Ticket Name: TDA2HF: Set DSS parameter failed when Display_Link was creating Query Text: Part Number: TDA2HF In PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_08_00_00,i builded a chain: capture->vpe->display vpe params was set as below: static Void chains_vipSingleCam_Enc_Dec_SgxDisplay_SetVPEPrms( VpeLink_CreateParams *pPrm, UInt32 numLvdsCh, UInt32 displayWidth, UInt32 displayHeight, UInt32 inputWidth, UInt32 inputHeight ) { UInt16 chId; pPrm->enableOut[0] = TRUE; for(chId = 0; chId < numLvdsCh; chId++) { pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].numBufsPerCh = VPE_LINK_NUM_BUFS_PER_CH_DEFAULT; pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].width = displayWidth; pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].height = displayHeight; pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].dataFormat =SYSTEM_DF_RGB24_888 ; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.bypass = FALSE; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.nonLinear = FALSE; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.stripSize = 0; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropStartX = 32; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropStartY = 24; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropWidth = inputWidth-32; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropHeight = inputHeight-24; } } then i got assert as below: [HOST] [IPU1-0] 57.923595 s: CaptureLink_drvAllocAndQueueFrames:1553:FVID2_queue: captureVipHandle=0x9f11b880, frameList.numFrames=6, streamId=0 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 57.923961 s: CAPTURE: Create Done !!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 57.924388 s: VPE: Create in progress !!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 57.925242 s: wwlog:vpe set flag=82176,format=20 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.164765 s: VPE: Loading Down-scaling Co-effs [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.164978 s: VPE: Co-effs Loading ... DONE !!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.165222 s: VPE: Create Done !!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.165649 s: DISPLAY: Create in progress !!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.165954 s: wwlog: repliEnalbe is false before set!!!!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166046 s: wwlog: repliEnalbe set true [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166107 s: wwlog: display get flag= 82176,format=20 [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166168 s: wwlog: display will create in SYSTEM_DF_RGB24_888!!!!! [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166320 s: hal/src/vpshal_dssDispcVid.c @ Line 1023: [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166412 s: Invalid Data format [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166595 s: dispdrv/src/vpsdrv_displayCore.c @ Line 304: [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166687 s: Set DSS parameter failed [HOST] [IPU1-0] 58.166748 s: Assertion @ Line: 474 in displayLink_drv.c: status==SYSTEM_LINK_STATUS_SOK : failed !!! But when i use capture->vpe->sgxFmcpy(A15)->display,display_link can run normal in SYSTEM_DF_BGRA16_4444 . I want to know why dispaly_link cant be creanted in SYSTEM_DF_RGB24_888,or how to make display_link run in SYSTEM_DF_RGB24_888 . Responses: Hi, I think DSS does not support RGB24_888 format, ie R in lower byte, followed by G, followed by B. DSS supports BGR24_888 format, So can you try changing it to system_df_BGR24_888 format? Regards, Brijesh Thanks for your reply. Dont know why ,but display does run normal with BGR24_888, Because it is only supported in the DSS. The other RGB packed format is not supported.