placementstream /
harshiv's picture
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import joblib
# Load the pre-trained model
# Define the input widgets
age = st.slider('Age', 18, 99, 25)
gender = st.selectbox('Gender', ['Male', 'Female'])
smoker = st.selectbox('Smoker', ['Yes', 'No'])
region = st.selectbox('Region', ['Northeast', 'Northwest', 'Southeast', 'Southwest'])
bmi = st.number_input('BMI', min_value=10.0, max_value=50.0, step=0.1)
# Define a function to make the prediction
def predict(age, gender, smoker, region, bmi):
data = pd.DataFrame({'age': [age],
'sex': [gender],
'smoker': [smoker],
'region': [region],
'bmi': [bmi]})
prediction = model.predict(data)[0]
return prediction
# Call the predict function and display the result
if st.button('Predict'):
result = predict(age, gender, smoker, region, bmi)
st.write('The predicted insurance cost is $', round(result, 2))