# 😌 Which soccer position fits you the best? ### 🧐 Problem Statement and Research Summary Have you ever wanted to try out a new sport, but didn't know which position you shoud play on. I created this AI to help you figure out which soccer position fits you the best. Sometimes you have to try many positions before you find the right one. This AI will help you to prevent this. I found out that some facts about yourself really help finding the perfect position for you. If you answer all these question on this survey, this AI is able to find a position that most likely fit you the best. This recommandation system is based on data of 30 different people. ### 🎣 Data Collection Plan The data for this model was collected with a survey, filled out by 30 different people from two computer science classes. ### 💥 Ethical Considerations (Data Privacy and Bias) * Data privacy: I used a survey that collected data anonymously. Even though this survey is about soccer positions, some people might consider questions at personal or sensitive. That is why I chose to collect the data in a survey that does not ask for your name or other personal information. Because of that people who filled out the survey will stay anonymously. I informed people how the collected data will be used so they could decide wether they want to share those information or not. * Bias: This survey might have bias in it, when people filled out this survey without being completely honest. Or when people just klicked random options for fun. That could lead to bias information that is being used in this survey. Unfortunately I am not able to tell wether people filled out the survey with bias or not. I am aware that this data might not be very accurate. It is a recommandation based on collected data from different people. ### 👻 Our Team Myself ![aiEDU logo](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e4efdef6d10420691f02bc1/5db5a8a3-1761-4fce-a096-bd5f2515162f/aiEDU+_black+logo+stacked.png?format=100w)