CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
Add IL-Facts task
Browse files- src/ +29 -0
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class Tasks(Enum):
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task2 = Task("custom|sentiment-acc|0", "sentiment_acc", "Sentiment Acc (Mafat)")
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task3 = Task("custom|winograd-acc|0", "winograd_acc", "Winograd (Binary) Acc (V. Schwartz)")
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task4 = Task("custom|he-en-trans-bleu|0", "sentence_bleu", "Translation BLEU")
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NUM_FEWSHOT = 0 # Change with your few shot
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# ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -210,6 +211,34 @@ Hebrew:
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task2 = Task("custom|sentiment-acc|0", "sentiment_acc", "Sentiment Acc (Mafat)")
18 |
task3 = Task("custom|winograd-acc|0", "winograd_acc", "Winograd (Binary) Acc (V. Schwartz)")
19 |
task4 = Task("custom|he-en-trans-bleu|0", "sentence_bleu", "Translation BLEU")
20 |
task5 = Task("custom|ilfacts-acc|0", "ilfacts_acc", "Israeli Trivia")
21 |
22 |
NUM_FEWSHOT = 0 # Change with your few shot
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# ---------------------------------------------------
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6. Israeli Trivia
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- **Source**: We use a corpus of several hundred trivia questions about general world knowledge, specifically on Israel-related facts. We extend immense gratitude to Avraham Elitzur for helping us curate this dataset.
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- **Scoring**: We provide in the prompt multiple-choice answers, and compute the accuracy score.
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- **Number of examples**: 300 examples.
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- **Few-Shot Format**: For every prompt, we provide 5 few-shot examples, and then the question at hand. Each example is formatted with the question, the possible answers, and the expected answer.
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For example:
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<blockquote dir="rtl" style="background-color: #f0f0f0;">
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砖讗诇讛: 讘讗讬讝讜 注讬专 谞注专讻讛 讛讻专讝转 讛诪讚讬谞讛 讛专砖诪讬转 注诇 讬讚讬 讚讜讚 讘谉 讙讜专讬讜谉?<br/>
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讗驻砖专讜讬讜转: "讬专讜砖诇讬诐" / "讗砖拽诇讜谉" / "转诇 讗讘讬讘" / "爪驻转"<br/>
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转砖讜讘讛: 转诇 讗讘讬讘 <br/>
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砖讗诇讛: 砖讗诇讛 讞讚砖讛<br/>
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讗驻砖专讜讬讜转: "讗驻砖专讜转 讗" / "讗驻砖专讜转 讘" ...<br/>
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