import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import rdkit |
import streamlit_ketcher |
from streamlit_ketcher import st_ketcher |
import run |
import screen |
st.set_page_config(page_title="BiBERTa", page_icon="🔋", layout="wide") |
st.title("🔋BiBERTa") |
st.subheader('',divider='rainbow') |
url1= r"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AKkZS04VF3osFT36aNHIb4iUbV8D1uNfsldcpHXogj0/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet=dap" |
df1 = pd.read_csv(url1, dtype=str, encoding='utf-8') |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
st.subheader("💗**The donor and acceptor database**") |
with col1: |
st.caption("🔍**Search papers or molecules**") |
text_search = st.text_input(label="_", value="",label_visibility="hidden" ) |
m1 = df1["Donor_Name"].str.contains(text_search) |
m2 = df1["reference"].str.contains(text_search) |
m3 = df1["Acceptor_Name"].str.contains(text_search) |
df_search = df1[m1 | m2|m3] |
with col2: |
st.subheader(" ") |
st.link_button(":black[📝**DATABASE**]", r"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AKkZS04VF3osFT36aNHIb4iUbV8D1uNfsldcpHXogj0") |
st.caption(':black[👆If you want to update the origin database, click the button.]') |
if text_search: |
st.write(df_search) |
st.download_button( "⬇️Download edited files as .csv", df_search.to_csv(), "df_search.csv", use_container_width=True) |
edited_df = st.data_editor(df1, num_rows="dynamic") |
st.download_button( |
"⬇️ Download edited files as .csv", edited_df.to_csv(), "edited_df.csv", use_container_width=True |
) |
st.subheader("💗**Molecular editor**") |
col3, col4 = st.columns(2) |
with col3: |
option = st.selectbox( ' 👇Select the type of active layer materials to be edited...', |
("🎈Donor", "🎈Acceptor"), placeholder="👇Select the type of active layer materials...", ) |
with col4: |
st.subheader(" ") |
st.markdown('👇An example of PM6 : Y6.') |
if st.button("🙋♂️**Example**"): |
option ="example" |
molecule = 'O=C(C(C=C(F)C(F)=C1)=C1C/2=C(C#N)/C#N)C2=C/C3=C(CCCCCCCCCCC)C(S4)=C(S3)C5=C4C6=C(N5CC(CC)CCCC)C7=C(C(SC8=C9SC(/C=C%10C(C(C=C(F)C(F)=C%11)=C%11C\%10=C(C#N)C#N)=O)=C8CCCCCCCCCCC)=C9N7CC(CC)CCCC)C%12=NSN=C6%12' |
do = 'CCCCC(CC)CC1=C(F)C=C(C2=C3C=C(C4=CC=C(C5=C6C(=O)C7=C(CC(CC)CCCC)SC(CC(CC)CCCC)=C7C(=O)C6=C(C6=CC=C(C)S6)S5)S4)SC3=C(C3=CC(F)=C(CC(CC)CCCC)S3)C3=C2SC(C)=C3)S1' |
if option =="🎈Acceptor": |
st.subheader("👨🔬**Input the SMILES of Acceptor Molecule**") |
molecule = st.text_input("👨🔬**Input the SMILES of Acceptor Molecule**", label_visibility="hidden" ) |
acceptor= st_ketcher(molecule ) |
st.subheader("💗**PCE prediction**") |
st.subheader(f"🏆**New SMILES of edited acceptor molecules**: {acceptor}") |
st.subheader(":black[**🧡Input the SMILES of Donor Molecule**]") |
donor= st.text_input(":black[**🧡Input the SMILES of Donor Molecule**]", label_visibility="hidden") |
if option =="🎈Donor": |
st.subheader("👨🔬**Input the SMILES of Donor Molecule**" ) |
do= st.text_input("👨🔬**Input the SMILES of Donor Molecule**" , label_visibility="hidden") |
donor = st_ketcher(do) |
st.subheader("💗**PCE prediction**") |
st.subheader(f"🏆**New SMILES of edited donor molecules**: {donor}") |
st.subheader(":black[**🧡Input the SMILES of Acceptor Molecule**]") |
acceptor = st.text_input(":black[**🧡Input the SMILES of Acceptor Molecule**]", label_visibility="hidden") |
if option =="example": |
st.subheader("👨🔬**Input the SMILES of Acceptor**") |
st.markdown(molecule) |
acceptor= st_ketcher(molecule ) |
st.subheader(f"🏆**New SMILES of edited acceptor molecules**: {acceptor}") |
st.subheader(":black[**🧡Input the SMILES of Donor**]") |
st.markdown(do) |
donor= do |
try: |
pce = run.smiles_aas_test( str(acceptor ), str(donor) ) |
st.subheader(f"⚡**PCE**: ``{pce}``") |
except: |
st.subheader(f"⚡**PCE**: None ") |
st.subheader(":black[**🧡 High-throughput screening for high-performance D/A pairs**]") |
col5, col6 = st.columns(2) |
with col5: |
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Choose a CSV file") |
st.write( "🎈upload a csv file containing ['donor' ] and ['acceptor']") |
with col6: |
url2= r"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jPfHM21IjksNn_80fdakS1ofDNIagwMXBWAjoZBr-YY/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv" |
df2 = pd.read_csv(url2) |
st.markdown('👇The example of input files for high-throughput screening.') |
st.download_button( |
"⬇️ Download example files", df2.to_csv(), "example.csv" ) |
if st.button("📑PREDICT"): |
if uploaded_files is not None: |
text = st.markdown(":red[Predictions are being made... Please wait...]") |
st.progress(100, text=None) |
x = screen.smiles_aas_test(uploaded_files ) |
fx = pd.DataFrame(list(x)) |
st.markdown(":red[Prediction finished! ]") |
st.download_button( "⬇️Download the predicted files as .csv", fx.to_csv(), "predict results.csv", use_container_width=True) |
else: |
st.markdown(":red[Please upload the file first!]") |