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test-other/1688/142285/1688_142285_000000_000000|'Margaret!' said mr Hale, as he returned from showing his guest downstairs; 'I could not help watching your face with some anxiety, when mr Thornton made his confession of having been a shop boy.
test-other/1688/142285/1688_142285_000046_000000|'No, mamma; that Anne Buckley would never have done.'
test-other/1998/15444/1998_15444_000012_000000|Simple filtration will sometimes suffice to separate the required substance; in other cases dialysis will be necessary, in order that crystalloid substances may be separated from colloid bodies.
test-other/1998/29454/1998_29454_000021_000001|Fried eggs and bacon-he had one egg and the man had three-bread and butter-and if the bread was thick, so was the butter-and as many cups of tea as you liked to say thank you for.
test-other/1998/29454/1998_29454_000053_000001|It almost looked, Dickie thought, as though he had brought them out for some special purpose.
test-other/1998/29455/1998_29455_000022_000000|It was a wonderful day.
test-other/1998/29455/1998_29455_000082_000003|But 'e's never let it out."
test-other/2414/128292/2414_128292_000003_000000|"What!" said he, "have not the most ludicrous things always happened to us old anchorites and saints?
test-other/2609/156975/2609_156975_000036_000004|The cruel fate of his people and the painful experience in Egypt that had driven him into the wilderness prepared his mind to receive this training.
test-other/3005/163389/3005_163389_000017_000001|And they laughed all the time, and that made the duke mad; and everybody left, anyway, before the show was over, but one boy which was asleep.
test-other/3005/163390/3005_163390_000023_000021|S'pose people left money laying around where he was what did he do?
test-other/3005/163391/3005_163391_000021_000000|"It's a pretty long journey.
test-other/3005/163399/3005_163399_000013_000002|When we got there she set me down in a split bottomed chair, and set herself down on a little low stool in front of me, holding both of my hands, and says:
test-other/3005/163399/3005_163399_000045_000000|He sprung to the window at the head of the bed, and that give mrs Phelps the chance she wanted.
test-other/3080/5040/3080_5040_000000_000010|You have no such ladies in Ireland?
test-other/3331/159605/3331_159605_000006_000002|I could do so much for all at home how I should enjoy that!" And Polly let her thoughts revel in the luxurious future her fancy painted.
test-other/3331/159605/3331_159605_000082_000000|"Who got up that nice idea, I should like to know?" demanded Polly, as Fanny stopped for breath.
test-other/3528/168656/3528_168656_000003_000003|She told wonders of the Abbey of Fontevrault,--that it was like a city, and that there were streets in the monastery.
test-other/3528/168669/3528_168669_000030_000000|A silence ensued.
test-other/3528/168669/3528_168669_000075_000000|"Like yourself, reverend Mother."
test-other/3528/168669/3528_168669_000123_000000|"But the commissary of police-"
test-other/3528/168669/3528_168669_000137_000000|"That is well."
test-other/3528/168669/3528_168669_000164_000008|I shall have my lever.
test-other/3538/142836/3538_142836_000021_000003|However, as late as the reigns of our two last Georges, fabulous sums were often expended upon fanciful desserts.
test-other/3538/163619/3538_163619_000054_000000|'Now he says that you are to make haste and throw yourself overboard,' answered the step mother.
test-other/3538/163622/3538_163622_000069_000000|So they travelled onwards again, for many and many a mile, over hill and dale.
test-other/3538/163624/3538_163624_000038_000000|Then Sigurd went down into that deep place, and dug many pits in it, and in one of the pits he lay hidden with his sword drawn.
test-other/367/130732/367_130732_000002_000001|Probably nowhere in San Francisco could one get lobster better served than in the Old Delmonico restaurant of the days before the fire.
test-other/3764/168670/3764_168670_000003_000000|"But you, Father Madeleine?"
test-other/3764/168670/3764_168670_000083_000005|He grumbled:--
test-other/3764/168671/3764_168671_000012_000003|He did what he liked with him.
test-other/3764/168671/3764_168671_000046_000000|"Comrade!" cried Fauchelevent.
test-other/3997/180294/3997_180294_000023_000000|Then, when God allows love to a courtesan, that love, which at first seems like a pardon, becomes for her almost without penitence.
test-other/3997/180294/3997_180294_000065_000001|The count will be coming back, and there is nothing to be gained by his finding you here."
test-other/3997/180297/3997_180297_000034_000004|For these people we have to be merry when they are merry, well when they want to sup, sceptics like themselves.
test-other/3997/182399/3997_182399_000014_000003|Oh, my, no!
test-other/4198/61336/4198_61336_000000_000003|It is significant to note in this connection that the new king was an unswerving adherent of the cult of Ashur, by the adherents of which he was probably strongly supported.
test-other/4198/61336/4198_61336_000033_000001|Nabonassar had died and was succeeded by his son Nabu nadin zeri, who, after reigning for two years, was slain in a rebellion.
test-other/4294/14317/4294_14317_000022_000011|I do not condescend to smite you. He looked at me submissively and said nothing.
test-other/4294/35475/4294_35475_000018_000001|At last they reached a wide chasm that bounded the Ogre's domain.
test-other/4294/35475/4294_35475_000050_000002|They said, "We are only waiting to lay some wily plan to capture the Ogre."
test-other/4294/9934/4294_9934_000025_000000|"Gold; here it is."
test-other/4350/10919/4350_10919_000006_000000|"Immediately, princess.
test-other/4350/9170/4350_9170_000005_000001|Authority, in the sense in which the word is ordinarily understood, is a means of forcing a man to act in opposition to his desires.
test-other/4350/9170/4350_9170_000056_000000|But the fatal significance of universal military service, as the manifestation of the contradiction inherent in the social conception of life, is not only apparent in that.
test-other/4852/28311/4852_28311_000031_000001|After a step or two, not finding his friend beside him, he turned.
test-other/4852/28319/4852_28319_000013_000002|mr Wicker waited patiently beside him for a few moments for Chris to get up his courage.
test-other/533/1066/533_1066_000008_000000|"I mean," he persisted, "do you feel as though you could go through with something rather unusual?"
test-other/533/131562/533_131562_000018_000000|mr Huntingdon then went up stairs.
test-other/5442/41168/5442_41168_000002_000001|Sergey Ivanovitch, waiting till the malignant gentleman had finished speaking, said that he thought the best solution would be to refer to the act itself, and asked the secretary to find the act.
test-other/5442/41169/5442_41169_000003_000000|"He's such a blackguard!
test-other/5442/41169/5442_41169_000030_000000|"And with what he made he'd increase his stock, or buy some land for a trifle, and let it out in lots to the peasants," Levin added, smiling. He had evidently more than once come across those commercial calculations.
test-other/5484/24317/5484_24317_000040_000006|Let us hope that you will make this three leaved clover the luck promising four leaved one.
test-other/5484/24318/5484_24318_000015_000002|The blood of these innocent men would be on his head if he did not listen to her representations.
test-other/5484/24318/5484_24318_000068_000001|He was appearing before his companions only to give truth its just due.
test-other/5764/299665/5764_299665_000041_000004|He saw the seeds that man had planted wither and perish, but he sent no rain.
test-other/5764/299665/5764_299665_000070_000000|Think of the egotism of a man who believes that an infinite being wants his praise!
test-other/5764/299665/5764_299665_000102_000000|The first stone is that matter-substance-cannot be destroyed, cannot be annihilated.
test-other/5764/299665/5764_299665_000134_000000|You cannot reform these people with tracts and talk.
test-other/6070/63485/6070_63485_000025_000003|Hand me the cash, and I will hand you the pocketbook."
test-other/6070/86744/6070_86744_000027_000000|"Have you bachelor's apartments there?
test-other/6070/86745/6070_86745_000001_000002|Two windows only of the pavilion faced the street; three other windows looked into the court, and two at the back into the garden.
test-other/6128/63240/6128_63240_000012_000002|Neither five nor fifteen, and yet not ten exactly, but either nine or eleven.
test-other/6128/63240/6128_63240_000042_000002|mrs Luna explained to her sister that her freedom of speech was caused by his being a relation-though, indeed, he didn't seem to know much about them.
test-other/6128/63244/6128_63244_000002_000000|"I can't talk to those people, I can't!" said Olive Chancellor, with a face which seemed to plead for a remission of responsibility.
test-other/6432/63722/6432_63722_000026_000000|"Not the least in the world-not as much as you do," was the cool answer.
test-other/6432/63722/6432_63722_000050_000004|Queen Elizabeth was very fond of watches and clocks, and her friends, knowing that, used to present her with beautiful specimens. Some of the watches of her day were made in the form of crosses, purses, little books, and even skulls."
test-other/6432/63722/6432_63722_000080_000003|When it does it will create a sensation."
test-other/6432/63723/6432_63723_000026_000000|"No; but he will, or I'll sue him and get judgment.
test-other/6432/63723/6432_63723_000057_000000|"Then for the love of-"
test-other/6432/63723/6432_63723_000080_000000|"Hello, Harry!
test-other/6938/70848/6938_70848_000046_000003|Show me the source!"
test-other/6938/70848/6938_70848_000104_000000|With biting sarcasm he went on to speak of the Allied diplomats, till then contemptuous of Russia's invitation to an armistice, which had been accepted by the Central Powers.
test-other/7105/2330/7105_2330_000021_000000|"He won't go unless he has a brass band.
test-other/7105/2340/7105_2340_000015_000001|We feel that we must live on cream for the rest of our lives.
test-other/7902/96591/7902_96591_000008_000001|I did not come to frighten you; you frightened me."
test-other/7902/96591/7902_96591_000048_000000|"No," he thought to himself, "I don't believe they would kill me, but they would knock me about."
test-other/7902/96592/7902_96592_000024_000001|Once out of that room he could ran, and by daylight the smugglers dare not hunt him down.
test-other/7902/96592/7902_96592_000063_000000|"What for?" cried Ram.
test-other/7902/96594/7902_96594_000014_000001|These fellows are very cunning, but we shall be too many for them one of these days."
test-other/7902/96594/7902_96594_000062_000001|Keep a sharp look out on the cliff to see if Mr Raystoke is making signals for a boat.
test-other/7902/96595/7902_96595_000039_000000|The man shook his head, and stared as if he didn't half understand the drift of what was said.
test-other/7975/280057/7975_280057_000009_000000|Naturally we were Southerners in sympathy and in fact.
test-other/7975/280057/7975_280057_000025_000004|On reaching the camp the first person I saw whom I knew was Cole Younger.
test-other/7975/280076/7975_280076_000013_000001|I will give you this outline and sketch of my whereabouts and actions at the time of certain robberies with which I am charged.
test-other/7975/280084/7975_280084_000007_000000|But between the time we broke camp and the time they reached the bridge the three who went ahead drank a quart of whisky, and there was the initial blunder at Northfield.
test-other/7975/280085/7975_280085_000005_000002|Some of the boys wanted to kill him, on the theory that "dead men tell no tales," while others urged binding him and leaving him in the woods.
test-other/8131/117016/8131_117016_000005_000000|The Stonewall gang numbered perhaps five hundred.
test-other/8131/117016/8131_117016_000025_000001|"And don't let them get away!"
test-other/8131/117016/8131_117016_000047_000006|I can always go back to Earth, and I'll try to take you along.
test-other/8131/117017/8131_117017_000005_000000|Gordon hit the signal switch, and the Marspeaker let out a shrill whistle.
test-other/8131/117017/8131_117017_000020_000003|There's no graft out here."
test-other/8131/117029/8131_117029_000007_000002|Wrecks were being broken up, with salvageable material used for newer homes. Gordon came to a row of temporary bubbles, individual dwellings built like the dome, but opaque for privacy.
test-other/8131/117029/8131_117029_000023_000004|But there'll be pushers as long as weak men turn to drugs, and graft as long as voters allow the thing to get out of their hands.
test-other/8188/269288/8188_269288_000018_000000|A few moments later there came a tap at the door.
test-other/8188/269288/8188_269288_000053_000001|"Do you want to kill me?
test-other/8188/269290/8188_269290_000035_000001|"But now, Leslie, what is the trouble?
test-other/8188/269290/8188_269290_000065_000000|"I don't think she is quite well," replied Leslie.
test-other/8280/266249/8280_266249_000030_000000|The ladies were weary, and retired to their state rooms shortly after tea, but the gentlemen sought the open air again and paced the deck for some time.
test-other/8280/266249/8280_266249_000113_000000|It was the last game of cards for that trip.
test-other/8461/278226/8461_278226_000026_000000|Laura thanked the French artist and then took her husband's arm and walked away with him.
test-other/8461/281231/8461_281231_000029_000002|Before long the towering flames had surmounted every obstruction, and rose to the evening skies one huge and burning beacon, seen far and wide through the adjacent country; tower after tower crashed down, with blazing roof and rafter.