import streamlit as st from utils import * ########## Title for the Web App ########## st.title("Text Classification for Service Feedback") ########## Create Input field ########## feedback = st.text_input('Type your text here', 'The website was user friendly and the agent provided good solutions') if st.button('Click for predictions!'): with st.spinner('Generating predictions...'): result = get_single_prediction(feedback) st.success(f'Your text has been predicted to fall under the following topics: {result[:-1]}. The sentiment of this text is {result[-1]}.') st.write("\n") st.subheader('Or... Upload a csv file if you have a file instead.') st.write("\n") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Please upload a csv file with only 1 column of texts.") st.download_button( label="Download sample file here", data=sample_file, file_name='sample_results.csv', mime='text/csv', ) if uploaded_file is not None: with st.spinner('Generating predictions...'): results = get_multiple_predictions(uploaded_file) st.download_button( label="Download results as CSV", data=results, file_name='results.csv', mime='text/csv', )