TEOChat / videollava /eval /classification_segmentation.py
jirvin16's picture
Initial commit
import json
import numpy as np
from infer_utils import create_mask
from shapely.wkt import loads
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
def clean_string(s):
return s.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '').lower()
def get_class_dict(dataset):
if dataset == "qfabric":
class_dict = {
"temporal_region_based_question_answering: What is the development status in this region [bbox] in image N?":
"prior-construction": 1,
"greenland ": 2,
"land-cleared": 3,
"excavation": 4,
"materials-dumped": 5,
"construction-started": 6,
"construction-midway": 7,
"construction-done": 8,
"operational": 9
"region_based_question_answering: Identify the type of urban development that has occurred in this area [bbox].":
"residential": 10,
"commercial": 11,
"industrial": 12,
"road": 13,
"demolition": 14,
"mega-projects": 15
elif dataset == "xbd":
class_dict = {
"classification: Classify the level of damage experienced by the building at location [bbox] in the second image. Choose from: No damage, Minor Damage, Major Damage, Destroyed.":
"no-damage": 1,
"minor-damage": 2,
"major-damage": 3,
"destroyed": 4,
raise ValueError(f"Dataset {dataset} should not be evaluated on segmentation classification.")
return class_dict
def classification_segmentation(answer_path, dataset, per_class_f1=False, height=256, width=256):
Given the path to the answer file, this function creates segmentation masks on the original polygon for the predicted and ground truth classes.
Returns the class-weighted per-pixel F1 between predicted and ground-truth masks.
with open(answer_path) as f:
results = json.load(f)
classes = get_class_dict(dataset)
class_stats = defaultdict(lambda: {'tp': 0, 'fp': 0, 'fn': 0, 'count': 0})
for result in tqdm(results.values()):
if result['task'] not in classes:
class_dict = classes[result['task']]
predicted_class = clean_string(result['predicted'])
ground_truth_class = clean_string(result["ground_truth"])
ground_truth_class = clean_string(result["original_answer"])
original_polygon = loads(result['original_input_polygon'])
pred_msk = np.zeros((height, width), dtype='uint8')
gt_msk = np.zeros((height, width), dtype='uint8')
_msk = create_mask(original_polygon, im_size=(height, width))
if predicted_class not in class_dict or ground_truth_class not in class_dict:
pred_label = class_dict[predicted_class]
gt_label = class_dict[ground_truth_class]
pred_msk[_msk > 0] = pred_label
gt_msk[_msk > 0] = gt_label
for label in class_dict.values():
pred_mask = (pred_msk == label)
gt_mask = (gt_msk == label)
tp = np.sum(pred_mask & gt_mask)
fp = np.sum(pred_mask & ~gt_mask)
fn = np.sum(~pred_mask & gt_mask)
class_stats[label]['tp'] += tp
class_stats[label]['fp'] += fp
class_stats[label]['fn'] += fn
class_stats[label]['count'] += np.sum(gt_mask)
scores_dict = {}
for task, class_info in classes.items():
print(f"Task: {task}")
class_f1_scores = {}
weighted_f1_score = 0
total_weight = 0
tp = 0
fp = 0
fn = 0
for class_name, class_label in class_info.items():
stats = class_stats[class_label]
total_samples = sum(stats['count'] for label, stats in class_stats.items() if label in class_info.values())
if stats['tp'] + stats['fp'] == 0 or stats['tp'] + stats['fn'] == 0:
f1 = 0.0
precision = stats['tp'] / (stats['tp'] + stats['fp'])
recall = stats['tp'] / (stats['tp'] + stats['fn'])
if precision + recall == 0:
f1 = 0.0
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
class_f1_scores[class_name] = f1
if stats['count'] > 0:
prevalence_inv = total_samples / stats['count']
weighted_f1_score += f1 * prevalence_inv
total_weight += prevalence_inv
tp += stats['tp']
fp += stats['fp']
fn += stats['fn']
if tp + fp == 0 or tp + fn == 0:
micro_f1 = 0.0
micro_f1 = tp / (tp + 0.5 * (fp + fn))
if total_weight > 0:
weighted_f1_score /= total_weight
weighted_f1_score = 0.0
scores_dict[task] = (class_f1_scores, weighted_f1_score)
print(f"Per-class F1 scores: {class_f1_scores}")
if dataset == 'qfabric':
print(f"Micro average F1 score: ", micro_f1)
print(f"Weighted average F1 score: {weighted_f1_score}")
return scores_dict