self.num_joints = cfg['NUM_JOINTS'] |
self.norm_type = cfg['POST']['NORM_TYPE'] |
self.depth_dim = cfg['EXTRA']['DEPTH_DIM'] |
self.height_dim = cfg['HEATMAP_SIZE'][0] |
self.width_dim = cfg['HEATMAP_SIZE'][1] |
self.smpl_dtype = torch.float32 |
backbone = ResNet |
self.preact = backbone(f"resnet{cfg['NUM_LAYERS']}") |
import torchvision.models as tm |
if cfg['NUM_LAYERS'] == 101: |
''' Load pretrained model ''' |
x = tm.resnet101(pretrained=True) |
self.feature_channel = 2048 |
elif cfg['NUM_LAYERS'] == 50: |
x = tm.resnet50(pretrained=True) |
self.feature_channel = 2048 |
elif cfg['NUM_LAYERS'] == 34: |
x = tm.resnet34(pretrained=True) |
self.feature_channel = 512 |
elif cfg['NUM_LAYERS'] == 18: |
x = tm.resnet18(pretrained=True) |
self.feature_channel = 512 |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
model_state = self.preact.state_dict() |
state = { |
k: v |
for k, v in x.state_dict().items() |
if k in self.preact.state_dict() |
and v.size() == self.preact.state_dict()[k].size() |
} |
model_state.update(state) |
self.preact.load_state_dict(model_state) |
self.deconv_layers = self._make_deconv_layer() |
self.final_layer = nn.Conv2d(self.deconv_dim[2], |
self.num_joints * self.depth_dim, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
padding=0) |
h36m_jregressor = np.load( |
os.path.join(data_path, 'J_regressor_h36m.npy')) |
self.smpl = SMPL_layer(smpl_path, |
h36m_jregressor=h36m_jregressor, |
dtype=self.smpl_dtype) |
self.joint_pairs_24 = ((1, 2), (4, 5), (7, 8), (10, 11), (13, 14), |
(16, 17), (18, 19), (20, 21), (22, 23)) |
self.joint_pairs_29 = ((1, 2), (4, 5), (7, 8), (10, 11), (13, 14), |
(16, 17), (18, 19), (20, 21), (22, 23), |
(25, 26), (27, 28)) |
self.leaf_pairs = ((0, 1), (3, 4)) |
self.root_idx_smpl = 0 |
init_shape = np.load(os.path.join(data_path, 'h36m_mean_beta.npy')) |
self.register_buffer('init_shape', torch.Tensor(init_shape).float()) |
init_cam = torch.tensor([0.9, 0, 0]) |
self.register_buffer('init_cam', torch.Tensor(init_cam).float()) |
self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) |
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(self.feature_channel, 1024) |
self.drop1 = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) |
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(1024, 1024) |
self.drop2 = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) |
self.decshape = nn.Linear(1024, 10) |
self.decphi = nn.Linear(1024, 23 * 2) |
self.deccam = nn.Linear(1024, 3) |
self.focal_length = cfg['FOCAL_LENGTH'] |
self.input_size = 256.0 |
def _make_deconv_layer(self): |
deconv_layers = [] |
deconv1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(self.feature_channel, |
self.deconv_dim[0], |
kernel_size=4, |
stride=2, |
padding=int(4 / 2) - 1, |
bias=False) |
bn1 = self._norm_layer(self.deconv_dim[0]) |
deconv2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(self.deconv_dim[0], |
self.deconv_dim[1], |
kernel_size=4, |
stride=2, |
padding=int(4 / 2) - 1, |
bias=False) |
bn2 = self._norm_layer(self.deconv_dim[1]) |
deconv3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(self.deconv_dim[1], |
self.deconv_dim[2], |
kernel_size=4, |
stride=2, |
padding=int(4 / 2) - 1, |
bias=False) |
bn3 = self._norm_layer(self.deconv_dim[2]) |
deconv_layers.append(deconv1) |
deconv_layers.append(bn1) |
deconv_layers.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) |
deconv_layers.append(deconv2) |
deconv_layers.append(bn2) |
deconv_layers.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) |
deconv_layers.append(deconv3) |
deconv_layers.append(bn3) |
deconv_layers.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) |
return nn.Sequential(*deconv_layers) |
def _initialize(self): |
for name, m in self.deconv_layers.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d): |
nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.001) |
elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): |
nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) |
nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) |
for m in self.final_layer.modules(): |
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): |
nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.001) |
nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) |
def flip_uvd_coord(self, pred_jts, shift=False, flatten=True): |
if flatten: |
assert pred_jts.dim() == 2 |
num_batches = pred_jts.shape[0] |
pred_jts = pred_jts.reshape(num_batches, self.num_joints, 3) |
else: |
assert pred_jts.dim() == 3 |
num_batches = pred_jts.shape[0] |
if shift: |
pred_jts[:, :, 0] = -pred_jts[:, :, 0] |
else: |
pred_jts[:, :, 0] = -1 / self.width_dim - pred_jts[:, :, 0] |
for pair in self.joint_pairs_29: |
dim0, dim1 = pair |
idx = torch.Tensor((dim0, dim1)).long() |
inv_idx = torch.Tensor((dim1, dim0)).long() |
pred_jts[:, idx] = pred_jts[:, inv_idx] |
if flatten: |
pred_jts = pred_jts.reshape(num_batches, self.num_joints * 3) |
return pred_jts |
def flip_xyz_coord(self, pred_jts, flatten=True): |
if flatten: |
assert pred_jts.dim() == 2 |
num_batches = pred_jts.shape[0] |
pred_jts = pred_jts.reshape(num_batches, self.num_joints, 3) |
else: |
assert pred_jts.dim() == 3 |
num_batches = pred_jts.shape[0] |
pred_jts[:, :, 0] = -pred_jts[:, :, 0] |
for pair in self.joint_pairs_29: |
dim0, dim1 = pair |
idx = torch.Tensor((dim0, dim1)).long() |
inv_idx = torch.Tensor((dim1, dim0)).long() |
pred_jts[:, idx] = pred_jts[:, inv_idx] |
if flatten: |
pred_jts = pred_jts.reshape(num_batches, self.num_joints * 3) |
return pred_jts |
def flip_phi(self, pred_phi): |
pred_phi[:, :, 1] = -1 * pred_phi[:, :, 1] |
for pair in self.joint_pairs_24: |
dim0, dim1 = pair |
idx = torch.Tensor((dim0 - 1, dim1 - 1)).long() |
inv_idx = torch.Tensor((dim1 - 1, dim0 - 1)).long() |
pred_phi[:, idx] = pred_phi[:, inv_idx] |
return pred_phi |
def forward(self, |
x, |
flip_item=None, |
flip_output=False, |
gt_uvd=None, |
gt_uvd_weight=None, |
**kwargs): |
batch_size = x.shape[0] |
x0 = self.preact(x) |
out = self.deconv_layers(x0) |
out = self.final_layer(out) |
out = out.reshape((out.shape[0], self.num_joints, -1)) |
maxvals, _ = torch.max(out, dim=2, keepdim=True) |
out = norm_heatmap(self.norm_type, out) |
assert out.dim() == 3, out.shape |
heatmaps = out / out.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) |
heatmaps = heatmaps.reshape( |
(heatmaps.shape[0], self.num_joints, self.depth_dim, |
self.height_dim, self.width_dim)) |
hm_x0 = heatmaps.sum((2, 3)) |
hm_y0 = heatmaps.sum((2, 4)) |
hm_z0 = heatmaps.sum((3, 4)) |
range_tensor = torch.arange(hm_x0.shape[-1], |
dtype=torch.float32, |
device=hm_x0.device) |
hm_x = hm_x0 * range_tensor |
hm_y = hm_y0 * range_tensor |
hm_z = hm_z0 * range_tensor |
coord_x = hm_x.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) |
coord_y = hm_y.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) |
coord_z = hm_z.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) |
coord_x = coord_x / float(self.width_dim) - 0.5 |
coord_y = coord_y / float(self.height_dim) - 0.5 |
coord_z = coord_z / float(self.depth_dim) - 0.5 |
pred_uvd_jts_29 = torch.cat((coord_x, coord_y, coord_z), dim=2) |
x0 = self.avg_pool(x0) |
x0 = x0.view(x0.size(0), -1) |
init_shape = self.init_shape.expand(batch_size, -1) |
init_cam = self.init_cam.expand(batch_size, -1) |
xc = x0 |
xc = self.fc1(xc) |
xc = self.drop1(xc) |
xc = self.fc2(xc) |
xc = self.drop2(xc) |
delta_shape = self.decshape(xc) |
pred_shape = delta_shape + init_shape |
pred_phi = self.decphi(xc) |
pred_camera = self.deccam(xc).reshape(batch_size, -1) + init_cam |
camScale = pred_camera[:, :1].unsqueeze(1) |
camTrans = pred_camera[:, 1:].unsqueeze(1) |
camDepth = self.focal_length / (self.input_size * camScale + 1e-9) |
pred_xyz_jts_29 = torch.zeros_like(pred_uvd_jts_29) |
pred_xyz_jts_29[:, :, 2:] = pred_uvd_jts_29[:, :, |
2:].clone() |
pred_xyz_jts_29_meter = (pred_uvd_jts_29[:, :, :2] * self.input_size / self.focal_length) \ |
* (pred_xyz_jts_29[:, :, 2:]*2.2 + camDepth) - camTrans |
pred_xyz_jts_29[:, :, :2] = pred_xyz_jts_29_meter / 2.2 |
camera_root = pred_xyz_jts_29[:, [0], ] * 2.2 |
camera_root[:, :, :2] += camTrans |
camera_root[:, :, [2]] += camDepth |
if not self.training: |
pred_xyz_jts_29 = pred_xyz_jts_29 - pred_xyz_jts_29[:, [0]] |
if flip_item is not None: |
assert flip_output is not None |
pred_xyz_jts_29_orig, pred_phi_orig, pred_leaf_orig, pred_shape_orig = flip_item |
if flip_output: |
pred_xyz_jts_29 = self.flip_xyz_coord(pred_xyz_jts_29, |
flatten=False) |
if flip_output and flip_item is not None: |
pred_xyz_jts_29 = (pred_xyz_jts_29 + pred_xyz_jts_29_orig.reshape( |
batch_size, 29, 3)) / 2 |
pred_xyz_jts_29_flat = pred_xyz_jts_29.reshape(batch_size, -1) |
pred_phi = pred_phi.reshape(batch_size, 23, 2) |
if flip_output: |
pred_phi = self.flip_phi(pred_phi) |
if flip_output and flip_item is not None: |
pred_phi = (pred_phi + pred_phi_orig) / 2 |
pred_shape = (pred_shape + pred_shape_orig) / 2 |
output = self.smpl.hybrik( |
pose_skeleton=pred_xyz_jts_29.type(self.smpl_dtype) * |
2.2, |
betas=pred_shape.type(self.smpl_dtype), |
phis=pred_phi.type(self.smpl_dtype), |
global_orient=None, |
return_verts=True) |
pred_vertices = output.vertices.float() |
pred_xyz_jts_24_struct = output.joints.float() / 2 |
pred_xyz_jts_17 = output.joints_from_verts.float() / 2 |
pred_theta_mats = output.rot_mats.float().reshape(batch_size, 24, 3, 3) |
pred_xyz_jts_24 = pred_xyz_jts_29[:, :24, :].reshape(batch_size, |
72) / 2 |
pred_xyz_jts_24_struct = pred_xyz_jts_24_struct.reshape(batch_size, 72) |
pred_xyz_jts_17_flat = pred_xyz_jts_17.reshape(batch_size, 17 * 3) |
transl = pred_xyz_jts_29[:, 0, :] * \ |
2.2 - pred_xyz_jts_17[:, 0, :] * 2.2 |
transl[:, :2] += camTrans[:, 0] |
transl[:, 2] += camDepth[:, 0, 0] |
new_cam = torch.zeros_like(transl) |
new_cam[:, 1:] = transl[:, :2] |
new_cam[:, 0] = self.focal_length / \ |
(self.input_size * transl[:, 2] + 1e-9) |
output = dict( |
pred_phi=pred_phi, |
pred_delta_shape=delta_shape, |
pred_shape=pred_shape, |
pred_theta_mats=pred_theta_mats, |
pred_uvd_jts=pred_uvd_jts_29.reshape(batch_size, -1), |
pred_xyz_jts_29=pred_xyz_jts_29_flat, |
pred_xyz_jts_24=pred_xyz_jts_24, |
pred_xyz_jts_24_struct=pred_xyz_jts_24_struct, |
pred_xyz_jts_17=pred_xyz_jts_17_flat, |
pred_vertices=pred_vertices, |
maxvals=maxvals, |
cam_scale=camScale[:, 0], |
cam_trans=camTrans[:, 0], |
cam_root=camera_root, |
pred_camera=new_cam, |
transl=transl, |
) |
return output |
def forward_gt_theta(self, gt_theta, gt_beta): |
output = self.smpl(pose_axis_angle=gt_theta, |
betas=gt_beta, |
global_orient=None, |
return_verts=True) |
return output |