[FAQ] OPT3101: What are the resourcescompany provides for developing with OPT3101? Part Number: OPT3101 Getting started Training videos: /zero-hero-time-flight-training-series Device datasheet: /lit/ds/symlink/opt3101.pdf Evaluation OPT3101EVM is available here: /tool/OPT3101EVM Device is pre-calibrated and ready for use. EVM demonstrates using OPT3101 for long range single channel ToF distance measurements. TIDA010021 is a reference design demonstrating OPT3101 used for wide field-of-view with multiple zones of detection. It is available here: /tool/TIDA-010021 System level design (component selection and board design) System design involves optical component selection and board design and layout. The system design guide provides all the necessary theory and instructions for this process. The estimator tool helps with selecting optical emitters and photodiodes and estimating performance, range, and accuracy for these components. system design guide: /lit/ug/sbau305b/sbau305b.pdf system estimator tool: /tool/OPT3101ESTIMATOR-SW Calibration Tools The SDK tool provides all C++ functions needed for calibration. This can be integrated to an existing system or run on any host with C++ compiler (microprocessor, linux PC, windows, etc.). It can also be used in calibration tool mode on acompany MSP430 launchpad to speed calibration process which requires no coding and simply commenting a line of code per calibration step and compiling the code in Code Composer Studio. Details of this method are run through step-by-step in the SDK user guide document included in the SDK. SDK: /tool/OPT3101-SDK The configurator tool is a graphical interface for selecting the OPT3101 settings to use for the design. It generates an SDK configuration file with register settings that can be imported to the SDK and eliminates the need to select individual register settings. Configurator tool: /tool/OPT3101CONFIG-SW Documents How to calibrate doc: /lit/pdf/slau791 Register level calibration doc: /lit/pdf/sbau310 App notes We have a number of app notes that give more details on a variety of topics. These are available here: /product/OPT3101/technicaldocuments#doctype1 Overview of collateral /product/OPT3101#design-resources-for-you