import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import os from intro import Intro # importing function from python file from same directory st.set_page_config( page_title="Automated ML", page_icon="🤖", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", ) page_bg_img_link = f""" """ st.markdown(page_bg_img_link, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Import profiling capability from ydata_profiling import profile_report from streamlit_pandas_profiling import st_profile_report # ML Pycaret Modules from pycaret.classification import ( setup as classification_setup, compare_models as classification_compare_model, pull as classification_pull, predict_model as classification_predict_model, save_model as classification_save_model, ) from pycaret.regression import ( setup as regression_setup, compare_models as regression_compare_models, pull as regression_pull, predict_model as regression_predict_model, save_model as regression_save_model, ) from pycaret.clustering import ( setup as clustering_steup, pull as clustering_pull, create_model as clustering_create_model, predict_model as clustering_predict_model, plot_model as clustering_plot_model, save_model as clustering_save_model, ) from pycaret.anomaly import ( setup as anomaly_setup, pull as anomaly_pull, create_model as anomaly_create_model, models as anomaly_models, plot_model as anomaly_plot_model, assign_model as anomaly_assign_model, save_model as anomaly_save_model, ) def main(): st.sidebar.image("") st.sidebar.title("AutoStreamML") choice = "Navigation", ["Instruction", "Upload", "Profiling", "ML", "Download"] ) "This Application allows us to build an automated ML Pipeline using Streamlit, Pandas and PyCaret. And it's magic!" ) if os.path.exists("Sourcedata.csv"): df = pd.read_csv("Sourcedata.csv", index_col=None) else: df = None ## Section1 - Instruction ## if choice == "Instruction": Intro() ## Section2 - Upload ## elif choice == "Upload": upload_section(df) ## Section3 - Profiling dataset ## elif choice == "Profiling": profiling_section(df) ## Section4 - Machine Learning ## elif choice == "ML": ml_section(df) ## Section5 - Download pipeline ## elif choice == "Download": download_section() ## Section2 - Upload ## def upload_section(df): st.title("Upload Your Data for Modelling!") file = st.file_uploader("Upload Your Dataset Here") if file: df = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=None) df.to_csv("Sourcedata.csv", index=None) st.dataframe(df) ## Section3 - Profiling dataset ## def profiling_section(df): st.title("Automated Exploratory Data Analysis") if df is not None: profile_report = df.profile_report() st_profile_report(profile_report) else:"Upload a dataset for profiling.") ## Section4 - Machine Learning ## def ml_section(df): st.title("Machine Learning Go 🤘🤘🤘") model = "Select Your Model", [ "Classification", "Regression", "Clustering", "Anomaly Detection", ], ) if model == "Classification": classification_subsection(df) elif model == "Regression": regression_subsection(df) elif model == "Clustering": clustering_subsection(df) elif model == "Anomaly Detection": AnomalyDetection_subsection(df) # Add other model subsections here ## for CLASSIFICATION def classification_subsection(df): st.subheader("Classification") chosen_target = st.selectbox("Select Your Target for Classification", df.columns) if st.button("Train Model"):"This is dataset") st.dataframe(df.head()) classification_setup(df, target=chosen_target) setup_df = classification_pull()"This is ML Experiment Settings ") st.dataframe(setup_df) best_model = classification_compare_model() compare_df = classification_pull()"This is the ML Model") st.dataframe(compare_df) predict = classification_predict_model(best_model) compare_df = classification_pull()"This is predicted value of best Model") st.dataframe(predict) classification_save_model(best_model, "best_model") ## for Regression def regression_subsection(df): st.subheader("Regression") chosen_target = st.selectbox("Select Your Target for Regresssion", df.columns) if st.button("Train Model"):"This is dataset") st.dataframe(df.head()) regression_setup(df, target=chosen_target) setup_df = regression_pull()"This is ML Experiment Settings ") st.dataframe(setup_df) best_model = regression_compare_models() compare_df = regression_pull()"This is the ML Model") st.dataframe(compare_df) predict = regression_predict_model(best_model)"This is predicted value of best Model") st.dataframe(predict) regression_save_model(best_model, "best_model") ## for Clustering def clustering_subsection(df): st.subheader("Clustering")"We are using KMean Clustering Method : ") if st.button("Train Model"):"This is dataset") st.dataframe(df.head()) clustering_steup(df) setup_df = clustering_pull()"This is ML Experiment Settings ") st.dataframe(setup_df) kmeans = clustering_create_model("kmeans") created_model_df = clustering_pull()"This is the ML Kmean Clustering Model") st.dataframe(created_model_df) predict = clustering_predict_model(kmeans, data=df) # predict_df = clustering_pull() "generates cluster labels using a trained model to Kmean Clustering Model" ) st.dataframe(predict) clustering_save_model(kmeans, "best_model") plot_mod = clustering_plot_model(kmeans) plot_mod ## for Anomaly Detection def AnomalyDetection_subsection(df): st.subheader("Anomaly Detection") method = st.selectbox( "Select Your method", [ "iforest", "knn", "svm", "abod", "cluster", ], ) if st.button("Train Model"):"This is dataset") st.dataframe(df.head()) anomaly_setup(df, session_id=123) setup_df = anomaly_pull()"This is ML Experiment Settings ") st.dataframe(setup_df) iforest = anomaly_create_model(method) # we use iforest model models = anomaly_models()"We use these models for anomaly detection ! ") st.dataframe(models) "predict anomaly labels to the dataset for a given model. (1 = outlier, 0 = inlier)" ) predictions = anomaly_assign_model(iforest) st.dataframe(predictions) anomaly_save_model(iforest, "best_model") plot_mod = anomaly_plot_model(iforest) plot_mod ## Section5 - Download pipeline ## def download_section(): st.title("Download trained pipeline!") with open("best_model.pkl", "rb") as file: st.download_button("Download", file, "trained_model.pkl") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") st.markdown("""""") with st.container(): col = st.columns([1]) # HARSH # with col[0]: st.write( "This app was created by [Harsh Narayan](" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()