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This code file mainly comes from https://github.com/dmlc/gluon-cv/blob/master/gluoncv/utils/filesystem.py
import os
import os.path as osp
import errno
def get_model_dir(name, root='~/.insightface'):
root = os.path.expanduser(root)
model_dir = osp.join(root, 'models', name)
return model_dir
def makedirs(path):
"""Create directory recursively if not exists.
Similar to `makedir -p`, you can skip checking existence before this function.
path : str
Path of the desired dir
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def try_import(package, message=None):
"""Try import specified package, with custom message support.
package : str
The name of the targeting package.
message : str, default is None
If not None, this function will raise customized error message when import error is found.
module if found, raise ImportError otherwise
return __import__(package)
except ImportError as e:
if not message:
raise e
raise ImportError(message)
def try_import_cv2():
"""Try import cv2 at runtime.
cv2 module if found. Raise ImportError otherwise
msg = "cv2 is required, you can install by package manager, e.g. 'apt-get', \
or `pip install opencv-python --user` (note that this is unofficial PYPI package)."
return try_import('cv2', msg)
def try_import_mmcv():
"""Try import mmcv at runtime.
mmcv module if found. Raise ImportError otherwise
msg = "mmcv is required, you can install by first `pip install Cython --user` \
and then `pip install mmcv --user` (note that this is unofficial PYPI package)."
return try_import('mmcv', msg)
def try_import_rarfile():
"""Try import rarfile at runtime.
rarfile module if found. Raise ImportError otherwise
msg = "rarfile is required, you can install by first `sudo apt-get install unrar` \
and then `pip install rarfile --user` (note that this is unofficial PYPI package)."
return try_import('rarfile', msg)
def import_try_install(package, extern_url=None):
"""Try import the specified package.
If the package not installed, try use pip to install and import if success.
package : str
The name of the package trying to import.
extern_url : str or None, optional
The external url if package is not hosted on PyPI.
For example, you can install a package using:
"pip install git+http://github.com/user/repo/tarball/master/egginfo=xxx".
In this case, you can pass the url to the extern_url.
<class 'Module'>
The imported python module.
return __import__(package)
except ImportError:
from pip import main as pipmain
except ImportError:
from pip._internal import main as pipmain
# trying to install package
url = package if extern_url is None else extern_url
pipmain(['install', '--user',
url]) # will raise SystemExit Error if fails
# trying to load again
return __import__(package)
except ImportError:
import sys
import site
user_site = site.getusersitepackages()
if user_site not in sys.path:
return __import__(package)
return __import__(package)
def try_import_dali():
"""Try import NVIDIA DALI at runtime.
dali = __import__('nvidia.dali', fromlist=['pipeline', 'ops', 'types'])
dali.Pipeline = dali.pipeline.Pipeline
except ImportError:
class dali:
class Pipeline:
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"DALI not found, please check if you installed it correctly."
return dali