leaderboard / cli /true-false-data /inventions_true_false.csv
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history blame
39.3 kB
Charles Wheatstone invented the Wheatstone bridge.,1
Alfred Nobel invented the dynamite.,1
Edwin Herbert Hall lived in U.S.,1
Emile Berliner lived in Russia.,0
Frederick Walton lived in U.S.,0
William Congreve lived in Canada.,0
Fridtjof Nansen invented the early steam engine.,0
Gustaf Dalén lived in Sweden.,1
Evangelista Torricelli lived in U.S.,0
George Pullman lived in U.K.,0
George Devol invented the Unimate (first industrial robot).,1
Henri Giffard invented the wrinkle-resistant fabric.,0
Marvin Camras lived in France.,0
Carlos Glidden invented the ATM.,0
Frederick Walton invented the Liquid Paper.,0
Charles Francis Richter invented the liquefied gas refrigeration.,0
Alexander Graham Bell invented the Audi automobile.,0
William Sturgeon lived in U.K.,1
Frederick Walton lived in U.K.,1
William Sturgeon invented the programmable computer (Z3).,0
Ernesto Blanco invented the electric wheelchair.,1
Clarence Birdseye lived in U.S.,1
Gideon Sundback lived in Sweden/U.S.,1
John Shepherd-Barron lived in Scotland.,1
Pierre Curie invented the piezoelectricity.,1
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen invented the X-rays discovery.,1
Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod.,1
John Wesley Hyatt invented the vacuum tube diode.,0
Benjamin Franklin invented the Unimate (first industrial robot).,0
Louis Pasteur invented the vaccine jet injector.,0
Sir Frank Whittle invented the tank.,0
James Watt invented the steam engine improvements.,1
Edwin Link lived in U.K.,0
Maria Telkes invented the ballpoint pen.,0
Igor Tamm invented the Unimate (first industrial robot).,0
Chester Carlson lived in U.K.,0
Josephine Cochrane invented the automatic dishwasher.,1
Vint Cerf invented the radio.,0
Ralph H. Baer invented the first home video game console.,1
Whitcomb Judson lived in U.S.,1
Joseph Glidden lived in U.S.,1
Henry Ford invented the assembly line production.,1
Biruté Galdikas invented the orangutan conservation.,1
Rudolf Diesel lived in U.S.,0
Charles Wheatstone lived in France.,0
John Callcott Horsley lived in Germany.,0
Richard Trevithick invented the high-pressure steam engine.,1
Giovanni Caselli invented the pantelegraph (image transmission).,1
Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit.,1
Charles Goodyear lived in U.S.,1
Lloyd Groff Copeman lived in U.S.,1
Valdemar Poulsen invented the mechanical television.,0
Herbert Akroyd Stuart lived in England.,1
Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine.,1
Herbert Saffir lived in U.K.,0
Frank Bunker Gilbreth invented the motion study.,1
Antoine Lavoisier invented the modern chemical nomenclature.,1
Daisuke Inoue invented the karaoke machine.,1
August Horch lived in Russia.,0
Joseph Marie Jacquard lived in Netherlands.,0
Dr. Robert Gallo invented the arc welding.,0
David Edward Hughes lived in U.S.,1
Yoshua Bengio lived in Canada.,1
Ferdinand Carré lived in U.S.,0
Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom.,1
Igor Tamm invented the electron cooling.,1
Rudolf Kálmán lived in Hungary.,1
Charles Fritts lived in U.S.,1
Narinder Singh Kapany lived in India.,1
Sir Charles Parsons invented the steam turbine.,1
Archimedes lived in Ancient Greece.,1
Charles Cros invented the electric washing machine.,0
Gottlieb Daimler lived in France.,0
John Bardeen invented the telegraph printer.,0
Fritz Pfleumer lived in Germany.,1
Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the airplane.,1
Christopher Cockerell invented the hovercraft.,1
Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès invented the margarine.,1
James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny.,1
Arthur Fry lived in U.S.,1
Fridtjof Nansen lived in U.K.,0
Hans von Ohain invented the deep learning (artificial neural networks).,0
Semyon Kirlian lived in Russia.,1
Gideon Sundback invented the zipper.,1
Ignazio Porro lived in Italy.,1
Robert Moog invented the frequency hopping spread spectrum.,0
Paul Gottlieb Nipkow lived in Denmark.,0
Edwin H. Land lived in Sweden.,0
Lester Wire lived in U.S.,1
Benjamin Rubin invented the telegraph printer.,0
László Bíró lived in Hungary.,1
Hans Geiger invented the Geiger counter.,1
George Eastman lived in U.K.,0
Paul Gottlieb Nipkow invented the electromagnetism discovery.,0
Igor Sikorsky invented the laser.,0
Charles Francis Jenkins invented the motion picture projector.,1
Ignazio Porro invented the modern electric refrigerator.,0
Galileo Galilei lived in Italy.,1
Nils Bohlin invented the three-point seatbelt.,1
John Atanasoff lived in U.S.,1
Benjamin Franklin lived in U.S.,1
Carl Sontheimer invented the Argand lamp.,0
Sir Sandford Fleming lived in Canada.,1
Richard Gatling invented the flying shuttle.,0
Grace Hopper invented the COBOL programming language.,1
Florence Parpart invented the trackball.,0
Robert Moog lived in U.S.,1
Nikola Tesla invented the electromagnetic waves discovery.,0
André-Jacques Garnerin invented the frameless parachute.,1
George Washington Carver lived in U.S.,1
James Clerk Maxwell lived in U.S.,0
Hans Lippershey lived in U.S.,0
Fridtjof Nansen lived in Norway.,1
William Congreve invented the snowmobile.,0
Sir Sandford Fleming lived in U.S.,0
Willis Carrier lived in U.S.,1
John Logie Baird invented the karaoke machine.,0
Joseph-Armand Bombardier lived in Canada.,1
Samuel Colt invented the slide fastener (zipper precursor).,0
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.,1
Earle Dickson lived in U.S.,1
Joseph Engelberger invented the industrial robot.,1
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.,1
Luther George Simjian lived in Turkey/U.S.,1
Herbert Saffir lived in U.S.,1
Frank Julian Sprague invented the electric streetcar system.,1
Earle Dickson invented the Band-Aid.,1
Hans von Ohain invented the jet engine.,1
Yoshiro Nakamatsu invented the floppy disk.,1
Ignazio Porro lived in U.S.,0
Wallace Carothers lived in U.S.,1
John Wesley Hyatt lived in U.S.,1
James Dyson lived in U.K.,1
Ralph Benjamin invented the Porro prism.,0
George de Mestral invented the velcro.,1
Benjamin Holt invented the caterpillar track.,1
Garrett Morgan invented the traffic signal.,1
Candace Pert lived in U.S.,1
David Schwarz lived in France.,0
Walter Hunt lived in U.S.,1
Samuel Morse lived in Germany.,0
Alan Turing invented the power loom.,0
Yvonne Brill lived in Canada.,1
Tim Berners-Lee invented the movable type printing press.,0
Gottlieb Daimler invented the airship (non-rigid).,0
Guglielmo Marconi lived in U.K.,0
Clarence Birdseye invented the flash freezing.,1
Walter Hunt invented the traffic signal.,0
Christian Huygens invented the ATM.,0
Shinya Yamanaka lived in Germany.,0
Walter Hunt invented the safety pin.,1
Carl Sontheimer lived in Switzerland.,0
Edwin H. Land invented the instant photography (Polaroid).,1
Sergey Brin and Larry Page lived in U.K.,0
Percy Spencer lived in U.S.,1
Henry Bessemer lived in U.K.,1
Ruth Handler lived in Netherlands.,0
Ernesto Blanco invented the Gatling gun.,0
Richard Leach Maddox lived in U.K.,1
Alfred Nobel lived in U.S.,0
George Eastman invented the Wheatstone bridge.,0
Edmund Cartwright invented the Morse code.,0
James West invented the wrinkle-resistant fabric.,0
Thomas Wedgwood lived in U.K.,1
Frank Bunker Gilbreth lived in U.S.,1
Zhores Alferov invented the heterotransistor.,1
Benjamin Holt lived in U.S.,1
Pierre Curie invented the modern chemical nomenclature.,0
John Gorrie invented the piano.,0
Josephine Cochrane lived in Germany.,0
Godfrey Hounsfield lived in Denmark.,0
Arthur Pitney invented the friction match.,0
Dr. Robert Gallo invented the co-discovery of HIV.,1
Reginald Fessenden invented the electromagnetic field theory.,0
George Cayley invented the orangutan conservation.,0
Nikolay Slavyanov lived in Stephanie.,0
Heinrich Göbel invented the early incandescent light bulb.,1
Marie Curie invented the U.S.,0
Albert Ghiorso invented the co-discovery of multiple elements.,1
Charles Strite invented the pop-up toaster.,1
Joseph Swan invented the carbon-filament lamp.,1
Antoine Lavoisier lived in France.,1
Ernest Swinton invented the nylon.,0
Marvin Camras invented the magnetic recording.,1
Carlos Glidden lived in Scotland.,0
Maria Telkes lived in Hungary/U.S.,1
Michael Faraday invented the electric generator.,1
Robert Adler lived in Austria/U.S.,1
Lester Wire invented the electric traffic light.,1
Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès invented the mechanical refrigeration (ice-making machine).,0
James Watt lived in U.S.,0
Samuel Colt invented the revolver.,1
Giovanni Caselli invented the integrated circuit.,0
Otis Boykin invented the refrigeration (absorption process).,0
David Schwarz invented the modern chemical nomenclature.,0
Edwin Link lived in U.S.,1
Igor Sikorsky lived in U.S.,0
Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio.,1
Ami Argand invented the electric streetcar system.,0
Sir Humphry Davy lived in U.K.,1
Nikolai Basov lived in U.S.,0
Edwin H. Land lived in U.S.,1
Daniel Fahrenheit invented the piano roll (used in player pianos).,0
Cai Lun lived in Italy.,0
Mary Walton lived in France.,0
Joseph Aspdin lived in Switzerland.,0
James Watt lived in Scotland.,1
Gordon Gould invented the snowmobile.,0
Philipp Reis invented the early telephone prototype.,1
Percy Spencer invented the industrial robot.,0
Ernest Swinton lived in U.K.,1
James Starley invented the zipper.,0
Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault lived in France.,1
Gordon Gould lived in U.S.,1
Valdemar Poulsen invented the magnetic wire recorder.,1
Leonardo da Vinci lived in Poland/France.,0
Hans Oersted invented the electromagnetism discovery.,1
Bartolomeo Cristofori invented the geodesic dome.,0
Ernesto Blanco lived in U.S.,1
George Cayley lived in Canada.,0
John von Neumann lived in Hungary/U.S.,1
Joseph Aspdin invented the velcro.,0
Gideon Sundback lived in U.S.,0
David Edward Hughes invented the microphone (carbon).,1
Ruth Benerito lived in U.S.,1
Carl Wilhelm Siemens invented the modern electric refrigerator.,0
Emile Berliner invented the Kirlian photography.,0
Clarence Birdseye invented the wireless remote control.,0
George Devol invented the compression refrigeration.,0
Robert Moog lived in Austria/U.S.,0
Luther George Simjian lived in Norway.,0
Alva J. Fisher invented the electric washing machine.,1
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.,1
Ralph H. Baer lived in U.S.,1
Edouard Benedictus invented the internet protocol suite.,0
John Gorrie lived in Italy.,0
Michael Faraday lived in U.K.,1
Lloyd Groff Copeman lived in Germany.,0
Philo Farnsworth lived in Germany.,0
László Bíró invented the safety elevator.,0
Edouard Benedictus invented the safety glass.,1
Alan Turing lived in U.K.,1
Elisha Gray lived in U.S.,1
Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville lived in France.,1
Gustaf Dalén invented the AGA lighthouse.,1
Zhores Alferov lived in U.K.,0
Leon Theremin lived in Russia.,1
Hans Berger invented the electroencephalography (EEG).,1
Rudolf Diesel lived in Germany.,1
Elisha Otis lived in U.S.,1
László Bíró lived in U.S.,0
Valdemar Poulsen lived in Denmark.,1
James Murray Spangler lived in U.K.,0
Arthur Fry invented the Post-it notes.,1
Joseph Aspdin lived in U.K.,1
Charles Wheatstone invented the phonograph (independent inventor).,0
James Murray Spangler invented the electromagnet.,0
George de Mestral invented the snowmobile.,0
Herbert Akroyd Stuart invented the hot bulb engine.,1
Hans Berger lived in U.S.,0
Philo Farnsworth lived in U.S.,1
Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven.,1
Ralph Benjamin lived in Italy.,0
Florence Parpart lived in U.K.,0
Marvin Camras lived in U.S.,1
Charles Macintosh invented the waterproof fabric.,1
Charles Babbage lived in U.K.,1
Charles Francis Richter lived in France.,0
Ami Argand lived in Switzerland.,1
Kwolek lived in U.S.,0
Linus Torvalds invented the U.S.,0
Richard Gatling lived in U.K.,0
Herbert Akroyd Stuart invented the Kirlian photography.,0
Willis Carrier invented the radio.,0
Luther Simjian lived in Turkey/U.S.,1
Thomas Wedgwood invented the Linux operating system.,0
Karl Benz invented the industrial robot.,0
Joseph Bramah lived in U.K.,1
Nicolas Appert invented the heterotransistor.,0
Louis Pasteur invented the pasteurization.,1
Archimedes invented the Archimedes' screw.,1
Shinya Yamanaka invented the induced pluripotent stem cells.,1
John Ambrose Fleming invented the Band-Aid.,0
Hans Geiger lived in Austria/U.S.,0
Alexander Graham Bell lived in Scotland/Canada/U.S.,1
Blaise Pascal lived in Poland/France.,0
Charles Macintosh lived in U.K.,1
Narinder Singh Kapany lived in U.K.,0
Bette Nesmith Graham lived in U.S.,1
Nicolas Appert invented the canning process.,1
Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the Jacquard loom.,0
Stephanie Kwolek lived in U.S.,1
Joseph Henry invented the electromagnetic relay.,1
Johannes Gutenberg invented the movable type printing press.,1
Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville lived in U.K.,0
Godfrey Hounsfield invented the computed tomography (CT) scanner.,1
Orville and Wilbur Wright lived in U.S.,1
Charles Babbage invented the analytical engine (mechanical computer).,1
August Horch invented the electron cooling.,0
Hans Goldschmidt invented the refracting telescope.,0
Richard Leach Maddox lived in Austria.,0
Ami Argand invented the Argand lamp.,1
Hans Oersted lived in U.S.,0
Ralph Benjamin invented the trackball.,1
Charles Cros lived in U.S.,0
R. Buckminster Fuller lived in Scotland.,0
Marie Curie invented the discovery of radium and polonium.,1
John Boyd Dunlop invented the pneumatic bicycle tire.,1
Willis Carrier lived in Italy.,0
Charles Cros lived in France.,1
Hans Lippershey invented the co-discovery of multiple elements.,0
Thomas Savery lived in U.K.,1
Karl Benz invented the gasoline-powered automobile.,1
Charles Strite invented the various inventions and concepts (theoretical).,0
Robert Adler invented the spinning jenny.,0
Bartolomeo Cristofori lived in Italy.,1
Louis Pasteur lived in France.,1
Frederick G. Creed lived in Sweden.,0
Alexander Fleming lived in France.,0
Samuel Morse invented the electroencephalography (EEG).,0
John Walker invented the friction match.,1
Florence Parpart lived in U.S.,1
Mary Phelps Jacob invented the modern brassiere.,1
Henri Giffard lived in U.S.,0
Paul Gottlieb Nipkow lived in Germany.,1
Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès lived in U.S.,0
Charles Goodyear invented the vulcanized rubber.,1
John Callcott Horsley invented the programmable computer (Z3).,0
Josephine Cochrane lived in U.S.,1
Mary Anderson lived in U.S.,1
Otis Boykin lived in France.,0
John Callcott Horsley lived in U.K.,1
Lester Wire invented the power loom.,0
Benjamin Holt invented the Barbie doll.,0
Jack Kilby lived in U.S.,1
Samuel Fox lived in U.K.,1
Hans Berger lived in Germany.,1
Ernest Swinton lived in U.S.,0
André-Jacques Garnerin lived in France.,1
Alexander Fleming lived in U.K.,1
Hans Goldschmidt lived in Netherlands.,0
Elisha Otis invented the tank.,0
Willem Einthoven lived in France.,0
Garrett Morgan lived in U.S.,1
John Boyd Dunlop invented the refrigeration (absorption process).,0
Archimedes invented the electric washing machine.,0
Frederick G. Creed invented the teleprinter.,1
Nikolay Slavyanov invented the U.S.,0
Richard Trevithick lived in U.S.,0
Georges Claude lived in Italy.,0
Fritz Pfleumer invented the magnetic tape.,1
Sir Isaac Newton lived in U.K.,1
William Kelly lived in U.S.,1
Wallace Carothers invented the nylon.,1
Earle Dickson invented the Vaseline.,0
Ruth Benerito invented the Barbie doll.,0
Thomas Wedgwood lived in Finland.,0
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen invented the discovery of Pluto.,0
Nils Bohlin lived in Germany.,0
Albert Ghiorso lived in U.S.,1
George Antheil invented the piano roll (used in player pianos).,1
Emile Berliner invented the gramophone.,1
Jack Kilby invented the aerodynamics (theoretical).,0
Gordon Gould invented the laser.,1
Ernest Swinton invented the tank.,1
Ruth Benerito invented the wrinkle-resistant fabric.,1
Kwolek invented the U.S.,1
Sergey Brin and Larry Page invented the DNA fingerprinting.,0
Clyde Tombaugh invented the discovery of Pluto.,1
Cai Lun invented the piano.,0
George de Mestral lived in Switzerland.,1
Carlos Glidden lived in U.S.,1
Leonardo da Vinci invented the various inventions and concepts (theoretical).,1
Luther George Simjian invented the modern polar exploration.,0
William Congreve lived in U.K.,1
John Logie Baird lived in Japan.,0
Samuel Fox invented the steel ribbed umbrella.,1
Edouard Benedictus lived in U.S.,0
Mary Anderson invented the windshield wiper.,1
Philo Farnsworth invented the electronic television.,1
Alec Jeffreys lived in France.,0
Arthur Pitney lived in U.S.,1
Giovanni Caselli lived in U.S.,0
Carl Wilhelm Siemens invented the Siemens regenerative furnace.,1
Willis Carrier invented the air conditioning.,1
John Gorrie lived in U.S.,1
Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery.,1
Robert Chesebrough lived in U.S.,1
Carl Elsener invented the Swiss Army knife.,1
Daisuke Inoue invented the first home video game console.,0
Whitcomb Judson invented the slide fastener (zipper precursor).,1
Arthur Fry invented the Phonautograph.,0
Fritz Pfleumer invented the amplitude modulation (AM) radio.,0
Johannes Gutenberg lived in U.K.,0
André-Jacques Garnerin invented the electrocardiograph (ECG).,0
Mary Walton invented the canning process.,0
Michael Faraday invented the friction match.,0
Luther George Simjian invented the Automated Teller Machine (ATM).,1
Maria Telkes lived in Hungary.,0
Spencer Silver invented the adhesive (used in Post-it notes).,1
Yoshiro Nakamatsu lived in U.S.,0
Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the Jacquard loom.,1
Chester Carlson lived in U.S.,1
Rudolf Kálmán invented the penicillin discovery.,0
Joseph Swan invented the alternating current (AC) electrical system.,0
Charles Tellier invented the penicillin discovery.,0
George Pullman lived in U.S.,1
George Cayley lived in U.K.,1
Felix Hoffmann invented the agricultural innovations.,0
Thomas Tompion invented the electric generator.,0
John Bardeen lived in U.S.,1
Orville and Wilbur Wright lived in France.,0
Archimedes lived in U.S.,0
Nils Bohlin invented the jet engine.,0
Johannes Gutenberg lived in Germany.,1
Philipp Reis invented the Linux operating system.,0
Hedy Lamarr invented the Morse code.,0
Candace Pert invented the discovery of opiate receptor.,1
George Eastman lived in U.S.,1
Nikolay Slavyanov invented the shielded metal arc welding.,1
George Cayley invented the aerodynamics (theoretical).,1
Hans Lippershey lived in Netherlands.,1
Frederick McKinley Jones invented the refrigeration unit for trucks.,1
Herbert Saffir invented the electric generator.,0
Carl Elsener lived in U.S.,0
Paul Gottlieb Nipkow invented the Nipkow disk (mechanical television).,1
John Boyd Dunlop lived in France.,0
Heinrich Hertz lived in Germany.,1
Ferdinand Carré invented the refrigeration (absorption process).,1
Leonardo da Vinci lived in Italy.,1
Nikolai Basov lived in Soviet Union.,1
Alva J. Fisher invented the integrated circuit.,0
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen lived in U.S.,0
Galileo Galilei invented the assembly line production.,0
Alfred Nobel invented the Band-Aid.,0
Guglielmo Marconi lived in Italy.,1
Christian Huygens lived in Netherlands.,1
John Walker invented the modern electric refrigerator.,0
Robert Adler lived in U.K.,0
Elisha Gray invented the frequency hopping spread spectrum.,0
Robert Noyce invented the Unimate (first industrial robot).,0
John Walker lived in U.S.,0
Robert Noyce invented the integrated circuit.,1
Elihu Thomson invented the traffic signal.,0
Grace Hopper lived in U.K.,0
James West lived in U.S.,1
Sir Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope.,1
Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault invented the Foucault pendulum.,1
Auguste and Louis Lumière invented the canning process.,0
Charles Townes lived in Russia.,0
Charles Townes invented the theremin.,0
Sir Sandford Fleming invented the standard time zones.,1
Frederick G. Creed invented the AGA lighthouse.,0
Sir Humphry Davy invented the safety lamp.,1
Sir Frank Whittle lived in U.K.,1
Alexander Fleming invented the airship (non-rigid).,0
John Ambrose Fleming lived in U.K.,1
Charles Macintosh invented the transistor.,0
Heinrich Göbel invented the Hall effect.,0
Edwin Herbert Hall invented the airplane.,0
Gottlieb Daimler lived in Germany.,1
Frederick McKinley Jones lived in Japan.,0
William Sturgeon lived in Germany.,0
John Gorrie invented the mechanical refrigeration (ice-making machine).,1
Igor Tamm lived in U.S.,0
Eli Whitney invented the electric wheelchair.,0
Joseph Glidden invented the jet engine.,0
Thomas Edison invented the trackball.,0
Joseph Glidden invented the barbed wire.,1
Frank Julian Sprague lived in U.S.,1
George Antheil lived in U.S.,1
Charles Fritts invented the solar cell.,1
William Kelly lived in France.,0
Alva J. Fisher lived in U.S.,1
John Ericsson invented the U.S.,1
Richard Leach Maddox invented the dry collodion photographic plate.,1
Louis Pasteur lived in U.S.,0
Thomas Edison lived in U.S.,1
Joseph Glidden lived in Germany.,0
Tim Berners-Lee lived in Germany.,0
Carl Wilhelm Siemens lived in Germany.,1
Ralph Benjamin lived in U.K.,1
Hans Goldschmidt invented the thermite process.,1
Mary Anderson invented the cotton gin.,0
Sir Sandford Fleming invented the integrated circuit.,0
Karl Landsteiner invented the waterproof fabric.,0
Eugene Polley invented the wireless remote control.,1
George Devol lived in U.S.,1
Joseph Henry invented the linoleum.,0
Igor Tamm lived in Russia.,1
Philipp Reis lived in Germany.,1
Narinder Singh Kapany invented the programming language (theoretical).,0
Edmund Cartwright lived in U.K.,1
George Washington Carver invented the Gatling gun.,0
Frank Julian Sprague invented the electric traffic light.,0
Heinrich Göbel lived in U.S.,0
Yoshua Bengio lived in U.S.,0
John Kay lived in U.S.,0
Marie Curie lived in Poland/France.,1
Mary Phelps Jacob lived in U.S.,1
Valdemar Poulsen lived in Scotland.,0
John Harrison lived in U.K.,1
Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans.,1
Gottlieb Daimler invented the internal combustion engine.,1
John Ericsson lived in U.S.,0
Luther Simjian invented the Band-Aid.,0
Blaise Pascal invented the mechanical calculator.,1
James Starley lived in Sweden/U.S.,0
Yvonne Brill invented the U.S.,1
Charles Tellier lived in U.K.,0
James Murray Spangler invented the portable vacuum cleaner.,1
Hedy Lamarr invented the frequency hopping spread spectrum.,1
Candace Pert invented the electric wheelchair.,0
Fritz Pfleumer lived in Canada/U.S.,0
Samuel Morse invented the Morse code.,1
Clyde Tombaugh lived in U.S.,1
Ferdinand von Zeppelin invented the rigid airship (Zeppelin).,1
Joseph Aspdin invented the Portland cement.,1
Lloyd Groff Copeman invented the electric stove.,1
William Kelly invented the Bessemer process for steelmaking.,1
Sir Frank Whittle invented the jet engine.,1
August Horch invented the Audi automobile.,1
Nicolas Appert lived in Russia.,0
Thomas Savery invented the early steam engine.,1
Felix Hoffmann lived in U.S.,0
Joseph Henry lived in U.S.,1
Rudolf Kálmán invented the U.S.,1
Alexander Graham Bell lived in Germany.,0
Robert Noyce lived in U.S.,1
Joseph Engelberger invented the discovery of Pluto.,0
David Edward Hughes invented the piano roll (used in player pianos).,0
John T. Parsons invented the numerical control (CNC).,1
Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville invented the Phonautograph.,1
Charles Francis Richter lived in U.S.,1
Hans Oersted lived in Denmark.,1
Yoshiro Nakamatsu invented the pop-up toaster.,0
James Hargreaves invented the U.S.,0
John Ericsson invented the celluloid.,0
Nils Bohlin lived in Sweden.,1
Edwin Herbert Hall invented the Hall effect.,1
Alec Jeffreys lived in U.K.,1
John T. Parsons lived in U.S.,1
Otis Boykin lived in U.S.,1
Alec Jeffreys invented the phonograph (independent inventor).,0
Kwolek lived in Stephanie.,1
Charles Strite lived in U.S.,1
Alessandro Volta lived in Italy.,1
Ruth Handler lived in U.S.,1
Clyde Tombaugh invented the electret microphone.,0
Georges Claude lived in France.,1
Hedy Lamarr lived in U.S.,0
Evangelista Torricelli invented the wireless remote control.,0
Benjamin Rubin invented the vaccine jet injector.,1
Alfred Nobel lived in Sweden.,1
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.,1
John Ambrose Fleming lived in U.S.,0
John Logie Baird invented the mechanical television.,1
Charles Strite lived in Italy.,0
John Atanasoff invented the first electronic digital computer (prototype).,1
Josephine Cochrane invented the Audi automobile.,0
John Ericsson lived in Sweden.,1
Elisha Otis lived in U.K.,0
Gordon Gould lived in Canada.,0
Christopher Cockerell lived in U.K.,1
Sir Charles Parsons lived in U.K.,1
Sir Charles Parsons invented the lightning rod.,0
Henry Ford lived in U.S.,1
Chester Carlson invented the xerography.,1
Rudolf Kálmán lived in U.K.,0
Reginald Fessenden invented the amplitude modulation (AM) radio.,1
Rudolf Diesel invented the microphone (carbon).,0
Joseph Swan lived in U.K.,1
Johannes Gutenberg invented the bagless vacuum cleaner.,0
Richard Gatling lived in U.S.,1
Leonardo da Vinci invented the discovery of radium and polonium.,0
Bette Nesmith Graham invented the agricultural innovations.,0
Marvin Camras invented the airship (non-rigid).,0
Ferdinand von Zeppelin lived in Germany.,1
Ferdinand von Zeppelin invented the piezoelectricity.,0
Karl Benz lived in Germany.,1
Guglielmo Marconi invented the Christmas card.,0
Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville invented the hovercraft.,0
Robert Chesebrough invented the Vaseline.,1
James Starley lived in U.K.,1
August Horch lived in Germany.,1
Charles Macintosh lived in U.S.,0
James Watt invented the electric traffic light.,0
Heinrich Göbel lived in Germany.,1
Henri Giffard invented the airship (non-rigid).,1
Edwin Link invented the analytical engine (mechanical computer).,0
Arthur Pitney invented the postage meter.,1
Marie Curie lived in Hungary.,0
Hans Geiger invented the frequency hopping spread spectrum.,0
William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet.,1
Auguste and Louis Lumière invented the cinematograph.,1
Igor Sikorsky lived in Ukraine/U.S.,1
Alec Jeffreys invented the DNA fingerprinting.,1
Edwin Link invented the flight simulator (Link Trainer).,1
Gustaf Dalén lived in Germany.,0
László Bíró invented the ballpoint pen.,1
Kwolek invented the modern brassiere.,0
Eli Whitney lived in U.S.,1
Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès lived in France.,1
Ada Lovelace lived in U.S.,0
Spencer Silver lived in U.S.,1
Karl Landsteiner invented the blood types.,1
Elihu Thomson invented the arc welding.,1
Leon Theremin lived in Germany.,0
Alan Turing invented the Turing machine (theoretical).,1
James Dyson invented the bagless vacuum cleaner.,1
Emile Berliner lived in Germany/U.S.,1
Charles Wheatstone lived in U.K.,1
Biruté Galdikas lived in France.,0
Samuel Fox lived in France.,0
Joseph Bramah invented the hydraulic press.,1
Grace Hopper lived in U.S.,1
Gustaf Dalén invented the thermite process.,0
Biruté Galdikas lived in Canada.,1
Ralph H. Baer invented the canning process.,0
Daisuke Inoue lived in Japan.,1
Albert Ghiorso lived in U.K.,0
Lloyd Groff Copeman invented the electromagnetic waves discovery.,0
Karl Landsteiner lived in Austria.,1
Wallace Carothers invented the magnetic wire recorder.,0
Georges Claude invented the neon lighting.,1
Joseph Henry lived in U.K.,0
Galileo Galilei lived in U.S.,0
Linus Torvalds lived in Finland.,1
Ami Argand lived in U.S.,0
André-Jacques Garnerin lived in Netherlands.,0
Levi Strauss lived in U.S.,1
Alessandro Volta lived in U.S.,0
Thomas Savery invented the bagless vacuum cleaner.,0
John Harrison invented the steel ribbed umbrella.,0
Richard Leach Maddox invented the blood types.,0
Edouard Benedictus lived in France.,1
David Schwarz invented the rigid airship.,1
John Atanasoff invented the revolver.,0
Heinrich Hertz invented the internal combustion engine.,0
R. Buckminster Fuller invented the mechanical television.,0
Arthur Fry lived in France.,0
Charles Townes lived in U.S.,1
Ralph H. Baer lived in France.,0
Reginald Fessenden lived in Canada/U.S.,1
Galileo Galilei invented the improved telescope.,1
Antoine Lavoisier lived in Austria.,0
Joseph Engelberger lived in U.S.,1
Joseph-Armand Bombardier invented the snowmobile.,1
Karl Landsteiner lived in U.K.,0
Reginald Fessenden lived in U.K.,0
John Shepherd-Barron lived in U.S.,0
Levi Strauss invented the laser.,0
James Clerk Maxwell invented the electromagnetic field theory.,1
Philo Farnsworth invented the electroencephalography (EEG).,0
Frank Bunker Gilbreth lived in Russia.,0
Daisuke Inoue lived in U.S.,0
Elisha Otis invented the safety elevator.,1
Fridtjof Nansen invented the modern polar exploration.,1
James Dyson invented the U.S.,0
Sir Humphry Davy invented the light bulb.,0
John Kay lived in U.K.,1
Richard Gatling invented the Gatling gun.,1
Tim Berners-Lee lived in U.K.,1
Charles Francis Jenkins lived in U.S.,1
Hans Lippershey invented the refracting telescope.,1
Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault lived in U.S.,0
Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented the electron scanning tube (Image dissector).,1
Grace Hopper invented the programming language (theoretical).,0
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen lived in Germany.,1
Alexander Fleming invented the penicillin discovery.,1
Christian Huygens lived in Scotland.,0
Ada Lovelace lived in U.K.,1
Philo Taylor Farnsworth lived in U.S.,1
Sergey Brin and Larry Page lived in U.S.,1
Gideon Sundback invented the electron scanning tube (Image dissector).,0
Hans Geiger lived in Germany.,1
Evangelista Torricelli lived in Italy.,1
Herbert Akroyd Stuart lived in Russia.,0
Ada Lovelace invented the modern brassiere.,0
Charles Goodyear invented the dry collodion photographic plate.,0
Yoshua Bengio invented the mechanical refrigeration (ice-making machine).,0
Daniel Fahrenheit lived in U.S.,0
Shinya Yamanaka lived in Japan.,1
Charles Tellier invented the liquefied gas refrigeration.,1
Giovanni Caselli lived in Italy.,1
Leon Theremin invented the Geiger counter.,0
Charles Francis Jenkins lived in Germany.,0
Hedy Lamarr lived in Austria/U.S.,1
Charles Francis Richter invented the Richter scale.,1
Semyon Kirlian invented the Kirlian photography.,1
Luther Simjian invented the Bankograph (early ATM).,1
Frederick McKinley Jones lived in U.S.,1
James Hargreaves lived in U.K.,1
David Schwarz lived in Croatia.,1
Konrad Zuse lived in Germany.,1
Jacob Perkins lived in U.S.,1
George Pullman invented the Pullman railroad sleeping car.,1
Arthur Pitney lived in U.K.,0
John Boyd Dunlop lived in Scotland.,1
Ruth Handler invented the refracting telescope.,0
Sergey Brin and Larry Page invented the Google search engine.,1
Henry Bessemer invented the electret microphone.,0
Vint Cerf invented the internet protocol suite.,1
Charles Babbage lived in Hungary/U.S.,0
William Kelly invented the phonograph (independent inventor).,0
Frederick McKinley Jones invented the karaoke machine.,0
Hans von Ohain lived in Germany.,1
Richard Trevithick invented the airplane.,0
Sir Isaac Newton invented the celluloid.,0
Eugene Polley invented the Morse code.,0
John von Neumann lived in U.S.,0
Christopher Cockerell lived in France.,0
R. Buckminster Fuller lived in U.S.,1
Thomas Tompion lived in U.K.,1
Christian Huygens invented the pendulum clock.,1
Vint Cerf lived in Italy.,0
Ada Lovelace invented the programming language (theoretical).,1
Nicolas Appert lived in France.,1
Whitcomb Judson invented the safety pin.,0
Hans Berger invented the flash freezing.,0
Nikolai Basov invented the molecular laser.,1
Wallace Carothers lived in Denmark.,0
Zhores Alferov invented the power loom.,0
Robert Chesebrough invented the roll film.,0
Narinder Singh Kapany invented the fiber optics.,1
John Shepherd-Barron invented the electric wheelchair.,0
Willem Einthoven invented the frameless parachute.,0
Stephanie Kwolek invented the co-discovery of HIV.,0
Maria Telkes invented the solar thermal storage system.,1
Carl Sontheimer lived in U.S.,1
Jacob Perkins invented the wrinkle-resistant fabric.,0
Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented the mechanical refrigeration (ice-making machine).,0
Karl Benz lived in U.S.,0
Carlos Glidden invented the typewriter.,1
Konrad Zuse lived in Poland/France.,0
James Clerk Maxwell lived in U.K.,1
Frank Bunker Gilbreth invented the Kirlian photography.,0
Joseph-Armand Bombardier invented the orangutan conservation.,0
Daniel Fahrenheit invented the mercury-in-glass thermometer.,1
Stephanie Kwolek invented the Kevlar.,1
Blaise Pascal invented the discovery of radium and polonium.,0
Nikola Tesla lived in Germany.,0
Charles Townes invented the maser.,1
Henry Ford invented the barbed wire.,0
Joseph Swan lived in Austrian Empire (modern-day Croatia)/U.S.,0
James Starley invented the bicycle improvements (tangential spokes.,1
James Murray Spangler lived in U.S.,1
Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault invented the piano roll (used in player pianos).,0
John Wesley Hyatt lived in U.K.,0
Georges Claude invented the various inventions and concepts (theoretical).,0
Hans Goldschmidt lived in Germany.,1
Charles Cros invented the phonograph (independent inventor).,1
Christopher Cockerell invented the margarine.,0
Semyon Kirlian invented the friction match.,0
Samuel Fox invented the liquefied gas refrigeration.,0
Felix Hoffmann invented the aspirin synthesis.,1
John T. Parsons invented the Pullman railroad sleeping car.,0
Carl Elsener lived in Switzerland.,1
Vint Cerf lived in U.S.,1
Robert Moog invented the Moog synthesizer.,1
James Clerk Maxwell invented the electric stove.,0
Ignazio Porro invented the Porro prism.,1
Charles Fritts invented the refrigeration unit for trucks.,0
Otis Boykin invented the improved electrical resistor.,1
John Ambrose Fleming invented the vacuum tube diode.,1
Jacob Perkins invented the compression refrigeration.,1
Charles Tellier lived in France.,1
Elisha Gray invented the telegraph printer.,1
Elisha Gray lived in Austria/U.S.,0
George de Mestral lived in Canada.,0
Antoine Lavoisier invented the blood types.,0
Sir Charles Parsons lived in U.S.,0
Nikola Tesla invented the alternating current (AC) electrical system.,1
Carl Elsener invented the laser.,0
Garrett Morgan invented the adhesive (used in Post-it notes).,0
George Washington Carver invented the agricultural innovations.,1
Henry Bessemer lived in U.S.,0
James Dyson lived in Canada.,0
Jack Kilby lived in U.K.,0
Henry Bessemer invented the Bessemer process for steelmaking.,1
Joseph Marie Jacquard lived in France.,1
Carl Wilhelm Siemens lived in U.S.,0
Nikola Tesla lived in Austrian Empire (modern-day Croatia)/U.S.,1
James West invented the electret microphone.,1
Carl Sontheimer invented the food processor.,1
Joseph Bramah invented the vacuum tube diode.,0
Sir Humphry Davy lived in U.S.,0
Philipp Reis lived in Finland.,0
Samuel Colt lived in U.S.,1
John von Neumann invented the Google search engine.,0
Bette Nesmith Graham invented the Liquid Paper.,1
Ruth Handler invented the Barbie doll.,1
Biruté Galdikas invented the pasteurization.,0
Edwin H. Land invented the three-point seatbelt.,0
Bartolomeo Cristofori lived in U.S.,0
Mary Walton lived in U.S.,1
Felix Hoffmann lived in Germany.,1
Frederick Walton invented the linoleum.,1
John Wesley Hyatt invented the celluloid.,1
John Harrison invented the marine chronometer.,1
John Bardeen invented the transistor.,1
Yvonne Brill invented the electric wheelchair.,0
George Pullman invented the electromagnetic field theory.,0
Bartolomeo Cristofori invented the piano.,1
John Callcott Horsley invented the Christmas card.,1
Lester Wire lived in U.K.,0
Yoshua Bengio invented the deep learning (artificial neural networks).,1
R. Buckminster Fuller invented the geodesic dome.,1
John Kay invented the electric stove.,0
Thomas Wedgwood invented the photogram (proto-photography).,1
Cai Lun invented the papermaking process.,1
William Congreve invented the Congreve rocket.,1
Frederick G. Creed lived in Canada.,1
Florence Parpart invented the modern electric refrigerator.,1
Hans von Ohain lived in Canada.,0
Elihu Thomson lived in U.S.,1
Igor Sikorsky invented the practical helicopter.,1
Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the electrocardiograph (ECG).,0
Godfrey Hounsfield invented the electromagnetism discovery.,0
Yvonne Brill lived in U.S.,0
Pierre Curie lived in France.,1
Shinya Yamanaka invented the Siemens regenerative furnace.,0
James Hargreaves lived in Sweden.,0
Spencer Silver invented the Richter scale.,0
Robert Adler invented the ultrasonic remote control.,1
Nikolay Slavyanov lived in Russia.,1
Dr. Robert Gallo lived in U.S.,1
Charles Goodyear lived in U.K.,0
Samuel Morse lived in U.S.,1
Daniel Fahrenheit lived in Poland/Germany.,1
John Logie Baird lived in Scotland.,1
Henri Giffard lived in France.,1
George Eastman invented the roll film.,1
Eugene Polley lived in U.S.,1
Hans Oersted invented the wireless remote control.,0
Nikolai Basov invented the typewriter.,0
Zhores Alferov lived in Russia.,1
Ferdinand Carré lived in France.,1
Richard Trevithick lived in U.K.,1
Edmund Cartwright lived in U.S.,0
Herbert Saffir invented the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.,1
John Walker lived in U.K.,1
Mary Phelps Jacob invented the practical helicopter.,0
Leon Theremin invented the theremin.,1
Thomas Tompion invented the cylinder escapement (clockmaking).,1
Semyon Kirlian lived in U.K.,0
John von Neumann invented the stored-program computer architecture.,1
Konrad Zuse invented the programmable computer (Z3).,1
Blaise Pascal lived in France.,1
Mary Phelps Jacob lived in Ukraine/U.S.,0
Luther Simjian lived in U.S.,0
Benjamin Rubin lived in U.S.,1
Ferdinand Carré invented the Post-it notes.,0
Willem Einthoven lived in Netherlands.,1
Heinrich Hertz invented the electromagnetic waves discovery.,1
Linus Torvalds invented the Linux operating system.,1
Konrad Zuse invented the discovery of radium and polonium.,0
Charles Francis Jenkins invented the gasoline-powered automobile.,0
Mary Walton invented the noise reduction system for elevated railways.,1
Godfrey Hounsfield lived in U.K.,1
Yoshiro Nakamatsu lived in Japan.,1
Alessandro Volta invented the assembly line production.,0
Sir Isaac Newton lived in U.S.,0
Ferdinand von Zeppelin lived in France.,0
John Kay invented the flying shuttle.,1
Auguste and Louis Lumière lived in France.,1
Thomas Edison lived in U.K.,0
Charles Babbage invented the stored-program computer architecture.,0
Albert Ghiorso invented the Turing machine (theoretical).,0
Cai Lun lived in China.,1
Evangelista Torricelli invented the barometer.,1
Chester Carlson invented the programming language (theoretical).,0
Willem Einthoven invented the electrocardiograph (ECG).,1
George Antheil invented the Band-Aid.,0
John Shepherd-Barron invented the ATM.,1
Linus Torvalds lived in Stephanie.,0