import { Doc } from '../../convex/_generated/dataModel'; import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; export function useHistoricalTime(engineStatus?: Doc<'engines'>) { const timeManager = useRef(new HistoricalTimeManager()); const rafRef = useRef(); const [historicalTime, setHistoricalTime] = useState(undefined); if (engineStatus) { timeManager.current.receive(engineStatus); } const updateTime = (performanceNow: number) => { // We don't need sub-millisecond precision for interpolation, so just use ``. const now =; setHistoricalTime(timeManager.current.historicalServerTime(now)); rafRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(updateTime); }; useEffect(() => { rafRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(updateTime); return () => cancelAnimationFrame(rafRef.current!); }, []); return { historicalTime, timeManager: timeManager.current }; } type ServerTimeInterval = { startTs: number; endTs: number; }; export class HistoricalTimeManager { intervals: Array = []; prevClientTs?: number; prevServerTs?: number; totalDuration: number = 0; latestEngineStatus?: Doc<'engines'>; receive(engineStatus: Doc<'engines'>) { this.latestEngineStatus = engineStatus; if (!engineStatus.currentTime || !engineStatus.lastStepTs) { return; } const latest = this.intervals[this.intervals.length - 1]; if (latest) { if (latest.endTs === engineStatus.currentTime) { return; } if (latest.endTs > engineStatus.currentTime) { throw new Error(`Received out-of-order engine status`); } } const newInterval = { startTs: engineStatus.lastStepTs, endTs: engineStatus.currentTime, }; this.intervals.push(newInterval); this.totalDuration += newInterval.endTs - newInterval.startTs; } historicalServerTime(clientNow: number): number | undefined { if (this.intervals.length == 0) { return undefined; } if (clientNow === this.prevClientTs) { return this.prevServerTs; } // If this is our first time simulating, start at the beginning of the buffer. const prevClientTs = this.prevClientTs ?? clientNow; const prevServerTs = this.prevServerTs ?? this.intervals[0].startTs; const lastServerTs = this.intervals[this.intervals.length - 1].endTs; // Simple rate adjustment: run time at 1.2 speed if we're more than 1s behind and // 0.8 speed if we only have 100ms of buffer left. A more sophisticated approach // would be to continuously adjust the rate based on the size of the buffer. const bufferDuration = lastServerTs - prevServerTs; let rate = 1; if (bufferDuration < SOFT_MIN_SERVER_BUFFER_AGE) { rate = 0.8; } else if (bufferDuration > SOFT_MAX_SERVER_BUFFER_AGE) { rate = 1.2; } let serverTs = Math.max( prevServerTs + (clientNow - prevClientTs) * rate, // Jump forward if we're too far behind. lastServerTs - MAX_SERVER_BUFFER_AGE, ); let chosen = null; for (let i = 0; i < this.intervals.length; i++) { const snapshot = this.intervals[i]; // We're past this snapshot, continue to the next one. if (snapshot.endTs < serverTs) { continue; } // We're cleanly within this snapshot. if (serverTs >= snapshot.startTs) { chosen = i; break; } // We've gone past the desired timestamp, which implies a gap in our server state. // Jump time forward to the beginning of this snapshot. if (serverTs < snapshot.startTs) { serverTs = snapshot.startTs; chosen = i; } } if (chosen === null) { serverTs =!.endTs; chosen = this.intervals.length - 1; } // Time only moves forward, so we can trim all of the snapshots before our chosen one. const toTrim = Math.max(chosen - 1, 0); if (toTrim > 0) { for (const snapshot of this.intervals.slice(0, toTrim)) { this.totalDuration -= snapshot.endTs - snapshot.startTs; } this.intervals = this.intervals.slice(toTrim); } this.prevClientTs = clientNow; this.prevServerTs = serverTs; return serverTs; } bufferHealth(): number { if (!this.intervals.length) { return 0; } const lastServerTs = this.prevServerTs ?? this.intervals[0].startTs; return this.intervals[this.intervals.length - 1].endTs - lastServerTs; } clockSkew(): number { if (!this.prevClientTs || !this.prevServerTs) { return 0; } return this.prevClientTs - this.prevServerTs; } } const MAX_SERVER_BUFFER_AGE = 1500; const SOFT_MAX_SERVER_BUFFER_AGE = 1250; const SOFT_MIN_SERVER_BUFFER_AGE = 250;