Matou-Garou / patches /convex /engine /historicalObject.ts
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11.4 kB
import { xxHash32 } from '../util/xxhash';
import { compressSigned, uncompressSigned } from '../util/FastIntegerCompression';
import {
} from '../util/compression';
// `HistoricalObject`s require the developer to pass in the
// field names that'll be tracked and sent down to the client.
// By default, the historical tracking will round each floating point
// value to an integer. The developer can specify more or less precision
// via the `precision` parameter: the table's quantization will maintain
// less than `1 / 2^precision` error. Note that higher precision values
// imply less error.
export type FieldConfig = Array<string | { name: string; precision: number }>;
// `HistoricalObject`s support at most 16 fields.
const MAX_FIELDS = 16;
type NormalizedFieldConfig = Array<{
name: string;
precision: number;
// The `History` structure represents the history of a continuous
// value over all bounded time. Each sample represents a line
// segment that's extends to the previous sample's time inclusively
// and to the sample's time non-inclusively. We track an `initialValue`
// that goes to `-\infty` up until the first sample, and the final
// sample persists out to `+\infty`.
// ```
// ^
// position
// |
// samples[0].value - | x---------------o
// |
// samples[1].value - | x-------->
// |
// initialValue - <---------o
// |
// ------------------------------> time
// | |
// samples[0].time samples[1].time
// ```
export type History = {
initialValue: number;
samples: Sample[];
export type Sample = {
time: number;
value: number;
// `HistoricalObject` tracks a set of numeric fields over time and
// supports compressing the fields' histories into a binary buffer.
// This can be useful for continuous properties like position, where
// we'd want to smoothly replay their tick-by-tick progress at a high
// frame rate on the client.
// `HistoricalObject`s have a few limitations:
// - Documents in a historical can only have up to 16 fields.
// - The historical tracking only applies to a specified list of fields,
// and these fields must match between the client and server.
export class HistoricalObject<T extends Record<string, number>> {
startTs?: number;
fieldConfig: NormalizedFieldConfig;
data: T;
history: Record<string, History> = {};
constructor(fields: FieldConfig, initialValue: T) {
if (fields.length >= MAX_FIELDS) {
throw new Error(`HistoricalObject can have at most ${MAX_FIELDS} fields.`);
this.fieldConfig = normalizeFieldConfig(fields);
this.checkShape(initialValue); = initialValue;
historyLength() {
return Object.values(this.history)
.map((h) => h.samples.length)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
checkShape(data: any) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
if (!this.fieldConfig.find((f) => === key)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot set undeclared field '${key}'`);
if (typeof value !== 'number') {
throw new Error(
`HistoricalObject only supports numeric values, found: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`,
update(now: number, data: T) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
const currentValue =[key];
if (currentValue !== value) {
let history = this.history[key];
if (!history) {
this.history[key] = history = { initialValue: currentValue, samples: [] };
const { samples } = history;
let inserted = false;
if (samples.length > 0) {
const last = samples[samples.length - 1];
if (now < last.time) {
throw new Error(`Server time moving backwards: ${now} < ${last.time}`);
if (now === last.time) {
last.value = value;
inserted = true;
if (!inserted) {
samples.push({ time: now, value });
} = data;
pack(): ArrayBuffer | null {
if (this.historyLength() === 0) {
return null;
return packSampleRecord(this.fieldConfig, this.history);
// Pack (normalized) field configuration into a binary buffer.
// Format:
// ```
// [ u8 version ]
// for each field config:
// [ u8 field name length ]
// [ UTF8 encoded field name ]
// [ u8 precision ]
// ```
function packFieldConfig(fields: NormalizedFieldConfig) {
const out = new ArrayBuffer(1024);
const outView = new DataView(out);
let pos = 0;
outView.setUint8(pos, PACKED_VERSION);
pos += 1;
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
for (const fieldConfig of fields) {
const name = encoder.encode(;
outView.setUint8(pos, name.length);
pos += 1;
new Uint8Array(out, pos, name.length).set(name);
pos += name.length;
outView.setUint8(pos, fieldConfig.precision);
pos += 1;
return out.slice(0, pos);
// Pack a document's sample record into a binary buffer.
// We encode each field's history with a few layered forms of
// compression:
// 1. Quantization: Turn each floating point number into an integer
// by multiplying by 2^precision and then `Math.floor()`.
// 2. Delta encoding: Assume that values are continuous and don't
// abruptly change over time, so their differences will be small.
// This step turns the large integers from (1) into small ones.
// 3. Run length encoding (optional): Assume that some quantities
// in the system will have constant velocity, so encode `k`
// repetitions of `n` as `[k, n]`. If run length encoding doesn't
// make (2) smaller, we skip it.
// 4. Varint encoding: Using FastIntegerCompression.js, we use a
// variable length integer encoding that uses fewer bytes for
// smaller numbers.
// Format:
// ```
// [ 4 byte xxhash of packed field config ]
// for each set field:
// [ 0 0 0 useRLE? ]
// [ u4 field number ]
// Sample timestamps:
// [ u64le initial timestamp ]
// [ u16le timestamp buffer length ]
// [ vint(RLE(delta(remaining timestamps)))]
// Sample values:
// [ u16le value buffer length ]
// [ vint(RLE?(delta([initialValue, ...values])))]
// ```
export function packSampleRecord(
fields: NormalizedFieldConfig,
sampleRecord: Record<string, History>,
): ArrayBuffer {
const out = new ArrayBuffer(65536);
const outView = new DataView(out);
let pos = 0;
const configHash = xxHash32(new Uint8Array(packFieldConfig(fields)));
outView.setUint32(pos, configHash, true);
pos += 4;
for (let fieldNumber = 0; fieldNumber < fields.length; fieldNumber += 1) {
const { name, precision } = fields[fieldNumber];
const history = sampleRecord[name];
if (!history || history.samples.length === 0) {
const timestamps = => Math.floor(s.time));
const initialTimestamp = timestamps[0];
const encodedTimestamps = runLengthEncode(deltaEncode(timestamps.slice(1), initialTimestamp));
const compressedTimestamps = compressSigned(encodedTimestamps);
if (compressedTimestamps.byteLength >= 1 << 16) {
throw new Error(`Compressed buffer too long: ${compressedTimestamps.byteLength}`);
const values = [history.initialValue, => s.value)];
const quantized = quantize(values, precision);
const deltaEncoded = deltaEncode(quantized);
const runLengthEncoded = runLengthEncode(deltaEncoded);
// Decide if we're going to run length encode the values based on whether
// it actually made the encoded buffer smaller.
const useRLE = runLengthEncoded.length < deltaEncoded.length;
let fieldHeader = fieldNumber;
if (useRLE) {
fieldHeader |= 1 << 4;
const encoded = useRLE ? runLengthEncoded : deltaEncoded;
const compressed = compressSigned(encoded);
if (compressed.byteLength >= 1 << 16) {
throw new Error(`Compressed buffer too long: ${compressed.byteLength}`);
outView.setUint8(pos, fieldHeader);
pos += 1;
outView.setBigUint64(pos, BigInt(initialTimestamp), true);
pos += 8;
outView.setUint16(pos, compressedTimestamps.byteLength, true);
pos += 2;
new Uint8Array(out, pos, compressedTimestamps.byteLength).set(
new Uint8Array(compressedTimestamps),
pos += compressedTimestamps.byteLength;
outView.setUint16(pos, compressed.byteLength, true);
pos += 2;
new Uint8Array(out, pos, compressed.byteLength).set(new Uint8Array(compressed));
pos += compressed.byteLength;
return out.slice(0, pos);
export function unpackSampleRecord(fields: FieldConfig, buffer: ArrayBuffer) {
const view = new DataView(buffer);
let pos = 0;
const normalizedFields = normalizeFieldConfig(fields);
const expectedConfigHash = xxHash32(new Uint8Array(packFieldConfig(normalizedFields)));
const configHash = view.getUint32(pos, true);
pos += 4;
if (configHash !== expectedConfigHash) {
throw new Error(`Config hash mismatch: ${configHash} !== ${expectedConfigHash}`);
const out = {} as Record<string, History>;
while (pos < buffer.byteLength) {
const fieldHeader = view.getUint8(pos);
pos += 1;
const fieldNumber = fieldHeader & 0b00001111;
const useRLE = (fieldHeader & (1 << 4)) !== 0;
const fieldConfig = normalizedFields[fieldNumber];
if (!fieldConfig) {
throw new Error(`Invalid field number: ${fieldNumber}`);
const initialTimestamp = Number(view.getBigUint64(pos, true));
pos += 8;
const compressedTimestampLength = view.getUint16(pos, true);
pos += 2;
const compressedTimestampBuffer = buffer.slice(pos, pos + compressedTimestampLength);
pos += compressedTimestampLength;
const timestamps = [
const compressedLength = view.getUint16(pos, true);
pos += 2;
const compressedBuffer = buffer.slice(pos, pos + compressedLength);
pos += compressedLength;
const encoded = uncompressSigned(compressedBuffer);
const deltaEncoded = useRLE ? runLengthDecode(encoded) : encoded;
const quantized = deltaDecode(deltaEncoded);
const values = unquantize(quantized, fieldConfig.precision);
if (timestamps.length + 1 !== values.length) {
throw new Error(`Invalid sample record: ${timestamps.length} + 1 !== ${values.length}`);
const initialValue = values[0];
const samples = [];
for (let i = 0; i < timestamps.length; i++) {
const time = timestamps[i];
const value = values[i + 1];
samples.push({ value, time });
const history = { initialValue, samples };
out[] = history;
return out;
function normalizeFieldConfig(fields: FieldConfig): NormalizedFieldConfig {
return => (typeof f === 'string' ? { name: f, precision: 0 } : f));