deep_privacy2_face / dp2 /detection /
haakohu's picture
import torch
import tops
import lzma
from torchvision.models.detection import keypointrcnn_resnet50_fpn, KeypointRCNN_ResNet50_FPN_Weights
from .base import BaseDetector
from face_detection import build_detector as build_face_detector
from .structures import FaceDetection
from tops import logger
from pathlib import Path
def is_keypoint_within_bbox(x0, y0, x1, y1, keypoint):
keypoint = keypoint[:3, :] # only nose + eyes are relevant
kp_X = keypoint[:, 0]
kp_Y = keypoint[:, 1]
within_X = (kp_X >= x0).all() and (kp_X <= x1).all()
within_Y = (kp_Y >= y0).all() and (kp_Y <= y1).all()
return within_X and within_Y
def match_bbox_keypoint(bounding_boxes, keypoints):
bounding_boxes shape: [N, 5]
keypoints: [N persons, K keypoints, (x, y)]
if len(bounding_boxes) == 0 or len(keypoints) == 0:
return torch.empty((0, 5)), torch.empty((0, 7, 2))
assert bounding_boxes.shape[1] == 4,\
f"Shape was : {bounding_boxes.shape}"
assert keypoints.shape[-1] == 2,\
f"Expected (x,y) in last axis, got: {keypoints.shape}"
assert keypoints.shape[1] in (5, 7),\
f"Expeted 5 or 7 keypoints. Keypoint shape was: {keypoints.shape}"
matches = []
for bbox_idx, bbox in enumerate(bounding_boxes):
keypoint = None
for kp_idx, keypoint in enumerate(keypoints):
if kp_idx in (x[1] for x in matches):
if is_keypoint_within_bbox(*bbox, keypoint):
matches.append((bbox_idx, kp_idx))
keypoint_idx = [x[1] for x in matches]
bbox_idx = [x[0] for x in matches]
return bounding_boxes[bbox_idx], keypoints[keypoint_idx]
class DeepPrivacy1Detector(BaseDetector):
def __init__(self,
keypoint_threshold: float,
score_threshold: float,
self.keypoint_detector = tops.to_cuda(keypointrcnn_resnet50_fpn(
self.keypoint_threshold = keypoint_threshold
self.face_detector = build_face_detector(**face_detector_cfg, confidence_threshold=score_threshold)
self.face_mean = tops.to_cuda(torch.from_numpy(self.face_detector.mean).view(3, 1, 1))
self.face_post_process_cfg = face_post_process_cfg
def _detect_faces(self, im: torch.Tensor):
H, W = im.shape[1:]
im = im.float() - self.face_mean
im = self.face_detector.resize(im[None], 1.0)
boxes_XYXY = self.face_detector._batched_detect(im)[0][:, :-1] # Remove score
boxes_XYXY[:, [0, 2]] *= W
boxes_XYXY[:, [1, 3]] *= H
return boxes_XYXY.round().long().cpu()
def _detect_keypoints(self, img: torch.Tensor):
img = img.float() / 255
outputs = self.keypoint_detector([img])
# Shape: [N persons, K keypoints, (x,y,visibility)]
keypoints = outputs[0]["keypoints"]
scores = outputs[0]["scores"]
assert list(scores) == sorted(list(scores))[::-1]
mask = scores >= self.keypoint_threshold
keypoints = keypoints[mask, :, :2]
return keypoints[:, :7, :2]
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)
def forward(self, im: torch.Tensor):
face_boxes = self._detect_faces(im)
keypoints = self._detect_keypoints(im)
face_boxes, keypoints = match_bbox_keypoint(face_boxes, keypoints)
face_boxes = FaceDetection(face_boxes, **self.face_post_process_cfg, keypoints=keypoints)
return [face_boxes]
def load_from_cache(self, cache_path: Path):
logger.log(f"Loading detection from cache path: {cache_path}",)
with, "rb") as fp:
state_dict = torch.load(fp, map_location="cpu")
kwargs = self.face_post_process_cfg
return [
state["cls"].from_state_dict(**kwargs, state_dict=state)
for state in state_dict