BiBERTa / util /
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import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import itertools
import matplotlib as mpl
# import cugraph as cnx
rc={'font.size': 10, 'axes.labelsize': 10, 'legend.fontsize': 10.0,
'axes.titlesize': 32, 'xtick.labelsize': 20, 'ytick.labelsize': 16}
mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = .5 #set the value globally
def plot_attention_heatmap(att, s_position, t_positions, input_tokens):
cls_att = np.flip(att[:,s_position, t_positions], axis=0)
xticklb = list(itertools.compress(input_tokens, [i in t_positions for i in np.arange(len(input_tokens))]))
yticklb = [str(i) if i%2 ==0 else '' for i in np.arange(att.shape[0],0, -1)]
ax = sns.heatmap(cls_att, xticklabels=xticklb, yticklabels=yticklb, cmap="YlOrRd")
return ax
def convert_adjmat_tomats(adjmat, n_layers, l):
mats = np.zeros((n_layers,l,l))
for i in np.arange(n_layers):
mats[i] = adjmat[(i+1)*l:(i+2)*l,i*l:(i+1)*l]
return mats
def make_residual_attention(attentions):
all_attention = [att.detach().cpu().numpy() for att in attentions]
attentions_mat = np.asarray(all_attention)[:,0]
res_att_mat = attentions_mat.sum(axis=1)/attentions_mat.shape[1]
res_att_mat = res_att_mat + np.eye(res_att_mat.shape[1])[None,...]
res_att_mat = res_att_mat / res_att_mat.sum(axis=-1)[...,None]
return attentions_mat, res_att_mat
## -------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -- Make flow network (No Print Node - edge Connection)-- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------- ##
def make_flow_network(mat, input_tokens):
n_layers, length, _ = mat.shape
adj_mat = np.zeros(((n_layers+1)*length, (n_layers+1)*length))
labels_to_index = {}
for k in np.arange(length):
labels_to_index[str(k)+"_"+input_tokens[k]] = k
for i in np.arange(1,n_layers+1):
for k_f in np.arange(length):
index_from = (i)*length+k_f
label = "L"+str(i)+"_"+str(k_f)
labels_to_index[label] = index_from
for k_t in np.arange(length):
index_to = (i-1)*length+k_t
adj_mat[index_from][index_to] = mat[i-1][k_f][k_t]
net_graph=nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
for i in np.arange(adj_mat.shape[0]):
for j in np.arange(adj_mat.shape[1]):
nx.set_edge_attributes(net_graph, {(i,j): adj_mat[i,j]}, 'capacity')
return net_graph, labels_to_index
def make_input_node(attention_mat, res_labels_to_index):
input_nodes = []
for key in res_labels_to_index:
if res_labels_to_index[key] < attention_mat.shape[-1]:
return input_nodes
## ------------------------------------------------ ##
## -- Draw Attention flow node - Edge Connection -- ##
## ------------------------------------------------ ##
##-- networkx graph Initation and Calculation flow --##
def get_adjmat(mat, input_tokens):
n_layers, length, _ = mat.shape
adj_mat = np.zeros(((n_layers+1)*length, (n_layers+1)*length))
labels_to_index = {}
for k in np.arange(length):
labels_to_index[str(k)+"_"+input_tokens[k]] = k
for i in np.arange(1,n_layers+1):
for k_f in np.arange(length):
index_from = (i)*length+k_f
label = "L"+str(i)+"_"+str(k_f)
labels_to_index[label] = index_from
for k_t in np.arange(length):
index_to = (i-1)*length+k_t
adj_mat[index_from][index_to] = mat[i-1][k_f][k_t]
return adj_mat, labels_to_index
def draw_attention_graph(adjmat, labels_to_index, n_layers, length):
A = adjmat
net_graph=nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
for i in np.arange(A.shape[0]):
for j in np.arange(A.shape[1]):
nx.set_edge_attributes(net_graph, {(i,j): A[i,j]}, 'capacity')
pos = {}
label_pos = {}
for i in np.arange(n_layers+1):
for k_f in np.arange(length):
pos[i*length+k_f] = ((i+0.4)*2, length - k_f)
label_pos[i*length+k_f] = (i*2, length - k_f)
index_to_labels = {}
for key in labels_to_index:
index_to_labels[labels_to_index[key]] = key.split("_")[-1]
if labels_to_index[key] >= length:
index_to_labels[labels_to_index[key]] = ''
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(net_graph,pos,node_color='green', labels=index_to_labels, node_size=50)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(net_graph,pos=label_pos, labels=index_to_labels, font_size=18)
all_weights = []
#4 a. Iterate through the graph nodes to gather all the weights
for (node1,node2,data) in net_graph.edges(data=True):
all_weights.append(data['weight']) #we'll use this when determining edge thickness
#4 b. Get unique weights
unique_weights = list(set(all_weights))
#4 c. Plot the edges - one by one!
for weight in unique_weights:
#4 d. Form a filtered list with just the weight you want to draw
weighted_edges = [(node1,node2) for (node1,node2,edge_attr) in net_graph.edges(data=True) if edge_attr['weight']==weight]
#4 e. I think multiplying by [num_nodes/sum(all_weights)] makes the graphs edges look cleaner
w = weight #(weight - min(all_weights))/(max(all_weights) - min(all_weights))
width = w
nx.draw_networkx_edges(net_graph,pos,edgelist=weighted_edges,width=width, edge_color='darkblue')
return net_graph
def compute_flows(G, labels_to_index, input_nodes, length):
number_of_nodes = len(labels_to_index)
for key in tqdm(labels_to_index, desc="flow algorithms", total=len(labels_to_index)):
if key not in input_nodes:
current_layer = int(labels_to_index[key] / length)
pre_layer = current_layer - 1
u = labels_to_index[key]
for inp_node_key in input_nodes:
v = labels_to_index[inp_node_key]
flow_value = nx.maximum_flow_value(G,u,v, flow_func=nx.algorithms.flow.edmonds_karp)
# flow_value = cnx
flow_values[u][pre_layer*length+v ] = flow_value
flow_values[u] /= flow_values[u].sum()
return flow_values
def compute_node_flow(G, labels_to_index, input_nodes, output_nodes,length):
number_of_nodes = len(labels_to_index)
for key in output_nodes:
if key not in input_nodes:
current_layer = int(labels_to_index[key] / length)
pre_layer = current_layer - 1
u = labels_to_index[key]
for inp_node_key in input_nodes:
v = labels_to_index[inp_node_key]
flow_value = nx.maximum_flow_value(G,u,v, flow_func=nx.algorithms.flow.edmonds_karp)
flow_values[u][pre_layer*length+v ] = flow_value
flow_values[u] /= flow_values[u].sum()
return flow_values
def compute_joint_attention(att_mat, add_residual=True):
if add_residual:
residual_att = np.eye(att_mat.shape[1])[None,...]
aug_att_mat = att_mat + residual_att
aug_att_mat = aug_att_mat / aug_att_mat.sum(axis=-1)[...,None]
aug_att_mat = att_mat
joint_attentions = np.zeros(aug_att_mat.shape)
layers = joint_attentions.shape[0]
joint_attentions[0] = aug_att_mat[0]
for i in np.arange(1,layers):
joint_attentions[i] = aug_att_mat[i].dot(joint_attentions[i-1])
return joint_attentions