File size: 6,213 Bytes
2d5ffb9 b2c7a50 2d5ffb9 b2c7a50 25cf4f2 7ca1ef7 2d5ffb9 e1f97c2 2d5ffb9 a734906 2d5ffb9 b2c7a50 e1f97c2 a734906 2d5ffb9 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 |
import streamlit as st
from persist import persist, load_widget_state
#from pages.viewCardProgress import get_card
from modelcards import CardData, ModelCard
from markdownTagExtract import tag_checker,listToString,to_markdown
#from specific_extraction import extract_it
from modelcards import CardData, ModelCard
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
def is_float(value):
return True
return False
## Handles parsing jinja variable templates
def parse_into_jinja_markdown():
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.'), autoescape=True)
temp = env.get_template(st.session_state.markdown_upload)
# to add:
# - parent model
# to fix:
# citation on form: check box for bibtex or apa: then parse
return (temp.render(model_id = st.session_state["model_name"],
language = st.session_state["languages"],
the_model_description = st.session_state["model_description"],developers=st.session_state["Model_developers"],shared_by = st.session_state["shared_by"],model_license = st.session_state['license'],
parent_model_link = st.session_state['Parent_Model_url'],
direct_use = st.session_state["Direct_Use"], downstream_use = st.session_state["Downstream_Use"],out_of_scope_use = st.session_state["Out-of-Scope_Use"],
bias_risks_limitations = st.session_state["Model_Limits_n_Risks"], bias_recommendations = st.session_state['Recommendations'],
model_examination = st.session_state['Model_examin'],
speeds_sizes_times = st.session_state['Speeds_Sizes_Times'],
hardware= st.session_state['Model_hardware'], hours_used = st.session_state['hours_used'], cloud_provider = st.session_state['Model_cloud_provider'], cloud_region = st.session_state['Model_cloud_region'], co2_emitted = st.session_state['Model_c02_emitted'],
citation_bibtex= st.session_state["APA_citation"], citation_apa = st.session_state['bibtex_citation'],
training_data = st.session_state['training_Data'], preprocessing =st.session_state['model_preprocessing'],
model_specs = st.session_state['Model_specs'], compute_infrastructure = st.session_state['compute_infrastructure'],software = st.session_state['technical_specs_software'],
glossary = st.session_state['Glossary'],
more_information = st.session_state['More_info'],
model_card_authors = st.session_state['the_authors'],
model_card_contact = st.session_state['Model_card_contact'],
get_started_code =st.session_state["Model_how_to"],
repo_link = st.session_state["github_url"],
paper_link = st.session_state["paper_url"],
blog_link = st.session_state["blog_url"],
testing_data = st.session_state["Testing_Data"],
testing_factors = st.session_state["Factors"],
results = st.session_state['Model_Results'],
testing_metrics = st.session_state["Metrics"]
################## Below CURRENTLY Deprecated ##################
def apply_view(page_state, not_code_pull,text_passed):
not_important_section = True
if st.session_state.legal_view == True:
#user_view = 'legal_view'
user_view_collapse={'Model_details_text','Model_uses','Model_Eval','Model_carbon','Model_cite', 'Glossary','Model_card_authors'}
elif st.session_state.researcher_view == True:
#user_view = 'researcher_view'
user_view_collapse={'Model_details_text','Model_how_to','Model_training','Model_Limits_n_Risks', 'Glossary', 'Model_card_contact', 'Citation'}
#user_view = 'beginner_technical_view'
user_view_collapse={'Model_details_text','Model_how_to','Model_Eval','Model_uses', 'Glossary'} # Add Techical Spec
for value in user_view_collapse:
if value == page_state:
not_important_section = False
if not_important_section == True: #and st.session_state[user_view]:
text_return = out_text_out(not_code_pull,page_state,text_passed)
out_text = "<details> <summary> Click to expand </summary>" +text_return + "</details>"
return (out_text)
#out_text = "<details>" + out_text + "</details>"
text_return = out_text_out(not_code_pull,page_state,text_passed)
out_text = text_return
return (out_text)
def out_text_out(not_code_pull,page_state,out_text):
if not_code_pull == True:
out_text = extract_it(page_state)
out_text = out_text
def writingPrompt(page_state, help_text, out_text):
#st.session_state.check_box = False
#extracted_how_to= tag_checker(markdown,start_tag,end_tag)
#see_suggestion = column.checkbox("See Writing Prompt")
st.session_state.check_box = True
variable_output_prompt = st.text_area("Enter some text",height = 500, value =out_text, key=persist(out_text),
st.session_state.page_state = persist(variable_output_prompt)
#out_text = extract_it(page_state)
#st.session_state.check_box = True
##st.session_state.check_box = False
#variable_output_prompt = st.text_area("Enter Text",value = ' ',key=persist(page_state),height = 500,help =help_text)
return variable_output_prompt
def extract_section(current_template, start_tag, end_tag):
current_Card_markdown= current_template
extracted_how_to= tag_checker(current_Card_markdown,start_tag,end_tag)
out_text = ' '.join(extracted_how_to)
return out_text
def main():'')
return |