## Style transfer quaintitative evaluation using Deception Score ### How to calculate Deception Score: 1. Run `./download_evaluation_data.py` to download the weights for artist classification model. 2. Set `results_dir` variable in `eval_deception_score.py:92` to point to the directory with stylized images. All images generated by one method must be in one directory. Image filenames must be in format `"{content_name}_stylized_{artist_name}.jpg"`, for example: `"Places366_val_00000510_stylized_vincent-van-gogh.jpg"`. 3. Run `./run_deception_score_vgg_16_wikiart.sh` 4. Read results in the log file in `./logs` directory. ### How to evaluate your own model: - Download validation sets from MSCOCO ([val2017.zip](http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/val2017.zip)) and Places365 ([val_large.tar](http://data.csail.mit.edu/places/places365/val_large.tar)). - To compare with deception score reported in the paper run your stylization model on the content images listed in [eval_paths_700_val.json](evaluation_data/eval_paths_700_val.json).