'''Librispeech 100h English ASR demo @ML2 --> @HuggingFace 2022-02-11 2022-02-16 - changed to HF - server setting commented - model cache dir commented ''' import os from glob import glob from loguru import logger import soundfile as sf # import librosa # from scipy.io import wavfile import gradio as gr from espnet_model_zoo.downloader import ModelDownloader from espnet2.bin.asr_inference import Speech2Text # ---------- Settings ---------- GPU_ID = '-1' os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = GPU_ID DEVICE = 'cuda' if GPU_ID != '-1' else 'cpu' SERVER_PORT = 42208 SERVER_NAME = "" SSL_DIR = './keyble_ssl' # MODEL_DIR = '/home/jkang/HDD4T/jkang/huggingface' MODEL_DIR = './model' EXAMPLE_DIR = './examples' examples = sorted(glob(os.path.join(EXAMPLE_DIR, '*.wav'))) # ---------- Logging ---------- logger.add('app.log', mode='a') logger.info('============================= App restarted =============================') # ---------- Model ---------- logger.info('download model') d = ModelDownloader(MODEL_DIR) out = d.download_and_unpack("jkang/espnet2_librispeech_100_conformer") logger.info('model downloaded') model = Speech2Text.from_pretrained( asr_train_config=out['asr_train_config'], asr_model_file=out['asr_model_file'] ) logger.info('model loaded') def predict(wav_file): logger.info('wav file loaded') speech, rate = sf.read(wav_file) # speech, rate = librosa.load(wav_file, sr=16000) # rate, speech = wavfile.read(wav_file) nbests = model(speech) text, *_ = nbests[0] logger.info('predicted') return text iface = gr.Interface( predict, title='ESPNet2 ASR Librispeech Conformer (trained on clean-100h)', description='Upload your wav file to test the model', inputs=[ gr.inputs.Audio(label='wav file', source='microphone', type='filepath') ], outputs=[ gr.outputs.Textbox(label='decoding result'), ], examples=examples, article='

Model URL🤗

', ) if __name__ == '__main__': try: iface.launch(debug=True, # server_name=SERVER_NAME, # server_port=SERVER_PORT, enable_queue=True, # ssl_keyfile=SSL_DIR, # ssl_certfile=SSL_DIR ) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print(e) finally: iface.close()