import gradio as gr import torch import json from nltk.corpus import wordnet from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer from models import BERTLstmCRF from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download import os import nltk os.system("python -m nltk.downloader all") checkpoint = "gundruke/bert-lstm-crf-absa" config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(checkpoint) id2label = config.id2label tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gundruke/bert-lstm-crf-absa") model = BERTLstmCRF(config) repo = "gundruke/bert-lstm-crf-absa" filename = "pytorch_model.bin" model.load_state_dict(torch.load(hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo, filename=filename), map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) dictionary_file_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo, filename="dictionary.json") def tokenize_text(text): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) tokenized_text = tokenizer(text) return tokens, tokenized_text def convert_to_multilabel(label_list): multilabel = [] if "B-POS" in label_list or "I-POS" in label_list: multilabel.append("Positive") if "B-NEG" in label_list or "I-NEG" in label_list: multilabel.append("Negative") if "B-NEU" in label_list or "I-NEU" in label_list: multilabel.append("Neutral") return " and ".join(multilabel) def classify_word(word, dictionary): synsets = wordnet.synsets(word) if synsets: hypernyms = synsets[0].hypernyms() # Get the hypernym of the first synset if hypernyms: nltk_result = hypernyms[0].lemmas()[0].name() else: nltk_result = "Unknown" else: nltk_result = "Unknown" if word in dictionary: result = dictionary[word] elif nltk_result in ['atmosphere', 'drinks', 'food', 'price', 'service']: result = nltk_result else: result = 'other' return result, nltk_result def get_outputs(tokenized_text): input_ids = tokenized_text["input_ids"] token_type_ids = tokenized_text["token_type_ids"] attention_mask = tokenized_text["attention_mask"] inputs = { 'input_ids': torch.tensor([input_ids]), 'token_type_ids': torch.tensor([token_type_ids]), 'attention_mask': torch.tensor([attention_mask]) } with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) labels = [id2label.get(i) for i in torch.flatten(outputs[1]).tolist()][1:-1] return labels def join_wordpieces(tokens, labels): joined_tokens = [] for token, label in zip(tokens, labels): if label == "O": label = None if token.startswith("##"): last_token = joined_tokens[-1][0] joined_tokens[-1] = (last_token+token[2:], label) else: joined_tokens.append((token, label)) return joined_tokens def get_category(word, dict_file): with open(dict_file, "r") as file: dictionary = json.load(file) r, n = classify_word(word, dictionary) return r def text_analysis(text): tokens, tokenized_text = tokenize_text(text) labels = get_outputs(tokenized_text) multilabel = convert_to_multilabel(labels) token_tuple = join_wordpieces(tokens, labels) tokenized_text["tokens"] = tokens categories = [] for tok in token_tuple: if tok[1]: categories.append((tok[0], get_category(tok[0], dictionary_file_path))) else: categories.append((tok[0], None)) return token_tuple, multilabel, categories theme = gr.themes.Base() with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as demo: with gr.Column(): input_textbox = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter sentence here...") btn = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary"), inputs=input_textbox, outputs=[gr.HighlightedText(label="Token labels"), gr.Label(label="Multilabel classification"), gr.HighlightedText(label="Category")], queue=False) with gr.Column(): examples=[ ["I've been coming here as a child and always come back for the taste."], ["The tea is great and all the sweets are homemade."], ["Strong build which really adds to its durability but poor battery life."], ["We loved the recommendation for the wine, and I think the eggplant parmigiana appetizer should become an entree."], ["chicken pasta was tasty, wine was super nice but waiter was rude."] ] gr.Examples(examples, input_textbox) demo.launch(debug=True)