chinese english 老耿端起枪,眯缝起一只三角眼,一搂扳机响了枪,冰雹般的金麻雀劈哩啪啦往下落,铁砂子在柳枝间飞迸着,嚓嚓有声。 Old Geng picked up his shotgun, squinted, and pulled the trigger. Two sparrows crashed to the ground like hailstones as shotgun pellets tore noisily through the branches. 次日天未明时,刘老老便起来梳洗了, 又将板儿教了几句话; 五六岁的孩子,听见带了他进城逛去,喜欢的无不应承。 Next day Grannie Liu was up before dawn. As soon as she had washed and done her hair, she set about teaching Ban-er a few words to say to the ladies at the great house – an exercise to which he submitted cheerfully enough, as would any little boy of four or five who had been promised an outing to the great city. 钱老板道:“是,是,多谢香主。” 在一张椅上坐了,续道:“属下将小郡主藏在猪肚里带进宫来,一来是为瞒过宫门侍卫的重重搜检,二来是要瞒过沐王府众人的耳目。 'Thank you, Master,' said Butcher Qian, seating himself in one of the chairs and continuing. 'There were really two reasons why I hid the Little Countessinside this pig's carcass. One was to get her past the Palace Guard: they always search everyone at the gate. But it was also to get her past any of the Mu Family spies who might be out watching for us. 但已经晚了,物理学家静静地躺在地上,半睁的双眼看着从他的头颅上流出的血迹,疯狂的会场瞬间陷入了一片死寂。 But it was already too late. The physicist lay quietly on the ground, his eyes still open as blood oozed from his head. The frenzied crowd sank into silence. 但这时,绍琳却做出了一件出人意料的事,与一位受迫害的教育部高干结了婚,当时那名高干还在干校住“牛棚”劳改中。 But then Shao did something that no one expected. She married a persecuted high-level cadre from the Education Ministry. At that time, the cadre still lived in a 'cowshed' for reform through labor. 湘云道:“你敢挑宝姐姐的短处,就算你是个好的。” 'If you can find any shortcomings in Cousin Bao-chai', said Xiang-yun, 'you must be very good indeed.' 他知道,这都是被转化为可见光的厘米微波,每团光晕的中心就是一个发射源,由于波长的原因,不可能看清形状。 He realized that these were sources of radiation in the centimeter range, all now converted to visible light. At the heart of each halo was a radiation source. Because the original wavelengths were so long, it was impossible to see their shapes clearly. 海老公问起今日做了什么事,韦小宝说了到鳌拜家中抄家,至于吞没珍宝、金银、匕首等事,自然绝口不提,最后道:“太后命我到鳌拜家里拿两部《四十二章经》……” When Old Hai asked what he had been doing that day, Trinket told him that he had been helping supervise the confiscation of Oboi's estate. He concluded his account—which of course omitted any mention of the dagger and various other valuables that he had pocketed for himself—by telling him about the two copies of the Sutra in Forty-Two Sections that had been discovered in Oboi's house. “老克腊”是这粗糙时尚中的一点精细所在。 In this crude and uncultured fashion world, the 'Old Colours' were the stewards in charge of safekeeping refinement. 我现在有家有口,已经学了不少好。 Now that I have a wife and family, I have learned a lot about how to be good.