CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
Added SNLI score
Browse files- src/ +44 -4
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ class Task:
12 |
# ---------------------------------------------------
13 |
class Tasks(Enum):
14 |
# task_key in the json file, metric_key in the json file, name to display in the leaderboard
15 |
task0 = Task("custom|
16 |
task1 = Task("custom|
17 |
task2 = Task("custom|
18 |
task3 = Task("custom|
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NUM_FEWSHOT = 0 # Change with your few shot
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# ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -170,6 +171,45 @@ English: Some sentence to translate to Hebrew <br/>
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# ---------------------------------------------------
13 |
class Tasks(Enum):
14 |
# task_key in the json file, metric_key in the json file, name to display in the leaderboard
15 |
task0 = Task("custom|snli-acc|0", "snli_acc", "SNLI Accuracy")
16 |
task1 = Task("custom|heq-qa-tlnls|0", "heq_tlnls", "QA TLNLS (HeQ)")
17 |
task2 = Task("custom|sentiment-acc|0", "sentiment_acc", "Sentiment Acc (Mafat)")
18 |
task3 = Task("custom|winograd-acc|0", "winograd_acc", "Winograd (Binary) Acc (V. Schwartz)")
19 |
task4 = Task("custom|he-en-trans-bleu|0", "sentence_bleu", "Translation BLEU")
20 |
21 |
NUM_FEWSHOT = 0 # Change with your few shot
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# ---------------------------------------------------
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5. SNLI Accuracy
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- **Source**: We took a sample of documents from the test-subset of the official SNLI corpus.
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- **Scoring**: We compute the accuracy score on the predictions, expecting either "住转讬专讛", "讛转讗诪讛", or "讻诇讜诐".
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- **Number of examples**: There are a total of 210 examples - 70 from each class - where each example was translated using [Dicta's translation engine](, and then manually reviewed and corrected as needed.
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- **Few-Shot Format**: For every prompt, we provide 12 few-shot examples, 4 from each category.
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For example:
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<blockquote dir="rtl" style='text-align: right; background-color: #f0f0f0'>
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讛谞讞转 讬住讜讚: 谞注专 诪谞讙谉 讘讞爪讜爪专转讜 讘诪讛诇讱 讛讜驻注讛 注诐 诇讛拽转讜.<br/>
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讛砖注专讛: 诇讗祝 讗讞讚 讗讬谉 讞爪讜爪专讛.<br/>
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转砖讜讘讛: 住转讬专讛<br/>
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讛谞讞转 讬住讜讚: 讛谞注专讛 诇讘讜砖讛 讘诪注讬诇 讞讜诐, 讘注讜讚讛 驻讜住注转 讘砖诇讙.<br/>
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讛砖注专讛: 讛讙讘专转 讛诇讜讘砖转 诪注讬诇 诪讞驻砖转 讗转 讻诇讘讛 讛讗讜讘讚.<br/>
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转砖讜讘讛: 讻诇讜诐<br/>
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讛谞讞转 讬住讜讚: 住驻讬谞转志驻讗专 讘讛 讗谞砖讬诐 注讜诇讬诐 讜讬讜专讚讬诐.<br/>
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讛砖注专讛: 讗谞砖讬诐 注讜诇讬诐 讜讬讜专讚讬诐 诪住驻讬谞讜转.<br/>
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转砖讜讘讛: 讛转讗诪讛<br/>
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讛谞讞转 讬住讜讚: 讛谞讞讛 讞讚砖讛<br/>
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讛砖注专讛: 讛砖注专讛 讞讚砖讛<br/>
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