import abc import ast import collections from typing import ( Any, AsyncGenerator, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, OrderedDict, Union, ) from h2ogpt_client._gradio_client import GradioClientWrapper from h2ogpt_client._h2ogpt_enums import ( DocumentSubset, LangChainAction, LangChainMode, PromptType, ) from h2ogpt_client._models import Model _H2OGPT_PARAMETERS_TO_CLIENT = collections.OrderedDict( instruction="instruction", iinput="input", context="system_pre_context", stream_output="stream_output", prompt_type="prompt_type", prompt_dict="prompt_dict", temperature="temperature", top_p="top_p", top_k="top_k", penalty_alpha="penalty_alpha", num_beams="beams", max_new_tokens="max_output_length", min_new_tokens="min_output_length", early_stopping="early_stopping", max_time="max_time", repetition_penalty="repetition_penalty", num_return_sequences="number_returns", do_sample="enable_sampler", chat="chat", instruction_nochat="instruction_nochat", iinput_nochat="input_context_for_instruction", langchain_mode="langchain_mode", add_chat_history_to_context="add_chat_history_to_context", langchain_action="langchain_action", langchain_agents="langchain_agents", top_k_docs="langchain_top_k_docs", chunk="langchain_enable_chunk", chunk_size="langchain_chunk_size", document_subset="langchain_document_subset", document_choice="langchain_document_choice", document_source_substrings="langchain_document_source_substrings", document_source_substrings_op="langchain_document_source_substrings_op", document_content_substrings="langchain_document_content_substrings", document_content_substrings_op="langchain_document_content_substrings_op", pre_prompt_query="pre_prompt_query", prompt_query="prompt_query", pre_prompt_summary="pre_prompt_summary", prompt_summary="prompt_summary", hyde_llm_prompt="hyde_llm_prompt", system_prompt="system_prompt", image_audio_loaders="image_audio_loaders", pdf_loaders="pdf_loaders", url_loaders="url_loaders", jq_schema="jq_schema", visible_models="model", h2ogpt_key="h2ogpt_key", add_search_to_context="add_search_to_context", chat_conversation="chat_conversation", text_context_list="text_context_list", docs_ordering_type="docs_ordering_type", min_max_new_tokens="min_max_new_tokens", max_input_tokens="max_input_tokens", max_total_input_tokens="max_total_input_tokens", docs_token_handling="docs_token_handling", docs_joiner="docs_joiner", hyde_level="hyde_level", hyde_template="hyde_template", hyde_show_only_final="hyde_show_only_final", doc_json_mode="doc_json_mode", chatbot_role="chatbot_role", speaker="speaker", tts_language="tts_language", tts_speed="tts_speed", ) def _to_h2ogpt_params(client_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> OrderedDict[str, Any]: """Convert given params to the order of params in h2oGPT.""" h2ogpt_params: OrderedDict[str, Any] = collections.OrderedDict() for h2ogpt_param_name, client_param_name in _H2OGPT_PARAMETERS_TO_CLIENT.items(): if client_param_name in client_params: h2ogpt_params[h2ogpt_param_name] = client_params[client_param_name] return h2ogpt_params _DEFAULT_PARAMETERS: Dict[str, Any] = dict( instruction="", input="", system_pre_context="", stream_output=False, prompt_type=PromptType.plain.value, prompt_dict="", # empty as prompt_type cannot be 'custom' temperature=0.1, top_p=1.0, top_k=40, penalty_alpha=0.0, beams=1.0, max_output_length=1024, min_output_length=0, early_stopping=False, max_time=360, repetition_penalty=1.07, number_returns=1, enable_sampler=False, chat=False, instruction_nochat="", input_context_for_instruction="", langchain_mode=LangChainMode.DISABLED.value, add_chat_history_to_context=False, # relevant only for the UI langchain_action=LangChainAction.QUERY.value, langchain_agents=[], langchain_top_k_docs=4, # langchain: number of document chunks langchain_enable_chunk=True, # langchain: whether to chunk documents langchain_chunk_size=512, # langchain: chunk size for document chunking, langchain_document_choice=[], langchain_document_source_substrings=[], langchain_document_source_substrings_op='and', langchain_document_content_substrings=[], langchain_document_content_substrings_op='and', pre_prompt_query=[], prompt_query="", pre_prompt_summary="", prompt_summary="", hyde_llm_prompt="", system_prompt="", image_audio_loaders=[], pdf_loaders=[], url_loaders=[], jq_schema=".[]", model=None, h2ogpt_key=None, add_search_to_context=False, chat_conversation=None, text_context_list=[], docs_ordering_type="reverse_ucurve_sort", min_max_new_tokens=256, max_input_tokens=-1, max_total_input_tokens=-1, docs_token_handling="split_or_merge", docs_joiner="\n\n", hyde_level=0, hyde_template=None, hyde_show_only_final=None, doc_json_mode=False, chatbot_role="None", speaker="None", tts_language="autodetect", tts_speed=1.0, ) class _Completion(abc.ABC): _API_NAME = "/submit_nochat_api" def __init__(self, client: GradioClientWrapper, parameters: OrderedDict[str, Any]): self._client = client self._parameters = dict(parameters) def _get_parameters(self, prompt: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: self._parameters["instruction_nochat"] = prompt return self._parameters @staticmethod def _get_reply(response: str) -> str: return ast.literal_eval(response)["response"] def _predict(self, prompt: str) -> str: response = self._client.predict( str(self._get_parameters(prompt)), api_name=self._API_NAME ) return self._get_reply(response) def _predict_and_stream(self, prompt: str) -> Generator[str, None, None]: generator = self._client.predict_and_stream( str(self._get_parameters(prompt)), api_name=self._API_NAME ) reply_size_so_far = 0 for response in generator: current_reply = self._get_reply(response) new_reply_chunk = current_reply[reply_size_so_far:] if not new_reply_chunk: continue reply_size_so_far += len(new_reply_chunk) yield new_reply_chunk async def _submit(self, prompt: str) -> str: response = await self._client.submit( str(self._get_parameters(prompt)), api_name=self._API_NAME ) return self._get_reply(response) async def _submit_and_stream(self, prompt: str) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]: generator = self._client.submit_and_stream( str(self._get_parameters(prompt)), api_name=self._API_NAME ) reply_size_so_far = 0 async for response in generator: current_reply = self._get_reply(response) new_reply_chunk = current_reply[reply_size_so_far:] if not new_reply_chunk: continue reply_size_so_far += len(new_reply_chunk) yield new_reply_chunk class TextCompletionCreator: """Builder that can create text completions.""" def __init__(self, client: GradioClientWrapper): self._client = client def create( self, model: Union[None, Model, str] = None, prompt_type: PromptType = PromptType.plain, input_context_for_instruction: str = "", enable_sampler=False, temperature: float = 0.1, top_p: float = 1.0, top_k: int = 40, penalty_alpha: float = 0.0, beams: float = 1.0, early_stopping: bool = False, min_output_length: int = 0, max_output_length: int = 1024, max_time: int = 360, repetition_penalty: float = 1.07, number_returns: int = 1, system_pre_context: str = "", langchain_mode: LangChainMode = LangChainMode.DISABLED, system_prompt: str = "", add_search_to_context: bool = False, text_context_list: List[str] = [], docs_ordering_type: str = "reverse_ucurve_sort", min_max_new_tokens: int = 256, max_input_tokens: int = -1, max_total_input_tokens: int = -1, docs_token_handling: str = "split_or_merge", docs_joiner: str = "\n\n", hyde_level: int = 0, hyde_template: Optional[str] = None, hyde_show_only_final: bool = False, doc_json_mode: bool = False, chatbot_role="None", speaker="None", tts_language="autodetect", tts_speed=1.0, ) -> "TextCompletion": """ Creates a new text completion. :param model: model to be used, `None` means used the default model. :param prompt_type: type of the prompt :param input_context_for_instruction: input context for instruction :param enable_sampler: enable or disable the sampler, required for use of temperature, top_p, top_k :param temperature: What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 3. Lower values will make it more focused and deterministic, but may lead to repeat. Higher values will make the output more creative, but may lead to hallucinations. :param top_p: cumulative probability of tokens to sample from :param top_k: number of tokens to sample from :param penalty_alpha: >0 and top_k>1 enable contrastive search (not all models support) :param beams: Number of searches for optimal overall probability. Higher values uses more GPU memory and compute. :param early_stopping: whether to stop early or not in beam search :param min_output_length: minimum output length :param max_output_length: maximum output length :param max_time: maximum time to search optimal output :param repetition_penalty: penalty for repetition :param number_returns: :param system_pre_context: directly pre-appended without prompt processing :param langchain_mode: LangChain mode :param system_prompt: Universal system prompt to override prompt_type's system prompt If pass 'None' or 'auto' or None, then automatic per-model value used :param add_search_to_context: Whether to add web search of query to context :param text_context_list: list of strings to use as context (up to allowed max_seq_len of model) :param docs_ordering_type: By default uses 'reverse_ucurve_sort' for optimal retrieval :param min_max_new_tokens: minimum value for max_new_tokens when auto-adjusting for content of prompt, docs, etc. :param max_input_tokens: Max input tokens to place into model context for each LLM call -1 means auto, fully fill context for query, and fill by original document chunk for summarization >=0 means use that to limit context filling to that many tokens :param max_total_input_tokens: like max_input_tokens but instead of per LLM call, applies across all LLM calls for single summarization/extraction action :param docs_token_handling: 'chunk' means fill context with top_k_docs (limited by max_input_tokens or model_max_len) chunks for query or top_k_docs original document chunks summarization None or 'split_or_merge' means same as 'chunk' for query, while for summarization merges documents to fill up to max_input_tokens or model_max_len tokens :param docs_joiner: string to join lists of text when doing split_or_merge. None means '\n\n' :param hyde_level: HYDE level for HYDE approach ( 0: No HYDE 1: Use non-document-based LLM response and original query for embedding query 2: Use document-based LLM response and original query for embedding query 3+: Continue iterations of embedding prior answer and getting new response :param hyde_template: None, 'None', 'auto' uses internal value and enable '{query}' is minimal template one can pass :param hyde_show_only_final: See h2oGPT server docs :param doc_json_mode: whether to give JSON to LLM and get JSON response back :param chatbot_role: See h2oGPT server docs :param speaker: See h2oGPT server docs :param tts_language: See h2oGPT server docs :param tts_speed: See h2oGPT server docs """ args = locals().copy() args["prompt_type"] = prompt_type.value # convert to serializable type args["langchain_mode"] = langchain_mode.value # convert to serializable type params = _to_h2ogpt_params({**_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS, **args}) params["instruction_nochat"] = None # future prompt params["h2ogpt_key"] = self._client.h2ogpt_key return TextCompletion(self._client, params) class TextCompletion(_Completion): """Text completion.""" async def complete( self, prompt: str, enable_streaming: bool = False ) -> Union[str, AsyncGenerator[str, None]]: """ Complete this text completion. :param prompt: text prompt to generate completion for :param enable_streaming: whether to enable or disable streaming the response :return: response from the model """ if enable_streaming: params = self._get_parameters(prompt) params["stream_output"] = True return self._submit_and_stream(prompt) else: return await self._submit(prompt) def complete_sync( self, prompt: str, enable_streaming: bool = False ) -> Union[str, Generator[str, None, None]]: """ Complete this text completion synchronously. :param prompt: text prompt to generate completion for :param enable_streaming: whether to enable or disable streaming the response :return: response from the model """ if enable_streaming: params = self._get_parameters(prompt) params["stream_output"] = True return self._predict_and_stream(prompt) else: return self._predict(prompt) class ChatCompletionCreator: """Chat completion.""" def __init__(self, client: GradioClientWrapper): self._client = client def create( self, model: Union[None, Model, str] = None, prompt_type: PromptType = PromptType.plain, input_context_for_instruction: str = "", enable_sampler=False, temperature: float = 0.1, top_p: float = 1.0, top_k: int = 40, penalty_alpha: float = 0.0, beams: float = 1.0, early_stopping: bool = False, min_output_length: int = 0, max_output_length: int = 1024, max_time: int = 360, repetition_penalty: float = 1.07, number_returns: int = 1, system_pre_context: str = "", langchain_mode: LangChainMode = LangChainMode.DISABLED, system_prompt: str = "", add_search_to_context: bool = False, text_context_list: List[str] = [], docs_ordering_type: str = "reverse_ucurve_sort", min_max_new_tokens: int = 256, max_input_tokens: int = -1, max_total_input_tokens: int = -1, docs_token_handling: str = "split_or_merge", docs_joiner: str = "\n\n", hyde_level: int = 0, hyde_template: Optional[str] = None, hyde_show_only_final: bool = False, doc_json_mode: bool = False, chatbot_role="None", speaker="None", tts_language="autodetect", tts_speed=1.0, ) -> "ChatCompletion": """ Creates a new chat completion. :param model: model to be used, `None` means used the default model. :param prompt_type: type of the prompt :param input_context_for_instruction: input context for instruction :param enable_sampler: enable or disable the sampler, required for use of temperature, top_p, top_k :param temperature: What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 3. Lower values will make it more focused and deterministic, but may lead to repeat. Higher values will make the output more creative, but may lead to hallucinations. :param top_p: cumulative probability of tokens to sample from :param top_k: number of tokens to sample from :param penalty_alpha: >0 and top_k>1 enable contrastive search (not all models support) :param beams: Number of searches for optimal overall probability. Higher values uses more GPU memory and compute. :param early_stopping: whether to stop early or not in beam search :param min_output_length: minimum output length :param max_output_length: maximum output length :param max_time: maximum time to search optimal output :param repetition_penalty: penalty for repetition :param number_returns: :param system_pre_context: directly pre-appended without prompt processing :param langchain_mode: LangChain mode :param system_prompt: Universal system prompt to override prompt_type's system prompt :param add_search_to_context: Whether to add web search of query to context :param text_context_list: list of strings to use as context (up to allowed max_seq_len of model) :param docs_ordering_type: By default uses 'reverse_ucurve_sort' for optimal retrieval :param min_max_new_tokens: minimum value for max_new_tokens when auto-adjusting for content of prompt, docs, etc. :param max_input_tokens: Max input tokens to place into model context for each LLM call -1 means auto, fully fill context for query, and fill by original document chunk for summarization >=0 means use that to limit context filling to that many tokens :param max_total_input_tokens: like max_input_tokens but instead of per LLM call, applies across all LLM calls for single summarization/extraction action :param docs_token_handling: 'chunk' means fill context with top_k_docs (limited by max_input_tokens or model_max_len) chunks for query or top_k_docs original document chunks summarization None or 'split_or_merge' means same as 'chunk' for query, while for summarization merges documents to fill up to max_input_tokens or model_max_len tokens :param docs_joiner: string to join lists of text when doing split_or_merge. None means '\n\n' :param hyde_level: HYDE level for HYDE approach ( 0: No HYDE 1: Use non-document-based LLM response and original query for embedding query 2: Use document-based LLM response and original query for embedding query 3+: Continue iterations of embedding prior answer and getting new response :param hyde_template: None, 'None', 'auto' uses internal value and enable '{query}' is minimal template one can pass :param hyde_show_only_final: See h2oGPT server docs :param doc_json_mode: whether to give JSON to LLM and get JSON response back :param chatbot_role: See h2oGPT server docs :param speaker: See h2oGPT server docs :param tts_language: See h2oGPT server docs :param tts_speed: See h2oGPT server docs """ args = locals().copy() args["prompt_type"] = prompt_type.value # convert to serializable type args["langchain_mode"] = langchain_mode.value # convert to serializable type params = _to_h2ogpt_params({**_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS, **args}) params["instruction_nochat"] = None # future prompts params["add_chat_history_to_context"] = True params["h2ogpt_key"] = self._client.h2ogpt_key params["chat_conversation"] = [] # chat history (FIXME: Only works if 1 model?) return ChatCompletion(self._client, params) class ChatCompletion(_Completion): """Chat completion.""" def _update_history(self, prompt: str, reply: str) -> None: self._parameters["chat_conversation"].append((prompt, reply)) async def chat(self, prompt: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Complete this chat completion. :param prompt: text prompt to generate completions for :returns chat reply """ reply = await self._submit(prompt) self._update_history(prompt, reply) return {"user": prompt, "gpt": reply} def chat_sync(self, prompt: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Complete this chat completion. :param prompt: text prompt to generate completions for :returns chat reply """ reply = self._predict(prompt) self._update_history(prompt, reply) return {"user": prompt, "gpt": reply} def chat_history(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """Returns the full chat history.""" return [ {"user": i[0], "gpt": i[1]} for i in self._parameters["chat_conversation"] ]