import { GameId } from '../../convex/aiTown/ids.ts'; import { AgentDescription } from '../../convex/aiTown/agentDescription.ts'; import { PlayerDescription } from '../../convex/aiTown/playerDescription.ts'; import { World } from '../../convex/aiTown/world.ts'; import { WorldMap } from '../../convex/aiTown/worldMap.ts'; import { Id } from '../../convex/_generated/dataModel'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { useQuery } from 'convex/react'; import { api } from '../../convex/_generated/api'; import { parseMap } from '../../convex/util/object.ts'; export type ServerGame = { world: World; playerDescriptions: Map, PlayerDescription>; agentDescriptions: Map, AgentDescription>; worldMap: WorldMap; }; // TODO: This hook reparses the game state (even if we're not rerunning the query) // when used in multiple components. Move this to a context to only parse it once. export function useServerGame(worldId: Id<'worlds'> | undefined): ServerGame | undefined { const worldState = useQuery(, worldId ? { worldId } : 'skip'); const descriptions = useQuery(, worldId ? { worldId } : 'skip'); const game = useMemo(() => { if (!worldState || !descriptions) { return undefined; } return { world: new World(, agentDescriptions: parseMap( descriptions.agentDescriptions, AgentDescription, (p) => p.agentId, ), playerDescriptions: parseMap( descriptions.playerDescriptions, PlayerDescription, (p) => p.playerId, ), worldMap: new WorldMap(descriptions.worldMap), }; }, [worldState, descriptions]); return game; }