"""logistic_regression.ipynb |
Automatically generated by Colab. |
Original file is located at |
https://colab.research.google.com/drive/18WbnQFC9t31wB5Ij0LJnr7Xf6Z8X8o2f |
**Building a Classifier from Scratch** <br> |
**Author: Jigyasu** |
""" |
import numpy as np |
sigmoid = lambda x : 1/(1+np.exp(-1*x)) |
def cost_function(X, y, w, b): |
m = len(X) |
f = sigmoid(np.dot(X, w) + b) |
epsilon = 1e-15 |
f = np.clip(f, epsilon, 1 - epsilon) |
loss = (-1 * y * np.log(f)) - ((1 - y) * np.log(1 - f)) |
cost = np.sum(loss) / m |
return cost |
def gradient(X, y, w, b): |
m, n = X.shape |
dw = np.zeros((n,)) |
db = 0. |
for i in range(m): |
f = sigmoid(np.dot(X[i], w) + b) |
db += (f - y[i]) |
for j in range(n): |
dw[j] += (f - y[i]) * X[i, j] |
dw /= m |
db /= m |
return dw, db |
def fit(X, y, alpha=0.01, epochs=1000): |
m, n = X.shape |
w = np.zeros((n, )) |
b = 0. |
for iteration in range(epochs): |
dw, db = gradient(X, y, w, b) |
w -= alpha * dw |
b -= alpha * db |
cost = cost_function(X, y, w, b) |
if iteration % 100 == 0: |
print(f"Epoch: {iteration}, Cost: {cost}") |
return w, b |
def predict(X, w, b): |
f = sigmoid(np.dot(X, w) + b) |
predictions = np.array([1 if f[i] > 0.6 else 0 for i in range(len(f))]) |
return predictions |
def calculate_accuracy(y_true, y_pred): |
correct_predictions = np.sum(y_true == y_pred) |
accuracy = correct_predictions / len(y_true) |
return accuracy |
"""**Applying the Model to a Heart Failure Clinical Record Dataset**""" |
import pandas as pd |
data = pd.read_csv("heart_failure_clinical_records.csv") |
X = data.drop(columns=["DEATH_EVENT"]).values |
y = data["DEATH_EVENT"].values |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split |
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler |
scaler = StandardScaler() |
X = scaler.fit_transform(X) |
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) |
w, b = fit(X_train, y_train) |
predictions = predict(X_test, w, b) |
accuracy = calculate_accuracy(y_test, predictions) |
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy * 100:.2f}%") |
import gradio as gr |
def predict_single_instance(age, anaemia, creatinine_phosphokinase, diabetes, ejection_fraction, high_blood_pressure, platelets, serum_creatinine, serum_sodium, sex, smoking, time): |
input_data = np.array([age, anaemia, creatinine_phosphokinase, diabetes, ejection_fraction, high_blood_pressure, platelets, serum_creatinine, serum_sodium, sex, smoking, time]).reshape(1, -1) |
input_data = scaler.transform(input_data) |
prediction = predict(input_data, w, b) |
return "Survived" if prediction[0] == 0 else "Death", |
inputs = [ |
gr.Number(label="Age"), |
gr.Number(label="Anaemia (0 for positive, 1 for negative)"), |
gr.Number(label="Creatinine Phosphokinase"), |
gr.Number(label="Diabetes (0 for positive, 1 for negative)"), |
gr.Number(label="Ejection Fraction"), |
gr.Number(label="High Blood Pressure (0 for positive, 1 for negative)"), |
gr.Number(label="Platelets"), |
gr.Number(label="Serum Creatinine"), |
gr.Number(label="Serum Sodium"), |
gr.Number(label="Sex (0 for Woman, 1 for Man)"), |
gr.Number(label="Smoking (0 for positive, 1 for negative)"), |
gr.Number(label="Time (Follow-up Period)") |
] |
outputs = gr.Textbox(label="Prediction") |
gr.Interface(fn=predict_single_instance, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, title="Heart Stroke Survival Prediction").launch() |