Runtime error
Runtime error
// | |
/* ES Module Shims 1.3.6 */ | |
(function () { | |
const edge = navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/\d\d\.\d+$/); | |
let baseUrl; | |
function createBlob(source, type = 'text/javascript') { | |
return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([source], { type })); | |
} | |
const noop = () => { }; | |
const baseEl = document.querySelector('base[href]'); | |
if (baseEl) | |
baseUrl = baseEl.href; | |
if (!baseUrl && typeof location !== 'undefined') { | |
baseUrl = location.href.split('#')[0].split('?')[0]; | |
const lastSepIndex = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); | |
if (lastSepIndex !== -1) | |
baseUrl = baseUrl.slice(0, lastSepIndex + 1); | |
} | |
function isURL(url) { | |
try { | |
new URL(url); | |
return true; | |
} | |
catch { | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
const backslashRegEx = /\\/g; | |
function resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(relUrl, parentUrl) { | |
// strip off any trailing query params or hashes | |
parentUrl = parentUrl && parentUrl.split('#')[0].split('?')[0]; | |
if (relUrl.indexOf('\\') !== -1) | |
relUrl = relUrl.replace(backslashRegEx, '/'); | |
// protocol-relative | |
if (relUrl[0] === '/' && relUrl[1] === '/') { | |
return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1) + relUrl; | |
} | |
// relative-url | |
else if (relUrl[0] === '.' && (relUrl[1] === '/' || relUrl[1] === '.' && (relUrl[2] === '/' || relUrl.length === 2 && (relUrl += '/')) || | |
relUrl.length === 1 && (relUrl += '/')) || | |
relUrl[0] === '/') { | |
const parentProtocol = parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1); | |
// Disabled, but these cases will give inconsistent results for deep backtracking | |
//if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] !== '/') | |
// throw new Error('Cannot resolve'); | |
// read pathname from parent URL | |
// pathname taken to be part after leading "/" | |
let pathname; | |
if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length + 1] === '/') { | |
// resolving to a :// so we need to read out the auth and host | |
if (parentProtocol !== 'file:') { | |
pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + 2); | |
pathname = pathname.slice(pathname.indexOf('/') + 1); | |
} | |
else { | |
pathname = parentUrl.slice(8); | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
// resolving to :/ so pathname is the /... part | |
pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] === '/')); | |
} | |
if (relUrl[0] === '/') | |
return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length - 1) + relUrl; | |
// join together and split for removal of .. and . segments | |
// looping the string instead of anything fancy for perf reasons | |
// '../../../../../z' resolved to 'x/y' is just 'z' | |
const segmented = pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + relUrl; | |
const output = []; | |
let segmentIndex = -1; | |
for (let i = 0; i < segmented.length; i++) { | |
// busy reading a segment - only terminate on '/' | |
if (segmentIndex !== -1) { | |
if (segmented[i] === '/') { | |
output.push(segmented.slice(segmentIndex, i + 1)); | |
segmentIndex = -1; | |
} | |
} | |
// new segment - check if it is relative | |
else if (segmented[i] === '.') { | |
// ../ segment | |
if (segmented[i + 1] === '.' && (segmented[i + 2] === '/' || i + 2 === segmented.length)) { | |
output.pop(); | |
i += 2; | |
} | |
// ./ segment | |
else if (segmented[i + 1] === '/' || i + 1 === segmented.length) { | |
i += 1; | |
} | |
else { | |
// the start of a new segment as below | |
segmentIndex = i; | |
} | |
} | |
// it is the start of a new segment | |
else { | |
segmentIndex = i; | |
} | |
} | |
// finish reading out the last segment | |
if (segmentIndex !== -1) | |
output.push(segmented.slice(segmentIndex)); | |
return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length) + output.join(''); | |
} | |
} | |
/* | |
* Import maps implementation | |
* | |
* To make lookups fast we pre-resolve the entire import map | |
* and then match based on backtracked hash lookups | |
* | |
*/ | |
function resolveUrl(relUrl, parentUrl) { | |
return resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(relUrl, parentUrl) || (relUrl.indexOf(':') !== -1 ? relUrl : resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl('./' + relUrl, parentUrl)); | |
} | |
function resolveAndComposePackages(packages, outPackages, baseUrl, parentMap) { | |
for (let p in packages) { | |
const resolvedLhs = resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(p, baseUrl) || p; | |
if (outPackages[resolvedLhs]) { | |
throw new Error(`Dynamic import map rejected: Overrides entry "${resolvedLhs}" from ${outPackages[resolvedLhs]} to ${packages[resolvedLhs]}.`); | |
} | |
let target = packages[p]; | |
if (typeof target !== 'string') | |
continue; | |
const mapped = resolveImportMap(parentMap, resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(target, baseUrl) || target, baseUrl); | |
if (mapped) { | |
outPackages[resolvedLhs] = mapped; | |
continue; | |
} | |
targetWarning(p, packages[p], 'bare specifier did not resolve'); | |
} | |
} | |
function resolveAndComposeImportMap(json, baseUrl, parentMap) { | |
const outMap = { imports: Object.assign({}, parentMap.imports), scopes: Object.assign({}, parentMap.scopes) }; | |
if (json.imports) | |
resolveAndComposePackages(json.imports, outMap.imports, baseUrl, parentMap); | |
if (json.scopes) | |
for (let s in json.scopes) { | |
const resolvedScope = resolveUrl(s, baseUrl); | |
resolveAndComposePackages(json.scopes[s], outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] || (outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] = {}), baseUrl, parentMap); | |
} | |
return outMap; | |
} | |
function getMatch(path, matchObj) { | |
if (matchObj[path]) | |
return path; | |
let sepIndex = path.length; | |
do { | |
const segment = path.slice(0, sepIndex + 1); | |
if (segment in matchObj) | |
return segment; | |
} while ((sepIndex = path.lastIndexOf('/', sepIndex - 1)) !== -1) | |
} | |
function applyPackages(id, packages) { | |
const pkgName = getMatch(id, packages); | |
if (pkgName) { | |
const pkg = packages[pkgName]; | |
if (pkg === null) return; | |
if (id.length > pkgName.length && pkg[pkg.length - 1] !== '/') | |
targetWarning(pkgName, pkg, "should have a trailing '/'"); | |
else | |
return pkg + id.slice(pkgName.length); | |
} | |
} | |
function targetWarning(match, target, msg) { | |
console.warn("Package target " + msg + ", resolving target '" + target + "' for " + match); | |
} | |
function resolveImportMap(importMap, resolvedOrPlain, parentUrl) { | |
let scopeUrl = parentUrl && getMatch(parentUrl, importMap.scopes); | |
while (scopeUrl) { | |
const packageResolution = applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, importMap.scopes[scopeUrl]); | |
if (packageResolution) | |
return packageResolution; | |
scopeUrl = getMatch(scopeUrl.slice(0, scopeUrl.lastIndexOf('/')), importMap.scopes); | |
} | |
return applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, importMap.imports) || resolvedOrPlain.indexOf(':') !== -1 && resolvedOrPlain; | |
} | |
const optionsScript = document.querySelector('script[type=esms-options]'); | |
const esmsInitOptions = optionsScript ? JSON.parse(optionsScript.innerHTML) : self.esmsInitOptions ? self.esmsInitOptions : {}; | |
let shimMode = !!esmsInitOptions.shimMode; | |
const resolveHook = globalHook(shimMode && esmsInitOptions.resolve); | |
const skip = esmsInitOptions.skip ? new RegExp(esmsInitOptions.skip) : null; | |
let nonce = esmsInitOptions.nonce; | |
if (!nonce) { | |
const nonceElement = document.querySelector('script[nonce]'); | |
if (nonceElement) | |
nonce = nonceElement.nonce || nonceElement.getAttribute('nonce'); | |
} | |
const onerror = globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onerror || noop); | |
const onpolyfill = globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill || noop); | |
const { revokeBlobURLs, noLoadEventRetriggers } = esmsInitOptions; | |
const fetchHook = esmsInitOptions.fetch ? globalHook(esmsInitOptions.fetch) : fetch; | |
function globalHook(name) { | |
return typeof name === 'string' ? self[name] : name; | |
} | |
const enable = Array.isArray(esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable) ? esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable : []; | |
const cssModulesEnabled = enable.includes('css-modules'); | |
const jsonModulesEnabled = enable.includes('json-modules'); | |
function setShimMode() { | |
shimMode = true; | |
} | |
let err; | |
window.addEventListener('error', _err => err = _err); | |
function dynamicImportScript(url, { errUrl = url } = {}) { | |
err = undefined; | |
const src = createBlob(`import*as m from'${url}';self._esmsi=m`); | |
const s = Object.assign(document.createElement('script'), { type: 'module', src }); | |
s.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); | |
s.setAttribute('noshim', ''); | |
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | |
// Safari is unique in supporting module script error events | |
s.addEventListener('error', cb); | |
s.addEventListener('load', cb); | |
function cb(_err) { | |
document.head.removeChild(s); | |
if (self._esmsi) { | |
resolve(self._esmsi, baseUrl); | |
self._esmsi = undefined; | |
} | |
else { | |
reject(!(_err instanceof Event) && _err || err && err.error || new Error(`Error loading or executing the graph of ${errUrl} (check the console for ${src}).`)); | |
err = undefined; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
document.head.appendChild(s); | |
return p; | |
} | |
let dynamicImport = dynamicImportScript; | |
const supportsDynamicImportCheck = dynamicImportScript(createBlob('export default u=>import(u)')).then(_dynamicImport => { | |
if (_dynamicImport) | |
dynamicImport = _dynamicImport.default; | |
return !!_dynamicImport; | |
}, noop); | |
// support browsers without dynamic import support (eg Firefox 6x) | |
let supportsJsonAssertions = false; | |
let supportsCssAssertions = false; | |
let supportsImportMeta = false; | |
let supportsImportMaps = false; | |
let supportsDynamicImport = false; | |
const featureDetectionPromise = Promise.resolve(supportsDynamicImportCheck).then(_supportsDynamicImport => { | |
if (!_supportsDynamicImport) | |
return; | |
supportsDynamicImport = true; | |
return Promise.all([ | |
dynamicImport(createBlob('import.meta')).then(() => supportsImportMeta = true, noop), | |
cssModulesEnabled && dynamicImport(createBlob('import"data:text/css,{}"assert{type:"css"}')).then(() => supportsCssAssertions = true, noop), | |
jsonModulesEnabled && dynamicImport(createBlob('import"data:text/json,{}"assert{type:"json"}')).then(() => supportsJsonAssertions = true, noop), | |
new Promise(resolve => { | |
self._$s = v => { | |
document.head.removeChild(iframe); | |
if (v) supportsImportMaps = true; | |
delete self._$s; | |
resolve(); | |
}; | |
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); | | = 'none'; | |
document.head.appendChild(iframe); | |
iframe.src = createBlob(`<script type=importmap nonce="${nonce}">{"imports":{"x":"data:text/javascript,"}}<${''}/script><script nonce="${nonce}">import('x').then(()=>1,()=>0).then(v=>parent._$s(v))<${''}/script>`, 'text/html'); | |
}) | |
]); | |
}); | |
let e, r, a, i = 4194304; const s = 1 === new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([1]).buffer)[0]; let t, f, c$1; function parse(k, l = "@") { if (t = k, f = l, t.length > i || !e) { for (; t.length > i;)i *= 2; r = new ArrayBuffer(4 * i), e = function (e, r, a) { "use asm"; var i = new e.Int8Array(a), s = new e.Int16Array(a), t = new e.Int32Array(a), f = new e.Uint8Array(a), c = new e.Uint16Array(a), n = 816; function b(e) { e = e | 0; var r = 0, a = 0, f = 0, b = 0, l = 0; l = n; n = n + 14336 | 0; b = l; i[589] = 1; s[291] = 0; s[292] = 0; s[293] = -1; t[15] = t[2]; i[590] = 0; t[14] = 0; i[588] = 0; t[16] = l + 10240; t[17] = l + 2048; i[591] = 0; e = (t[3] | 0) + -2 | 0; t[18] = e; r = e + (t[12] << 1) | 0; t[19] = r; e: while (1) { a = e + 2 | 0; t[18] = a; if (e >>> 0 >= r >>> 0) { f = 18; break } r: do { switch (s[a >> 1] | 0) { case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 32: break; case 101: { if ((((s[292] | 0) == 0 ? R(a) | 0 : 0) ? B(e + 4 | 0, 120, 112, 111, 114, 116) | 0 : 0) ? (u(), (i[589] | 0) == 0) : 0) { f = 9; break e } else f = 17; break } case 105: { if (R(a) | 0 ? B(e + 4 | 0, 109, 112, 111, 114, 116) | 0 : 0) { k(); f = 17; } else f = 17; break } case 59: { f = 17; break } case 47: switch (s[e + 4 >> 1] | 0) { case 47: { G(); break r } case 42: { p(1); break r } default: { f = 16; break e } }default: { f = 16; break e } } } while (0); if ((f | 0) == 17) { f = 0; t[15] = t[18]; } e = t[18] | 0; r = t[19] | 0; } if ((f | 0) == 9) { e = t[18] | 0; t[15] = e; f = 19; } else if ((f | 0) == 16) { i[589] = 0; t[18] = e; f = 19; } else if ((f | 0) == 18) if (!(i[588] | 0)) { e = a; f = 19; } else e = 0; do { if ((f | 0) == 19) { e: while (1) { r = e + 2 | 0; t[18] = r; a = r; if (e >>> 0 >= (t[19] | 0) >>> 0) { f = 75; break } r: do { switch (s[r >> 1] | 0) { case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 32: break; case 101: { if (((s[292] | 0) == 0 ? R(r) | 0 : 0) ? B(e + 4 | 0, 120, 112, 111, 114, 116) | 0 : 0) { u(); f = 74; } else f = 74; break } case 105: { if (R(r) | 0 ? B(e + 4 | 0, 109, 112, 111, 114, 116) | 0 : 0) { k(); f = 74; } else f = 74; break } case 99: { if ((R(r) | 0 ? z(e + 4 | 0, 108, 97, 115, 115) | 0 : 0) ? Z(s[e + 12 >> 1] | 0) | 0 : 0) { i[591] = 1; f = 74; } else f = 74; break } case 40: { r = t[15] | 0; a = t[17] | 0; f = s[292] | 0; s[292] = f + 1 << 16 >> 16; t[a + ((f & 65535) << 2) >> 2] = r; f = 74; break } case 41: { e = s[292] | 0; if (!(e << 16 >> 16)) { f = 36; break e } f = e + -1 << 16 >> 16; s[292] = f; e = t[11] | 0; if ((e | 0) != 0 ? (t[e + 20 >> 2] | 0) == (t[(t[17] | 0) + ((f & 65535) << 2) >> 2] | 0) : 0) { r = e + 4 | 0; if (!(t[r >> 2] | 0)) t[r >> 2] = a; t[e + 12 >> 2] = a; t[11] = 0; f = 74; } else f = 74; break } case 123: { f = t[15] | 0; a = t[8] | 0; e = f; do { if ((s[f >> 1] | 0) == 41 & (a | 0) != 0 ? (t[a + 4 >> 2] | 0) == (f | 0) : 0) { r = t[9] | 0; t[8] = r; if (!r) { t[4] = 0; break } else { t[r + 28 >> 2] = 0; break } } } while (0); r = s[292] | 0; f = r & 65535; i[b + f >> 0] = i[591] | 0; i[591] = 0; a = t[17] | 0; s[292] = r + 1 << 16 >> 16; t[a + (f << 2) >> 2] = e; f = 74; break } case 125: { e = s[292] | 0; if (!(e << 16 >> 16)) { f = 49; break e } a = e + -1 << 16 >> 16; s[292] = a; r = s[293] | 0; if (e << 16 >> 16 != r << 16 >> 16) if (r << 16 >> 16 != -1 & (a & 65535) < (r & 65535)) { f = 53; break e } else { f = 74; break r } else { a = t[16] | 0; f = (s[291] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; s[291] = f; s[293] = s[a + ((f & 65535) << 1) >> 1] | 0; h(); f = 74; break r } } case 39: { d(39); f = 74; break } case 34: { d(34); f = 74; break } case 47: switch (s[e + 4 >> 1] | 0) { case 47: { G(); break r } case 42: { p(1); break r } default: { r = t[15] | 0; a = s[r >> 1] | 0; a: do { if (!(x(a) | 0)) { switch (a << 16 >> 16) { case 41: if (L(t[(t[17] | 0) + (c[292] << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0) { f = 71; break a } else { f = 68; break a } case 125: break; default: { f = 68; break a } }e = c[292] | 0; if (!(y(t[(t[17] | 0) + (e << 2) >> 2] | 0) | 0) ? (i[b + e >> 0] | 0) == 0 : 0) f = 68; else f = 71; } else switch (a << 16 >> 16) { case 46: if (((s[r + -2 >> 1] | 0) + -48 & 65535) < 10) { f = 68; break a } else { f = 71; break a } case 43: if ((s[r + -2 >> 1] | 0) == 43) { f = 68; break a } else { f = 71; break a } case 45: if ((s[r + -2 >> 1] | 0) == 45) { f = 68; break a } else { f = 71; break a } default: { f = 71; break a } } } while (0); a: do { if ((f | 0) == 68) { f = 0; if (!(o(r) | 0)) { switch (a << 16 >> 16) { case 0: { f = 71; break a } case 47: break; default: { e = 1; break a } }if (!(i[590] | 0)) e = 1; else f = 71; } else f = 71; } } while (0); if ((f | 0) == 71) { I(); e = 0; } i[590] = e; f = 74; break r } }case 96: { h(); f = 74; break } default: f = 74; } } while (0); if ((f | 0) == 74) { f = 0; t[15] = t[18]; } e = t[18] | 0; } if ((f | 0) == 36) { Y(); e = 0; break } else if ((f | 0) == 49) { Y(); e = 0; break } else if ((f | 0) == 53) { Y(); e = 0; break } else if ((f | 0) == 75) { e = (s[293] | 0) == -1 & (s[292] | 0) == 0 & (i[588] | 0) == 0; break } } } while (0); n = l; return e | 0 } function u() { var e = 0, r = 0, a = 0, f = 0, c = 0, n = 0; c = t[18] | 0; n = c + 12 | 0; t[18] = n; r = w(1) | 0; e = t[18] | 0; if (!((e | 0) == (n | 0) ? !(S(r) | 0) : 0)) f = 3; e: do { if ((f | 0) == 3) { r: do { switch (r << 16 >> 16) { case 100: { J(e, e + 14 | 0); break e } case 97: { t[18] = e + 10; w(1) | 0; e = t[18] | 0; f = 6; break } case 102: { f = 6; break } case 99: { if (z(e + 2 | 0, 108, 97, 115, 115) | 0 ? (a = e + 10 | 0, F(s[a >> 1] | 0) | 0) : 0) { t[18] = a; c = w(1) | 0; n = t[18] | 0; H(c) | 0; J(n, t[18] | 0); t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break e } e = e + 4 | 0; t[18] = e; f = 13; break } case 108: case 118: { f = 13; break } case 123: { t[18] = e + 2; e = w(1) | 0; a = t[18] | 0; while (1) { if (_(e) | 0) { d(e); e = (t[18] | 0) + 2 | 0; t[18] = e; } else { H(e) | 0; e = t[18] | 0; } w(1) | 0; e = g(a, e) | 0; if (e << 16 >> 16 == 44) { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; e = w(1) | 0; } r = a; a = t[18] | 0; if (e << 16 >> 16 == 125) { f = 32; break } if ((a | 0) == (r | 0)) { f = 29; break } if (a >>> 0 > (t[19] | 0) >>> 0) { f = 31; break } } if ((f | 0) == 29) { Y(); break e } else if ((f | 0) == 31) { Y(); break e } else if ((f | 0) == 32) { t[18] = a + 2; f = 34; break r } break } case 42: { t[18] = e + 2; w(1) | 0; f = t[18] | 0; g(f, f) | 0; f = 34; break } default: { } } } while (0); if ((f | 0) == 6) { t[18] = e + 16; e = w(1) | 0; if (e << 16 >> 16 == 42) { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; e = w(1) | 0; } n = t[18] | 0; H(e) | 0; J(n, t[18] | 0); t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break } else if ((f | 0) == 13) { e = e + 4 | 0; t[18] = e; i[589] = 0; r: while (1) { t[18] = e + 2; n = w(1) | 0; e = t[18] | 0; switch ((H(n) | 0) << 16 >> 16) { case 91: case 123: { f = 15; break r } default: { } }r = t[18] | 0; if ((r | 0) == (e | 0)) break e; J(e, r); switch ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16) { case 61: { f = 19; break r } case 44: break; default: { f = 20; break r } }e = t[18] | 0; } if ((f | 0) == 15) { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break } else if ((f | 0) == 19) { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break } else if ((f | 0) == 20) { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break } } else if ((f | 0) == 34) r = w(1) | 0; e = t[18] | 0; if (r << 16 >> 16 == 102 ? K(e + 2 | 0, 114, 111, 109) | 0 : 0) { t[18] = e + 8; l(c, w(1) | 0); break } t[18] = e + -2; } } while (0); return } function k() { var e = 0, r = 0, a = 0, f = 0, c = 0; c = t[18] | 0; r = c + 12 | 0; t[18] = r; e: do { switch ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16) { case 40: { r = t[17] | 0; a = s[292] | 0; s[292] = a + 1 << 16 >> 16; t[r + ((a & 65535) << 2) >> 2] = c; if ((s[t[15] >> 1] | 0) != 46) { v(c, (t[18] | 0) + 2 | 0, 0, c); t[11] = t[8]; t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; switch ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16) { case 39: { d(39); break } case 34: { d(34); break } default: { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break e } }t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; switch ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16) { case 44: { c = t[18] | 0; t[(t[8] | 0) + 4 >> 2] = c; t[18] = c + 2; w(1) | 0; c = t[18] | 0; a = t[8] | 0; t[a + 16 >> 2] = c; i[a + 24 >> 0] = 1; t[18] = c + -2; break e } case 41: { s[292] = (s[292] | 0) + -1 << 16 >> 16; a = t[18] | 0; c = t[8] | 0; t[c + 4 >> 2] = a; t[c + 12 >> 2] = a; i[c + 24 >> 0] = 1; break e } default: { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break e } } } break } case 46: { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; if (((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16 == 109 ? (e = t[18] | 0, K(e + 2 | 0, 101, 116, 97) | 0) : 0) ? (s[t[15] >> 1] | 0) != 46 : 0) v(c, c, e + 8 | 0, 2); break } case 42: case 39: case 34: { f = 16; break } case 123: { e = t[18] | 0; if (s[292] | 0) { t[18] = e + -2; break e } while (1) { if (e >>> 0 >= (t[19] | 0) >>> 0) break; e = w(1) | 0; if (!(_(e) | 0)) { if (e << 16 >> 16 == 125) { f = 31; break } } else d(e); e = (t[18] | 0) + 2 | 0; t[18] = e; } if ((f | 0) == 31) t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; w(1) | 0; e = t[18] | 0; if (!(z(e, 102, 114, 111, 109) | 0)) { Y(); break e } t[18] = e + 8; e = w(1) | 0; if (_(e) | 0) { l(c, e); break e } else { Y(); break e } } default: if ((t[18] | 0) != (r | 0)) f = 16; } } while (0); do { if ((f | 0) == 16) { if (s[292] | 0) { t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + -2; break } e = t[19] | 0; r = t[18] | 0; while (1) { if (r >>> 0 >= e >>> 0) { f = 23; break } a = s[r >> 1] | 0; if (_(a) | 0) { f = 21; break } f = r + 2 | 0; t[18] = f; r = f; } if ((f | 0) == 21) { l(c, a); break } else if ((f | 0) == 23) { Y(); break } } } while (0); return } function l(e, r) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; var a = 0, i = 0; a = (t[18] | 0) + 2 | 0; switch (r << 16 >> 16) { case 39: { d(39); i = 5; break } case 34: { d(34); i = 5; break } default: Y(); }do { if ((i | 0) == 5) { v(e, a, t[18] | 0, 1); t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; i = (w(0) | 0) << 16 >> 16 == 97; r = t[18] | 0; if (i ? B(r + 2 | 0, 115, 115, 101, 114, 116) | 0 : 0) { t[18] = r + 12; if ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16 != 123) { t[18] = r; break } e = t[18] | 0; a = e; e: while (1) { t[18] = a + 2; a = w(1) | 0; switch (a << 16 >> 16) { case 39: { d(39); t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; a = w(1) | 0; break } case 34: { d(34); t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; a = w(1) | 0; break } default: a = H(a) | 0; }if (a << 16 >> 16 != 58) { i = 16; break } t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; switch ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16) { case 39: { d(39); break } case 34: { d(34); break } default: { i = 20; break e } }t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; switch ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16) { case 125: { i = 25; break e } case 44: break; default: { i = 24; break e } }t[18] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; if ((w(1) | 0) << 16 >> 16 == 125) { i = 25; break } a = t[18] | 0; } if ((i | 0) == 16) { t[18] = r; break } else if ((i | 0) == 20) { t[18] = r; break } else if ((i | 0) == 24) { t[18] = r; break } else if ((i | 0) == 25) { i = t[8] | 0; t[i + 16 >> 2] = e; t[i + 12 >> 2] = (t[18] | 0) + 2; break } } t[18] = r + -2; } } while (0); return } function o(e) { e = e | 0; e: do { switch (s[e >> 1] | 0) { case 100: switch (s[e + -2 >> 1] | 0) { case 105: { e = q(e + -4 | 0, 118, 111) | 0; break e } case 108: { e = P(e + -4 | 0, 121, 105, 101) | 0; break e } default: { e = 0; break e } }case 101: { switch (s[e + -2 >> 1] | 0) { case 115: break; case 116: { e = E(e + -4 | 0, 100, 101, 108, 101) | 0; break e } default: { e = 0; break e } }switch (s[e + -4 >> 1] | 0) { case 108: { e = D(e + -6 | 0, 101) | 0; break e } case 97: { e = D(e + -6 | 0, 99) | 0; break e } default: { e = 0; break e } } } case 102: { if ((s[e + -2 >> 1] | 0) == 111 ? (s[e + -4 >> 1] | 0) == 101 : 0) switch (s[e + -6 >> 1] | 0) { case 99: { e = O(e + -8 | 0, 105, 110, 115, 116, 97, 110) | 0; break e } case 112: { e = q(e + -8 | 0, 116, 121) | 0; break e } default: { e = 0; break e } } else e = 0; break } case 110: { e = e + -2 | 0; if (D(e, 105) | 0) e = 1; else e = $(e, 114, 101, 116, 117, 114) | 0; break } case 111: { e = D(e + -2 | 0, 100) | 0; break } case 114: { e = m(e + -2 | 0, 100, 101, 98, 117, 103, 103, 101) | 0; break } case 116: { e = E(e + -2 | 0, 97, 119, 97, 105) | 0; break } case 119: switch (s[e + -2 >> 1] | 0) { case 101: { e = D(e + -4 | 0, 110) | 0; break e } case 111: { e = P(e + -4 | 0, 116, 104, 114) | 0; break e } default: { e = 0; break e } }default: e = 0; } } while (0); return e | 0 } function h() { var e = 0, r = 0, a = 0; r = t[19] | 0; a = t[18] | 0; e: while (1) { e = a + 2 | 0; if (a >>> 0 >= r >>> 0) { r = 8; break } switch (s[e >> 1] | 0) { case 96: { r = 9; break e } case 36: { if ((s[a + 4 >> 1] | 0) == 123) { r = 6; break e } break } case 92: { e = a + 4 | 0; break } default: { } }a = e; } if ((r | 0) == 6) { t[18] = a + 4; e = s[293] | 0; r = t[16] | 0; a = s[291] | 0; s[291] = a + 1 << 16 >> 16; s[r + ((a & 65535) << 1) >> 1] = e; a = (s[292] | 0) + 1 << 16 >> 16; s[292] = a; s[293] = a; } else if ((r | 0) == 8) { t[18] = e; Y(); } else if ((r | 0) == 9) t[18] = e; return } function w(e) { e = e | 0; var r = 0, a = 0, i = 0; a = t[18] | 0; e: do { r = s[a >> 1] | 0; r: do { if (r << 16 >> 16 != 47) if (e) if (Z(r) | 0) break; else break e; else if (Q(r) | 0) break; else break e; else switch (s[a + 2 >> 1] | 0) { case 47: { G(); break r } case 42: { p(e); break r } default: { r = 47; break e } } } while (0); i = t[18] | 0; a = i + 2 | 0; t[18] = a; } while (i >>> 0 < (t[19] | 0) >>> 0); return r | 0 } function d(e) { e = e | 0; var r = 0, a = 0, i = 0, f = 0; f = t[19] | 0; r = t[18] | 0; while (1) { i = r + 2 | 0; if (r >>> 0 >= f >>> 0) { r = 9; break } a = s[i >> 1] | 0; if (a << 16 >> 16 == e << 16 >> 16) { r = 10; break } if (a << 16 >> 16 == 92) { a = r + 4 | 0; if ((s[a >> 1] | 0) == 13) { r = r + 6 | 0; r = (s[r >> 1] | 0) == 10 ? r : a; } else r = a; } else if (ae(a) | 0) { r = 9; break } else r = i; } if ((r | 0) == 9) { t[18] = i; Y(); } else if ((r | 0) == 10) t[18] = i; return } function v(e, r, a, s) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; s = s | 0; var f = 0, c = 0; f = t[13] | 0; t[13] = f + 32; c = t[8] | 0; t[((c | 0) == 0 ? 16 : c + 28 | 0) >> 2] = f; t[9] = c; t[8] = f; t[f + 8 >> 2] = e; do { if (2 != (s | 0)) if (1 == (s | 0)) { t[f + 12 >> 2] = a + 2; break } else { t[f + 12 >> 2] = t[3]; break } else t[f + 12 >> 2] = a; } while (0); t[f >> 2] = r; t[f + 4 >> 2] = a; t[f + 16 >> 2] = 0; t[f + 20 >> 2] = s; i[f + 24 >> 0] = 1 == (s | 0) & 1; t[f + 28 >> 2] = 0; return } function A() { var e = 0, r = 0, a = 0; a = t[19] | 0; r = t[18] | 0; e: while (1) { e = r + 2 | 0; if (r >>> 0 >= a >>> 0) { r = 6; break } switch (s[e >> 1] | 0) { case 13: case 10: { r = 6; break e } case 93: { r = 7; break e } case 92: { e = r + 4 | 0; break } default: { } }r = e; } if ((r | 0) == 6) { t[18] = e; Y(); e = 0; } else if ((r | 0) == 7) { t[18] = e; e = 93; } return e | 0 } function C(e, r, a, i, t, f, c, n) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; t = t | 0; f = f | 0; c = c | 0; n = n | 0; if ((((((s[e + 12 >> 1] | 0) == n << 16 >> 16 ? (s[e + 10 >> 1] | 0) == c << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 8 >> 1] | 0) == f << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 6 >> 1] | 0) == t << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 4 >> 1] | 0) == i << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 2 >> 1] | 0) == a << 16 >> 16 : 0) r = (s[e >> 1] | 0) == r << 16 >> 16; else r = 0; return r | 0 } function y(e) { e = e | 0; switch (s[e >> 1] | 0) { case 62: { e = (s[e + -2 >> 1] | 0) == 61; break } case 41: case 59: { e = 1; break } case 104: { e = E(e + -2 | 0, 99, 97, 116, 99) | 0; break } case 121: { e = O(e + -2 | 0, 102, 105, 110, 97, 108, 108) | 0; break } case 101: { e = P(e + -2 | 0, 101, 108, 115) | 0; break } default: e = 0; }return e | 0 } function g(e, r) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; var a = 0, i = 0; a = t[18] | 0; i = s[a >> 1] | 0; if (i << 16 >> 16 == 97) { t[18] = a + 4; a = w(1) | 0; e = t[18] | 0; if (_(a) | 0) { d(a); r = (t[18] | 0) + 2 | 0; t[18] = r; } else { H(a) | 0; r = t[18] | 0; } i = w(1) | 0; a = t[18] | 0; } if ((a | 0) != (e | 0)) J(e, r); return i | 0 } function I() { var e = 0, r = 0, a = 0; e: while (1) { e = t[18] | 0; r = e + 2 | 0; t[18] = r; if (e >>> 0 >= (t[19] | 0) >>> 0) { a = 7; break } switch (s[r >> 1] | 0) { case 13: case 10: { a = 7; break e } case 47: break e; case 91: { A() | 0; break } case 92: { t[18] = e + 4; break } default: { } } } if ((a | 0) == 7) Y(); return } function p(e) { e = e | 0; var r = 0, a = 0, i = 0, f = 0, c = 0; f = (t[18] | 0) + 2 | 0; t[18] = f; a = t[19] | 0; while (1) { r = f + 2 | 0; if (f >>> 0 >= a >>> 0) break; i = s[r >> 1] | 0; if (!e ? ae(i) | 0 : 0) break; if (i << 16 >> 16 == 42 ? (s[f + 4 >> 1] | 0) == 47 : 0) { c = 8; break } f = r; } if ((c | 0) == 8) { t[18] = r; r = f + 4 | 0; } t[18] = r; return } function U(e, r, a, i, t, f, c) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; t = t | 0; f = f | 0; c = c | 0; if (((((s[e + 10 >> 1] | 0) == c << 16 >> 16 ? (s[e + 8 >> 1] | 0) == f << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 6 >> 1] | 0) == t << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 4 >> 1] | 0) == i << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 2 >> 1] | 0) == a << 16 >> 16 : 0) r = (s[e >> 1] | 0) == r << 16 >> 16; else r = 0; return r | 0 } function m(e, r, a, i, f, c, n, b) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; f = f | 0; c = c | 0; n = n | 0; b = b | 0; var u = 0, k = 0; k = e + -12 | 0; u = t[3] | 0; if (k >>> 0 >= u >>> 0 ? C(k, r, a, i, f, c, n, b) | 0 : 0) if ((k | 0) == (u | 0)) u = 1; else u = F(s[e + -14 >> 1] | 0) | 0; else u = 0; return u | 0 } function S(e) { e = e | 0; e: do { switch (e << 16 >> 16) { case 38: case 37: case 33: { e = 1; break } default: if ((e & -8) << 16 >> 16 == 40 | (e + -58 & 65535) < 6) e = 1; else { switch (e << 16 >> 16) { case 91: case 93: case 94: { e = 1; break e } default: { } }e = (e + -123 & 65535) < 4; } } } while (0); return e | 0 } function x(e) { e = e | 0; e: do { switch (e << 16 >> 16) { case 38: case 37: case 33: break; default: if (!((e + -58 & 65535) < 6 | (e + -40 & 65535) < 7 & e << 16 >> 16 != 41)) { switch (e << 16 >> 16) { case 91: case 94: break e; default: { } }return e << 16 >> 16 != 125 & (e + -123 & 65535) < 4 | 0 } } } while (0); return 1 } function O(e, r, a, i, f, c, n) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; f = f | 0; c = c | 0; n = n | 0; var b = 0, u = 0; u = e + -10 | 0; b = t[3] | 0; if (u >>> 0 >= b >>> 0 ? U(u, r, a, i, f, c, n) | 0 : 0) if ((u | 0) == (b | 0)) b = 1; else b = F(s[e + -12 >> 1] | 0) | 0; else b = 0; return b | 0 } function $(e, r, a, i, f, c) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; f = f | 0; c = c | 0; var n = 0, b = 0; b = e + -8 | 0; n = t[3] | 0; if (b >>> 0 >= n >>> 0 ? B(b, r, a, i, f, c) | 0 : 0) if ((b | 0) == (n | 0)) n = 1; else n = F(s[e + -10 >> 1] | 0) | 0; else n = 0; return n | 0 } function j(e) { e = e | 0; var r = 0, a = 0, i = 0, f = 0; a = n; n = n + 16 | 0; i = a; t[i >> 2] = 0; t[12] = e; r = t[3] | 0; f = r + (e << 1) | 0; e = f + 2 | 0; s[f >> 1] = 0; t[i >> 2] = e; t[13] = e; t[4] = 0; t[8] = 0; t[6] = 0; t[5] = 0; t[10] = 0; t[7] = 0; n = a; return r | 0 } function B(e, r, a, i, t, f) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; t = t | 0; f = f | 0; if ((((s[e + 8 >> 1] | 0) == f << 16 >> 16 ? (s[e + 6 >> 1] | 0) == t << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 4 >> 1] | 0) == i << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 2 >> 1] | 0) == a << 16 >> 16 : 0) r = (s[e >> 1] | 0) == r << 16 >> 16; else r = 0; return r | 0 } function E(e, r, a, i, f) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; f = f | 0; var c = 0, n = 0; n = e + -6 | 0; c = t[3] | 0; if (n >>> 0 >= c >>> 0 ? z(n, r, a, i, f) | 0 : 0) if ((n | 0) == (c | 0)) c = 1; else c = F(s[e + -8 >> 1] | 0) | 0; else c = 0; return c | 0 } function P(e, r, a, i) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; var f = 0, c = 0; c = e + -4 | 0; f = t[3] | 0; if (c >>> 0 >= f >>> 0 ? K(c, r, a, i) | 0 : 0) if ((c | 0) == (f | 0)) f = 1; else f = F(s[e + -6 >> 1] | 0) | 0; else f = 0; return f | 0 } function q(e, r, a) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; var i = 0, f = 0; f = e + -2 | 0; i = t[3] | 0; if (f >>> 0 >= i >>> 0 ? N(f, r, a) | 0 : 0) if ((f | 0) == (i | 0)) i = 1; else i = F(s[e + -4 >> 1] | 0) | 0; else i = 0; return i | 0 } function z(e, r, a, i, t) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; t = t | 0; if (((s[e + 6 >> 1] | 0) == t << 16 >> 16 ? (s[e + 4 >> 1] | 0) == i << 16 >> 16 : 0) ? (s[e + 2 >> 1] | 0) == a << 16 >> 16 : 0) r = (s[e >> 1] | 0) == r << 16 >> 16; else r = 0; return r | 0 } function D(e, r) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; var a = 0; a = t[3] | 0; if (a >>> 0 <= e >>> 0 ? (s[e >> 1] | 0) == r << 16 >> 16 : 0) if ((a | 0) == (e | 0)) a = 1; else a = F(s[e + -2 >> 1] | 0) | 0; else a = 0; return a | 0 } function F(e) { e = e | 0; e: do { if ((e + -9 & 65535) < 5) e = 1; else { switch (e << 16 >> 16) { case 32: case 160: { e = 1; break e } default: { } }e = e << 16 >> 16 != 46 & (S(e) | 0); } } while (0); return e | 0 } function G() { var e = 0, r = 0, a = 0; e = t[19] | 0; a = t[18] | 0; e: while (1) { r = a + 2 | 0; if (a >>> 0 >= e >>> 0) break; switch (s[r >> 1] | 0) { case 13: case 10: break e; default: a = r; } } t[18] = r; return } function H(e) { e = e | 0; while (1) { if (Z(e) | 0) break; if (S(e) | 0) break; e = (t[18] | 0) + 2 | 0; t[18] = e; e = s[e >> 1] | 0; if (!(e << 16 >> 16)) { e = 0; break } } return e | 0 } function J(e, r) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; var a = 0, i = 0; a = t[13] | 0; t[13] = a + 12; i = t[10] | 0; t[((i | 0) == 0 ? 20 : i + 8 | 0) >> 2] = a; t[10] = a; t[a >> 2] = e; t[a + 4 >> 2] = r; t[a + 8 >> 2] = 0; return } function K(e, r, a, i) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; i = i | 0; if ((s[e + 4 >> 1] | 0) == i << 16 >> 16 ? (s[e + 2 >> 1] | 0) == a << 16 >> 16 : 0) r = (s[e >> 1] | 0) == r << 16 >> 16; else r = 0; return r | 0 } function L(e) { e = e | 0; if (!($(e, 119, 104, 105, 108, 101) | 0) ? !(P(e, 102, 111, 114) | 0) : 0) e = q(e, 105, 102) | 0; else e = 1; return e | 0 } function M() { var e = 0; e = t[(t[6] | 0) + 20 >> 2] | 0; switch (e | 0) { case 1: { e = -1; break } case 2: { e = -2; break } default: e = e - (t[3] | 0) >> 1; }return e | 0 } function N(e, r, a) { e = e | 0; r = r | 0; a = a | 0; if ((s[e + 2 >> 1] | 0) == a << 16 >> 16) r = (s[e >> 1] | 0) == r << 16 >> 16; else r = 0; return r | 0 } function Q(e) { e = e | 0; switch (e << 16 >> 16) { case 160: case 32: case 12: case 11: case 9: { e = 1; break } default: e = 0; }return e | 0 } function R(e) { e = e | 0; if ((t[3] | 0) == (e | 0)) e = 1; else e = F(s[e + -2 >> 1] | 0) | 0; return e | 0 } function T() { var e = 0; e = t[(t[6] | 0) + 16 >> 2] | 0; if (!e) e = -1; else e = e - (t[3] | 0) >> 1; return e | 0 } function V() { var e = 0; e = t[6] | 0; e = t[((e | 0) == 0 ? 16 : e + 28 | 0) >> 2] | 0; t[6] = e; return (e | 0) != 0 | 0 } function W() { var e = 0; e = t[7] | 0; e = t[((e | 0) == 0 ? 20 : e + 8 | 0) >> 2] | 0; t[7] = e; return (e | 0) != 0 | 0 } function X(e) { e = e | 0; var r = 0; r = n; n = n + e | 0; n = n + 15 & -16; return r | 0 } function Y() { i[588] = 1; t[14] = (t[18] | 0) - (t[3] | 0) >> 1; t[18] = (t[19] | 0) + 2; return } function Z(e) { e = e | 0; return (e | 128) << 16 >> 16 == 160 | (e + -9 & 65535) < 5 | 0 } function _(e) { e = e | 0; return e << 16 >> 16 == 39 | e << 16 >> 16 == 34 | 0 } function ee() { return (t[(t[6] | 0) + 12 >> 2] | 0) - (t[3] | 0) >> 1 | 0 } function re() { return (t[(t[6] | 0) + 8 >> 2] | 0) - (t[3] | 0) >> 1 | 0 } function ae(e) { e = e | 0; return e << 16 >> 16 == 13 | e << 16 >> 16 == 10 | 0 } function ie() { return (t[(t[6] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) - (t[3] | 0) >> 1 | 0 } function se() { return (t[(t[7] | 0) + 4 >> 2] | 0) - (t[3] | 0) >> 1 | 0 } function te() { return (t[t[6] >> 2] | 0) - (t[3] | 0) >> 1 | 0 } function fe() { return (t[t[7] >> 2] | 0) - (t[3] | 0) >> 1 | 0 } function ce() { return f[(t[6] | 0) + 24 >> 0] | 0 | 0 } function ne(e) { e = e | 0; t[3] = e; return } function be() { return (i[589] | 0) != 0 | 0 } function ue() { return t[14] | 0 } return { ai: T, e: ue, ee: se, es: fe, f: be, id: M, ie: ie, ip: ce, is: te, p: b, re: W, ri: V, sa: j, se: ee, ses: ne, ss: re, sta: X } }({ Int8Array: Int8Array, Int16Array: Int16Array, Int32Array: Int32Array, Uint8Array: Uint8Array, Uint16Array: Uint16Array }, {}, r), a = e.sta(2 * i); } const o = t.length + 1;, - 1), (s ? b : n)(t, new Uint16Array(r, a, o)), e.p() || (c$1 = e.e(), h()); const w = [], d = []; for (; e.ri();) { const r =, a =, i =, s =, f =, c =; let n; e.ip() && (n = u(-1 === s ? r : r + 1, t.charCodeAt(-1 === s ? r - 1 : r))), w.push({ n: n, s: r, e: a, ss: f, se: c, d: s, a: i }); } for (;;) { const r =, a = t.charCodeAt(r); d.push(34 === a || 39 === a ? u(r + 1, a) : t.slice(,; } return [w, d, !!e.f()] } function n(e, r) { const a = e.length; let i = 0; for (; i < a;) { const a = e.charCodeAt(i); r[i++] = (255 & a) << 8 | a >>> 8; } } function b(e, r) { const a = e.length; let i = 0; for (; i < a;)r[i] = e.charCodeAt(i++); } function u(e, r) { c$1 = e; let a = "", i = c$1; for (; ;) { c$1 >= t.length && h(); const e = t.charCodeAt(c$1); if (e === r) break; 92 === e ? (a += t.slice(i, c$1), a += k(), i = c$1) : (8232 === e || 8233 === e || o(e) && h(), ++c$1); } return a += t.slice(i, c$1++), a } function k() { let e = t.charCodeAt(++c$1); switch (++c$1, e) { case 110: return "\n"; case 114: return "\r"; case 120: return String.fromCharCode(l(2)); case 117: return function () { let e; 123 === t.charCodeAt(c$1) ? (++c$1, e = l(t.indexOf("}", c$1) - c$1), ++c$1, e > 1114111 && h()) : e = l(4); return e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : (e -= 65536, String.fromCharCode(55296 + (e >> 10), 56320 + (1023 & e))) }(); case 116: return "\t"; case 98: return "\b"; case 118: return "\v"; case 102: return "\f"; case 13: 10 === t.charCodeAt(c$1) && ++c$1; case 10: return ""; case 56: case 57: h(); default: if (e >= 48 && e <= 55) { let r = t.substr(c$1 - 1, 3).match(/^[0-7]+/)[0], a = parseInt(r, 8); return a > 255 && (r = r.slice(0, -1), a = parseInt(r, 8)), c$1 += r.length - 1, e = t.charCodeAt(c$1), "0" === r && 56 !== e && 57 !== e || h(), String.fromCharCode(a) } return o(e) ? "" : String.fromCharCode(e) } } function l(e) { const r = c$1; let a = 0, i = 0; for (let r = 0; r < e; ++r, ++c$1) { let e, s = t.charCodeAt(c$1); if (95 !== s) { if (s >= 97) e = s - 97 + 10; else if (s >= 65) e = s - 65 + 10; else { if (!(s >= 48 && s <= 57)) break; e = s - 48; } if (e >= 16) break; i = s, a = 16 * a + e; } else 95 !== i && 0 !== r || h(), i = s; } return 95 !== i && c$1 - r === e || h(), a } function o(e) { return 13 === e || 10 === e } function h() { throw Object.assign(new Error(`Parse error ${f}:${t.slice(0, c$1).split("\n").length}:${c$1 - t.lastIndexOf("\n", c$1 - 1)}`), { idx: c$1 }) } | |
async function defaultResolve(id, parentUrl) { | |
return resolveImportMap(importMap, resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(id, parentUrl) || id, parentUrl); | |
} | |
async function _resolve(id, parentUrl) { | |
const urlResolved = resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(id, parentUrl); | |
return { | |
r: resolveImportMap(importMap, urlResolved || id, parentUrl), | |
// b = bare specifier | |
b: !urlResolved && !isURL(id) | |
}; | |
} | |
const resolve = resolveHook ? async (id, parentUrl) => ({ r: await resolveHook(id, parentUrl, defaultResolve), b: false }) : _resolve; | |
let id = 0; | |
const registry = {}; | |
async function loadAll(load, seen) { | |
if (load.b || seen[load.u]) | |
return; | |
seen[load.u] = 1; | |
await load.L; | |
await Promise.all( => loadAll(dep, seen))); | |
if (!load.n) | |
load.n = load.d.some(dep => dep.n); | |
} | |
let importMap = { imports: {}, scopes: {} }; | |
let importMapSrcOrLazy = false; | |
let baselinePassthrough; | |
const initPromise = featureDetectionPromise.then(() => { | |
// shim mode is determined on initialization, no late shim mode | |
if (!shimMode) { | |
let seenScript = false; | |
for (const script of document.querySelectorAll('script[type="module-shim"],script[type="importmap-shim"],script[type="module"],script[type="importmap"]')) { | |
if (!seenScript && script.type === 'module') | |
seenScript = true; | |
if (script.type.endsWith('-shim')) { | |
setShimMode(); | |
break; | |
} | |
if (seenScript && script.type === 'importmap') { | |
importMapSrcOrLazy = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
baselinePassthrough = supportsDynamicImport && supportsImportMeta && supportsImportMaps && (!jsonModulesEnabled || supportsJsonAssertions) && (!cssModulesEnabled || supportsCssAssertions) && !importMapSrcOrLazy && !false; | |
if (!baselinePassthrough) onpolyfill(); | |
if (shimMode || !baselinePassthrough) { | |
new MutationObserver(mutations => { | |
for (const mutation of mutations) { | |
if (mutation.type !== 'childList') continue; | |
for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) { | |
if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT') { | |
if (!shimMode && node.type === 'module' || shimMode && node.type === 'module-shim') | |
processScript(node); | |
if (!shimMode && node.type === 'importmap' || shimMode && node.type === 'importmap-shim') | |
processImportMap(node); | |
} | |
else if (node.tagName === 'LINK' && node.rel === 'modulepreload') | |
processPreload(node); | |
} | |
} | |
}).observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); | |
processImportMaps(); | |
processScriptsAndPreloads(); | |
return undefined; | |
} | |
}); | |
let importMapPromise = initPromise; | |
let acceptingImportMaps = true; | |
async function topLevelLoad(url, fetchOpts, source, nativelyLoaded, lastStaticLoadPromise) { | |
if (!shimMode) | |
acceptingImportMaps = false; | |
await importMapPromise; | |
// early analysis opt-out - no need to even fetch if we have feature support | |
if (!shimMode && baselinePassthrough) { | |
// for polyfill case, only dynamic import needs a return value here, and dynamic import will never pass nativelyLoaded | |
if (nativelyLoaded) | |
return null; | |
await lastStaticLoadPromise; | |
return dynamicImport(source ? createBlob(source) : url, { errUrl: url || source }); | |
} | |
const load = getOrCreateLoad(url, fetchOpts, source); | |
const seen = {}; | |
await loadAll(load, seen); | |
lastLoad = undefined; | |
resolveDeps(load, seen); | |
await lastStaticLoadPromise; | |
if (source && !shimMode && !load.n && !false) { | |
const module = await dynamicImport(createBlob(source), { errUrl: source }); | |
if (revokeBlobURLs) revokeObjectURLs(Object.keys(seen)); | |
return module; | |
} | |
const module = await dynamicImport(!shimMode && !load.n && nativelyLoaded ? load.u : load.b, { errUrl: load.u }); | |
// if the top-level load is a shell, run its update function | |
if (load.s) | |
(await dynamicImport(load.s)).u$_(module); | |
if (revokeBlobURLs) revokeObjectURLs(Object.keys(seen)); | |
// when tla is supported, this should return the tla promise as an actual handle | |
// so readystate can still correspond to the sync subgraph exec completions | |
return module; | |
} | |
function revokeObjectURLs(registryKeys) { | |
let batch = 0; | |
const keysLength = registryKeys.length; | |
const schedule = self.requestIdleCallback ? self.requestIdleCallback : self.requestAnimationFrame; | |
schedule(cleanup); | |
function cleanup() { | |
const batchStartIndex = batch * 100; | |
if (batchStartIndex > keysLength) return | |
for (const key of registryKeys.slice(batchStartIndex, batchStartIndex + 100)) { | |
const load = registry[key]; | |
if (load) URL.revokeObjectURL(load.b); | |
} | |
batch++; | |
schedule(cleanup); | |
} | |
} | |
async function importShim(id, parentUrl = baseUrl, _assertion) { | |
// needed for shim check | |
await initPromise; | |
if (acceptingImportMaps || shimMode || !baselinePassthrough) { | |
processImportMaps(); | |
if (!shimMode) | |
acceptingImportMaps = false; | |
} | |
await importMapPromise; | |
return topLevelLoad((await resolve(id, parentUrl)).r || throwUnresolved(id, parentUrl), { credentials: 'same-origin' }); | |
} | |
self.importShim = importShim; | |
if (shimMode) { | |
importShim.getImportMap = () => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(importMap)); | |
} | |
const meta = {}; | |
async function importMetaResolve(id, parentUrl = this.url) { | |
return (await resolve(id, `${parentUrl}`)).r || throwUnresolved(id, parentUrl); | |
} | |
self._esmsm = meta; | |
function urlJsString(url) { | |
return `'${url.replace(/'/g, "\\'")}'`; | |
} | |
let lastLoad; | |
function resolveDeps(load, seen) { | |
if (load.b || !seen[load.u]) | |
return; | |
seen[load.u] = 0; | |
for (const dep of load.d) | |
resolveDeps(dep, seen); | |
const [imports] = load.a; | |
// "execution" | |
const source = load.S; | |
// edge doesnt execute sibling in order, so we fix this up by ensuring all previous executions are explicit dependencies | |
let resolvedSource = edge && lastLoad ? `import '${lastLoad}';` : ''; | |
if (!imports.length) { | |
resolvedSource += source; | |
} | |
else { | |
// once all deps have loaded we can inline the dependency resolution blobs | |
// and define this blob | |
let lastIndex = 0, depIndex = 0; | |
for (const { s: start, se: end, d: dynamicImportIndex } of imports) { | |
// dependency source replacements | |
if (dynamicImportIndex === -1) { | |
const depLoad = load.d[depIndex++]; | |
let blobUrl = depLoad.b; | |
if (!blobUrl) { | |
// circular shell creation | |
if (!(blobUrl = depLoad.s)) { | |
blobUrl = depLoad.s = createBlob(`export function u$_(m){${depLoad.a[1].map( | |
name => name === 'default' ? `$_default=m.default` : `${name}=m.${name}` | |
).join(',') | |
}}${depLoad.a[1].map(name => | |
name === 'default' ? `let $_default;export{$_default as default}` : `export let ${name}` | |
).join(';') | |
}\n//# sourceURL=${depLoad.r}?cycle`); | |
} | |
} | |
// circular shell execution | |
else if (depLoad.s) { | |
resolvedSource += `${source.slice(lastIndex, start - 1)}/*${source.slice(start - 1, end)}*/${urlJsString(blobUrl)};import*as m$_${depIndex} from'${depLoad.b}';import{u$_ as u$_${depIndex}}from'${depLoad.s}';u$_${depIndex}(m$_${depIndex})`; | |
lastIndex = end; | |
depLoad.s = undefined; | |
continue; | |
} | |
resolvedSource += `${source.slice(lastIndex, start - 1)}/*${source.slice(start - 1, end)}*/${urlJsString(blobUrl)}`; | |
lastIndex = end; | |
} | |
// import.meta | |
else if (dynamicImportIndex === -2) { | |
meta[load.r] = { url: load.r, resolve: importMetaResolve }; | |
resolvedSource += `${source.slice(lastIndex, start)}self._esmsm[${urlJsString(load.r)}]`; | |
lastIndex = end; | |
} | |
// dynamic import | |
else { | |
resolvedSource += `${source.slice(lastIndex, dynamicImportIndex + 6)}Shim(${source.slice(start, end)}, ${load.r && urlJsString(load.r)}`; | |
lastIndex = end; | |
} | |
} | |
resolvedSource += source.slice(lastIndex); | |
} | |
// ; and // trailer support added for Ruby 7 source maps compatibility | |
let hasSourceURL = false; | |
resolvedSource = resolvedSource.replace(sourceMapURLRegEx, (match, isMapping, url) => (hasSourceURL = !isMapping, match.replace(url, () => new URL(url, load.r)))); | |
if (!hasSourceURL) | |
resolvedSource += '\n//# sourceURL=' + load.r; | |
load.b = lastLoad = createBlob(resolvedSource); | |
load.S = undefined; | |
} | |
const sourceMapURLRegEx = /\n\/\/# source(Mapping)?URL=([^\n]+)\s*((;|\/\/[^#][^\n]*)\s*)*$/; | |
const jsContentType = /^(text|application)\/(x-)?javascript(;|$)/; | |
const jsonContentType = /^(text|application)\/json(;|$)/; | |
const cssContentType = /^(text|application)\/css(;|$)/; | |
const wasmContentType = /^application\/wasm(;|$)/; | |
const cssUrlRegEx = /url\(\s*(?:(["'])((?:\\.|[^\n\\"'])+)\1|((?:\\.|[^\s,"'()\\])+))\s*\)/g; | |
// restrict in-flight fetches to a pool of 100 | |
let p = []; | |
let c = 0; | |
function pushFetchPool() { | |
if (++c > 100) | |
return new Promise(r => p.push(r)); | |
} | |
function popFetchPool() { | |
c--; | |
if (p.length) | |
p.shift()(); | |
} | |
async function doFetch(url, fetchOpts) { | |
const poolQueue = pushFetchPool(); | |
if (poolQueue) await poolQueue; | |
try { | |
var res = await fetchHook(url, fetchOpts); | |
} | |
finally { | |
popFetchPool(); | |
} | |
if (!res.ok) | |
throw new Error(`${res.status} ${res.statusText} ${res.url}`); | |
const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type'); | |
if (jsContentType.test(contentType)) | |
return { r: res.url, s: await res.text(), t: 'js' }; | |
else if (jsonContentType.test(contentType)) | |
return { r: res.url, s: `export default ${await res.text()}`, t: 'json' }; | |
else if (cssContentType.test(contentType)) | |
return { | |
r: res.url, s: `var s=new CSSStyleSheet();s.replaceSync(${JSON.stringify((await res.text()).replace(cssUrlRegEx, (_match, quotes, relUrl1, relUrl2) => `url(${quotes}${resolveUrl(relUrl1 || relUrl2, url)}${quotes})`)) | |
});export default s;`, t: 'css' | |
}; | |
else if (wasmContentType.test(contentType)) | |
throw new Error('WASM modules not supported'); | |
else | |
throw new Error(`Unknown Content-Type "${contentType}"`); | |
} | |
function getOrCreateLoad(url, fetchOpts, source) { | |
let load = registry[url]; | |
if (load) | |
return load; | |
load = registry[url] = { | |
// url | |
u: url, | |
// response url | |
r: undefined, | |
// fetchPromise | |
f: undefined, | |
// source | |
S: undefined, | |
// linkPromise | |
L: undefined, | |
// analysis | |
a: undefined, | |
// deps | |
d: undefined, | |
// blobUrl | |
b: undefined, | |
// shellUrl | |
s: undefined, | |
// needsShim | |
n: false, | |
// type | |
t: null | |
}; | |
load.f = (async () => { | |
if (!source) { | |
// preload fetch options override fetch options (race) | |
let t; | |
({ r: load.r, s: source, t } = await (fetchCache[url] || doFetch(url, fetchOpts))); | |
if (t && !shimMode) { | |
if (t === 'css' && !cssModulesEnabled || t === 'json' && !jsonModulesEnabled) | |
throw new Error(`${t}-modules require <script type="esms-options">{ "polyfillEnable": ["${t}-modules"] }<${''}/script>`); | |
if (t === 'css' && !supportsCssAssertions || t === 'json' && !supportsJsonAssertions) | |
load.n = true; | |
} | |
} | |
try { | |
load.a = parse(source, load.u); | |
} | |
catch (e) { | |
console.warn(e); | |
load.a = [[], []]; | |
} | |
load.S = source; | |
return load; | |
})(); | |
load.L = load.f.then(async () => { | |
let childFetchOpts = fetchOpts; | |
load.d = (await Promise.all(load.a[0].map(async ({ n, d }) => { | |
if (d >= 0 && !supportsDynamicImport || d === 2 && !supportsImportMeta) | |
load.n = true; | |
if (!n) return; | |
const { r, b } = await resolve(n, load.r || load.u); | |
if (b && (!supportsImportMaps || importMapSrcOrLazy)) | |
load.n = true; | |
if (d !== -1) return; | |
if (!r) | |
throwUnresolved(n, load.r || load.u); | |
if (skip && skip.test(r)) return { b: r }; | |
if (childFetchOpts.integrity) | |
childFetchOpts = Object.assign({}, childFetchOpts, { integrity: undefined }); | |
return getOrCreateLoad(r, childFetchOpts).f; | |
}))).filter(l => l); | |
}); | |
return load; | |
} | |
function processScriptsAndPreloads() { | |
for (const script of document.querySelectorAll(shimMode ? 'script[type="module-shim"]' : 'script[type="module"]')) | |
processScript(script); | |
for (const link of document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="modulepreload"]')) | |
processPreload(link); | |
} | |
function processImportMaps() { | |
for (const script of document.querySelectorAll(shimMode ? 'script[type="importmap-shim"]' : 'script[type="importmap"]')) | |
processImportMap(script); | |
} | |
function getFetchOpts(script) { | |
const fetchOpts = {}; | |
if (script.integrity) | |
fetchOpts.integrity = script.integrity; | |
if (script.referrerpolicy) | |
fetchOpts.referrerPolicy = script.referrerpolicy; | |
if (script.crossorigin === 'use-credentials') | |
fetchOpts.credentials = 'include'; | |
else if (script.crossorigin === 'anonymous') | |
fetchOpts.credentials = 'omit'; | |
else | |
fetchOpts.credentials = 'same-origin'; | |
return fetchOpts; | |
} | |
let lastStaticLoadPromise = Promise.resolve(); | |
let domContentLoadedCnt = 1; | |
function domContentLoadedCheck() { | |
if (--domContentLoadedCnt === 0 && !noLoadEventRetriggers) | |
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('DOMContentLoaded')); | |
} | |
// this should always trigger because we assume es-module-shims is itself a domcontentloaded requirement | |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => { | |
await initPromise; | |
domContentLoadedCheck(); | |
if (shimMode || !baselinePassthrough) { | |
processImportMaps(); | |
processScriptsAndPreloads(); | |
} | |
}); | |
let readyStateCompleteCnt = 1; | |
if (document.readyState === 'complete') { | |
readyStateCompleteCheck(); | |
} | |
else { | |
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', async () => { | |
processImportMaps(); | |
await initPromise; | |
readyStateCompleteCheck(); | |
}); | |
} | |
function readyStateCompleteCheck() { | |
if (--readyStateCompleteCnt === 0 && !noLoadEventRetriggers) | |
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('readystatechange')); | |
} | |
function processImportMap(script) { | |
if (script.ep) // ep marker = script processed | |
return; | |
// empty inline scripts sometimes show before domready | |
if (!script.src && !script.innerHTML) | |
return; | |
script.ep = true; | |
// we dont currently support multiple, external or dynamic imports maps in polyfill mode to match native | |
if (script.src) { | |
if (!shimMode) | |
return; | |
importMapSrcOrLazy = true; | |
} | |
if (acceptingImportMaps) { | |
importMapPromise = importMapPromise | |
.then(async () => { | |
importMap = resolveAndComposeImportMap(script.src ? await (await fetchHook(script.src)).json() : JSON.parse(script.innerHTML), script.src || baseUrl, importMap); | |
}) | |
.catch(error => setTimeout(() => { throw error })); | |
if (!shimMode) | |
acceptingImportMaps = false; | |
} | |
} | |
function processScript(script) { | |
if (script.ep) // ep marker = script processed | |
return; | |
if (script.getAttribute('noshim') !== null) | |
return; | |
// empty inline scripts sometimes show before domready | |
if (!script.src && !script.innerHTML) | |
return; | |
script.ep = true; | |
// does this load block readystate complete | |
const isReadyScript = readyStateCompleteCnt > 0; | |
// does this load block DOMContentLoaded | |
const isDomContentLoadedScript = domContentLoadedCnt > 0; | |
if (isReadyScript) readyStateCompleteCnt++; | |
if (isDomContentLoadedScript) domContentLoadedCnt++; | |
const blocks = script.getAttribute('async') === null && isReadyScript; | |
const loadPromise = topLevelLoad(script.src || `${baseUrl}?${id++}`, getFetchOpts(script), !script.src && script.innerHTML, !shimMode, blocks && lastStaticLoadPromise).catch(e => { | |
setTimeout(() => { throw e }); | |
onerror(e); | |
}); | |
if (blocks) | |
lastStaticLoadPromise = loadPromise.then(readyStateCompleteCheck); | |
if (isDomContentLoadedScript) | |
loadPromise.then(domContentLoadedCheck); | |
} | |
const fetchCache = {}; | |
function processPreload(link) { | |
if (link.ep) // ep marker = processed | |
return; | |
link.ep = true; | |
if (fetchCache[link.href]) | |
return; | |
fetchCache[link.href] = doFetch(link.href, getFetchOpts(link)); | |
} | |
function throwUnresolved(id, parentUrl) { | |
throw Error("Unable to resolve specifier '" + id + (parentUrl ? "' from " + parentUrl : "'")); | |
} | |
})(); |