lilt /
iakarshu's picture
# %%writefile
import pandas as pd
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import numpy as np
import pytesseract
import torch
## I guess, I got my own script for it, from
def rescale_bbox(bbox, img_width : int,
img_height : int, size : int = 1000):
x0, x1, y0, y1, width, height = bbox
x0 = int(size * (x0 / img_width))
x1 = int(size * (x1 / img_width))
y0 = int(size * (y0 / img_height))
y1 = int(size * (y1 / img_height))
width = int(size * (width / img_width))
height = int(size * (height / img_height))
return [x0, x1, y0, y1, width, height]
def coordinate_features(df_row):
xmin, ymin, width, height = df_row["left"], df_row["top"], df_row["width"], df_row["height"]
return [xmin, xmin + width, ymin, ymin + height, width, height] ## [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height]
def get_ocr_results(image_path : str):
Returns words and its bounding boxes from the image file path
image_path: string containing the path of the image
## Getting the Image
image =
width, height = image.size
## OCR Processing
ocr_df = pytesseract.image_to_data(image, output_type="data.frame")
ocr_df = ocr_df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
float_cols = ocr_df.select_dtypes("float").columns
ocr_df[float_cols] = ocr_df[float_cols].round(0).astype(int)
ocr_df = ocr_df.replace(r"^\s*$", np.nan, regex=True)
ocr_df = ocr_df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
ocr_df = ocr_df.sort_values(by=['left', 'top']) ## Sorting the values on the basis of left, top bounding box coordinates
## Finally getting the words and the bounding box
words = list(ocr_df.text.apply(lambda x: str(x).strip()))
actual_bboxes = ocr_df.apply(coordinate_features, axis=1).values.tolist()
# add as extra columns
assert len(words) == len(actual_bboxes)
return {"words": words, "bbox": actual_bboxes}
## Stealed from here:
def get_tokens_with_boxes(unnormalized_word_boxes, list_of_words,
tokenizer, pad_token_id : int = 0,
pad_token_box = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
max_seq_len = 512,
sep_token_box = [0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 0]
This function returns two items:
1. unnormalized_token_boxes -> a list of len = max_seq_len, containing the boxes corresponding to the tokenized words,
one box might repeat as per the tokenization procedure
2. tokenized_words -> tokenized words corresponding to the tokenizer and the list_of_words
assert len(unnormalized_word_boxes) == len(list_of_words), "Bounding box length != total words length"
length_of_box = len(unnormalized_word_boxes)
unnormalized_token_boxes = []
tokenized_words = []
## CLS, SEP tokens have to be appended
tokenized_words.extend([tokenizer.cls_token_id]) ## CLS Token Box is same as pad_token_box, if not, you can change here
## Normal for loop
idx = 0
for box, word in zip(unnormalized_word_boxes, list_of_words):
if idx != 0:
new_word = " " + word
new_word = word
current_tokens = tokenizer(new_word, add_special_tokens = False).input_ids
idx += 1
## For post processing the token box
if len(unnormalized_token_boxes)<max_seq_len:
unnormalized_token_boxes.extend([pad_token_box] * (max_seq_len-len(unnormalized_token_boxes)))
unnormalized_token_boxes[max_seq_len - 1] = sep_token_box
## For post processing the tokenized words
if len(tokenized_words) < max_seq_len:
tokenized_words.extend([pad_token_id]* (max_seq_len-len(tokenized_words)))
tokenized_words[max_seq_len - 1] = tokenizer.sep_token_id
return unnormalized_token_boxes[:max_seq_len], tokenized_words[:max_seq_len]
def create_features(
img_path : str,
max_seq_length : int = 512,
size : int = 1000,
use_ocr : bool = True,
bounding_box = None,
words = None ):
image ="RGB")
ocr_results = get_ocr_results(img_path)
ocr_results['rescale_bbox'] = list(map(lambda x: rescale_bbox(x, *image.size, size = size), ocr_results['bbox']))
boxes, words = get_tokens_with_boxes(ocr_results['rescale_bbox'], ocr_results['words'], tokenizer)
torch_boxes = torch.as_tensor(boxes)
torch_words = torch.as_tensor(words)
return torch_boxes, torch_words, ocr_results['bbox']