

A two-stage text-to-3D generation model. The first stage uses diffusion model to quickly generate candidates. The second stage refines the assets chosen from the first stage. https://github.com/3DTopia/3DTopia/assets/23376858/c9716cf0-6e61-4983-82b2-2e8f579bd46c
## News [2024/01/18] We release a text-to-3D model 3DTopia! ## 1. Quick Start ### 1.1 Install Environment for this Repository We recommend using Anaconda to manage the environment. ```bash conda env create -f environment.yml ``` ### 1.2 Install Second Stage Refiner Please refer to [threefiner](https://github.com/3DTopia/threefiner) to install our second stage mesh refiner. We have tested installing both environments together with Pytorch 1.12.0 and CUDA 11.3. ### 1.3 Download Checkpoints \[Optional\] We have implemented automatic checkpoint download for both `gradio_demo.py` and `sample_stage1.py`. If you prefer to download manually, you may download checkpoint `3dtopia_diffusion_state_dict.ckpt` or `model.safetensors` from [huggingface](https://huggingface.co/hongfz16/3DTopia). ### Q&A - If you encounter this error in the second stage `ImportError: /lib64/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.25' not found`, try to install a lower version of pymeshlab by `pip install pymeshlab==0.2`. ## 2. Inference ### 2.1 First Stage Run the following command to sample `a robot` as the first stage. Results will be located under the folder `results`. ```bash python -u sample_stage1.py --text "a robot" --samples 1 --sampler ddim --steps 200 --cfg_scale 7.5 --seed 0 ``` Arguments: - `--ckpt` specifies checkpoint file path; - `--test_folder` controls which subfolder to put all the results; - `--seed` will fix random seeds; `--sampler` can be set to `ddim` for DDIM sampling (By default, we use 1000 steps DDPM sampling); - `--steps` controls sampling steps only for DDIM; - `--samples` controls number of samples; - `--text` is the input text; - `--no_video` and `--no_mcubes` suppress rendering multi-view videos and marching cubes, which are by-default enabled; - `--mcubes_res` controls the resolution of the 3D volumn sampled for marching cubes; One can lower this resolution to save graphics memory; - `--render_res` controls the resolution of the rendered video; ### 2.2 Second Stage There are two steps as the second stage refinement. Here is a simple example. Please refer to [threefiner](https://github.com/3DTopia/threefiner) for more detailed usage. ```bash # step 1 threefiner sd --mesh results/default/stage1/a_robot_0_0.ply --prompt "a robot" --text_dir --front_dir='-y' --outdir results/default/stage2/ --save a_robot_0_0_sd.glb # step 2 threefiner if2 --mesh results/default/stage2/a_robot_0_0_sd.glb --prompt "a robot" --outdir results/default/stage2/ --save a_robot_0_0_if2.glb ``` The resulting mesh can be found at `results/default/stage2/a_robot_0_0_if2.glb` ## 3. Acknowledgement We thank the community for building and open-sourcing the foundation of this work. Specifically, we want to thank [EG3D](https://github.com/NVlabs/eg3d), [Stable Diffusion](https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion) for their codes. We also want to thank [Objaverse](https://objaverse.allenai.org) for the wonderful dataset.