weapon-detection / streamlit_app.py
ishworrsubedii's picture
feat: update model and convert images to RGB for prediction display
066c36c verified
import os
import requests
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import uvicorn
from src.api.fast_api import app
LOG_DIR = "logs"
API_URL = "http://localhost:8000"
ipcam_server_status = False
detection_service_status = False
def call_api(endpoint):
response = requests.post(f"{API_URL}/{endpoint}")
return response.json()
except Exception as e:
return {"error": str(e)}
def start_stop_server(start_message, already_running_message, not_running_message):
global ipcam_server_status, detection_service_status
if not ipcam_server_status:
result = call_api("start_ipcam_server")
ipcam_server_status = True
return {"message": start_message, "result": result}
return {"message": already_running_message}
def start_ipcam_server():
return start_stop_server("IP Cam Server started.", "IP Cam Server is already running.",
"IP Cam Server is not running.")["result"]
def stop_ipcam_server():
global ipcam_server_status
if ipcam_server_status:
result = call_api("stop_ipcam_server")
ipcam_server_status = False
return {"message": "IP Cam Server stopped.", "result": result}
return {"message": "IP Cam Server is not running."}
def start_detection_service():
return start_stop_server("Detection Service started.", "Detection Service is already running.",
"Detection Service is not running.")["result"]
def stop_detection_service():
global detection_service_status
if detection_service_status:
result = call_api("stop_detection_service")
detection_service_status = False
return {"message": "Detection Service stopped.", "result": result}
return {"message": "Detection Service is not running."}
def extract_info_from_filename(filename):
parts = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split()
date, time = parts[0], parts[1]
return date, time, filename
def create_datatable(image_folder):
st.subheader("Image DataTable")
image_files = [file for file in os.listdir(image_folder) if
file.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.bmp'))]
data = {"Date": [], "Time": [], "ImageName": []}
for img in image_files:
date, time, image_name = extract_info_from_filename(img)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Convert Date and Time columns to datetime for sorting
df['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'] + ' ' + df['Time'])
# Sort DataFrame by DateTime in descending order
df = df.sort_values(by='DateTime', ascending=False).drop('DateTime', axis=1)
def main_streamlit():
global ipcam_server_status, detection_service_status
image_folder = "images/cam_images"
st.sidebar.header("Weapon Detection and Location Sharing Alert Systems")
container = st.sidebar.empty()
selected_option = st.sidebar.selectbox('Select an option',
["IP Cam Service", "Detection Service"])
if selected_option == "IP Cam Service":
st.subheader("IP Cam Service")
if st.button('Start Server'):
result = start_ipcam_server()
if st.button('Stop Server'):
result = stop_ipcam_server()
if st.button('Refresh Datatable'):
elif selected_option == "Detection Service":
st.subheader("Detection Service")
if st.button('Start Server'):
result = start_detection_service()
if st.button('Stop Server'):
result = stop_detection_service()
container.subheader("Service Status:")
container.write(f"IP Cam Service: {'Running' if ipcam_server_status else 'Stopped'}")
container.write(f"Detection Service: {'Running' if detection_service_status else 'Stopped'}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
uvicorn.run(app, host="localhost", port=8000)