import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js' | |
import * as CONFIG from './leconfig.js' | |
var ContextCreate = (function(){ | |
function ContextSingleton() { | |
this.tilesetpxw = 0; | |
this.tilesetpxh = 0; | |
this.tilesettilew = 0; | |
this.tilesettileh = 0; | |
this.MAXTILEINDEX = 0; | |
this.tile_index = 0; | |
this.selected_tiles = []; // current set of selected tiles | |
this.spritesheet = null; // loaded spritesheet | |
this.tiledimx = CONFIG.DEFAULTILEDIMX ; // px | |
this.tiledimy = CONFIG.DEFAULTILEDIMY; // px | |
this.dimlog = Math.log2(this.tileDim); //log2(TileDim) | |
this.dkey = false; // is 'd' key depressed? (for delete) | |
this.tiles32 = []; // all tiles from tilemap (32x32) | |
this.tiles16 = []; | |
this.fudgetiles = []; | |
this.g_layers = []; // level layers | |
} | |
var instance; | |
return { | |
getInstance: function(){ | |
if (instance == null) { | |
instance = new ContextSingleton(); | |
// Hide the constructor so the returned object can't be new'd... | |
instance.constructor = null; | |
} | |
return instance; | |
} | |
}; | |
})(); | |
// global shared state between all panes | |
export let g_ctx = ContextCreate.getInstance(); |