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test-clean/1089/134686/1089_134686_000001_000001|He hoped there would be stew for dinner, turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick peppered flour fattened sauce. Stuff it into you, his belly counselled him.
test-clean/1089/134686/1089_134686_000020_000001|We can scut the whole hour.
test-clean/1089/134691/1089_134691_000004_000001|Yet her mistrust pricked him more keenly than his father's pride and he thought coldly how he had watched the faith which was fading down in his soul ageing and strengthening in her eyes.
test-clean/1089/134691/1089_134691_000027_000004|Now, at the name of the fabulous artificer, he seemed to hear the noise of dim waves and to see a winged form flying above the waves and slowly climbing the air.
test-clean/1188/133604/1188_133604_000018_000002|There are just four touches-fine as the finest penmanship-to do that beak; and yet you will find that in the peculiar paroquettish mumbling and nibbling action of it, and all the character in which this nibbling beak differs from the tearing beak of the eagle, it is impossible to go farther or be more precise.
test-clean/121/121726/121_121726_000046_000003|Tied to a woman.
test-clean/121/127105/121_127105_000024_000000|He laughed for the first time.
test-clean/1284/1180/1284_1180_000001_000000|The Crooked Magician
test-clean/1284/1181/1284_1181_000005_000000|The head of the Patchwork Girl was the most curious part of her.
test-clean/1320/122612/1320_122612_000019_000005|It is true that the horses are here, but the Hurons are gone; let us, then, hunt for the path by which they parted."
test-clean/1320/122612/1320_122612_000056_000002|Then he reappeared, creeping along the earth, from which his dress was hardly distinguishable, directly in the rear of his intended captive.
test-clean/1580/141083/1580_141083_000012_000000|"The first page on the floor, the second in the window, the third where you left it," said he.
test-clean/1580/141083/1580_141083_000041_000003|Above were three students, one on each story.
test-clean/1580/141083/1580_141083_000063_000001|Holmes held it out on his open palm in the glare of the electric light.
test-clean/1580/141083/1580_141083_000110_000001|Where were you when you began to feel bad?"
test-clean/1580/141084/1580_141084_000024_000002|Pencils, too, and knives-all was satisfactory.
test-clean/1580/141084/1580_141084_000060_000001|"I frankly admit that I am unable to prove it.
test-clean/1580/141084/1580_141084_000085_000000|"Good heavens! have you nothing to add?" cried Soames.
test-clean/1995/1826/1995_1826_000022_000001|Miss Taylor did not know much about cotton, but at least one more remark seemed called for.
test-clean/1995/1836/1995_1836_000016_000001|No, of course there was no immediate danger; but when people were suddenly thrust beyond their natural station, filled with wild ideas and impossible ambitions, it meant terrible danger to Southern white women.
test-clean/1995/1837/1995_1837_000024_000000|He heard that she was down stairs and ran to meet her with beating heart.
test-clean/2300/131720/2300_131720_000016_000005|Having travelled around the world, I had cultivated an indifference to any special difficulties of that kind.
test-clean/2300/131720/2300_131720_000030_000005|I telephoned again, and felt something would happen, but fortunately it did not.
test-clean/237/126133/237_126133_000002_000004|It got to be noticed finally; and one and all redoubled their exertions to make everything twice as pleasant as ever!
test-clean/237/126133/237_126133_000049_000000|But the chubby face didn't look up brightly, as usual: and the next moment, without a bit of warning, Phronsie sprang past them all, even Polly, and flung herself into mr King's arms, in a perfect torrent of sobs.
test-clean/237/134493/237_134493_000008_000003|Alexandra lets you sleep late.
test-clean/237/134500/237_134500_000001_000001|Frank sat up until a late hour reading the Sunday newspapers.
test-clean/237/134500/237_134500_000014_000000|"I don't know all of them, but I know lindens are.
test-clean/237/134500/237_134500_000034_000000|She sighed despondently.
test-clean/260/123286/260_123286_000019_000002|Therefore don't talk to me about views and prospects."
test-clean/260/123286/260_123286_000049_000005|He shakes his head negatively.
test-clean/260/123288/260_123288_000016_000002|It rushes on from the farthest recesses of the vast cavern.
test-clean/260/123288/260_123288_000043_000001|I could just see my uncle at full length on the raft, and Hans still at his helm and spitting fire under the action of the electricity which has saturated him.
test-clean/2830/3980/2830_3980_000018_000001|Humble man that he was, he will not now take a back seat.
test-clean/2961/961/2961_961_000004_000037|Then your city did bravely, and won renown over the whole earth.
test-clean/2961/961/2961_961_000023_000003|But violent as were the internal and alimentary fluids, the tide became still more violent when the body came into contact with flaming fire, or the solid earth, or gliding waters, or the stormy wind; the motions produced by these impulses pass through the body to the soul and have the name of sensations.
test-clean/3570/5694/3570_5694_000009_000003|The canon of reputability is at hand and seizes upon such innovations as are, according to its standard, fit to survive.
test-clean/3570/5695/3570_5695_000001_000003|But the middle class wife still carries on the business of vicarious leisure, for the good name of the household and its master.
test-clean/3570/5695/3570_5695_000009_000005|Considered by itself simply-taken in the first degree-this added provocation to which the artisan and the urban laboring classes are exposed may not very seriously decrease the amount of savings; but in its cumulative action, through raising the standard of decent expenditure, its deterrent effect on the tendency to save cannot but be very great.
test-clean/3570/5696/3570_5696_000011_000006|For this is the basis of award of the instinct of workmanship, and that instinct is the court of final appeal in any question of economic truth or adequacy.
test-clean/3729/6852/3729_6852_000004_000003|In order to please her, I spoke to her of the Abbe Conti, and I had occasion to quote two lines of that profound writer.
test-clean/4077/13754/4077_13754_000002_000000|The troops, once in Utah, had to be provisioned; and everything the settlers could spare was eagerly bought at an unusual price. The gold changed hands.
test-clean/4446/2271/4446_2271_000003_000004|There's everything in seeing Hilda while she's fresh in a part.
test-clean/4446/2271/4446_2271_000020_000001|Lady Westmere is very fond of Hilda."
test-clean/4446/2273/4446_2273_000008_000002|I've no need for fine clothes in Mac's play this time, so I can afford a few duddies for myself.
test-clean/4446/2273/4446_2273_000027_000004|She did my blouses beautifully the last time I was there, and was so delighted to see me again.
test-clean/4446/2273/4446_2273_000046_000001|"Aren't you afraid to let the wind low like that on your neck?
test-clean/4446/2275/4446_2275_000013_000000|Hilda was pale by this time, and her eyes were wide with fright.
test-clean/4446/2275/4446_2275_000038_000006|"You want to tell me that you can only see me like this, as old friends do, or out in the world among people?
test-clean/4507/16021/4507_16021_000011_000000|It engenders a whole world, la pegre, for which read theft, and a hell, la pegrenne, for which read hunger.
test-clean/4507/16021/4507_16021_000030_000001|Facts form one of these, and ideas the other.
test-clean/4970/29093/4970_29093_000010_000000|Delightful illusion of paint and tinsel and silk attire, of cheap sentiment and high and mighty dialogue!
test-clean/4970/29093/4970_29093_000047_000000|"Never mind the map.
test-clean/4970/29095/4970_29095_000021_000000|"I will practice it."
test-clean/4970/29095/4970_29095_000055_000002|He took it with him from the Southern Hotel, when he went to walk, and read it over and again in an unfrequented street as he stumbled along.
test-clean/4992/41797/4992_41797_000014_000002|He keeps the thou shalt not commandments first rate, Hen Lord does!
test-clean/4992/41806/4992_41806_000020_000001|Thou who settest the solitary in families, bless the life that is sheltered here.
test-clean/5105/28241/5105_28241_000004_000004|The late astounding events, however, had rendered Procope manifestly uneasy, and not the less so from his consciousness that the count secretly partook of his own anxiety.
test-clean/5142/33396/5142_33396_000004_000004|At the prow I carved the head with open mouth and forked tongue thrust out.
test-clean/5142/33396/5142_33396_000039_000000|"The thralls were bringing in a great pot of meat.
test-clean/5142/36377/5142_36377_000013_000003|I liked Naomi Colebrook at first sight; liked her pleasant smile; liked her hearty shake of the hand when we were presented to each other.
test-clean/5639/40744/5639_40744_000003_000006|Mother! dear father! do you hear me?
test-clean/5639/40744/5639_40744_000022_000000|Just then Leocadia came to herself, and embracing the cross seemed changed into a sea of tears, and the gentleman remained in utter bewilderment, until his wife had repeated to him, from beginning to end, Leocadia's whole story; and he believed it, through the blessed dispensation of Heaven, which had confirmed it by so many convincing testimonies.
test-clean/5683/32865/5683_32865_000018_000000|Well, it was pretty-French, I dare say-a little set of tablets-a toy-the cover of enamel, studded in small jewels, with a slender border of symbolic flowers, and with a heart in the centre, a mosaic of little carbuncles, rubies, and other red and crimson stones, placed with a view to light and shade.
test-clean/5683/32866/5683_32866_000005_000000|'Did you see that?' said Wylder in my ear, with a chuckle; and, wagging his head, he added, rather loftily for him, 'Miss Brandon, I reckon, has taken your measure, Master Stanley, as well as i I wonder what the deuce the old dowager sees in him.
test-clean/5683/32866/5683_32866_000047_000002|I was not a bit afraid of being found out.
test-clean/5683/32879/5683_32879_000036_000002|Be he near, or be he far, I regard his very name with horror.'
test-clean/6829/68769/6829_68769_000011_000000|So as soon as breakfast was over the next morning Beth and Kenneth took one of the automobiles, the boy consenting unwillingly to this sort of locomotion because it would save much time.
test-clean/6829/68769/6829_68769_000051_000001|One morning she tried to light the fire with kerosene, and lost her sight.
test-clean/6829/68769/6829_68769_000089_000001|Why should you do all this?"
test-clean/6829/68771/6829_68771_000018_000003|A speakers' stand, profusely decorated, had been erected on the lawn, and hundreds of folding chairs provided for seats.
test-clean/6930/81414/6930_81414_000041_000001|Here is his scarf, which has evidently been strained, and on it are spots of blood, while all around are marks indicating a struggle.
test-clean/7021/79740/7021_79740_000010_000006|I observe that, when you both wish for the same thing, you don't quarrel for it and try to pull it away from one another; but one waits like a lady until the other has done with it.
test-clean/7021/85628/7021_85628_000017_000000|"I am going to the court ball," answered Anders.
test-clean/7127/75946/7127_75946_000022_000002|It is necessary, therefore, that he should comply."
test-clean/7127/75946/7127_75946_000061_000001|Disdainful of a success of which Madame showed no acknowledgement, he thought of nothing but boldly regaining the marked preference of the princess.
test-clean/7127/75947/7127_75947_000035_000000|"Quite true, and I believe you are right.
test-clean/7176/88083/7176_88083_000002_000003|He was too imposing in appearance, too gorgeous in apparel, too bold and vigilant in demeanor to be so misunderstood.
test-clean/7176/88083/7176_88083_000017_000000|Immediately over his outstretched gleaming head flew the hawk.
test-clean/7176/92135/7176_92135_000011_000000|And, so on in the same vein for some thirty lines.
test-clean/7176/92135/7176_92135_000074_000001|Tea, please, Matthews.
test-clean/7729/102255/7729_102255_000011_000003|The Free State Hotel served as barracks.
test-clean/7729/102255/7729_102255_000028_000009|They were squads of Kansas militia, companies of "peaceful emigrants," or gangs of irresponsible outlaws, to suit the chance, the whim, or the need of the moment.
test-clean/8230/279154/8230_279154_000003_000002|In the present lecture I shall attempt the analysis of memory knowledge, both as an introduction to the problem of knowledge in general, and because memory, in some form, is presupposed in almost all other knowledge.
test-clean/8230/279154/8230_279154_000013_000003|One of these is context.
test-clean/8230/279154/8230_279154_000027_000000|A further stage is RECOGNITION.
test-clean/8455/210777/8455_210777_000022_000003|And immediately on his sitting down, there got up a gentleman to whom I had not been introduced before this day, and gave the health of Mrs Neverbend and the ladies of Britannula.
test-clean/8455/210777/8455_210777_000064_000001|Government that he shall be treated with all respect, and that those honours shall be paid to him which are due to the President of a friendly republic.
test-clean/8463/287645/8463_287645_000023_000001|For instance, Jacob Taylor was noticed on the record book as being twenty three years of age, and the name of his master was entered as "William Pollit;" but as Jacob had never been allowed to learn to read, he might have failed in giving a correct pronunciation of the name.
test-clean/8463/294825/8463_294825_000048_000000|- CENTIMETER Roughly two fifths of an inch
test-clean/8463/294828/8463_294828_000046_000001|Conseil did them in a flash, and I was sure the lad hadn't missed a thing, because he classified shirts and suits as expertly as birds and mammals.
test-clean/8555/284447/8555_284447_000018_000002|The poor Queen, by the way, was seldom seen, as she passed all her time playing solitaire with a deck that was one card short, hoping that before she had lived her entire six hundred years she would win the game.
test-clean/8555/284447/8555_284447_000049_000000|Now, indeed, the Boolooroo was as angry as he was amazed.
test-clean/8555/284449/8555_284449_000039_000000|When the courtiers and the people assembled saw the goat they gave a great cheer, for the beast had helped to dethrone their wicked Ruler.
test-clean/8555/292519/8555_292519_000041_000000|She was alone that night. He had broken into her courtyard. Above the gurgling gutters he heard- surely- a door unchained?