import pandas as pd import as px import streamlit as st def _viz_wealth(results): wealth = results["wealth"] concepts = results["concepts"] significance_level = results["significance_level"] wealth_mu = wealth.mean(axis=0) wealth_df = [] for concept_idx, concept in enumerate(concepts): for t in range(wealth.shape[1]): wealth_df.append( {"time": t, "concept": concept, "wealth": wealth_mu[t, concept_idx]} ) wealth_df = pd.DataFrame(wealth_df) fig = px.line(wealth_df, x="time", y="wealth", color="concept") fig.add_hline( y=1 / significance_level, line_dash="dash", line_color="black", annotation_text="Rejection threshold (1 / α)", annotation_position="bottom right", ) fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 1.5 * 1 / significance_level]) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) def viz_results(): results = st.session_state.results if results is None:"Test concepts to show results", icon="ℹ️") else: rank_tab, wealth_tab = st.tabs(["Rank of importance", "Wealth process"]) with rank_tab: st.subheader("Rank of Semantic Importance") with st.expander("Details"): st.write( "This tab shows the rank of semantic importance of the concepts for the predictions of the model on the image. Concepts are sorted by increasing rejection time, where a shorter rejection time indicates higher importance." ) with wealth_tab: st.subheader("Wealth Process of Testing Procedures") with st.expander("Details"): st.write( "This tab shows the average wealth process of the testing procedures for random draws of conditioning subsets with the same cardinality. The black dashed line represents the rejection threshold." ) if results is not None: _viz_wealth(results)