from __future__ import annotations import os import socket import threading import time from functools import partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import uvicorn from uvicorn.config import Config from gradio.exceptions import ServerFailedToStartError from gradio.routes import App from gradio.utils import SourceFileReloader, watchfn if TYPE_CHECKING: # Only import for type checking (to avoid circular imports). pass # By default, the local server will try to open on localhost, port 7860. # If that is not available, then it will try 7861, 7862, ... 7959. INITIAL_PORT_VALUE = int(os.getenv("GRADIO_SERVER_PORT", "7860")) TRY_NUM_PORTS = int(os.getenv("GRADIO_NUM_PORTS", "100")) LOCALHOST_NAME = os.getenv("GRADIO_SERVER_NAME", "") should_watch = bool(os.getenv("GRADIO_WATCH_DIRS", "")) GRADIO_WATCH_DIRS = ( os.getenv("GRADIO_WATCH_DIRS", "").split(",") if should_watch else [] ) GRADIO_WATCH_MODULE_NAME = os.getenv("GRADIO_WATCH_MODULE_NAME", "app") GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_NAME = os.getenv("GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_NAME", "demo") GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_PATH = os.getenv("GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_PATH", "") class Server(uvicorn.Server): def __init__( self, config: Config, reloader: SourceFileReloader | None = None ) -> None: self.running_app = super().__init__(config) self.reloader = reloader if self.reloader: self.event = threading.Event() = partial(watchfn, self.reloader) def install_signal_handlers(self): pass def run_in_thread(self): self.thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True) if self.reloader: self.watch_thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True) self.watch_thread.start() self.thread.start() start = time.time() while not self.started: time.sleep(1e-3) if time.time() - start > 5: raise ServerFailedToStartError( "Server failed to start. Please check that the port is available." ) def close(self): self.should_exit = True if self.reloader: self.reloader.stop() self.watch_thread.join() self.thread.join(timeout=5) def start_server( app: App, server_name: str | None = None, server_port: int | None = None, ssl_keyfile: str | None = None, ssl_certfile: str | None = None, ssl_keyfile_password: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[str, int, str, Server]: """Launches a local server running the provided Interface Parameters: app: the FastAPI app object to run server_name: to make app accessible on local network, set this to "". Can be set by environment variable GRADIO_SERVER_NAME. server_port: will start gradio app on this port (if available). Can be set by environment variable GRADIO_SERVER_PORT. auth: If provided, username and password (or list of username-password tuples) required to access the Blocks. Can also provide function that takes username and password and returns True if valid login. ssl_keyfile: If a path to a file is provided, will use this as the private key file to create a local server running on https. ssl_certfile: If a path to a file is provided, will use this as the signed certificate for https. Needs to be provided if ssl_keyfile is provided. ssl_keyfile_password: If a password is provided, will use this with the ssl certificate for https. Returns: server_name: the name of the server (default is "localhost") port: the port number the server is running on path_to_local_server: the complete address that the local server can be accessed at server: the server object that is a subclass of uvicorn.Server (used to close the server) """ if ssl_keyfile is not None and ssl_certfile is None: raise ValueError("ssl_certfile must be provided if ssl_keyfile is provided.") server_name = server_name or LOCALHOST_NAME url_host_name = "localhost" if server_name == "" else server_name # Strip IPv6 brackets from the address if they exist. # This is needed as http://[::1]:port/ is a valid browser address, # but not a valid IPv6 address, so asyncio will throw an exception. if server_name.startswith("[") and server_name.endswith("]"): host = server_name[1:-1] else: host = server_name server_ports = ( [server_port] if server_port is not None else range(INITIAL_PORT_VALUE, INITIAL_PORT_VALUE + TRY_NUM_PORTS) ) for port in server_ports: try: # The fastest way to check if a port is available is to try to bind to it with socket. # If the port is not available, socket will throw an OSError. s = socket.socket() s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # Really, we should be checking if (server_name, server_port) is available, but # socket.bind() doesn't seem to throw an OSError with ipv6 addresses, based on my testing. # Instead, we just check if the port is available on localhost. s.bind((LOCALHOST_NAME, port)) s.close() # To avoid race conditions, so we also check if the port by trying to start the uvicorn server. # If the port is not available, this will throw a ServerFailedToStartError. config = uvicorn.Config( app=app, port=port, host=host, log_level="warning", ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, ssl_keyfile_password=ssl_keyfile_password, ) reloader = None if GRADIO_WATCH_DIRS: reloader = SourceFileReloader( app=app, watch_dirs=GRADIO_WATCH_DIRS, watch_module_name=GRADIO_WATCH_MODULE_NAME, demo_name=GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_NAME, stop_event=threading.Event(), demo_file=GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_PATH, ) server = Server(config=config, reloader=reloader) server.run_in_thread() break except (OSError, ServerFailedToStartError): pass else: raise OSError( f"Cannot find empty port in range: {min(server_ports)}-{max(server_ports)}. You can specify a different port by setting the GRADIO_SERVER_PORT environment variable or passing the `server_port` parameter to `launch()`." ) if ssl_keyfile is not None: path_to_local_server = f"https://{url_host_name}:{port}/" else: path_to_local_server = f"http://{url_host_name}:{port}/" return server_name, port, path_to_local_server, server