import streamlit as st import nltk"punkt")"wordnet") from summarize import * from utils.sentence_embedding import * from utils.clustering import * from models.summarizers import * from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize import math from time import perf_counter START = False COMPLETED = False PLACEHOLDER = "Enter your article" st.markdown("Extractive Summarization for Large Articles 😊") article = st.text_input( label="Welcome, enter your article, press enter, and then Summarize", value=PLACEHOLDER, ) model_name = st.sidebar.selectbox( label="Pick your model of choice:", options=("BART", "Pegasus", "Distill-BART", "RoBERTa") ) max_length = st.sidebar.slider( label="Choose the maximum length of the summary", min_value=100, max_value=500, value=250 ) min_length = st.sidebar.slider( label="Choose the minimum length of the summary", min_value=20, max_value=150, value=50 ) go = st.button( label="Summarize", key=0, ) reset = st.button( label="Reset", key=1, ) START = go tmp_out = st.empty() if reset: COMPLETED = not reset tmp_out.empty() else: COMPLETED = reset bar = st.progress(0) if START and not COMPLETED: start_time = perf_counter() with tmp_out.container(): st.write("Loading in models and preparing article...") summarization_model, summarization_tokenizer = load_summarizer(model_name) summarizer_token_limit = summarization_tokenizer.model_max_length if "pegasus" in model_name.lower(): input_toks = sent_tokenize(article) input_sent_toks = input_toks input_word_toks = word_tokenize(article) num_toks = len(input_toks) else: input_toks = word_tokenize(article) input_word_toks = input_toks input_sent_toks = sent_tokenize(article) num_toks = len(input_toks) bar.progress(15) if num_toks <= summarizer_token_limit: with tmp_out.container(): st.write("Input token count (",num_toks,") <= token limit (",summarizer_token_limit,"), skipping optimization ...") pred_summary = summarize_input(article, summarization_model, summarization_tokenizer) end_time = perf_counter() time_taken = end_time - start_time bar.progress(100) else: with tmp_out.container(): st.write("Input token count (",num_toks,") > token limit (",summarizer_token_limit,"), optimizing ...") st.write(f"Going Beyong {model_name} Token limit:", summarizer_token_limit) input_sent_toks = sent_tokenize(article) embeddings = make_embeddings(input_sent_toks, mean_pooling) embeddings = embeddings.numpy() bar.progress(30) n_clusters_estimate = math.ceil(num_toks / summarizer_token_limit) clemb = ClusterEmbeddings( cluster_estimate=n_clusters_estimate, cluster_fn="agglo", # much better embeddings=embeddings, sentences=np.array(input_sent_toks), words=np.array(input_word_toks) ) bar.progress(50) curr = 50 rem = 90 - curr sentence_clusters = clemb.get_sentence_clusters() n = len(sentence_clusters) summs = "" for cluster in sentence_clusters: cluster_summary = summarize_input( cluster, summarization_model, summarization_tokenizer, max_length=250, min_length=50, ) if type(cluster_summary) == list: cluster_summary = cluster_summary[0] summs += cluster_summary + " " inc = rem / n bar.progress((curr + inc)/100) bar.progress(90) pred_summary = summarize_input( summs, summarization_model, summarization_tokenizer, max_length=max_length, min_length=min_length, ) bar.progress(100) end_time = perf_counter() time_taken = end_time - start_time with tmp_out.container(): st.write(f"Took {time_taken} seconds") st.write(f"Summary: {pred_summary}") START = False COMPLETED = True else: pass