import os import math import numpy as np from PIL import Image import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from import Dataset, DataLoader, IterableDataset import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF import pytorch_lightning as pl import datasets from datasets.colmap_utils import \ read_cameras_binary, read_images_binary, read_points3d_binary from models.ray_utils import get_ray_directions from utils.misc import get_rank def get_center(pts): center = pts.mean(0) dis = (pts - center[None,:]).norm(p=2, dim=-1) mean, std = dis.mean(), dis.std() q25, q75 = torch.quantile(dis, 0.25), torch.quantile(dis, 0.75) valid = (dis > mean - 1.5 * std) & (dis < mean + 1.5 * std) & (dis > mean - (q75 - q25) * 1.5) & (dis < mean + (q75 - q25) * 1.5) center = pts[valid].mean(0) return center def normalize_poses(poses, pts, up_est_method, center_est_method): if center_est_method == 'camera': # estimation scene center as the average of all camera positions center = poses[...,3].mean(0) elif center_est_method == 'lookat': # estimation scene center as the average of the intersection of selected pairs of camera rays cams_ori = poses[...,3] cams_dir = poses[:,:3,:3] @ torch.as_tensor([0.,0.,-1.]) cams_dir = F.normalize(cams_dir, dim=-1) A = torch.stack([cams_dir, -cams_dir.roll(1,0)], dim=-1) b = -cams_ori + cams_ori.roll(1,0) t = torch.linalg.lstsq(A, b).solution center = (torch.stack([cams_dir, cams_dir.roll(1,0)], dim=-1) * t[:,None,:] + torch.stack([cams_ori, cams_ori.roll(1,0)], dim=-1)).mean((0,2)) elif center_est_method == 'point': # first estimation scene center as the average of all camera positions # later we'll use the center of all points bounded by the cameras as the final scene center center = poses[...,3].mean(0) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown center estimation method: {center_est_method}') if up_est_method == 'ground': # estimate up direction as the normal of the estimated ground plane # use RANSAC to estimate the ground plane in the point cloud import pyransac3d as pyrsc ground = pyrsc.Plane() plane_eq, inliers =, thresh=0.01) # TODO: determine thresh based on scene scale plane_eq = torch.as_tensor(plane_eq) # A, B, C, D in Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 z = F.normalize(plane_eq[:3], dim=-1) # plane normal as up direction signed_distance = ([pts, torch.ones_like(pts[...,0:1])], dim=-1) * plane_eq).sum(-1) if signed_distance.mean() < 0: z = -z # flip the direction if points lie under the plane elif up_est_method == 'camera': # estimate up direction as the average of all camera up directions z = F.normalize((poses[...,3] - center).mean(0), dim=0) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown up estimation method: {up_est_method}') # new axis y_ = torch.as_tensor([z[1], -z[0], 0.]) x = F.normalize(y_.cross(z), dim=0) y = z.cross(x) if center_est_method == 'point': # rotation Rc = torch.stack([x, y, z], dim=1) R = Rc.T poses_homo =[poses, torch.as_tensor([[[0.,0.,0.,1.]]]).expand(poses.shape[0], -1, -1)], dim=1) inv_trans =[[R, torch.as_tensor([[0.,0.,0.]]).T], dim=1), torch.as_tensor([[0.,0.,0.,1.]])], dim=0) poses_norm = (inv_trans @ poses_homo)[:,:3] pts = (inv_trans @[pts, torch.ones_like(pts[:,0:1])], dim=-1)[...,None])[:,:3,0] # translation and scaling poses_min, poses_max = poses_norm[...,3].min(0)[0], poses_norm[...,3].max(0)[0] pts_fg = pts[(poses_min[0] < pts[:,0]) & (pts[:,0] < poses_max[0]) & (poses_min[1] < pts[:,1]) & (pts[:,1] < poses_max[1])] center = get_center(pts_fg) tc = center.reshape(3, 1) t = -tc poses_homo =[poses_norm, torch.as_tensor([[[0.,0.,0.,1.]]]).expand(poses_norm.shape[0], -1, -1)], dim=1) inv_trans =[[torch.eye(3), t], dim=1), torch.as_tensor([[0.,0.,0.,1.]])], dim=0) poses_norm = (inv_trans @ poses_homo)[:,:3] scale = poses_norm[...,3].norm(p=2, dim=-1).min() poses_norm[...,3] /= scale pts = (inv_trans @[pts, torch.ones_like(pts[:,0:1])], dim=-1)[...,None])[:,:3,0] pts = pts / scale else: # rotation and translation Rc = torch.stack([x, y, z], dim=1) tc = center.reshape(3, 1) R, t = Rc.T, -Rc.T @ tc poses_homo =[poses, torch.as_tensor([[[0.,0.,0.,1.]]]).expand(poses.shape[0], -1, -1)], dim=1) inv_trans =[[R, t], dim=1), torch.as_tensor([[0.,0.,0.,1.]])], dim=0) poses_norm = (inv_trans @ poses_homo)[:,:3] # (N_images, 4, 4) # scaling scale = poses_norm[...,3].norm(p=2, dim=-1).min() poses_norm[...,3] /= scale # apply the transformation to the point cloud pts = (inv_trans @[pts, torch.ones_like(pts[:,0:1])], dim=-1)[...,None])[:,:3,0] pts = pts / scale return poses_norm, pts def create_spheric_poses(cameras, n_steps=120): center = torch.as_tensor([0.,0.,0.], dtype=cameras.dtype, device=cameras.device) mean_d = (cameras - center[None,:]).norm(p=2, dim=-1).mean() mean_h = cameras[:,2].mean() r = (mean_d**2 - mean_h**2).sqrt() up = torch.as_tensor([0., 0., 1.], dtype=center.dtype, device=center.device) all_c2w = [] for theta in torch.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, n_steps): cam_pos = torch.stack([r * theta.cos(), r * theta.sin(), mean_h]) l = F.normalize(center - cam_pos, p=2, dim=0) s = F.normalize(l.cross(up), p=2, dim=0) u = F.normalize(s.cross(l), p=2, dim=0) c2w =[torch.stack([s, u, -l], dim=1), cam_pos[:,None]], axis=1) all_c2w.append(c2w) all_c2w = torch.stack(all_c2w, dim=0) return all_c2w class ColmapDatasetBase(): # the data only has to be processed once initialized = False properties = {} def setup(self, config, split): self.config = config self.split = split self.rank = get_rank() if not ColmapDatasetBase.initialized: camdata = read_cameras_binary(os.path.join(self.config.root_dir, 'sparse/0/cameras.bin')) H = int(camdata[1].height) W = int(camdata[1].width) if 'img_wh' in self.config: w, h = self.config.img_wh assert round(W / w * h) == H elif 'img_downscale' in self.config: w, h = int(W / self.config.img_downscale + 0.5), int(H / self.config.img_downscale + 0.5) else: raise KeyError("Either img_wh or img_downscale should be specified.") img_wh = (w, h) factor = w / W if camdata[1].model == 'SIMPLE_RADIAL': fx = fy = camdata[1].params[0] * factor cx = camdata[1].params[1] * factor cy = camdata[1].params[2] * factor elif camdata[1].model in ['PINHOLE', 'OPENCV']: fx = camdata[1].params[0] * factor fy = camdata[1].params[1] * factor cx = camdata[1].params[2] * factor cy = camdata[1].params[3] * factor else: raise ValueError(f"Please parse the intrinsics for camera model {camdata[1].model}!") directions = get_ray_directions(w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy).to(self.rank) imdata = read_images_binary(os.path.join(self.config.root_dir, 'sparse/0/images.bin')) mask_dir = os.path.join(self.config.root_dir, 'masks') has_mask = os.path.exists(mask_dir) # TODO: support partial masks apply_mask = has_mask and self.config.apply_mask all_c2w, all_images, all_fg_masks = [], [], [] for i, d in enumerate(imdata.values()): R = d.qvec2rotmat() t = d.tvec.reshape(3, 1) c2w = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate([R.T, -R.T@t], axis=1)).float() c2w[:,1:3] *= -1. # COLMAP => OpenGL all_c2w.append(c2w) if self.split in ['train', 'val']: img_path = os.path.join(self.config.root_dir, 'images', img = img = img.resize(img_wh, Image.BICUBIC) img = TF.to_tensor(img).permute(1, 2, 0)[...,:3] img = if self.config.load_data_on_gpu else img.cpu() if has_mask: mask_paths = [os.path.join(mask_dir,, os.path.join(mask_dir,[3:])] mask_paths = list(filter(os.path.exists, mask_paths)) assert len(mask_paths) == 1 mask =[0]).convert('L') # (H, W, 1) mask = mask.resize(img_wh, Image.BICUBIC) mask = TF.to_tensor(mask)[0] else: mask = torch.ones_like(img[...,0], device=img.device) all_fg_masks.append(mask) # (h, w) all_images.append(img) all_c2w = torch.stack(all_c2w, dim=0) pts3d = read_points3d_binary(os.path.join(self.config.root_dir, 'sparse/0/points3D.bin')) pts3d = torch.from_numpy(np.array([pts3d[k].xyz for k in pts3d])).float() all_c2w, pts3d = normalize_poses(all_c2w, pts3d, up_est_method=self.config.up_est_method, center_est_method=self.config.center_est_method) = { 'w': w, 'h': h, 'img_wh': img_wh, 'factor': factor, 'has_mask': has_mask, 'apply_mask': apply_mask, 'directions': directions, 'pts3d': pts3d, 'all_c2w': all_c2w, 'all_images': all_images, 'all_fg_masks': all_fg_masks } ColmapDatasetBase.initialized = True for k, v in setattr(self, k, v) if self.split == 'test': self.all_c2w = create_spheric_poses(self.all_c2w[:,:,3], n_steps=self.config.n_test_traj_steps) self.all_images = torch.zeros((self.config.n_test_traj_steps, self.h, self.w, 3), dtype=torch.float32) self.all_fg_masks = torch.zeros((self.config.n_test_traj_steps, self.h, self.w), dtype=torch.float32) else: self.all_images, self.all_fg_masks = torch.stack(self.all_images, dim=0).float(), torch.stack(self.all_fg_masks, dim=0).float() """ # for debug use from models.ray_utils import get_rays rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(self.directions.cpu(), self.all_c2w, keepdim=True) pts_out = [] pts_out.append('\n'.join([' '.join([str(p) for p in l]) + ' 1.0 0.0 0.0' for l in rays_o[:,0,0].reshape(-1, 3).tolist()])) t_vals = torch.linspace(0, 1, 8) z_vals = 0.05 * (1 - t_vals) + 0.5 * t_vals ray_pts = (rays_o[:,0,0][..., None, :] + z_vals[..., None] * rays_d[:,0,0][..., None, :]) pts_out.append('\n'.join([' '.join([str(p) for p in l]) + ' 0.0 1.0 0.0' for l in ray_pts.view(-1, 3).tolist()])) ray_pts = (rays_o[:,0,0][..., None, :] + z_vals[..., None] * rays_d[:,self.h-1,0][..., None, :]) pts_out.append('\n'.join([' '.join([str(p) for p in l]) + ' 0.0 0.0 1.0' for l in ray_pts.view(-1, 3).tolist()])) ray_pts = (rays_o[:,0,0][..., None, :] + z_vals[..., None] * rays_d[:,0,self.w-1][..., None, :]) pts_out.append('\n'.join([' '.join([str(p) for p in l]) + ' 0.0 1.0 1.0' for l in ray_pts.view(-1, 3).tolist()])) ray_pts = (rays_o[:,0,0][..., None, :] + z_vals[..., None] * rays_d[:,self.h-1,self.w-1][..., None, :]) pts_out.append('\n'.join([' '.join([str(p) for p in l]) + ' 1.0 1.0 1.0' for l in ray_pts.view(-1, 3).tolist()])) open('cameras.txt', 'w').write('\n'.join(pts_out)) open('scene.txt', 'w').write('\n'.join([' '.join([str(p) for p in l]) + ' 0.0 0.0 0.0' for l in self.pts3d.view(-1, 3).tolist()])) exit(1) """ self.all_c2w = self.all_c2w.float().to(self.rank) if self.config.load_data_on_gpu: self.all_images = self.all_fg_masks = class ColmapDataset(Dataset, ColmapDatasetBase): def __init__(self, config, split): self.setup(config, split) def __len__(self): return len(self.all_images) def __getitem__(self, index): return { 'index': index } class ColmapIterableDataset(IterableDataset, ColmapDatasetBase): def __init__(self, config, split): self.setup(config, split) def __iter__(self): while True: yield {} @datasets.register('colmap') class ColmapDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config def setup(self, stage=None): if stage in [None, 'fit']: self.train_dataset = ColmapIterableDataset(self.config, 'train') if stage in [None, 'fit', 'validate']: self.val_dataset = ColmapDataset(self.config, self.config.get('val_split', 'train')) if stage in [None, 'test']: self.test_dataset = ColmapDataset(self.config, self.config.get('test_split', 'test')) if stage in [None, 'predict']: self.predict_dataset = ColmapDataset(self.config, 'train') def prepare_data(self): pass def general_loader(self, dataset, batch_size): sampler = None return DataLoader( dataset, num_workers=os.cpu_count(), batch_size=batch_size, pin_memory=True, sampler=sampler ) def train_dataloader(self): return self.general_loader(self.train_dataset, batch_size=1) def val_dataloader(self): return self.general_loader(self.val_dataset, batch_size=1) def test_dataloader(self): return self.general_loader(self.test_dataset, batch_size=1) def predict_dataloader(self): return self.general_loader(self.predict_dataset, batch_size=1)