import torch import numpy as np import tqdm import tops from ..layers import Module from ..layers.sg2_layers import FullyConnectedLayer class BaseGenerator(Module): def __init__(self, z_channels: int): super().__init__() self.z_channels = z_channels self.latent_space = "Z" @torch.no_grad() def get_z( self, x: torch.Tensor = None, z: torch.Tensor = None, truncation_value: float = None, batch_size: int = None, dtype=None, device=None) -> torch.Tensor: """Generates a latent variable for generator. """ if z is not None: return z if x is not None: batch_size = x.shape[0] dtype = x.dtype device = x.device if device is None: device = tops.get_device() if truncation_value == 0: return torch.zeros((batch_size, self.z_channels), device=device, dtype=dtype) z = torch.randn((batch_size, self.z_channels), device=device, dtype=dtype) if truncation_value is None: return z while z.abs().max() > truncation_value: m = z.abs() > truncation_value z[m] = torch.rand_like(z)[m] return z def sample(self, truncation_value, z=None, **kwargs): """ Samples via interpolating to the mean (0). """ if truncation_value is None: return self.forward(**kwargs) truncation_value = max(0, truncation_value) truncation_value = min(truncation_value, 1) if z is None: z = self.get_z(kwargs["condition"]) z = z * truncation_value return self.forward(**kwargs, z=z) class SG2StyleNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, z_dim, # Input latent (Z) dimensionality. w_dim, # Intermediate latent (W) dimensionality. num_layers=2, # Number of mapping layers. lr_multiplier=0.01, # Learning rate multiplier for the mapping layers. w_avg_beta=0.998, # Decay for tracking the moving average of W during training. ): super().__init__() self.z_dim = z_dim self.w_dim = w_dim self.num_layers = num_layers self.w_avg_beta = w_avg_beta # Construct layers. features = [self.z_dim] + [self.w_dim] * self.num_layers for idx, in_features, out_features in zip(range(num_layers), features[:-1], features[1:]): layer = FullyConnectedLayer(in_features, out_features, activation='lrelu', lr_multiplier=lr_multiplier) setattr(self, f'fc{idx}', layer) self.register_buffer('w_avg', torch.zeros([w_dim])) def forward(self, z, update_emas=False, **kwargs): tops.assert_shape(z, [None, self.z_dim]) # Embed, normalize, and concatenate inputs. x = x = x * (x.square().mean(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8).rsqrt() # Execute layers. for idx in range(self.num_layers): x = getattr(self, f'fc{idx}')(x) # Update moving average of W. if update_emas: self.w_avg.copy_(x.float().detach().mean(dim=0).lerp(self.w_avg, self.w_avg_beta)) return x def extra_repr(self): return f'z_dim={self.z_dim:d}, w_dim={self.w_dim:d}' def update_w(self, n=int(10e3), batch_size=32): """ Calculate w_ema over n iterations. Useful in cases where w_ema is calculated incorrectly during training. """ n = n // batch_size for i in tqdm.trange(n, desc="Updating w"): z = torch.randn((batch_size, self.z_dim), device=tops.get_device()) self(z, update_emas=True) def get_truncated(self, truncation_value, condition, z=None, **kwargs): if z is None: z = torch.randn((condition.shape[0], self.z_dim), device=tops.get_device()) w = self(z) truncation_value = max(0, truncation_value) truncation_value = min(truncation_value, 1) return, truncation_value) def multi_modal_truncate(self, truncation_value, condition, w_indices, z=None, **kwargs): truncation_value = max(0, truncation_value) truncation_value = min(truncation_value, 1) if z is None: z = torch.randn((condition.shape[0], self.z_dim), device=tops.get_device()) w = self(z) if w_indices is None: w_indices = np.random.randint(0, len(self.w_centers), size=(len(w))) w_centers = self.w_centers[w_indices].to(w.device) w =, truncation_value) return w class BaseStyleGAN(BaseGenerator): def __init__(self, z_channels: int, w_dim: int): super().__init__(z_channels) self.style_net = SG2StyleNet(z_channels, w_dim) self.latent_space = "W" def get_w(self, z, update_emas): return self.style_net(z, update_emas=update_emas) @torch.no_grad() def sample(self, truncation_value, **kwargs): if truncation_value is None: return self.forward(**kwargs) w = self.style_net.get_truncated(truncation_value, **kwargs) return self.forward(**kwargs, w=w) def update_w(self, *args, **kwargs): self.style_net.update_w(*args, **kwargs) @torch.no_grad() def multi_modal_truncate(self, truncation_value, w_indices=None, **kwargs): w = self.style_net.multi_modal_truncate(truncation_value, w_indices=w_indices, **kwargs) return self.forward(**kwargs, w=w)