Ticket Name: TDA2EXEVM: TDA2 DSP2 XDC ASSERT Query Text: Part Number: TDA2EXEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS We run our algorithm on DSP2. Sometimes DSP2 will have XDC Assert message and then DSP2 will crash. How can we solve it? Log: [DSP2 ] 11173.232111 s: ### XDC ASSERT - ERROR CALLBACK START ### [DSP2 ] 11173.232141 s: [DSP2 ] 11173.232202 s: assertion failure: A_badContext: bad calling context. See GateMutex API doc for details. [DSP2 ] 11173.232233 s: [DSP2 ] 11173.232233 s: ### XDC ASSERT - ERROR CALLBACK END ### Responses: Have any update? Hi, Please refer to BIOS API doc for GateMutex. Or, you can find the source under ~/bios_6_46_06_00/packages/ti/sysbios/gates/GateMutex.c. You are hitting the below error where GateMutex_enter() is called in HWI or SWI context. /* * ======== GateMutex_enter ======== * Returns FIRST_ENTER when it gets the gate, returns NESTED_ENTER * on nested calls. * * During startup, Task_self returns NULL. So all calls to the * GateMutex_enter look like it is a nested call, so nothing done. * Then the leave's will do nothing either. */ IArg GateMutex_enter(GateMutex_Object *obj) { Semaphore_Handle sem; /* make sure we're not calling from Hwi or Swi context */ Assert_isTrue(((BIOS_getThreadType() == BIOS_ThreadType_Task) || (BIOS_getThreadType() == BIOS_ThreadType_Main)), GateMutex_A_badContext); if (obj->owner != Task_self()) { sem = GateMutex_Instance_State_sem(obj); Semaphore_pend(sem, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER); obj->owner = Task_self(); return (FIRST_ENTER); } return (NESTED_ENTER); } Regards, Stanley