chcp 65001 > NUL @echo off @REM エラーコードを遅延評価するために設定 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @REM PowerShellのコマンド set PS_CMD=PowerShell -Version 5.1 -ExecutionPolicy Bypass @REM PortableGitのURLと保存先 set DL_URL= set DL_DST=%~dp0lib\PortableGit-2.44.0-64-bit.7z.exe @REM Style-Bert-VITS2のリポジトリURL set REPO_URL= @REM カレントディレクトリをbatファイルのディレクトリに変更 pushd %~dp0 @REM lib フォルダがなければ作成 if not exist lib\ ( mkdir lib ) echo -------------------------------------------------- echo PS_CMD: %PS_CMD% echo DL_URL: %DL_URL% echo DL_DST: %DL_DST% echo REPO_URL: %REPO_URL% echo -------------------------------------------------- echo. echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Checking Git Installation... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: git --version git --version if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Git is not installed, so download and use PortableGit. echo Downloading PortableGit... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: curl -L %DL_URL% -o "%DL_DST%" curl -L %DL_URL% -o "%DL_DST%" if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Extracting PortableGit... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: "%DL_DST%" -y "%DL_DST%" -y if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Removing %DL_DST%... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: del "%DL_DST%" del "%DL_DST%" if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) @REM Gitコマンドのパスを設定 echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Setting up PATH... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: set "PATH=%~dp0lib\PortableGit\bin;%PATH%" set "PATH=%~dp0lib\PortableGit\bin;%PATH%" if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Checking Git Installation... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: git --version git --version if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) ) echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Cloning repository... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: git clone %REPO_URL% git clone %REPO_URL% if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) @REM Pythonのセットアップ echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Setting up Python environment... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: call Setup-Python.bat ".\lib\python" ".\Style-Bert-VITS2\venv" call Setup-Python.bat ".\lib\python" ".\Style-Bert-VITS2\venv" if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) @REM Style-Bert-VITS2フォルダに移動 pushd Style-Bert-VITS2 echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Activating the virtual environment... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: call ".\venv\Scripts\activate.bat" call ".\venv\Scripts\activate.bat" if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Installing PyTorch... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Installing other dependencies... echo -------------------------------------------------- echo Executing: pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( pause & popd & exit /b !errorlevel! ) echo ---------------------------------------- echo Environment setup is complete. Start downloading the model. echo ---------------------------------------- echo Executing: python python echo ---------------------------------------- echo Model download is complete. Start Style-Bert-VITS2 Editor. echo ---------------------------------------- echo Executing: python --inbrowser python --inbrowser pause popd popd endlocal