leaderboard / cli /true-false-data /animals_true_false.csv
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The giant anteater uses walking for locomotion.,1
The eagle has a habitat of urban/wild.,0
The tortoise has an iridescent tail with eye-like patterns used in courtship displays.,0
"Human uses for hyena include conservation, research.",0
The platypus uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The salmon is a fish.,1
The aardvark has a diet of insectivore.,1
The beaver has a habitat of forest/grassland.,0
The penguin has a habitat of marine/polar.,1
The whale uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The dog has a strong sense of smell and is known for its loyalty to humans.,1
The chicken uses walking for locomotion.,1
The gazelle has distinctive orange and black stripes and is an apex predator.,0
The walrus has a diet of carnivore.,1
The ostrich uses running for locomotion.,1
The octopus has a diet of carnivore.,1
"The octopus is a small, social bird that can be found in many urban environments.",0
The iguana has a diet of herbivore.,1
"The whale is the largest animal on earth, with some species using baleen plates to filter food from water.",1
The frog has the atomic number of bird.,0
"The iguana is the fastest land animal, reaching speeds up to 60-70 mph.",0
The lobster is a crustacean.,1
"The aardvark has humps that store fat, which can be metabolized for energy and water during long treks.",0
The panda has a diet of herbivore.,1
"Human uses for cheetah include conservation, research, zoos.",1
The jellyfish uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,0
"The wolverine is the largest animal on earth, with some species using baleen plates to filter food from water.",0
The flamingo has a habitat of coastal/alkaline lakes.,1
"Human uses for snake include pets, research, venom extraction.",1
"The goldfish has antlers that are shed and regrown annually, and is a good swimmer.",0
The raccoon is a mammal.,1
The swan uses walking for locomotion.,0
The octopus uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The crocodile has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The zebra uses flying for locomotion.,0
The horse is a mammal.,1
The kangaroo has a habitat of savanna.,0
The giant anteater has the atomic number of fish.,0
The crocodile uses walking for locomotion.,0
The gazelle uses running for locomotion.,1
"The narwhal has a long, spiral tusk, which is actually an elongated tooth, and can dive to great depths.",1
The frog uses jumping for locomotion.,1
The pigeon has a habitat of desert.,0
The aardvark has the atomic number of fish.,0
The deer has a habitat of forest/grassland.,1
The squirrel has a habitat of marine.,0
The polar bear has a habitat of polar.,1
The hummingbird is a bird.,1
The armadillo is a mammal.,1
The hamster has a powerful bite and can go without food for long periods of time.,0
The armadillo has a diet of insectivore.,1
The parrot has a diet of omnivore.,1
"Human uses for shark include research, conservation.",0
"The camel has humps that store fat, which can be metabolized for energy and water during long treks.",1
The squirrel has a habitat of forest/urban.,1
The bee has the atomic number of bird.,0
The llama has a diet of herbivore.,1
The zebra is a fast swimmer and can maintain high speeds for extended periods of time.,0
The tuna uses walking for locomotion.,0
"The whale has a long, tubular snout, large ears, and a powerful digging ability to locate and consume termites and ants.",0
The rat has a diet of omnivore.,1
The raccoon has a habitat of urban/old-world habitats.,0
The sparrow has a diet of omnivore.,1
The leopard uses walking for locomotion.,1
The gorilla is a mammal.,1
The platypus has a diet of carnivore.,0
The tapir uses walking for locomotion.,1
The tuna has a diet of insectivore.,0
The wolverine has a habitat of arctic/subarctic.,1
The manta ray uses walking for locomotion.,0
The raccoon uses walking for locomotion.,1
"The wolverine is a strong and fierce predator, despite its relatively small size, and has a thick, frost-resistant fur.",1
The frog has a diet of carnivore.,1
The crocodile has a powerful bite and can go without food for long periods of time.,1
The zebra has a habitat of farmland.,0
The skunk has a diet of omnivore.,1
The ostrich uses walking for locomotion.,0
The seahorse uses swimming for locomotion.,1
"The goat is known for its agility and can climb steep terrain, and has a rectangular pupil.",1
There are no specific human uses for gazelle.,1
The cheetah is a mammal.,1
The tiger has distinctive orange and black stripes and is an apex predator.,1
The tuna uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The seagull has webbed feet for swimming and can drink both fresh and saltwater.,1
The giraffe is a powerful bird of prey with keen eyesight and strong talons for catching prey.,0
The zebra is a mammal.,1
The giraffe has a habitat of farmland.,0
The elephant has a habitat of terrestrial.,1
The hummingbird uses flying for locomotion.,1
"Human uses for gazelle include pets, research, conservation.",0
The walrus uses swimming for locomotion.,1
"The tarantula is a large, hairy spider with venomous fangs and can flick irritating hairs from its abdomen when threatened.",1
"Human uses for crocodile include conservation, research.",0
The peacock has a diet of herbivore.,0
The tapir is a mammal.,1
"Human uses for parrot include pets, research, conservation.",1
"The beaver has antlers that are shed and regrown annually, and is a good swimmer.",0
The zebra uses walking for locomotion.,1
The rabbit is a mammal.,1
"Human uses for parrot include tourism, zoos.",0
The ostrich is the largest and fastest-running bird and has two-toed feet.,1
The bat has a diet of varies.,1
"Human uses for platypus include research, conservation.",1
The bison is the heaviest land animal in north america and forms large herds for protection.,1
The alpaca has a diet of herbivore.,1
The armadillo can unhinge its jaw to swallow large prey whole and some species have heat-sensing pits.,0
There are no specific human uses for aardvark.,1
The hummingbird has a diet of omnivore.,0
"Human uses for lobster include food, research.",1
The camel has a diet of herbivore.,1
The zebra has a diet of herbivore.,1
The beaver has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The elephant has a diet of carnivore.,0
The gorilla has a habitat of forest.,1
The seagull has a habitat of grassland.,0
The horse uses walking for locomotion.,1
The crocodile has a habitat of various.,0
The elephant has distinctive orange and black stripes and is an apex predator.,0
The panda has a diet of carnivore.,0
The dog has a diet of carnivore.,0
The sea turtle is a reptile.,1
"The cow is the largest animal on earth, with some species using baleen plates to filter food from water.",0
The cheetah has a diet of varies.,0
The tuna has a habitat of marine.,1
The dog uses walking for locomotion.,1
There are no specific human uses for vulture.,1
The platypus has the atomic number of bird.,0
"Human uses for camel include transportation, meat, milk, wool.",1
"Human uses for manta ray include pets, meat, fur.",0
The goldfish has a habitat of farmland/domestic.,0
The chimpanzee uses walking for locomotion.,1
There are no specific human uses for snake.,0
The pigeon has a habitat of urban/old-world habitats.,1
The goldfish uses knuckle-walking for locomotion.,0
"The bison is a large, flightless bird with a helmet-like casque on its head and powerful legs with a dagger-like claw.",0
"Human uses for goat include pets, research, pest control.",0
The sea turtle has a habitat of polar.,0
"The rabbit has a hard, bony armor for protection and can curl into a ball to defend itself.",0
The manta ray has a diet of carnivore.,1
There are no specific human uses for crocodile.,1
The bee uses flying for locomotion.,1
The armadillo has a habitat of various.,1
The ostrich has a diet of herbivore.,1
The narwhal uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The bee has a diet of nectar.,1
Human uses for chicken include food.,0
The moose has the atomic number of bird.,0
"Human uses for alpaca include wool, meat, pets.",1
The koala primarily eats eucalyptus leaves and has a specialized digestive system to detoxify the plant's natural toxins.,1
The kangaroo has the atomic number of crustacean.,0
"Human uses for llama include pets, transport, wool.",1
The parrot uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The cow has a diet of carnivore.,0
The camel has the atomic number of amphibian.,0
"Human uses for tuna include tourism, research.",0
The cow has a diet of herbivore.,1
The slug has a diet of carnivore.,0
"Human uses for panda include conservation, research, zoos.",1
The seahorse has a habitat of mountain.,0
The lion is a mammal.,1
The gorilla uses walking for locomotion.,0
The deer is a mammal.,1
The horse has a diet of omnivore.,0
The swan is the largest primate and exhibits complex social behavior.,0
"Human uses for axolotl include pets, research, conservation.",1
The swan uses swimming/flying for locomotion.,1
The octopus has a habitat of marine.,1
"The llama has a long, graceful neck and is known for its beauty and aggressive behavior when defending its territory.",0
The penguin is a bird.,1
The cassowary uses running for locomotion.,1
"The deer has a flexible, prehensile snout to grasp and manipulate food, and is an important seed disperser.",0
The seahorse is a fish.,1
"Human uses for giraffe include tourism, zoos.",1
The mongoose has a habitat of various.,1
The tarantula uses running for locomotion.,0
The hyena has a habitat of freshwater.,0
The eagle uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The chimpanzee has a strong sense of smell and is known for its loyalty to humans.,0
"Human uses for hippopotamus include conservation, research.",0
The slug has a habitat of savanna.,0
The bat has a habitat of grassland.,0
The tiger has a diet of herbivore.,0
The polar bear uses walking for locomotion.,0
The porcupine uses walking for locomotion.,1
The chicken is a bird.,1
The hamster has a habitat of desert.,1
There are no specific human uses for gecko.,1
The hyena uses flying for locomotion.,0
The tuna is the heaviest land animal in north america and forms large herds for protection.,0
The parrot has a habitat of forest.,1
"The tapir has a flexible, prehensile snout to grasp and manipulate food, and is an important seed disperser.",1
"Human uses for hedgehog include conservation, research.",0
The seagull uses flying for locomotion.,1
The pigeon has a diet of omnivore.,0
There are no specific human uses for koala.,0
Human uses for polar bear include food.,0
The mongoose has the atomic number of bird.,0
"Human uses for otter include tourism, research.",0
The cassowary is a bird.,1
There are no specific human uses for raccoon.,1
The gazelle has a diet of herbivore.,1
The swan has a habitat of polar.,0
The cheetah has a habitat of grassland.,1
The whale has a diet of herbivore.,0
The goat has the atomic number of bird.,0
The aardvark has a diet of omnivore.,0
The tuna has the atomic number of mammal.,0
"The elephant has a long trunk used for grasping, eating, drinking, and communication.",1
"The cow is a ruminant animal with four stomach compartments, which aids in digestion.",1
The horse has a habitat of polar.,0
The elephant has a diet of herbivore.,1
The koala uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The koala has a habitat of forest.,1
The flamingo uses wading for locomotion.,1
The axolotl has a habitat of coastal.,0
The vulture has a habitat of various.,1
The seahorse has a diet of carnivore.,1
"Human uses for horse include transportation, racing, therapy, work.",1
The swan is a bird.,1
The shark uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The tapir has a habitat of forest.,1
The peacock is a bird.,1
The rabbit has a habitat of freshwater.,0
The porcupine has a diet of herbivore.,1
"Human uses for goldfish include work, tourism, conservation.",0
The walrus has the atomic number of mollusk.,0
The sea turtle uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The hummingbird has a habitat of grassland.,0
There are no specific human uses for wolverine.,1
The seagull is a bird.,1
The platypus is a monotreme that lays eggs and has a duck-like bill with electroreceptors to locate prey.,1
There are no specific human uses for elephant.,0
The flamingo has a diet of herbivore.,1
The cow is a mammal.,1
The flamingo is a bird.,1
"Human uses for cat include research, conservation.",0
The dolphin has a diet of carnivore.,1
The sparrow has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The otter has a diet of herbivore.,0
"Human uses for hummingbird include transportation, meat, milk, wool.",0
"The gecko has a unique upright posture, prehensile tail for grasping, and the male carries fertilized eggs in a brood pouch.",0
The panda has the atomic number of bird.,0
Human uses for salmon include food.,1
The kangaroo has a diet of carnivore.,0
The shark has a diet of herbivore.,0
The snake uses walking for locomotion.,0
The tortoise has a habitat of marine.,0
The lion is known as the 'king of the jungle' and exhibits complex social behavior with a pride structure.,1
The goldfish uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The platypus uses walking for locomotion.,0
The polar bear is a mammal.,1
"Human uses for tapir include tourism, zoos, meat, feathers.",0
The parrot has a diet of carnivore.,0
The chimpanzee uses knuckle-walking for locomotion.,0
The cow uses flying for locomotion.,0
The aardvark is a mammal.,1
The gecko has adhesive pads on its toes for climbing and some species can regenerate lost tails.,1
"Human uses for penguin include tourism, research.",1
The tortoise has a habitat of terrestrial.,1
"Human uses for sea turtle include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The slug has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The goat has a diet of omnivore.,0
The alpaca has a habitat of various.,0
The alpaca has a habitat of mountain.,1
The armadillo uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The raccoon has thick wool for insulation and can spit when threatened or annoyed.,0
The skunk uses walking for locomotion.,1
The lobster uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,1
The cassowary has a diet of carnivore.,0
"Human uses for walrus include research, conservation.",1
The polar bear uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,1
"Human uses for cassowary include conservation, research, zoos.",1
"Human uses for eagle include conservation, research.",1
The horse has the atomic number of mollusk.,0
The lion has a diet of carnivore.,1
The crocodile uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,1
"The porcupine has sharp quills for protection, which can be raised when threatened, and some species can climb trees.",1
The salmon migrates from freshwater to saltwater habitats during its life cycle.,1
The elephant uses walking for locomotion.,1
The shark uses wading for locomotion.,0
The tapir has a habitat of desert.,0
The kangaroo uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The tarantula uses walking for locomotion.,1
The penguin is flightless and has adapted flippers for swimming.,1
The hippopotamus uses walking for locomotion.,0
The rabbit has the atomic number of bird.,0
The seahorse has a habitat of marine.,1
There are no specific human uses for moose.,1
"Human uses for lion include conservation, research, zoos.",1
The horse uses swimming for locomotion.,0
"The dolphin has a hard, bony armor for protection and can curl into a ball to defend itself.",0
The sparrow has a diet of herbivore.,0
The cheetah has a habitat of marine.,0
"Human uses for slug include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The tarantula is a arachnid.,1
The skunk has a habitat of various.,1
The chicken has a diet of herbivore.,0
The rat has the atomic number of bird.,0
The sparrow has a habitat of various.,0
"Human uses for sea turtle include research, conservation.",1
The gecko has a diet of herbivore.,0
The cow has a habitat of forest/urban.,0
The slug is a mollusk.,1
The manta ray has a diet of omnivore.,0
"The narwhal has a hard, bony armor for protection and can curl into a ball to defend itself.",0
The walrus has a habitat of polar.,1
The rat uses walking for locomotion.,1
The hippopotamus has the atomic number of reptile.,0
"Human uses for squirrel include research, conservation.",0
The porcupine is a mammal.,1
"The chicken is a large, hairy spider with venomous fangs and can flick irritating hairs from its abdomen when threatened.",0
The sea turtle has the atomic number of fish.,0
"The hedgehog has a coat of sharp spines for protection, which it raises when threatened.",1
"The kangaroo has antlers that are shed and regrown annually, and is a good swimmer.",0
The hyena has strong jaws and teeth for crushing bones and a complex social structure with a female-dominated hierarchy.,1
The manta ray has the atomic number of mammal.,0
"The giant anteater primarily eats bamboo, has a pseudo-thumb for grasping, and is a symbol for wildlife conservation.",0
The parrot is a bird.,1
The crocodile is flightless and has adapted flippers for swimming.,0
The hyena uses walking for locomotion.,1
The chicken has a habitat of farmland/urban.,1
The hippopotamus uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,1
The frog has a diet of omnivore.,0
The sparrow uses knuckle-walking for locomotion.,0
The crocodile has a diet of carnivore.,0
"Human uses for goldfish include pets, ornamental ponds.",1
"Human uses for sparrow include conservation, meat, leather.",0
The chicken uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The shark has a diet of carnivore.,1
The camel has a diet of varies.,0
The swan has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The gazelle uses flying for locomotion.,0
There are no specific human uses for deer.,1
The hippopotamus has a habitat of domestic/urban.,0
"Human uses for dolphin include research, entertainment, therapy.",1
The snake has a habitat of forest/grassland.,0
The hummingbird has a habitat of various.,1
The tapir uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The pigeon uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,0
The sparrow uses flying for locomotion.,1
The salmon has a habitat of freshwater/marine.,1
The walrus has a diet of insectivore.,0
The aardvark has a habitat of urban/wild.,0
"The cat is known for its agility and ability to kill venomous snakes, and has a thick coat to protect against bites.",0
There are no specific human uses for camel.,0
"The seagull has permeable skin that can absorb water and respire oxygen, and changes color to blend with its environment.",0
The ostrich has a diet of omnivore.,0
The whale uses walking for locomotion.,0
The penguin uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,1
The penguin has a diet of herbivore.,0
The parrot has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The goat has strong jaws and teeth for crushing bones and a complex social structure with a female-dominated hierarchy.,0
The deer has the atomic number of bird.,0
The mongoose uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The hedgehog has a diet of herbivore.,0
The bison has a diet of carnivore.,0
The lion has a habitat of domestic/urban.,0
The cow has the atomic number of bird.,0
There are no specific human uses for porcupine.,1
"The lobster has a strong, foul-smelling spray for defense, which can be accurately aimed at predators.",0
The seagull has a habitat of coastal.,1
"The deer has antlers that are shed and regrown annually, and is a good swimmer.",1
The aardvark has a habitat of savanna.,1
The whale has a diet of carnivore/herbivore.,1
The camel has a habitat of domestic/urban.,0
"Human uses for hamster include tourism, zoos.",0
The salmon has the atomic number of reptile.,0
The cassowary has a habitat of forest.,1
The jellyfish has a habitat of marine.,1
There are no specific human uses for hyena.,1
The sea turtle uses walking for locomotion.,0
"The manta ray has large, wing-like pectoral fins and filter-feeds on plankton with its wide mouth.",1
The tuna has a habitat of urban/wild.,0
The chimpanzee has the atomic number of fish.,0
"The sparrow has thick skin and one or two horns made of keratin, and is often targeted by poachers for its horn.",0
The skunk is a mammal.,1
The axolotl has the atomic number of reptile.,0
The platypus has a habitat of various.,0
The camel uses flying for locomotion.,0
"Human uses for chicken include meat, eggs.",1
The cat isn't very social but is adored by many humans and has retractable claws for climbing and hunting.,1
The snake has a diet of herbivore.,0
The raccoon uses flying for locomotion.,0
"Human uses for leopard include pets, pest control.",0
The moose uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,0
The dolphin is highly intelligent and known for its playful and social behavior.,1
"The rhinoceros has a unique upright posture, prehensile tail for grasping, and the male carries fertilized eggs in a brood pouch.",0
"The camel is known for its agility and ability to kill venomous snakes, and has a thick coat to protect against bites.",0
The porcupine uses flying for locomotion.,0
The frog is a amphibian.,1
The goldfish can recognize human faces and has a memory span of around three months.,1
"Human uses for walrus include pets, research.",0
The porcupine has a diet of carnivore.,0
The camel is a mammal.,1
"The bee is a social insect that lives in colonies with a queen, workers, and drones.",1
The platypus can unhinge its jaw to swallow large prey whole and some species have heat-sensing pits.,0
The tuna has a diet of carnivore.,1
The tortoise has a diet of carnivore.,0
The goldfish has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The tuna is a fast swimmer and can maintain high speeds for extended periods of time.,1
"Human uses for skunk include research, conservation.",0
The chicken has a habitat of various.,0
"Human uses for salmon include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The polar bear primarily eats eucalyptus leaves and has a specialized digestive system to detoxify the plant's natural toxins.,0
The hummingbird is the smallest bird species and can hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping its wings.,1
The penguin has the atomic number of mammal.,0
"Human uses for armadillo include tourism, research.",0
The jellyfish has a diet of carnivore.,1
The goldfish has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The giant anteater has a diet of insectivore.,1
"Human uses for elephant include work, tourism, conservation.",1
The hippopotamus has a diet of herbivore.,1
The polar bear has a habitat of various.,0
The goat uses flying for locomotion.,0
The dog has a habitat of freshwater.,0
The octopus has a diet of insectivore.,0
The deer has a habitat of forest/urban.,0
"The parrot is known for its bright colors, intelligence, and ability to mimic human speech.",1
The armadillo has the atomic number of reptile.,0
The iguana uses climbing for locomotion.,1
There are no specific human uses for sparrow.,1
There are no specific human uses for frog.,1
"Human uses for flamingo include tourism, research, zoos.",1
"The rat feeds primarily on carrion, and has a bald head to prevent bacteria build-up while feeding.",0
The raccoon has a habitat of forest/urban.,1
The koala is a mammal.,1
The wolverine uses walking for locomotion.,1
The salmon has a diet of herbivore.,0
The porcupine is the largest primate and exhibits complex social behavior.,0
There are no specific human uses for hippopotamus.,1
The sea turtle has a habitat of marine.,1
The snake has a habitat of terrestrial.,1
"Human uses for iguana include pets, research.",1
The lion has the atomic number of bird.,0
The salmon uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The raccoon has a diet of carnivore.,0
The bat is a mammal.,1
The gecko has a habitat of various.,1
The horse has a habitat of farmland/domestic.,1
The dolphin has a habitat of urban/old-world habitats.,0
The llama has thick wool for insulation and can spit when threatened or annoyed.,1
The axolotl has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The peacock uses walking for locomotion.,1
The tortoise has a diet of herbivore.,1
The sea turtle has a diet of varies.,1
The giant anteater has a habitat of savanna.,0
The cow uses walking for locomotion.,1
"Human uses for bison include conservation, meat, leather.",1
The rhinoceros has a diet of herbivore.,1
"The sea turtle has long legs for wading and a specialized beak for filter-feeding, and obtains its pink color from the carotenoids in its diet.",0
"Human uses for zebra include conservation, research.",0
There are no specific human uses for mongoose.,1
The frog has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The eagle has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The iguana has a habitat of various.,1
The bat has a diet of insectivore.,0
The pigeon has a diet of herbivore.,1
The walrus has a habitat of forest/urban.,0
"Human uses for swan include pets, research, conservation.",0
The kangaroo uses hopping for locomotion.,1
There are no specific human uses for dog.,0
"Human uses for platypus include conservation, research, zoos.",0
"Human uses for rabbit include pets, meat, fur.",1
The beaver is a mammal.,1
The llama has a habitat of mountain bamboo forest.,0
"Human uses for polar bear include conservation, research.",1
The cat has a diet of omnivore.,0
"Human uses for whale include tourism, research, conservation.",1
The gecko is a reptile.,1
The dolphin has the atomic number of crustacean.,0
"The hippopotamus is a large, flightless bird with a helmet-like casque on its head and powerful legs with a dagger-like claw.",0
The goldfish has a diet of carnivore.,0
The cheetah uses walking for locomotion.,0
"The leopard has a distinctive spotted coat and is an excellent climber, often hauling prey into trees.",1
There are no specific human uses for cow.,0
The sparrow has a habitat of urban/wild.,1
The octopus has a habitat of various.,0
"The axolotl primarily eats bamboo, has a pseudo-thumb for grasping, and is a symbol for wildlife conservation.",0
The mongoose is known as the 'king of the jungle' and exhibits complex social behavior with a pride structure.,0
The seahorse uses walking for locomotion.,0
The elephant is a mammal.,1
The crocodile has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The tiger uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The gecko has a diet of insectivore.,1
"The armadillo has a hard, bony armor for protection and can curl into a ball to defend itself.",1
The alpaca uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The pigeon has thick white fur for insulation and black skin to absorb heat.,0
The bison has a habitat of various.,0
"The otter has a thick, water-resistant fur and uses tools to crack open shellfish.",1
The lobster has a diet of omnivore.,1
"The skunk has a pouch for carrying and nursing its young, called joeys.",0
The platypus has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The goat has a habitat of various.,0
The peacock has the atomic number of mammal.,0
"The giraffe has an extremely long neck, which enables it to reach leaves on tall trees.",1
"Human uses for kangaroo include research, conservation.",0
The otter has the atomic number of fish.,0
There are no specific human uses for horse.,0
The cheetah has the atomic number of insect.,0
"Human uses for eagle include research, conservation.",0
The jellyfish has a diet of herbivore.,0
The giraffe uses walking for locomotion.,1
The hyena has the atomic number of bird.,0
"The rhinoceros has thick skin and one or two horns made of keratin, and is often targeted by poachers for its horn.",1
The lion has a habitat of grassland.,1
"The cassowary is a large, flightless bird with a helmet-like casque on its head and powerful legs with a dagger-like claw.",1
The tarantula has the atomic number of insect.,0
"Human uses for axolotl include conservation, research, zoos.",0
There are no specific human uses for tiger.,0
The squirrel is a mammal.,1
The pigeon uses flying for locomotion.,1
The wolverine has a diet of herbivore.,0
The armadillo has a habitat of mountain bamboo forest.,0
The rat has a habitat of freshwater.,0
There are no specific human uses for skunk.,1
The chimpanzee is a mammal.,1
The seagull uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The rat is a mammal.,1
The hedgehog is a mammal.,1
The otter has a habitat of forest.,0
"The tiger is known for its agility and ability to kill venomous snakes, and has a thick coat to protect against bites.",0
The dolphin uses swimming for locomotion.,1
"The panda primarily eats bamboo, has a pseudo-thumb for grasping, and is a symbol for wildlife conservation.",1
The cat is a mammal.,1
The parrot has a habitat of coastal.,0
The tarantula has a habitat of urban/old-world habitats.,0
The bison uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,0
The hyena is a mammal.,1
"The lion has antlers that are shed and regrown annually, and is a good swimmer.",0
"The penguin has a hard, bony armor for protection and can curl into a ball to defend itself.",0
The otter has long ears for detecting predators and strong hind legs for escaping.,0
The slug lacks a shell and secretes a slimy mucus for protection and locomotion.,1
The hummingbird has a diet of nectar.,1
"Human uses for swan include tourism, ornamental displays.",1
"Human uses for cassowary include pets, research, conservation.",0
"Human uses for tiger include conservation, research, zoos.",1
"Human uses for rhinoceros include work, tourism, conservation.",0
The panda has a habitat of mountain bamboo forest.,1
The porcupine has a habitat of marine.,0
The whale has a habitat of various.,0
The mongoose has a diet of herbivore.,0
The gecko has a habitat of forest.,0
"Human uses for moose include research, conservation.",0
"The alpaca has thick, luxurious wool and is a smaller relative of the llama.",1
The gecko has the atomic number of crustacean.,0
The ostrich is a bird.,1
The horse has strong hind legs for powerful jumps and kicks.,1
The rhinoceros has a habitat of marine.,0
The deer has a diet of herbivore.,1
The axolotl has a diet of herbivore.,0
"Human uses for chimpanzee include tourism, zoos, meat.",0
The iguana has a habitat of coastal.,0
The bat has a habitat of various.,1
The snake is a reptile.,1
"The iguana has a long, whip-like tail for defense and can change color to regulate body temperature.",1
The shark has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The crocodile has a diet of carnivore.,1
"The cassowary has large, wing-like pectoral fins and filter-feeds on plankton with its wide mouth.",0
"The hippopotamus spends most of its day in water and has a barrel-shaped body with large, sharp teeth for defense.",1
The iguana has a diet of carnivore.,0
The frog uses walking for locomotion.,0
"The horse has a hard, bony armor for protection and can curl into a ball to defend itself.",0
"The swan has a long, graceful neck and is known for its beauty and aggressive behavior when defending its territory.",1
The iguana is a reptile.,1
The hummingbird uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The giant anteater has a habitat of grassland/forest.,1
The beaver uses walking for locomotion.,0
The hyena has a diet of carnivore.,1
The beaver has the atomic number of bird.,0
"The hyena has distinctive black and white stripes, which may help deter flies and provide camouflage.",0
The swan has the atomic number of reptile.,0
The panda is a mammal.,1
"Human uses for iguana include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The vulture has a diet of carnivore.,1
The rat has a diet of herbivore.,0
The otter has a diet of carnivore.,1
The bee is a insect.,1
The manta ray has a habitat of marine.,1
Human uses for tuna include food.,1
The leopard has a habitat of marine.,0
The peacock has a habitat of forest/grassland.,1
The llama is a mammal.,1
The lobster has a habitat of various.,0
The elephant has a habitat of grassland.,0
The flamingo has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The tuna is a fish.,1
The polar bear has a diet of carnivore.,1
"The walrus has long tusks for fighting and digging, and thick blubber for insulation in cold water.",1
"Human uses for llama include pets, research, pest control.",0
"Human uses for chimpanzee include research, conservation, entertainment.",1
Human uses for jellyfish include pest control.,0
There are no specific human uses for rabbit.,0
The giant anteater uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The wolverine is a mammal.,1
The goldfish has a diet of omnivore.,1
"Human uses for frog include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The goldfish is a fish.,1
The alpaca has a diet of omnivore.,0
"The gazelle has slender legs for fast running and can perform high leaps, known as pronking.",1
"The sea turtle has a hard shell for protection and can live for over 100 years, returning to the same nesting beaches to lay eggs.",1
"Human uses for narwhal include research, conservation.",1
The cassowary has a habitat of marine.,0
"Human uses for peacock include pets, ornamental displays.",1
The zebra has the atomic number of fish.,0
The shark has a habitat of marine.,1
"Human uses for alpaca include pets, meat, fur.",0
"Human uses for ostrich include tourism, zoos, meat, feathers.",1
The hedgehog has a habitat of various.,1
The camel uses walking for locomotion.,1
"Human uses for tapir include conservation, research, zoos.",1
There are no specific human uses for whale.,0
The slug has a diet of herbivore.,1
The tiger uses walking for locomotion.,1
The ostrich is nocturnal and has large cheek pouches to store and transport food.,0
"Human uses for gecko include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The tiger has a diet of carnivore.,1
"The lobster has a hard exoskeleton, which it must molt to grow, and can live for over 50 years.",1
The pigeon has a strong homing instinct and has been used for communication and racing.,1
The squirrel can jump long distances and has a bushy tail for balance.,1
The eagle is a powerful bird of prey with keen eyesight and strong talons for catching prey.,1
The giraffe has a diet of carnivore.,0
The polar bear has the atomic number of fish.,0
The gorilla has a diet of herbivore.,1
"The flamingo has long legs for wading and a specialized beak for filter-feeding, and obtains its pink color from the carotenoids in its diet.",1
The elephant uses flying for locomotion.,0
"The bee has a distinctive spotted coat and is an excellent climber, often hauling prey into trees.",0
The octopus uses hopping for locomotion.,0
The moose has a diet of herbivore.,1
"Human uses for hamster include pets, research.",1
"The moose has thick, luxurious wool and is a smaller relative of the llama.",0
There are no specific human uses for dolphin.,0
"Human uses for hedgehog include pets, pest control.",1
There are no specific human uses for ostrich.,0
"The peacock has an extremely long neck, which enables it to reach leaves on tall trees.",0
The axolotl uses swimming/flying for locomotion.,0
The whale has the atomic number of fish.,0
The giraffe has a habitat of savanna.,1
The seagull has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The snake uses slithering for locomotion.,1
The jellyfish has a habitat of coastal.,0
The koala uses walking for locomotion.,1
There are no specific human uses for armadillo.,1
The rabbit has a diet of herbivore.,1
"The walrus has a hard exoskeleton, which it must molt to grow, and can live for over 50 years.",0
The hamster has a habitat of coastal.,0
The swan has a diet of omnivore.,0
"The seahorse has a unique upright posture, prehensile tail for grasping, and the male carries fertilized eggs in a brood pouch.",1
The gecko uses walking for locomotion.,0
The cassowary uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,0
The mongoose uses walking for locomotion.,1
The rat uses climbing for locomotion.,0
The shark has multiple rows of teeth that are continuously replaced throughout its life.,1
The chimpanzee shares over 98% of its dna with humans and can use tools and learn sign language.,1
"Human uses for penguin include tourism, zoos, meat.",0
The panda has a powerful bite and can go without food for long periods of time.,0
The penguin has a habitat of mountain.,0
The eagle uses flying for locomotion.,1
The rabbit has a habitat of grassland.,1
The dolphin has a diet of omnivore.,0
The bison is a mammal.,1
"The jellyfish has a gelatinous bell and stinging tentacles to capture prey, and some species are bioluminescent.",1
The koala has a diet of herbivore.,1
"The hummingbird has a distinctive spotted coat and is an excellent climber, often hauling prey into trees.",0
The bison has a diet of herbivore.,1
The narwhal uses jumping for locomotion.,0
The whale has a habitat of marine.,1
The dolphin has a habitat of marine.,1
The rabbit has a diet of carnivore.,0
The platypus is a mammal.,1
The cat has the atomic number of bird.,0
The hamster uses walking for locomotion.,1
The otter has a habitat of freshwater/marine.,1
"Human uses for pigeon include pets, research.",0
The zebra has a habitat of grassland.,1
The eagle has a habitat of various.,1
The hedgehog has a diet of insectivore.,1
The mongoose is a mammal.,1
The tortoise uses hopping for locomotion.,0
The wolverine has the atomic number of bird.,0
"Human uses for rat include pets, transport, wool.",0
"Human uses for raccoon include meat, milk, cheese, leather.",0
The cat has a habitat of domestic/urban.,1
"Human uses for koala include conservation, research, zoos.",1
"The cheetah is the fastest land animal, reaching speeds up to 60-70 mph.",1
"The manta ray has slender legs for fast running and can perform high leaps, known as pronking.",0
The vulture has a diet of insectivore.,0
The rhinoceros uses flying for locomotion.,0
The axolotl has a diet of carnivore.,1
The sea turtle has a diet of carnivore.,0
The vulture has a habitat of grassland.,0
The squirrel has the atomic number of bird.,0
The panda has a habitat of freshwater.,0
"Human uses for otter include research, conservation.",1
The bee has a habitat of various.,1
The lobster has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The cassowary has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The gorilla uses knuckle-walking for locomotion.,1
The polar bear has a diet of omnivore.,0
The gazelle has a diet of carnivore.,0
The hamster is a mammal.,1
The tiger has the atomic number of amphibian.,0
The rhinoceros has a diet of omnivore.,0
The narwhal has a habitat of arctic.,1
The dog has a habitat of domestic/urban.,1
There are no specific human uses for tortoise.,0
The manta ray uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The alpaca has the atomic number of bird.,0
There are no specific human uses for lobster.,0
The hamster is nocturnal and has large cheek pouches to store and transport food.,1
"Human uses for seagull include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The bee uses walking for locomotion.,0
The koala has the atomic number of fish.,0
"Human uses for vulture include work, tourism, conservation.",0
The kangaroo has a habitat of grasslands.,1
The wolverine has a habitat of forest.,0
The camel has a habitat of desert.,1
The lobster has a habitat of marine.,1
The panda uses wading for locomotion.,0
"The jellyfish has an extremely long neck, which enables it to reach leaves on tall trees.",0
"Human uses for octopus include tourism, research, conservation.",0
The otter uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The leopard has a habitat of forest/grassland.,1
The jellyfish is a cnidarian.,1
The rabbit uses hopping for locomotion.,1
The shark is a fish.,1
The goat uses walking for locomotion.,1
The hippopotamus has a habitat of freshwater.,1
The squirrel has a diet of omnivore.,0
The moose uses walking for locomotion.,1
The snake can unhinge its jaw to swallow large prey whole and some species have heat-sensing pits.,1
"Human uses for leopard include conservation, research, zoos.",1
"The skunk has a strong, foul-smelling spray for defense, which can be accurately aimed at predators.",1
"Human uses for rhinoceros include conservation, research, zoos.",1
The salmon has a habitat of savanna.,0
The bison has a habitat of grassland.,1
The hedgehog uses running for locomotion.,0
"Human uses for narwhal include transportation, meat, milk, wool.",0
"Human uses for goat include meat, milk, cheese, leather.",1
The gazelle is a mammal.,1
The iguana uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The ostrich has a habitat of forest.,0
The octopus has the atomic number of fish.,0
The dolphin is a mammal.,1
The tarantula has a habitat of various.,1
"Human uses for lion include pets, research, pest control.",0
"The shark has three hearts, nine brains, and can change color and texture for camouflage.",0
The peacock has a diet of omnivore.,1
The goat has a habitat of farmland.,1
The bat uses flying for locomotion.,1
The squirrel has a diet of herbivore.,1
The armadillo has a diet of herbivore.,0
The raccoon has dexterous front paws and a distinctive black mask on its face.,1
The peacock has a habitat of various.,0
The moose has a habitat of freshwater/marine.,0
"Human uses for seahorse include research, conservation.",1
"Human uses for cow include meat, dairy products.",1
The tortoise is a reptile.,1
The tarantula has a diet of carnivore.,0
The hyena has a habitat of grassland/savanna.,1
"Human uses for porcupine include research, conservation.",0
The slug has a habitat of various.,1
The chicken has a comb and wattles on its head for thermoregulation.,1
The leopard has the atomic number of bird.,0
The giraffe uses hopping for locomotion.,0
The bison has the atomic number of amphibian.,0
There are no specific human uses for pigeon.,1
The flamingo has a powerful bite and can go without food for long periods of time.,0
"Human uses for seahorse include conservation, research, zoos.",0
"Human uses for aardvark include research, entertainment, therapy.",0
The cheetah has a diet of carnivore.,1
The dog has the atomic number of bird.,0
The vulture uses jumping for locomotion.,0
The lion uses running for locomotion.,0
"The eagle is a large, flightless bird with a helmet-like casque on its head and powerful legs with a dagger-like claw.",0
"Human uses for zebra include tourism, zoos.",1
The cat has a diet of carnivore.,1
The hedgehog uses walking for locomotion.,1
The seagull has a diet of omnivore.,1
The axolotl is a amphibian.,1
The goat has a diet of herbivore.,1
The hamster has the atomic number of fish.,0
There are no specific human uses for seagull.,1
The mongoose has a habitat of grassland.,0
The axolotl uses swimming for locomotion.,1
There are no specific human uses for cheetah.,0
The tortoise has the atomic number of cnidarian.,0
The cat uses running for locomotion.,0
The skunk uses flying for locomotion.,0
The skunk has a diet of herbivore.,0
The cow has a habitat of farmland.,1
The rabbit uses running for locomotion.,0
The penguin uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The llama uses flying for locomotion.,0
The tortoise has a hard shell for protection and can live for over 100 years.,1
The slug uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The narwhal has a diet of carnivore.,1
The iguana has the atomic number of bird.,0
The flamingo has a habitat of mountain bamboo forest.,0
The llama uses walking for locomotion.,1
The salmon has a diet of carnivore.,1
The eagle is a bird.,1
The tarantula has a diet of insectivore.,1
The seahorse has a diet of insectivore.,0
There are no specific human uses for hummingbird.,1
The hippopotamus is a mammal.,1
"The koala has thick, luxurious wool and is a smaller relative of the llama.",0
The vulture is flightless and has adapted flippers for swimming.,0
The skunk has a habitat of arctic/subarctic.,0
The llama has a diet of insectivore.,0
The swan has a diet of herbivore.,1
The jellyfish has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The aardvark uses walking for locomotion.,1
Human uses for bat include pest control.,1
The tiger has a habitat of grassland.,0
"The frog is known for its agility and can climb steep terrain, and has a rectangular pupil.",0
"The beaver builds dams and lodges out of sticks and mud, and has large, strong teeth for cutting trees.",1
The giant anteater is a mammal.,1
"The axolotl exhibits neoteny, retaining larval features throughout its life, and has remarkable regenerative abilities.",1
The chicken has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The platypus has a diet of carnivore.,1
The raccoon has the atomic number of mollusk.,0
The octopus is a mollusk.,1
"Human uses for tarantula include pets, research.",1
The rhinoceros uses walking for locomotion.,1
The otter is a mammal.,1
"Human uses for manta ray include tourism, research.",1
The peacock uses running for locomotion.,0
"The giant anteater has a long, sticky tongue for capturing ants and termites, and a keen sense of smell to locate prey.",1
"Human uses for cat include pets, pest control.",1
"Human uses for beaver include fur, research.",1
The eagle has a diet of carnivore.,1
The gorilla has a habitat of savanna.,0
The walrus is a mammal.,1
The lion uses walking for locomotion.,1
The chimpanzee has a habitat of forest.,1
The cheetah uses running for locomotion.,1
The lion has a diet of omnivore.,0
The hummingbird has the atomic number of mammal.,0
Human uses for gorilla include food.,0
"The gorilla has a coat of sharp spines for protection, which it raises when threatened.",0
The beaver has a diet of carnivore.,0
There are no specific human uses for shark.,1
There are no specific human uses for slug.,1
"The zebra has distinctive black and white stripes, which may help deter flies and provide camouflage.",1
The giraffe has the atomic number of crustacean.,0
The dog has a diet of omnivore.,1
"Human uses for bee include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The parrot uses flying for locomotion.,1
"Human uses for flamingo include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The koala has a habitat of savanna.,0
"Human uses for bee include pollination, honey production.",1
"The moose is the largest deer species and has broad, flat antlers that are shed and regrown annually.",1
The hamster has a diet of omnivore.,1
The leopard has a diet of carnivore.,1
"Human uses for gorilla include conservation, research, zoos.",1
The frog has a habitat of forest/urban.,0
The tapir has a diet of herbivore.,1
The bat is the only mammal capable of sustained flight and uses echolocation to navigate.,1
The narwhal has the atomic number of bird.,0
The moose has a diet of omnivore.,0
The vulture is a bird.,1
The gecko uses climbing for locomotion.,1
"The hedgehog has thick, luxurious wool and is a smaller relative of the llama.",0
The llama has the atomic number of bird.,0
The giraffe has a diet of herbivore.,1
"Human uses for rat include pets, research, pest control.",1
There are no specific human uses for squirrel.,1
The leopard uses flying for locomotion.,0
The koala has a diet of carnivore.,0
The hamster uses drifting for locomotion.,0
The peacock has an iridescent tail with eye-like patterns used in courtship displays.,1
The dog is a mammal.,1
The hedgehog has the atomic number of bird.,0
The mongoose has a diet of carnivore.,1
The aardvark uses walking/swimming for locomotion.,0
The alpaca has webbed feet for swimming and can drink both fresh and saltwater.,0
The snake has the atomic number of fish.,0
The beaver uses swimming for locomotion.,1
The rhinoceros is a mammal.,1
The moose is a mammal.,1
The seagull has a diet of herbivore.,0
The chicken has a diet of omnivore.,1
The manta ray is a fish.,1
"Human uses for giraffe include pets, research.",0
The wolverine has a diet of carnivore.,1
The lobster has a diet of nectar.,0
"Human uses for bison include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The horse has a diet of herbivore.,1
The gazelle has a habitat of forest/grassland.,0
The gorilla has a diet of carnivore.,0
The gazelle has a habitat of grassland.,1
The tiger is a mammal.,1
The cat has a habitat of various.,0
The dog is flightless and has adapted flippers for swimming.,0
The panda uses walking for locomotion.,1
The shark has a habitat of urban/wild.,0
The narwhal has a diet of herbivore.,0
The vulture uses flying for locomotion.,1
"The octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and can change color and texture for camouflage.",1
"Human uses for panda include pets, research.",0
The otter uses walking for locomotion.,0
The ostrich has the atomic number of fish.,0
The bee has a habitat of urban/wild.,0
The gorilla is the largest primate and exhibits complex social behavior.,1
The porcupine has the atomic number of bird.,0
The dolphin uses walking for locomotion.,0
The eagle has a diet of herbivore.,0
The tapir has a diet of carnivore.,0
"The seahorse has a gelatinous bell and stinging tentacles to capture prey, and some species are bioluminescent.",0
"The squirrel is known for its bright colors, intelligence, and ability to mimic human speech.",0
The flamingo has a diet of omnivore.,0
"The tarantula has distinctive black and white stripes, which may help deter flies and provide camouflage.",0
The squirrel uses swimming/flying for locomotion.,0
"The tapir spends most of its day in water and has a barrel-shaped body with large, sharp teeth for defense.",0
The leopard is a mammal.,1
The gorilla has the atomic number of amphibian.,0
The penguin has a diet of carnivore.,1
The giant anteater has a diet of carnivore.,0
The whale is a mammal.,1
The gazelle has the atomic number of mollusk.,0
The porcupine has a habitat of various.,1
The cat uses walking for locomotion.,1
The ostrich has a habitat of grassland.,1
The leopard is nocturnal and has large cheek pouches to store and transport food.,0
The bat has the atomic number of bird.,0
There are no specific human uses for octopus.,1
The narwhal has a habitat of desert.,0
"The mongoose is known for its agility and ability to kill venomous snakes, and has a thick coat to protect against bites.",1
The rat has a habitat of urban/wild.,1
The salmon uses flying for locomotion.,0
The slug has long ears for detecting predators and strong hind legs for escaping.,0
The moose has a habitat of forest.,1
The kangaroo has a diet of herbivore.,1
"Human uses for bat include tourism, zoos.",0
"Human uses for giant anteater include tourism, zoos, meat, feathers.",0
"Human uses for beaver include tourism, zoos, meat.",0
The pigeon is a bird.,1
The armadillo uses walking for locomotion.,1
The hippopotamus has a diet of carnivore.,0
The lobster uses running for locomotion.,0
The rhinoceros has the atomic number of reptile.,0
The alpaca uses walking for locomotion.,1
The seahorse has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The rhinoceros has a habitat of grassland/forest.,1
The slug uses sliding for locomotion.,1
"The aardvark has a long, tubular snout, large ears, and a powerful digging ability to locate and consume termites and ants.",1
The chimpanzee has a diet of carnivore.,0
The flamingo uses drifting for locomotion.,0
The tiger has a habitat of forest.,1
The wolverine uses swimming for locomotion.,0
The hyena has a diet of herbivore.,0
The beaver has a diet of herbivore.,1
The crocodile is a reptile.,1
The rat has a long tail for balance and is an excellent climber and swimmer.,1
"The bat has a strong, foul-smelling spray for defense, which can be accurately aimed at predators.",0
"The vulture feeds primarily on carrion, and has a bald head to prevent bacteria build-up while feeding.",1
The narwhal is a mammal.,1
The deer uses flying for locomotion.,0
The squirrel uses walking/jumping for locomotion.,1
The deer has a diet of insectivore.,0
The jellyfish uses drifting for locomotion.,1
"The frog has permeable skin that can absorb water and respire oxygen, and changes color to blend with its environment.",1
The bee has a diet of herbivore.,0
The vulture has the atomic number of fish.,0
"Human uses for kangaroo include tourism, zoos, meat.",1
The giraffe is a mammal.,1
The dog uses knuckle-walking for locomotion.,0
The elephant has the atomic number of bird.,0
The rabbit has long ears for detecting predators and strong hind legs for escaping.,1
The hamster has a diet of herbivore.,0
The deer uses walking for locomotion.,1
The leopard has a diet of herbivore.,0
There are no specific human uses for giant anteater.,1
There are no specific human uses for jellyfish.,1
"The snake is the largest deer species and has broad, flat antlers that are shed and regrown annually.",0
The cassowary has a diet of omnivore.,1
"Human uses for peacock include research, conservation.",0
The hedgehog has a habitat of grassland.,0
The skunk has the atomic number of reptile.,0
"Human uses for wolverine include conservation, research, zoos.",0
The tortoise uses walking for locomotion.,1
The polar bear has thick white fur for insulation and black skin to absorb heat.,1
The cheetah can jump long distances and has a bushy tail for balance.,0
"The parrot has a long, spiral tusk, which is actually an elongated tooth, and can dive to great depths.",0
There are no specific human uses for tarantula.,0
"Human uses for dog include pets, service animals, herding, hunting, therapy.",1
The snake has a diet of carnivore.,1
The bat uses walking for locomotion.,0
"The kangaroo has a pouch for carrying and nursing its young, called joeys.",1
"Human uses for deer include meat, dairy products.",0
"The salmon has a hard exoskeleton, which it must molt to grow, and can live for over 50 years.",0
The bison uses walking for locomotion.,1
The llama has a habitat of mountain.,1
The sparrow is a bird.,1
The zebra has a diet of insectivore.,0
"Human uses for mongoose include tourism, research.",0
"The sparrow is a small, social bird that can be found in many urban environments.",1
The goat is a mammal.,1
The walrus uses walking for locomotion.,0
"Human uses for tortoise include pets, zoos.",1
The tapir has the atomic number of bird.,0
The chimpanzee has a diet of omnivore.,1
The manta ray has a habitat of farmland/domestic.,0
The pigeon has the atomic number of mammal.,0
The kangaroo is a mammal.,1
The raccoon has a diet of omnivore.,1
The chimpanzee has a habitat of mountain.,0
The alpaca is a mammal.,1