File size: 6,660 Bytes
90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 14467ab 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 df2ef4f 90cbf22 |
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import { useRef, useState } from 'react';
import PixiGame from './PixiGame.tsx';
import { useElementSize } from 'usehooks-ts';
import { Stage } from '@pixi/react';
import { ConvexProvider, useConvex, useQuery } from 'convex/react';
import PlayerDetails from './PlayerDetails.tsx';
import { api } from '../../convex/_generated/api';
import { useWorldHeartbeat } from '../hooks/useWorldHeartbeat.ts';
import { useHistoricalTime } from '../hooks/useHistoricalTime.ts';
import { DebugTimeManager } from './DebugTimeManager.tsx';
import { GameId } from '../../convex/aiTown/ids.ts';
import { Game as GameObj} from '../../convex/aiTown/game.ts';
import { ServerGame, useServerGame } from '../hooks/serverGame.ts';
import { GameCycle } from '../../convex/aiTown/gameCycle.ts';
import { PlayerDescription } from '../../convex/aiTown/playerDescription.ts';
import { Cloud } from './Cloud.tsx';
import VotingPopover from './LLMVote.tsx';
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';
import GameVote from './GameVote.tsx';
import { EndGame } from './EndGame.tsx';
export const SHOW_DEBUG_UI = !!import.meta.env.VITE_SHOW_DEBUG_UI;
export function GameStateLabel(game: GameObj, me: PlayerDescription | undefined) {
switch ( {
case 'Day':
return {
label: 'Day',
desc: 'Find out who is a werewolf',
case 'WerewolfVoting':
return {
label: 'Werewolf Vote',
desc: 'Select a player who is a warewolf',
case 'PlayerKillVoting':
return {
label: 'Player Kill Vote',
desc: me?.type === 'werewolf' ? 'Select a player to kill' : 'Hide in your home!!',
case 'LobbyState':
return {
label: 'Lobby (waiting for start)',
desc: 'Waiting for the game to start',
case 'Night':
return {
label: 'Night',
desc: me?.type === 'werewolf' ? 'Discuss who to kill with other warewolves' : 'Hide in your home!!',
case 'EndGame':
return {
label: 'The End',
desc: `Winners are ${ }!`,
export function canVote(game: ServerGame, me: PlayerDescription | undefined) {
return me && ( === "WerewolfVoting" || ( === "PlayerKillVoting" && me.type === "werewolf"));
export function isEndGame(game: ServerGame) {
return === "EndGame";
function showMap(gameCycle: GameCycle, me: PlayerDescription | undefined) {
// Here also check for player description
return (gameCycle.cycleState === "Day" || gameCycle.cycleState === "WerewolfVoting") || me?.type === "werewolf";
export default function Game() {
const convex = useConvex();
const [selectedElement, setSelectedElement] = useState<{
kind: 'player';
id: GameId<'players'>;
const [gameWrapperRef, { width, height }] = useElementSize();
const worldStatus = useQuery(;
const worldId = worldStatus?.worldId;
const engineId = worldStatus?.engineId;
const game = useServerGame(worldId);
// Send a periodic heartbeat to our world to keep it alive.
const worldState = useQuery(, worldId ? { worldId } : 'skip');
const { historicalTime, timeManager } = useHistoricalTime(worldState?.engine);
const scrollViewRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const humanTokenIdentifier = useQuery(, worldId ? { worldId } : 'skip');
if (!worldId || !engineId || !game ) {
return null;
const playerId = [].find(
(p) => p.human === humanTokenIdentifier,
const meDescription = playerId ? game?.playerDescriptions.get(playerId) : undefined;
return (
{SHOW_DEBUG_UI && <DebugTimeManager timeManager={timeManager} width={200} height={100} />}
<div className="mx-auto w-full max-w grid grid-rows-[240px_1fr] lg:grid-rows-[1fr] lg:grid-cols-[1fr_auto] lg:grow max-w-[1400px] min-h-[480px] game-frame">
{/* Game area */}
<div className="relative overflow-hidden bg-brown-900" ref={gameWrapperRef}>
<div className={`absolute inset-0 ${showMap(, meDescription) ? '' : 'invisible' }`}>
<div className="container">
<Stage width={width} height={height} options={{ backgroundColor: 0x7ab5ff }}>
{/* Re-propagate context because contexts are not shared between renderers. */}
<ConvexProvider client={convex}>
<div className={`absolute inset-0 ${!showMap(, meDescription) ? '' : 'invisible' }`}>
<Cloud worldId={worldId} />
{/* Right column area */}
className="flex flex-col overflow-y-auto shrink-0 px-4 py-6 sm:px-6 lg:w-96 xl:pr-6 border-t-8 sm:border-t-0 sm:border-l-8 border-brown-900 bg-brown-800 text-brown-100"
<div className="flex flex-col items-center mb-4 gap-4">
<h2 className="text-2xl font-bold">{GameStateLabel(game as GameObj, meDescription).label}</h2>
<p className="text-lg text-center">{GameStateLabel(game as GameObj, meDescription).desc}</p>
{playerId && !isEndGame(game) && canVote(game, meDescription) && <GameVote engineId={engineId} game={game} playerId={playerId} />}
{!isEndGame(game) && !canVote(game, meDescription) && <PlayerDetails
{playerId && isEndGame(game) && <EndGame game={game} playerId={playerId} />}
<div className="max-w-[1400px] mx-auto">
{playerId && <VotingPopover engineId={engineId} game={game} playerId={playerId} />}